A Survey on Position-Based Routing in Mobile Ad

A Survey on Position-Based
Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Alok Sabherwal
ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Location Services
Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility
Quorum-Based Location Service
Grid location Service
Forwarding Strategies
Greedy Packet Forwarding
Restricted Directional Flooding
Hierarchical Routing
• Terminodes Routing
• Grid Routing
ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Routing in MANET
Static vs. Mobile
Flooding-based routing
Reactive vs. Proactive
Source routing vs. Table driven routing
Flat vs. Hierarchical routing
Non-location based vs. Location based routing
ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Position-based routing
Position-based routing algorithms eliminate some of
the limitations of topology-based routing by using
additional information.
A location service is used by the sender of a packet
to determine the position of the destination and to
include it in the packet’s destination address.
Position-based routing thus does not require the
establishment or maintenance of routes.
(Forwarding Strategy)
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Location Services
In order to learn the current position of a specific
node, the help of a location service is needed.
 Difficult to get the position of location server!
(Egg & Chicken)
 No guarantee for one position server in each ad
hoc network.
Location services can be classified according to
how many nodes host the service
 Some-for-some
 Some-for-all
 All-for-some
 All-for-all
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Location Services
Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM)
Quorum-Based Location Service
Grid Location Service (GLS)
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Distance Routing Effect
Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM)
Proactively disseminate location information
Distance Effect :
 Closer nodes are updated more frequently
 “age” field in location update
Mobility Effect :
 rate of location update controlled by mobility
 No bandwidth wastage for no movement
Routing policy
 If no entry for destination in table, flood
 Otherwise forward data to m neighbors in the
direction of destination
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** All for all approach
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Quorum Based Location Services 1 of 3
Known from information
– Update and request
performed on different node
– If subsets intersect up to
date information can always
be found
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Quorum Based Location Services 2 of 3
A some-for-some scheme
– Node subset hosts position databases
– Virtual backbone between those nodes (nonposition-based routing algorithm)
– Send position update and query to the nearest
backbone node
– Backbone node contacts the nodes of a (usually
different) quorum
– Timestamps to choose most current information
– Tradeoff: Quorum size
(communication cost and resilience against
unreachable backbone
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Quorum Based Location Services 3 of 3
 How
to deal with the movement of
backbone node?
The topology of the backbone will be
If a backbone node has been disconnected
from the network for more than a threshold
amount of time, a new node will be chosen
as the replacement
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Grid Location Service (GLS)
 Geographic
- Each node maintains its position using
GPS and broadcast HELLO packet to its
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Geographic Forwarding more..
 Each
node maintains a routing table for all
nodes within two hops
 Forward a packet to the neighbor node
closest to the destination
** All for some approach
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An Example of Grid
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The Grid Location Service (Cont.)
 Three
main activities
Location server selection
Location query request
Location server update
 Handling
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Selecting Location Servers
 Unique
ID using hash function
 Select nodes with ID “closest” to its own ID
 “Closest” means the least ID greater than
the node’s ID
 ID space is circular
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Location Server Organization
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Location Query Request
 The
query request packet is forwarded to
a node that is closest to the destination,
within the order-2 square
 The packet is forwarded through the
higher order grid square until it reaches
the location server of the destination
 The destination responds directly with its
destination to the source node
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Location Server Update
 Each
node maintains two tables
- A location table
- A location cache
 Update packet is sent to location servers
 Update distance threshold
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Location Query Failures
 Two
types of failures
- A location server has out-of-date
Solution: use the old location information
- A node moves out of its current grid
Solution: forwarding pointers
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A virtual homezone where position information
for a node is stored
 The position C of the homezone for a node can
be derived by applying a well-known hash
function to the node identifier
 All nodes within a disk with radius R centered at
C have to maintain position information for the
 If the homezone is sparsely populated, R may
have to be increased
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Comparisons of Location Service
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Forwarding Strategies
 Greedy
Packet Forwarding
 Restricted
Directional Flooding
 Hierarchical
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Greedy Packet Forwarding
Most Forward within R
It tries to minimize the number of hops a packet has
to traverse in order to reach D
Nearest with Forward Progress
The packet is transmitted to the nearest neighbor of
the sender which is closer to the destination
Better than MFR
Compass routing
It selects the neighbor closest to the straight line
between sender and destination
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Greedy Routing Strategies
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Greedy Routing Failure
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Restricted Directional Flooding
Sender will forward the packet to all one-hop
neighbors that lie in the direction of destination
Expected region is a circle around the position of
destination as it is known to source
The radius r of the expected region is set to (t1t0)*Vmax, where t1 is the current time, t0 is the
timestamp of the position information source has
about destination, and Vmax is the maximum speed
that a node may travel in the ad hoc network
The direction toward destination is defined by the line
between source and destination and the angle 
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ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Location-Aided Routing (LAR)
 Each
node knows its location in every
 Using location information for route
 Routing is done using the last known
location + an assumption
 Route discovery is initiated when:
S doesn’t know a route to D
Previous route from S to D is broken
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LAR - Definitions
 Expected
S knows the location L of D in t0
Current time t1
The location of D in t1 is the expected zone
 Request
Flood with a modification
Node S defines a request zone for the route
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ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Hierarchical Routing
 Terminodes
TLR (Terminode Local Routing)
• It uses a proactive routing scheme if the
destination is close to the source node.
TRR (Terminode Remote Routing)
• TRR allows data to be sent to non-TLR-reachable
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Terminodes Routing
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Grid Routing
 It
is similar to Terminodes Routing
 A proactive distance vector routing is used
at local level
 Intermediate Node Forwarding (INF) is
used for long-distance routing
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Comparisons of Forwarding
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Work done
 How
to discover the position of the
destination ?
 How to forward the packets based on
above ?
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 All
for some services like GLS in
combination of greedy packet forwarding
is the most promising in general position
based routing.
 DREAM & LAR could be useful in
situations where a small number of
packets need to be transmitted very
ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Martin Mauve, et al, “A Survey on position
based routing in ad-hoc networks “, IEEE
Network Magazine 15 (6), pp. 30-39,
November 2001.
ECE 5970 02/24/2005
Thank you!!
ECE 5970 02/24/2005