College of Medicine Physiology Undergraduate Program

College of Medicine
Please turn cell
phones off!
A Quick Preview:
Fill out the green sheet
The major & department
How “pre-health” fits in
Expectations for the future
What will happen later today
Physiology Major
What is Physiology?
Physiology is the study of how the body
works, specifically, how cells, tissues,
and organisms function. It is a
biological science that provides the
foundation upon which we build our
knowledge of what “life” is, how to
treat diseases, and how to cope with
the stresses imposed upon our bodies
by different environments.
In the scheme of things…
Arizona Health Sciences Center
College of
Bachelor of Science
in Health Sciences Physiology
College of
Bachelor of Science
– Nursing
College of
Doctor of Pharmacy*
College of
Public Health
Bachelor of Science–
Public Health
*not a Bachelor’s degree program
Physiology Department
What does this mean for me?
 For assistance come to the Gittings
Building, Room 101.
 You will earn the Bachelor of
Science in Health Sciences (BSHS)
degree from the College of Medicine,
University of Arizona.
 However, this does not mean you
will be given preference for admission
to any College of Medicine graduate
Physiology Department
Who is my Advisor?
Joseph Lindley
Student with
Last names
Monique Whiting
Students with
Marcy DeWeese
Students with
Last names
Last names
Bill Lesho
Students with
Last names
To schedule an academic advising appointment, go online to
Facebook: Physiology Advising – University of Arizona
Pre-Physiology major status
There are less than a
dozen undergraduate
physiology programs in
the United States.
Students begin at the UA
as a Pre-Physiology
Admission to the major is
dependent upon the
successful completion of
specific requirements.
Physiology Curriculum Guide
what can I anticipate
from the
program curriculum?
Gen Ed Requirements
General Education
FOUNDATION Courses: English Composition & Math
SECOND LANGUAGE at the Second Semester proficiency:
Select from dozens of second languages choices
TIER ONE (freshmen level)
 Traditions and Cultures (160# courses)
 Individuals and Societies (150# courses)
 Natural Sciences (170# courses) 
Two 3-unit courses
Two 3-unit courses
Not required
TIER TWO (could be any level)
 Arts
 Individuals and Societies
 Humanities
 Natural Sciences 
One 3-unit course
One 3-unit course
One 3-unit course
Not required
Lab Science Requirements
 CHEM 151
 CHEM 152
CHEM 241a
CHEM 243a
CHEM 241b
CHEM 243b
MCB 181R
MCB 181L
PHYS 102
PHYS 181
PHYS 103
PHYS 182
General Chemistry 1 Lecture & Lab
General Chemistry 2 Lecture & Lab
(4 units)
(4 units)
Organic Chemistry 1 Lecture
Organic Chemistry 1 Lab
Organic Chemistry 2 Lecture
Organic Chemistry 2 Lab
Introductory Biology 1 Lecture
Introductory Biology 1 Lab
Introductory Biology 2 Lecture
Introductory Biology 2 Lab
Introductory Physics 1 Lecture
Introductory Physics 1 Lab
Introductory Physics 2 Lecture
Introductory Physics 2 Lab
(3 units)
(1 unit)
(3 units)
(1 unit)
(3 units)
(1 unit)
(3 units)
(3 units)
(1 unit)
(3 units)
(1 unit)
Required PSIO Courses
PSIO 201
Anatomy &
Physiology 1
PSIO 303A Integrative
Cellular Physiology 1
PSIO 202 Anatomy
& Physiology 2
PSIO 303B Integrative
Cellular Physiology 2
Required PSIO Courses – Con’t
• BIOC 384 Foundations of Biochemistry (3 units)
Structure and function of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and
nucleic acids, with a focus on understanding the molecular
function of essential biomolecules.
• BIOC 385 Metabolic Biochemistry (3 units)
Fundamentals of metabolism and nucleic acid biochemistry
at the cellular and organismal levels, with a focus on key
pathways and regulatory mechanisms.
PSIO Elective Courses
PSIO 404
PSIO 411
PSIO 415
PSIO 420
PSIO 425
PSIO 426
PSIO 431
PSIO 450
PSIO 463
PSIO 465
PSIO 467
PSIO 469
PSIO 472
PSIO 484
PSIO 485
PSIO 487
PSIO 489
Advanced Topics in Cellular Physiology
Scientific Methods and Professional Ethics
Physiology of Mind Body Interaction
Exercise and Environmental Physiology
Measurement & Evaluation of Physiological Function
Extreme Physiology
Physiology of the Immune System
Respiratory Physiology
Neuroendocrine Control of Systems Physiology
Systems Neurophysiology
Endocrine Physiology
Human Reproductive Physiology
Quantitative Modeling of Biological Systems
Cardiovascular Muscle Biology and Disease
Cardiovascular Physiology
Physiology of Aging
Current Topics in Physiology
PSIO Optional Courses
Optional PSIO courses can not be substituted for PSIO major electives:
Independent Study
Directed Research
Independent Study
Inflammation & Disease
Available only to Physiology Honors Program Students:
Introduction to Honors Physiology
Integrated Cellular Physiology Discussion
Honors Independent Study
Senior Honors Thesis Preparation
Senior Honors Thesis
Honors Independent Study
*taken with PSIO303a
Any questions about the curriculum ?
We’re getting there…
Fill out the green sheet
The major & department
How “pre-health” fits in
Expectations for the future
What will happen later today
Health Professions Track
Blue Handout
There are many health-related professions,
so you should explore your options and open
as many doors as possible.
Pre-health office at the UA: A great resource
to explore all the options and help you along
your exciting journey ….
Blue Trifold
What a PSIO degree is preparation for:
Health Professions Track
Yes, grades and test scores are important. However, subjective
criteria are also important - letters of recommendation, student
involvement, clinical experience, essays, interviews, real-life
experience, etc.
There is no “Golden Ticket” to get into a Professional School.
Professional schools are looking for individuals with
maturity, character and passion for the field.
You can show this through…
Volunteer Work
Laboratory Work
Clinical Work
Campus Clubs and Activities
Success Outside the Classroom
Build a Small Community within
the Large University
Alpha Epsilon Delta (Pre-Health Honorary Fraternity)
American Medical Student Association Club
Physiology Club
Operation Smile
Flying Samaritan Club
Triathlon Club
Snowboard Club
Over 500 recognized
Physiology Club (Light pink sheet)
Physiology Club
•Meet other physiology majors,
faculty and professionals.
•See physiology research in action.
•Attend special faculty presentations.
•Get involved in health related
philanthropy events.
•Special events (i.e. CPR certification,
Cadaver lab field-trip).
•Have fun!
Find them on Facebook!
Physiology Honors Academy (Pink Sheet)
Who We Are:
- Student Advisory
- Peer Mentors
What We Offer:
- Faculty Research
- Informational
- Office hours
Why We’re Here:
- Help students meet
research ,
- Graduate with
For more information, see our website:
Or contact us at:
Honors College Academics
The Honors College & Your Schedule
Honors Seminars
You will add these tomorrow at
the Honors College Orientation
1-Unit of Honors Credit
Introduction to Campus Resources,
Academic Life, Research
Faculty Led
Discussion Based
Fewer than 20 Students
Required of all Honors College
• Many Options, You Choose!
Honors General Education
• More Choices
• More Flexibility
*Honors General Education Structure
You can select for Tier 1 & Tier 2:
(for the INDV and TRAD/HUM requirements)
2 Tier I courses with 1 Tier II course
1 Tier I course with 2 Tier II courses
*Honors Options in General Education
Fulfill Honors requirements by taking Honors
General Education Courses
Courses such as:
Courses such as:
HNRS 195I - Special Topics in Science
HNRS 195H - Special Topics in Social Sciences
T1: HNRS 150B2 Exploring Electronic Presence
T1: HNRS 160D1 Honors Quest
T2: HNRS 206H Bodies and Machines
T2: HNRS 295B An Encounter with Poets and
Their Poetry
Are we there yet?
Fill out the green sheet
The major & department
How “pre-health” fits in
Expectations for the future
What will happen later today
is very different than
high school.
How to be Successful in Academics
• Read your syllabus thoroughly to know each professor’s
policies, course requirements, important deadlines, etc.
• Read the assigned material before AND after each class.
• Go to all your classes-if you miss a class, contact the
instructor and get notes from a study partner.
•Go to instructor office hours
whenever needed!
•Start studying for a test AT
LEAST one week in advance.
•Find study buddies and form
weekly study groups for each of
your courses.
Success with Academics
Bottom Line
• This can be a challenging major but you will learn
about the many interesting aspects of physiology.
College Survival Tips gold sheet
• Meet with your advisor at least once a
• Form study groups from the start.
• Communicate with your advisor regarding
important issues and concerns.
• Be aware of the many campus resources,
e.g. Think Tank, etc.
What to expect from us…
and what is expected from …
What you can expect from us
Friendly, knowledgeable, and supportive professionals
Engaging faculty who care, promote success and are
Frequent communication regarding policy/curriculum
changes, upcoming events and deadlines, and possible
ways to gain experience
The Friday Physio Memo weekly newsletter
Your New Faculty and Staff
(get to know them…they aren’t
too scary!)
What we expect of YOU
Think ahead and always be prepared.
Read your email messages from us as-soon-as-possible!
Be Honest, act Professional and follow the Code of Integrity.
Go to class, use tutoring/office hours, ask questions, study
lots – be a student first!
• Communicate issues of concern in a timely manner.
We have arrived!
Fill out the green sheet
The major & department
How “pre-health” fits in
Expectations for the future
What will happen later
At Today’s Orientation
 Change your major (if you choose ).
 11:30a-1:00p - Go to SUMC for concerns re Math,
English Composition, Second Language.
 1:00p – Attend MANDATORY College Life Session
‘how to register for classes’ (UAccess)
(see your Student Schedule).
 2:30p – See your Physiology academic advisor
(Ina Gittings) for fall 2015 pre-schedules - transcripts?
 3:00-5:00p – Schedule adjustments at the ILC
(per advisor’s input).
 4:00-5:00p - Pick up CatCard – Your student I.D. card.
Where to go for advising later today?
Education Building
You are here now…
The Mall
The Mall
The Ina Gittings Building
You will be here at 2:30pm for
fall 2015 pre-schedule advising
The Mall
ILC electronic classroom You are here after advising (open 3-5pm).
Pre-scheduling and Change of Major
If your label states a major other than Pre-Physiology:
1) Be sure to complete the Green Sheet in your
packet of material.
2) Hand it to us by the end of this college meeting.
(We will change your program of study to Pre-Physiology).
3) Go to Ina Gittings Building at 2:30 pm today to meet
with your Physiology academic advisor to receive your
fall 2015 semester schedule of classes.
If you decide on a different major after you leave today:
Contact the academic advisor of the new prospective program
for their assistance and advice on your new major.
Academic Requirements
Typical Freshman First Semester Schedule
*Actual schedule may vary…based upon student placement, transfer credit, etc.
•ENGL 101 (or ENGL 109H)
•Math (based on ALEKS score)
•Lab Science (if eligible)
•Tier One General Education
•Freshmen Colloquia - *optional
*view choices on Gold sheet
3 units
3-5 units
4 units
3 units
1 unit
----------14-16 units
**Honors College students may have other course choices and options.
First step happens today
What about Math?
Go to *Math Placement Advising 11:30-1:00 SUMC or,
after picking up your pre-schedule today
for questions regarding...
 Your ALEKS math placement score
 Taking a different math course
 Math transfer credit
 Any & ALL math related questions!
 Math results determine YOUR math & science
course eligibility for fall 2015 semester!!
 *Math
Placement Advising: 3-5pm in the ILC!
This Summer!
Start using your UA catmail account (it is how we
will be contacting you). You should receive your
first Physiology email within the next few days  !
Order your textbooks and pick them up later.
When AP scores arrive in July, check your transfer
credit record & contact your academic advisor
re your fall class schedule.
 Explore the Physiology website at:
 Review our on-line “sample 4-year plans”.
This major is challenging …
But if you do well, you will have learned a great deal
and had great fun and experiences along the way!
Any Questions?