research topics and due dates

Due February 26, 2016
 1:
careful or diligent search
 2: studious inquiry or examination; especially
: investigation or experimentation aimed at
the discovery and interpretation of facts,
revision of accepted theories or laws in the
light of new facts, or practical application of
such new or revised theories or laws
 3: the collecting of information about a
particular subject
 Find
out information on a topic you are
interested in
 Discover something new
 Expand your knowledge
 Bacteria
and viruses
 Genetics
 Human
 Natural resource conservation
 The human body – digestive system,
respiratory system, etc.
 Cold
 Communism
 French Revolution
 Industrial Revolution
 World War II – atom bomb
 World War I – The Treaty of
Versailles/President Wilson
 Charlotte
Doyle: How women were changing
their roles in society in the 19th century
 A Christmas Carol: How English society
reacted to the blunt honesty of ACC
Must include examples from the text(s)
 The
connection between bullying and teen
suicide rate
 Hazing: Define hazing, why & where it’s a
problem, & research state laws and
university policies on it (SC only)
 Self-image: Research the influence of media
on today’s youth (e.g. body image, music
lyrics, being number one in _________)
 Encyclopedia
 Internet
 Magazines/Journals
 Non-fiction
 People (scientists/historians)
 Textbooks
 Media sources (newspapers, news video clips,
 Thesis
 10 questions
 30 note cards
 5 or more source cards
 Outline
 Rough draft
 Final paper
 Oral presentation
 January:
Topic chosen
10 questions
 January:
Thesis statement – rough draft
 February:
30 note cards
5 source cards
 February:
 February:
Rough draft
 February:
Final draft
 February:
29 – March :1
Oral presentations
(poster board, brochure/
pamphlet, Power Point)
 Daily
work in classroom: 1 time
 30 note cards/5 source cards:
1 time
You can only use one encyclopedia
You can only use two magazines
Internet sources MUST be reputable (.edu, .org,
.net, .gov) and have an author with credentials.
Wikipedia may NOT be used as a source
 Research
 Oral presentation:
3 times
2 times
 Title
 Outline
 Thesis statement
 Research report (body)
 Documentation
 Work cited page
 Format—paragraph/paper
 Conventions (errors)
5 points
10 points
5 points
30 points
15 points
15 points
10 points
10 points
don’t have a computer at home?
 What if I don’t have access to the internet?
 What if I can’t check anything out at the
library due to overdue books?
 What if my printer runs out of ink?
 What if I don’t have a jump drive?
 What if I miss a day?
 What if I turn my paper in late?
 What if I don’t want to do this?
 Any other what if’s?
 Eye
 Facial expressions
 Posture
 Enthusiasm
 Vocalized pauses (um, uh, well, you see)
 Topic announced
 Time frame (3-5 minutes)
 Visual aid/prop
 Completeness
 Professionalism of presentation