Endocrine System Study Guide

Endocrine System Study Guide
Adrenal Glands - endocrine glands are located above the kidneys divided into the cortex and medulla
Produces response to stress
Stimulates fight or flight
Endoclasts - chemical substance secreted by endocrine glands
Ovary - endocrine gland normally located in the pelvic cavity
Organ where the hormone FSH stimulates growth of the Graafian follicle
Pancreas - contains the Islets of Langerhans which is the endocrine portion of the pancreas
normally secretes the most insulin after meals
located in the abd cavity
is also an organ of digestion
Parathyroid - located in the neck area
Hormone that increases the concentration of Calcium in the blood.
Pituitary Gland – endocrine gland located at base of brain in the cranial cavity
divided into anterior and posterior lobes
Thymus – endocrine gland posterior to the sternum and located in the thoracic cavity
Thyroid – butterfly-shaped gland located in the anterior neck (front of the trachea) on either side of the
controlled by secretion of TSH
Adrenaline - emergency situation, the "fight or flight" hormone will increase the heart rate and blood
Chemicals –how Hormones are classified
Epinephrine – causes heart rate increase and mental alertness improvement
FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone
LH – Luteinizing Hormone
FSH & LH - two pituitary hormones that act on the ovaries and testes
Gland - organ that produces a secretion called hormones
Insulin - lowers blood sugar levels.
Oxytocin – synthetic hormone could be given to a pregnant woman to cause her to go into labor
hormone that initiates contractions for childbirth
Prolactin – responsible for breast milk production after the delivery of a baby.
produced by Pituitary Gland
Target Organ Cells – body cells that react to a particular hormone
Released hormones provide for immediate body response
Thyroid Hormones – function is to stimulate cellular metabolism
Urinalysis - screening procedure for Diabetes Mellitus
Acromegaly – Symptons: enlargement of the bones of the hands, feet, and joints, with a characteristic
protruding chin
Addisons Disease - appearance of a tan even during the winter months with low blood pressure and low
blood sugar
Cushings Disease – Symptons: Buffalo hump on upper back , moonface, elevated sugar levels
Diabetes - disorder NOT directly related to over or under secretion of growth hormone
Normal Blood Sugar Levels – 80-100
Diabetic Coma - life threatening condition results from going too long w/out Insulin
Dwarfism –results from hypofunction of pituitary gland/not enough growth hormone
Will cause short stature
treated with Injection of growth hormone when diagnosed early
Estrogen Deficiency – responsible for undeveloped breasts and delay in menstrual cycle
Gigantism - pituitary gland responsible for being 8 feet tall
Hyperglycemia – results from lack of insulin
Hyperthyroidism – Symptons: Increased appetite, Nervous irritability, Weight loss
Weight Loss/consume large sums of food but lose weight
Exophthalmos/bulging eyeballs
Hypothyroidism/ – Symptons: dry itchy skin, constipation, and muscle cramps at night due to a lack of
endocrine disorder prevented by using iodized salt
Tetany results with damage or removal of the parathyroid glands and can lead to muscle
twitching & seizures
Parathormone Elevation – Symptons: nervousness, and weight loss with increased food intake
Simple Goiter – caused by low dietary intake of iodine
Testosterone Insufficiency – Symptons: lack of development chest hair, a deep voice, or increased muscle