WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY ACCOUNTING SEMINAR ACC 424-02 SPRING 2012 Instructor: E-mail: Department: Classroom: Class hours: Dr. David Bukovinsky david.bukovinsky@wright.edu 775-2377 Rike 058 TR 12:20-2:00 Office: 281 Rike Office phone: 775-3643 Office hours: TR 9:30 – 10:20 am, 2:00 - 3:00 pm and by appointment Prerequisite: ACC 308 Minimum Grade of C and ACC 323 and ACC 343 Material Required: Cost Management – Strategies for Business Decisions, Hilton, Maher, Selto, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0073526800 -OR- the custom publication of the text, ISBN 9781121232143 Visit the website for this text at www.mhhe.com/hilton4e, student edition. Course Objectives: The objectives of this class are to expose students to the literature in the managerial accounting area, provide business decision making opportunities, and prepare for the related portions of the CMA and/or CPA examinations. Students will be given the opportunity to identify and analyze management accounting issues. This is a writing intensive course so there is an emphasis on the written communication of managerial accounting issues and decisions. Course Methodology: Bring your textbook and a calculator to each class. The classroom time will be spent in lecture, discussion and case analysis. Be prepared when you come to class; read the assigned readings and cases prior to each class meeting so you are able to discuss the assigned material. Attendance and Participation: Preparation, attendance and participation are critical to your success in this course. Complete all reading assignments and attempt the homework prior to class so that you can participate in class discussions. Please behave as a professional in the classroom. Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in accounting courses. Academic dishonesty of any kind is a violation of Wright State University's Code of Student Conduct. All incidents of academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance with the University's policy on Academic Integrity. The policy can be found at http://www.wright.edu/students/judicial/integrity.html. All students are expected to be familiar with this policy. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, Copying, sharing or obtaining information from any unauthorized source during projects, examinations, or quizzes; Copying from or unauthorized sharing of homework assignments with another student; Failing to properly cite sources; Attempting to take credit for the intellectual creation of another person as one's own work; Falsifying information; Giving or receiving information about a test, quiz or assignment solutions to students in other sections of the course. Determination of Grade: Assignments, in total Midterm Final Exam (Comprehensive) Total Points 100 100 100 300 Grading Scale A 90 % of total points B 80 % of total points C 70 % of total points D 60 % of total points F less than 60 % of total points Examinations: There is a midterm and a comprehensive final. Examinations will be based on material (1) assigned from the text and readings, (2) handed out in class and/or (3) covered in classroom lecture and discussion. Examinations will be a combination of multiple choice questions, problems and short answers. Make-up exams will be given only for justifiable excuses. Justifiable excuses include, but are not limited to, a death in the family or a serious illness. If possible, please notify the instructor of your absence prior to the exam. You are not permitted to use graphing calculators, cell phones, or personal digital assistants (PDAs) during quizzes or exams. Reverse hats and caps with bills and brims during quizzes or exams. Keep your work covered at all times during quiz and exam periods. Assignments:. Graded assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. All assignments are individual activities. You will be instructed to bring an ungraded/unmarked copy of one of your assignments to the final exam. Include your name on the assignment. You cannot pass the written component of the class if you do not submit the assignment. Assignments 1 – Take Less, Earn More 2 – Ethical Issues of Production and Costing Methods on Operating Profit 3 – Why Some Organizations Go “Beyond Budgeting” 4 – Doing More Good Due Date April 10 April 24 May 10 May 24 Points 25 25 25 25 Assignment Schedule – ACC 424-02 Spring 2012 Date Ch Topic Assignments and Homework Introduction and Overview Mar 27 1 Cost Management and Strategic Decision Making Case 1.45 7 Managing Quality E7.40; 43; 46; 53, 59 P7.64; 70; 75 10 Support-Service Costs P10.36; 37; 45 18 Organizational Design, Responsibility Accounting, Evaluation of Divisional Performance E18.28; 29; 32; 34 19 Transfer Pricing E19.20; 22; 23; 24; 29; 30 P19.35; 36 20 Strategy, Balanced Scorecards, and Incentive Systems P20.39; 40; 45; 52; 63; 64; 67 Mar 29 Apr 3 Apr 5 Apr 10 Writing assignment #1 Apr 12 2 Apr 13 Apr 17 Apr 19 Product Costing – Reports, Cost Behavior, Income Statements P2.58; 62 Last day to drop without a grade 3 Job Order Costing P3.52; 57 4 Activity-Based Costing P4.49; 50; 51 5 Activity-Based Management E5.34; 35; 36 P5.44 Apr 24 Writing assignment #2 Apr 26 May 1 Exam 1 6 Managing Customer Profitability Case 6.43 May 3 8 Process Costing May 8 8 Process Costing 9 Joint-Process Costing P8.41 P9-48 May 10 Writing assignment #3 May 11 Last day to drop with a grade of W May 15 12 Financial and Cost-Volume-Profit Models P12.40; 42; 50 May 17 16 Standard Costing, Variance Analysis & Appendix P16.45; 48 May 22 16 Standard Costing, Variance Analysis & Appendix 17 Flexible Budgets, Overhead Cost Management & Appendix May 24 P17.55; 57; 58 Writing assignment #4 May 29 17 Flexible Budgets, Overhead Cost Management & Appendix May 31 Catch-up day and review June 5 Final exam – 1:00 – 3:00 Topics not covered in ACC 323 are in bold/italics. Graded assignments are in bold.