
Reviewd by:
Prep. by:
Qualitative Research Meth0ds
Bahçeşehir University
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Topic Selection .................................................................................................................................... 3
Interview Selection .............................................................................................................................. 3
Personal Selection ............................................................................................................................... 3
Interview ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Questions............................................................................................................................................. 4
Comments ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Result ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Limitations ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Utility & Further investigation ............................................................................................................. 7
Bahçeşehir University
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Topic Selection
Reckitt Benckiser changed name of Calgonit. Due to global name of which is used most of
the developed country such as UK, Germany, etc. It is identified Finish instead of Calgonit.
This implementation is true? Most of the Calgonit users do not want to accept this change.
What does this mean? Although, Calgonit was a generic name, consumers can confuse to
select new product is really Calgonit. Competitors take an advantage due to new product
name cannot be known accurately. Will consumers buy equivalent product? Why did not the
Company launch this product name Finish firstly? There has been so many questions
occurred, I try to solve Company policy result.
Interview Selection
There are too many types of interview to measure Calgonit brand name change such as focus
group, laddering, survey etc. I try to investigate in-depth interview. I thought that, consumer
behaviour can not be watched from the survey exactly. In addition laddering lead to some
problems which are not considered before.
Personal Selection
In-depth interview should be performed with accurate person. Before the selection phase, I
told 12 people and ask below questions to choose correct personality.
 Do you wash up the dishes?
 Have you got any dish washer or wash manually?
 Do you know the name of Calgonit?
 Is there any news heard about the Calgonit latterly?
Vildan Güntürk answered first three questions and she did not know the new brand name.
Rest of the personalities either do not wash dishes or do not the name of Calgonit.
Bahçeşehir University
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First of all, I did not ask warming questions, because we know each other and working together. This
led to difficult part of the interview passed simply.
I sent some of the questions via e-mail to indicate interview framework exactly. After an hour I sent
the questions, we started to interview.
Generally, I asked and Mrs. Vildan response it. I try to less intervene to her speak. Sometimes I
intervened when she was far away from the topic. After she answered, I repeated her explanation to
take an approval.
Approximately, Interview continued 15-18 minutes. I asked her at the beginning of the first question,
may I take to record, she let taking it.
1. How long have you used or introduced Calgonit?
I have used Calgonit since it’s launched. When I took dish washer, I decided to use this
machine long years. Calgonit is an element to decrease machine depreciation.
2. What is the core competence of Calgonit when you compare it other brands?
Calgonit is more effective than other types of cleaning materials. It protects dish washer with
respect to the lime. This increases the machine life. In addition to this, Calgonit is more
expensive than similar products. This lead to why I am using only lime remover instead of
addtional Calgonit products.
3. Do you know the difference between the Calgon & Calgonit?
Yes, Calgon used for washing machine and Calgonit used for dish washer.
4. Do you think that, you try to change Calgonit with other brand at the same
segment? Or did you use different brand?
No, I have used Calgonit since its lunched. Although it more is expensive than other brand, it
gives confidence.
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5. Do you know that, the brand name of Calgonit changed and new brand name
Vildan: No, I did not hear. What is it new name?
İlhan: Finish, What does this mean? It creates new image?
Vildan: Ohh, I do not like this new name!
6. When you will go to the market, you want to buy Calgonit. But you cannot find
Calgonit due to changed brand name? Imagine that, what will you do?
What a pity. I do not know What will I do? I choose either ask market responsible or do not
buy dish washer lime remover. But now, I learned Finish is the new brand name of Calgonit.
I try to find Finish instead of Calgonit.
7. Most of the Calgonit users are reluctant to change its brand name.
Approximately 94 %. What do you think about this product brand name change
Whenever most of the user know known brand, there is no need to change brand name. Users
try to choose best suitable selection in accordance to their bundle. I thought that, Calgonit is
in place of dish washer users bundle. In a new situation users do not want to change their
habits and try to find Calgonit instead of Finish in short time. There must be known Finih
brand name in a middle time approximately six months later.
8. What is the most important reason, users do not want to accept this change? Is it
Users do not want to change their consuetude easily. It is difficult to give up before usages.
9. According to Reckitt Benckiser, change in Calgonit brand name is related to
unique brand name all regions. What do you think about this strategy?
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10. Do you think that, competitors take an advantage, after the change in Calgonit
brand name?
I absolutely think that, this sitaution is adbantage for competitors. This advantage continous
until the name of Finish known by users. But if users are happy to use other brands after
using, there will be long run advantage due to brand price relatively cheaper than Finish.
11. Do you remember any advertisement on TV, newspaper, billboards etc.?
No, I did not see any advertisement. Additionaly, I learned the brand name change with this
interview. That is, there is no correct strategy implemented.
12. What do you think about the Reckitt Benckiser Company who is a leader at lime
remover market, changed its name is correct or we should criticise this change?
Unequal distribution of income increases the divergeny among consumer habits. Sales origin
strategy can not be successfull at this situation. I think companies should understand and take
account of consumers behavior exactly. There must be very different consumer profile
occured. Change in brand name of Calgonit strategy is taking some of these risk. That means
that, we should criticise it. In additon to this, The leader Telekomunication company entered
to Turkey market, it bought Telsim Operator. Vodafone started to use instead of Telsim, most
of the users showed resistence to use name of Vodafone due to their practice. This situation
did not occur Avea who is a merger of Aria and Area.
I try to give an opinion about the interview topic fisrtly, perhaps I did not mention whenver
interview started, this could be more realistic.Some of the questions are closed ended such as
2 and 3. This prevent to take some more information or shift to new question.
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After the conversation realized, I understand that, Mrs Vildan does not think differently from
the survey participants 94 % of the users do not want to accept this change. She was relcutant
and show resistance to this change due to her habit. Finally she told that,
This interview is mostly interested in females. Generally, man has no ideas about dish washer lime
remover in Turkey. Due to this limitation interview made with female.
Utility & Further investigation
Calgonit interview give an opinion about the brand change. Companies should be concerned before
their brand which accepted by consumers. Increase in responsiveness with an increase in interview
led to understand brand change accurately.
Bahçeşehir University
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