February 2015 - Western Colorado Human Resource Association

WCHRA Board Meeting Minutes
MEETING CALLED BY Deletha Assenmacher, WCHRA President
Monthly Board Meeting
Deletha Assenmacher, WCHRA President
Sandra Alexander, Secretary
Officers: Deletha Assenmacher, President; Sandra Alexander, Secretary;
Board Members: Mary Wigington, Tonya McFarland, Cindy Farnsworth, Jessica
Lawrence, Dr. Pat Schutz, Kayla Reece (CMU Student Chapter Liaison), Misty Aaberg,
Nancy Schuerr, Sara Williams
Absent: Connie Schulthies, Vice President, Mary Simpson, Treasurer; Becky Ripper
See Dropbox for Monthly Agenda, Minutes & financials
Agenda Item 1 – Opening/Action
Called to Order at 11:41 AM
Approval of Consent Agenda and Monthly Board Meeting Minutes from 1/28/15
Motion to Accept from Cindy Farnsworth, seconded by Sara Williams; All in Favor
Deletha commented on the addition of time allocation for each topic on today’s agenda.
Agenda Item 2 - Information/Discussion: Website Transition Update
Sara reported the new website mirrors the old website at this ti me. Landing pages need updated for
SHRM Foundation, Diversity, and Workforce Readiness. Requests have been sent out to board
members to provide updated information by March 5. The content and layout can update as often as
wished. Sara has requested contributors to place Word text in Dropbox with graphics and notify her
when the new info is ready for web updates.
Our new website address is wchra.shrm.org; the calendars can now sync to personal calendars.
Sara and Nancy will work to try figure out the best way to plan a Communication Strategy for the
website. It was requested to include Becky in this effort.
Agenda Item 3 - Information/Discussion: PayPal Transition
There has been no update so far from Mary. The MMP registration is still on the WCHRA website.
Sara asked for board members to provide her feedback. There is a need for a Student page.
Graphics need to be in .jpg format. The plan is to get through the April Spring Conference then start
with wchra.shrm.org in May. Regarding the Spring Conference, the bundled rate information has
caused some problems; it is also important to note there is no early bird rate for th e Spring
Conference. Forms on the website are new and active.
A sidebar communication gave instructions to new Board Members for a headshot photo to be taken
at MJThomas Photography.
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Agenda Item 4 - Information/Discussion: Bookkeeper RFP Update
Respondent resumes have been received from the Bookkeeper RFP according to an e -mail from Mary
Simpson. Cindy inquired who will vet the candidates; Cindy asked what the level of activity is with the
Finance Committee. Mary asked where interest was from accounting firms versus individuals? Cindy
added there may be a need for a subcommittee. Deletha took the action to talk with Mary S. upon
her return and said to watch for communication.
As an aside, Deletha added that Tonya may be assisting her in the next few months.
Agenda Item 5 - Information/Discussion: Member Meeting Attendance
Mary W. expressed concern regarding attendance being down the last few months. She discussed
ideas with Sara: RSVPers are late, maybe more communication is needed. We need to ask Chef
Martin his “drop dead” date for lunch numbers at the MMP. Nancy confirmed Connie gives lunch
numbers on Fridays before MMP but adds updates on Monday with a 10% buffer. Tonya though we
could give an average and fine tune the Monday prior to MMP Wednesdays. Cindy shared she heard
someone didn’t get MMP notification and Sara said the person was not on the member list.
Some ideas were to Tweet members, Facebook? This ties in to the Commu nication Plan/Strategy.
Agenda Item 6 - Information/Discussion: 2015 Budget Impacts from Strategic Planning
Deletha told Board members that she hoped each person with strategies was reviewing the budget for
reasonable planning. She encouraged us not to be overzealous but if the budget needs adjusted, get
with Deletha and Mary to discuss. If a budgeted strategic idea is no longer being considered, please
let them know so they can reallocate the money.
Agenda Item 7 – Information/Discussion: Nominating Committee Update
Cindy reported K. Ubersox may be interested in the Certification Committee Chair; she recently passed
the PHR and knows Nina is assisting to coordinate SHRM certification process. A lunch meeting has
been postponed until next week. Shelly Williams is helping on the nominating committee and Tonya
can still assist. If a vote is needed, can a vote be e -mailed? She was reminded there is a 7-day
response required for Board consideration. Jessica is working on a Membership Committee Chair
prospect. Connie wants to discuss bringing Board members on as new WCHRA members.
 None reported
Agenda Item 8 – Information
 Programs/Conference – Mary Wigington/Nancy Schuerr
Nancy announced the March MMP is scheduled and set up along with the PDG.
Mary informed us the Spring Conference RSVP is open; cost is the same at $179 per member. MSEC is doing a
similar program in May for $199. Mary encouraged attendees to think of creative ways to advertise. This is a
“green” conference so there will be no binders or packets. Materials will be available on the website.
The 2016 Fall Conference is scheduled for September 14, 2016 at Two Rivers. The keynote speaker will be
SHRM National Speaker, Jack Smalley (at no cost to us).
Other MMP ideas were fielded including Holly Hammer from St. Mary’s who could speak on Hiring for Culture and
Value; another idea could be ACA-related forms for employers, although it might be better as a PDG.
The April Leadership Conference in BlackHawk is scheduled for April 16 and 17. There is a State Board meeting
on Thursday at 1:00 with a networking mixer following; Friday includes the Leadership Conference based on
Board positions.
Misty is ready for the March MMP with 38 registered so far. They are working on the credit piece: Mary G has
HRCI information ready to submit; the SHRM portal is set up and Nancy/Mary need to learn the new SHRM credit
process for MMPs. Deletha will assist them. Cary McKay from High Country may contact Misty for this MMP
OtThe March program topic is Suicide Prevention in the Workplace provided by the Western Colorado Suicide
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Foundation Prevention, Aspen Hope Center Director. The Director provides this session for no charge. A panel
discussion of five community members will be included. The program will be scheduled on March 18 from 11:30
AM to 1:30 PM. In addition to our member attendees, up to 30 community members will also be invited.
Jessica will help with HRCI/SHRM credit.
Agenda Item 8 – Information
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Workforce Readiness – Cindy Farnsworth
There was a great turnout for the Work Readiness Workshop/Boot Camp this month with over 40 attendees
(up over 40%). Two presenters were unable to make it due to snow. We may get some recognition for the
event through an upcoming Career Connections article.
Cindy took part in the quarterly conference call, “When Work Works.”
Cindy and Jessica did a teen-level “Boot Camp” for Division of Youth Services which has a 90 day turnover
with the majority having to find work upon release. The next one should be in May; Tonya can assist.
Mary asked if there is an employer list of those willing to look at DYS kids? Jessica said the Workforce
Center may have some resources. There was a bookmark placed in their take-home packet regarding the
WFC last quarter.
Cindy thanked everyone for their support.
Diversity – Misty Aaberg
Misty will place a Strategic Plan for Diversity into Dropbox; a “logic model” will be included.
As part of the March MMP, she will prepare a post-event survey for measurement.
She reported she will have information to Sara for the website by Friday.
Misty participated in the Diversity conference call.
SHRM Foundation – Jessica Lawrence
The Cork Pull brought in $420 with 3 to 5 people more attending than the last.
Jessica discussed the Farmer’s Market initiative which she feels we need to take advantage of, not just for
the Foundation but a presence in the community and shows support. The cost is $30 to $35 per Thursday
night; we cannot sell or accept donations. She inquired if we want to participate in a certain number of
them and said it would be a good SHAPE report item. A decision is needed by April and Jessica will send out
a reminder. She will load the registration form to Dropbox for review. Dr. Schutz thought it would be more
beneficial if we were at successive events for repeat visitors.
Jessica passed out information about The Giving Club, a women’s only group that meets quarterly. The cost
per person (per quarterly meeting) is $100 and members mingle among participants from represented nonprofit organizations. They vote for the best; the selected non-profit is the recipient of their quarterly intake.
It would cost $100 per quarterly meeting to participate, which is not in the budget. She encouraged Board
members to review the website listed on the handout.
College Relations – Dr. Pat Schutz
Kayla reported about the upcoming HR Games being held in California on March 13 and 14. Student
government donated half of the costs for the team to attend. WCHRA donated $2000 with COSHRM
contributing $500. They will request more from the Senators of CMU.
Students attending the Spring Conference were referred to Connie if they wish to attend; a $50 fee for
regular students/$25 fee for student volunteers will apply.
There will be a Meet/Greet with the Student Chapter and WCHRA at 5:30 pm on April 2 in the CMU Ford
Pat thanked Tonya for the Workplace Theft class she provided for his Capstone class.
Dr. Schutz has adjusted his initiative to include a less-structured internship program since the original
structure would require a committee to accomplish. Due to this, there will not be as much structure to his
internship program, and it not be quite as sophisticated.
Webmaster – Sara Williams
Nothing further to report.
Membership – Connie Schulties
P/R Marketing – Becky Ripper
Certification – vacant
Nothing further to report.
Agenda Item 9 - Information/Discussion: Other Board Business
 Open Board Positions
Keep eyes and ears open for member prospects. Connie reminded the Board that guests have to pay, we do
not do the “free first time prospective member” option anymore.
 Announcements
Deletha reminded members to go to Dropbox to print out and sign the Code of Conduct. They are to be
returned to the Secretary.
It was noted the new member “bubble” on the badges was great!
Agenda Item 10 – Closing: Adjournment
Adjourned at 1:03 PM – Motion to Accept from Mary W., seconded by Jessica; All in Favor
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Next Board Meeting: March 25, 2015 at BCCC 11:30 AM
Agenda items: Bookkeeper, Nominating Committee