Kim Banta Brennon Sapp The Kenton County School District University of Louisville KPA The Ripple Effect An overview—Video (DVD) Why did we do this? What were we like? Where did this approach come from? Details of Treatments/Behaviors: Summer meetings Snapshots Data Reviews QIR Document Outcomes Unintentional Outcomes How to restructure you time Finally – Kim describes what it is like working with an obsessive compulsive technology workaholic. Follow link to video presentation Why did we do this? What were we like? Pretty Good School Scores are Flat-Lining Student Demographics Changing Schools of Study/Small Learning Communities LEHHS (Law Education Health Human Services) STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) VPAM (Visual Performing Arts & Media) Total Enrollment 1352 1400 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 1288 1189 1206 1215 1127 20032004 20042005 20052006 20062007 20072008 20082009 Enrollment Trends 2006-2007 Enrollment Trends 2004-2005 12% Enrollment Trends 2008-2009 17% 19% 5% 5% 6% Free Lunch Red. Lunch 83% 78% Paid Lunch 75% Family Makeup Single Parent Families, 31% Two Parent Families, 69% Bachelor's Degree, 14.4% Some College, 11.5% Graduate Degree, 2.5% Below High School Ed, 10.2% Parent's Educaton Level High School Diploma, 61.4% Dixie KPR-Total 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 80.0 75.0 70.0 65.0 60.0 2003 77.2 2004 79.8 81.3 2005 2006 83.5 83.1 2007 2008 Reading Math Science Social Studies Arts & Humanities Pract. Living/Voc Stud Writing Portfolio On-Demand Writing Total 2009 2004 79.9 81.0 71.5 82.4 83.1 89.1 2005 86.8 80.1 74.6 82.4 79.0 89.2 2006 86.0 86.3 73.2 83.9 84.9 87.8 62.1 70.8 71.9 77.2 79.8 81.3 2007 93.9 88.1 77.8 87.4 99.5 90.6 67.2 50.4 83.5 2008 90.2 78.9 77.2 82.1 94.7 92.2 76.6 76.9 83.1 RANKING SCHNAME DISTNAME Academic Ind 1 Dupont Manual High School Jefferson County 109.7 2 Beechwood High School Beechwood Independent 106.3 3 Brown School Jefferson County 103.8 4 Louisville Male High School Jefferson County 103.2 5 Highlands High School Fort Thomas Independent 99.6 6 North Oldham High School Oldham County 97.9 7 Frederick Fraize High School Cloverport Independent 95.8 8 South Oldham High School Oldham County 95.1 9 Walton-Verona High School Walton-Verona Independent 94.4 10 Model Laboratory High School Madison County 93.8 48 Dixie Heights High School Kenton County 83.1 232 Knox Central High School Knox County 59.3 233 Providence Elementary School Providence Independent 57.4 234 Iroquois High School Magnet Career Aca Jefferson County 57.3 235 Shawnee High School Magnet Career Academ Jefferson County 56.4 236 Western MST Magnet High School Jefferson County 44.3 Composite ACT Scores 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Dixie State Dixie State National (2003) 20.7 20.2 20.8 (2004) 21 20.3 20.9 (2005) 21 20.4 20.9 (2006) 21.1 20.6 21.1 Grad Year Composite Verbal (2007) 22.2 20.7 21.2 (2008) 21.2 20.9 21.1 Math Writing (2003) 144 47 48 48.5 (2004) 153 49.5 51.5 51.5 (2005) 146 47.4 50.3 48.3 (2006) 144 47.4 49.3 47.2 (2007) 147 48.9 51.2 46.7 (2008) 165 50.6 52.5 48.5 National Where did this approach come from? A review of hundreds of interventions/ strategies Walkthroughs? e-walks Observations (predictable in their uselessness) Why not use a more “student-centered” model? Alig-Meilcarek, J. (2003). A model of school success: Instructional leadership, academic press, and student achievement. Ohio State University. Ainsworth, L., Almeida, L., Davies. A., Dufour, R., Greeg, L., Guskey, T., Marzano, R., O’Connor, K., Stiggins, R., White, S., Wiliam, D., & Reeves, D. (2007). Ahead of the curve: The power of assessment to transform teaching and learning. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Bennis, W & Biederman, P. W. (1998). Organizing Genius. Berkeley, CA:Perseus Books. Berry, J., Beach, R. (2007). K-12 leadership and the educational administration curriculum: A theory of preparation. Education Leadership: National Council of Professionals of Education Administration. Black, S. (2007). Making the rounds. American School Board Journal, 194 (12), 40-45. Blanchard, K.& Miller, M. (2004). The secret: What great leaders know and do. New York: Berrett-Koehler. Brand, S., Felner, R., Shim, M., Seitsinger, A. & Dumas, T. (2003). Middle school improvement and reform: development and validation of a school-level assessment of climate, cultural pluralism, and school safety. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (3), 570-588. Connors, N., Streams. J. (2000). If you don’t feed the teacher they eat the students. Nashville, TN: Incentive Publications. Cushman, K, & Delpit, L (2005). Fires in the bathroom: advice for teachers from high school students. New York: new press. Danielson, C., (2007). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching. Alexandria, VA:Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Downey, C., Steffy, B., English, F., Frase, L., Poston, W. (2004). The three-minute classroom walk-through: Changing school supervisory practice one teacher at a time. California:Corwin Press. Faber, A. & Mazlish, E. (2005). How to talk so teens will listen and listen so teens will talk. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Felner, R., Favazza, A., Shim, M., Brand, S., Gu, K., & Noonan, N. (2001) Whole school improvement and restructuring as prevention and promotion: lessons from STEP and the project on high performance learning communities. Journal of School Psychology, 39 (2), 177-202. Felner, R. & Angela A. (1988). The school transitional environment project: An ecological intervention and evaluation. Richard H. Price and Raymond P. Lorion (eds.). 14 Ounces of Prevention: A Casebook for Practitioners. Washington, DC: American Psychology Association. Felner, R., Ginter, M., & Primavera, J. (1987). Primary prevention during school transitions: Social support and environmental structure. American Journal of Community Psychology, 10 (3), 277-290. Felner, R., Kasak, D., Mulhall, P., & Flowers, N. (1997) The project on high performance learning communities: Applying the land-grant model to school reform. Phi Delta Kappa, 78 (7), 520-528. Felner, R., Jackson, A., Kasak, D., Mulhall, P., Brand, S., & Flowers, N. (1997). The impact of the school reform for the middle years. Phi Delta Kappan, 78 (7), 528-532, 541-550. Felner, R., Seitsinger, A., Brand, S., Burns A. & Bolton, N. (2007). Creating small learning communities: lessons from the project on high-performing learning communities about “what works” in creating productive, developmentally enhancing, learning contexts. Educational Psychologist, 42(4), 209 – 221. Felner, R., Seitsinger, A., Brand, S., Burns, A., & Bolton, N. (2008). Creating a statewide educational data system for accountability and improvement: a comprehensive information and assessment system for making evidence-based change at school, district, and policy levels: increasing psychology’s contribution to education. Psychology in the Schools, 45 (3), 235-256. Fullan, M. (2005). Turnaround leadership. The Educational Forum, 69 (2), 174-181. Ginsberg, M.B. (2001).By the numbers. Journal of Staff Development. 22, 44-47. Glanz, J., Shulman, V., & Sullivan, S. (2007). Proceedings from AERA ‘07. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. Hallinger, P., & Murphy, J. (1985). Assessign the instructional management behavior of principals. Elementary School Journal, 86, 217-247. Halverson, R., Kelley, C., Kimball, S. (2004). Implementing Teacher Evaluation Systems: How Principals Make Sense of complex Artifacts to Shape Local Instructional Practice. Educational Administration, Policy and Reform: Research and Measurement Research and Theory in Educational Administration, (3). Haycock, K. (1998). Good teaching matters: How well-qualified teachers can close the gap. Thinking K-16, 3 (2). Hirsch, E.D. (1999). The schools we need and why we don't have them. New York: Bantum. Hoff, D. (2008). Study of small high schools yields little on achievement. Education Week, 27 (38), 10. Kerr, N., Messe', L., Park, E. & Sambolec, E. (2008). Psychological Mechanisms Underlying the Köhler Motivation Gain. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33 (6), 828-841. Lee, V., Dedrick, R., & Smith, J. (1991). The effect of the social organization of schools on teachers' efficacy and satisfaction. Sociology of Education, 64, 190-208. Lezotte, L. (2001). Revolutionary and evolutionary: the effective schools movement. Effective Schools Products, LTD. Leithwood, K., (1992). A move toward transformational leadership. Educational Leadership, 49 (5), 8-12. Marks, H., Printy, S. (2003). Principal leadership and school performance: An integration of transformational and instructional leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 39;370. Marshall Memo 231 (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2008 from Marshall Memo Web site: Marshall, K. (2008). Is supervising the heck out of teachers the answer? Education Week, 27(36), 23-25. Marshall, K. (2006). What’s a principal to do?: When you can’t do it all, what are the highest-leverage activities? Education Week, 26 (4), 36-37. Marshall, K. (2003). Recovering from HSPS (hyperactive superficial principal syndrome): A progress report. Phi Delta Kappan, 84 (9), 701-709. O'Hanlon, J. & Mortensen, L. (1980). Making teacher evaluation work. The Journal of Higher Education, 51, 664-672. Patterson, J. & Patterson J. (2004). Sharing the lead: Teacher leaders can play a vital role in creating a resilient school culture. Educational Leadership, 61 (7), 74-87. Price, R. H., Cowen, E. L., Lorion, R. P. & Ramos-McKay, J. (1988). Fourteen ounces of prevention: a casebook for practitioners. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Protheroe, N. (2008).Teacher efficacy: what is it and does it matter? Principal, 87, 42-45. Raudenbush, S., Rowan, V. & Cheong., Y (1992). Contextual effects on the self-perceived efficacy of high school teachers. Sociology of Education, 65, 150-167. Rowan, B., Chiang, F. & Miller, R. (1997). Using research on employees' performance to study the effects of teachers on students' achievement. Sociology of Education, 70, 256-284. Sarason, (1990). School context: Bridge or barrier to change. Southwest Educational Developmental Laboratory. Sindelar, P., Shearer, D., Yendol-Hoppey, D., Leibert, T. (2006). The sustainability of inclusive school reform. Exceptional Children, 72 (3), 317-331. Sutton, R. (2007). The no asshole rule: Building a civilized workplace and surviving one that isn't. New York: Warner Books. Toch, T. & Rothman, R. (2008). Rush to judgment: teacher evaluation in public education. Education Sector Reports, January, 2008. Wagner, C. (2006). The school leader’s tool for assessing and improving school culture. Principal Leadership, 7 (4), 41-44. Wagner, T., Kegan, R., (2006). Change leadership: practical guide to transforming our schools. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass. Whitaker, T. (2003). What great principals do differently: Fifteen things that matter most. New York: Eye on Education. Wilson, R. (1986). Improving faculty teaching: effective use of student evaluations and consultants. The Journal of Higher Education, 57, 196-211. Where did this approach come from? A review of hundreds of interventions/ strategies Walkthroughs? e-walks Formal Observations (predictable in their uselessness) Why not use a more “student-centered” model? Treatments/Behaviors Summer meetings One hour (yes a full hour each) One on one . . . Or. . . Four on one Deliberate, honest, straight forward (see handout) Snapshots (the backbone) Become a part of the classroom 5 to 10 minutes Often - Tracking Document Calibration Meetings/Expert Review – Calibration Document Student Interviews Data Reviews – Samples Periodically, (at least three times a year) Grades, discipline, state scores. . . Get to see everyone's data QIR Document (see handout) W 5/6/2009 T 5/5/2009 M 5/4/2009 F 5/1/2009 4/30/2009 W Th 4/29/2009 T 4/28/2009 M 4/27/2009 F 4/24/2009 4/23/2009 W Th 4/22/2009 T 4/21/2009 M 4/20/2009 F 4/17/2009 4/16/2009 W Th 4/15/2009 T 4/14/2009 M 4/13/2009 F 4/10/2009 # of Visits 4/9/2009 Th Teachers Teacher 1 40 k L Teacher 2 28 k Teacher 3 35 Teacher 4 20 Teacher 5 58 b Teacher 6 43 k Teacher 7 51 k k k Teacher 8 73 b b b Teacher 9 46 k k Teacher 10 37 k Teacher 11 34 k Teacher 12 32 Teacher 13 45 k Daily Totals 16.07738 27 Standard Dev for Daily 9.690416 Mean Visits for year 40.07467 Standard Dev for year 16.12848 Kim 841 Larry 748 Tom 165 Brennon 856 Total visits 2610 k k k k k L k k b L t k k L t k k L k 14 L k 4 25 k k k b k k b t k L k L k L k L L b L k b 7 k L k 16 k k t b k 8 k b b k k L k k 41 17 24 20 16 L 17 k 2 4 k 6 20 9 2 21 Treatments/Behaviors Summer meetings One hour (yes a full hour each) One on one . . . Or. . . Four on one Deliberate, honest, straight forward (see handout) Snapshots (the backbone) Become a part of the classroom 5 to 10 minutes Often - Tracking Document Calibration Meetings/Expert Review – Calibration Document Student Interviews Data Reviews – Samples Periodically, (at least three times a year) Grades, discipline, state scores. . . Get to see everyone's data QIR Document (see website) See Handout Down Page Up Page See Handout Treatments/Behaviors Summer meetings One hour (yes a full hour each) One on one . . . Or. . . Four on one Deliberate, honest, straight forward (see handout) Snapshots (the backbone) Become a part of the classroom 5 to 10 minutes Often - Tracking Document Calibration Meetings/Expert Review – Calibration Document Student Interviews Data Reviews - Samples Periodically, (at least three times a year) Grades, discipline, state scores. . . Get to see everyone's data QIR Document (see website) Treatments/Behaviors Summer meetings One hour (yes a full hour each) One on one . . . Or. . . Four on one Deliberate, honest, straight forward (see handout) Snapshots (the backbone) Become a part of the classroom 5 to 10 minutes Often - Tracking Document Calibration Meetings/Expert Review – Calibration Document Student Interviews Data Reviews - Samples Periodically, (at least three times a year) Grades, discipline, state scores. . . Get to see everyone's data QIR Documents (see website) Outcomes Improve teacher awareness Improved teacher performance Improved student performance Improve school culture QIR Excel Sheet Outcomes Improve teacher awareness Improved teacher performance Improved student performance Improve school culture QIR Excel Sheet Total Population Spring 02-03 Fall 03-04 Spring 03-04 Fall 04-05 Spring 04-05 Fall 05-06 Spring 05-06 Fall 06-07 Spring 06-07 1st Tri 07-08 2nd Tri 07-08 3rd Tri 07-08 1st Tri 08-09 2nd Tri 08-09 3rd Tri 08-09 A 31.40% 31.30% 34.20% 31.50% 34.00% 31.70% 32.60% 33.20% 37.60% 36.20% 33.20% 39.50% 41.80% 39.11% 42.24% B 26.60% 29.10% 25.00% 28.60% 28.20% 28.00% 27.40% 28.70% 28.30% 29.90% 28.00% 27.20% 29.30% 27.48% 26.41% C 23.00% 20.30% 20.20% 21.80% 20.40% 20.60% 20.00% 20.60% 17.00% 18.20% 20.40% 17.80% 15.90% 18.08% 17.13% D F 10.90% 7.90% 10.90% 8.20% 8.80% 11.50% 9.60% 8.10% 9.30% 7.70% 9.70% 9.40% 10.40% 8.90% 9.10% 8.00% 7.50% 8.70% 9.10% 6.70% 10.80% 7.60% 9.00% 6.50% 7.60% 4.40% 8.33% 6.99% 8.90% 5.32% Unintentional Outcomes Drop in discipline Much more enjoyment in job You learn things are not as you thought they were (good and bad) Culture Teachers ask for you to come in Students expect you to interact Parent discussions are much different The observation process becomes more real Professional development becomes passé The “unmentionables” Discipline Infractions 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Aggressive Attendance to School Letters Employee 460 3 435 18 202 37 978 25 736 28 395 19 Failure to Comply with Defiance Discipline 378 251 132 292 138 292 211 357 191 150 117 151 Discipline Infractions Profanity Tardies & Skipping Tobacco Disorderly Conduct 2003-2004 122 1083 50 77 2004-2005 72 1002 29 153 16 2422 2005-2006 76 767 39 153 62 1994 2006-2007 46 739 92 268 127 2976 2007-2008 60 765 34 203 193 2565 2008-2009 55 431 58 82 285 1452 Fights 35 26 31 46 47 35 Repeat Violations Harassment 51 16 13 86 41 22 Total 2370 Discipline Infractions 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Male 1521 1438 1298 1749 1738 849 Female 849 984 696 688 827 602 Profanity Disorderly Conduct Total Aggressive Discipline 292 292 357 150 151 Harassment 378 132 138 211 191 117 Fights Defiance 3 18 37 25 28 19 Failure to Comply with Discipline Aggressive to School Employee Discipline Infractions 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 35 26 31 46 47 35 51 16 13 86 41 22 122 72 76 46 60 55 77 153 153 268 203 82 666 709 740 1039 720 481 Fresh 675 715 549 887 824 569 Soph 625 698 52 625 679 426 Jr 591 513 453 446 467 265 Sr 478 496 460 479 595 191 Unintentional Outcomes Drop in discipline Much more enjoyment in job You learn things are not as you thought they were (good and bad) Culture Teachers ask for you to come in Students expect you to interact Parent discussions are much different The observation process becomes more real Professional development becomes passé The “unmentionables” Where does the time come from? 30% to 50% drop in discipline (need we say more) Do discipline out in the building while walking around When standing with other teachers and administrators – internalize talking points: curriculum new ideas discipline that is interrupting the educational process. Never stand around without paper for ideas. Lunch with “idea people”. Do not talk a discipline issue to death – listen, distribute corrective action and be finished. Check e mail on phone while walking around in classrooms and halls. Frontload phone calls to parents – have a preliminary answer before you call them. Be very selective about being out of the building. Contact Info Dixie Heights High School 3o10 Dixie Highway Crestview Hills, KY 41017