Causes and Effects of Odysseus* decisions

By: Sam Amos, Anthony Abinanti, Jessica
Murphy, Andrew Wheeler, Hannah Wilding,
and Ally Steve
Do This Now
 Take a couple minutes to discuss Odysseus’ journey.
Think about the places he goes and the people he
meets along the way. What are some causes and
effects of his and his crews’ actions?
Cause and Effect #1
 Odysseus and his crew go to the Island of Aiolia.
Aiolos Hippotades gives the men an Ox skin of
winds to help the men on their journey.
 CAUSE: The men open the ox skin of winds when
Odysseus is asleep.
 What is the effect of this action?
Cause and Effect #1
 EFFECT: When Odysseus’ crew opens the skin of
winds, the winds send Odysseus and his men all the
way back to the island of Aiolia. Aiolos is no longer
willing to help the men because he says they are now
the “gods’ enemy.”
Cause and Effect #2
 Odysseus and his crew arrive at the Island of Helios
to rest after their escape from Scylla.
 CAUSE: Odysseus is told not to kill Helios’ cattle on
the island. While Odysseus falls into a deep sleep,
his crewmen decide to disobey Odysseus and kill the
cattle to eat since their supplies have all run out.
Cause and Effect #2
 EFFECT: Helios finds out that Odysseus’ crew has
slain his cattle. He prays to Zeus that the men face
death for their actions. As the crew sets out on the
sea, Zeus sends a wave to crash the ship and kill all
the men. Odysseus is the only one to survive, but
Cause and Effect #3
 Odysseus goes to the house of Hades to find Tiresias
to help him and give Odysseus direction to get back
to Ithaca.
 CAUSE- Odysseus has not been home to see his
mom for awhile. His mom becomes very lonely
without him at home.
Cause and Effect #3
 EFFECT- His mom died from loneliness. Odysseus
has not been able to visit his mom causing the death
of her. The two meet when Odysseus visits the
underworld. Odysseus is brought to tears by seeing
his mom in the underworld.
Happy Holidays
Love Tree, Panth, Drewbari, Juana, Xandra, and Sassy Fetus