UNIT PLAN COURSE: 2015 HEALTH SCIENCE 1 UNIT FOCUS: UNIT OVERVIEW : LENGTH: OBJECTIVES/GOALS: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: FINAL SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities in Health Care/ Ongoing Medical Terminology POWER STANDARD: Approximately 6 classes STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO… 1. Explain and define all key terms 2. Differentiate criminal law and civil law 3. Give examples of expressed and written consent 4. Identify potential legal and ethical scenerios in a HC environment 5. Recognize the difference between Durable POA, Living Will, and HC Advanced Directives 6. Ongoing-recognition of key medical terms, their meanings, and correct spelling 7. Ongoing- effective communication between team members, team leaders, and instructorcollaboration on group assignments, effective interpretation of assignment details- communicate final assignment to peers and instructor8. Ongoing- teamwork- work effectively as a team on related assignments- evaluate team members and group leaders – develop critical thinking skills to complete a task within a given time frame Students will complete daily assignments for practice; students will have at least 1 group assignments for locating information and review, students will have quizzlet and Kahoot reviews in class, there will be at least one minor grades for individual project assignments. All assignments and handouts will be placed on Google Classroom for access; class calendar will be updated with due dates of assignments and pending quizzes. A minimum of 4 quizzes to include medical terminology will be given this unit using Socrative. Today’s Class will be used on a trial basis for this unit. A unit assessment will be given at the conclusion of the unit. An individual paper on medical ethics will be done for a major grade. If time allows, a mock trial will be held at the conclusion of this unit. DAILY PLANS: Week 29 DAY: TOPIC/SECTION: ACTIVITY and/or ASSESSMENT: NOTES: MONDAY 3/16 B TUESDAY 3/17 A WEDNESDAY 3/18 B THURSDAY 3/19 A FRIDAY 3/20 COMPLETE lecture COMPLETE lecture Quiz: Ethics Quiz: Ethics on TC Leg and on TC Leg and Presentations of Presentations of Ethics reports Ethics reports Ethics; Quiz on Ethics; Quiz on No school Upload study guide Upload study guide Wed; Ethics paper Thur; Ethics paper for unit test for unit test due on Wed. due on Thurs. NC = There is no class that day NS = There is no school that day SD = Staff Development Day *The instructor reserves the right to amend this Unit Plan as deemed necessary according to student prior knowledge, need, and unplanned instructional interruptions. http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/olc_linkedcontent/bioethics_cases/index.html LINK ABOVE TO BE USED IN THE EVENT OF STUDENTS THAT NEED EXTRA WORK. DETAILS ON CLASS PAGE. Mrs. Evatt Page 1