File - Sarah Ferry: Teaching Portfolio

Weekly Syllabus*
1: Aug. 24-28
2: Aug. 31Sept. 4
3: Sept. 7-11
4: Sept. 14-18
Potential Content and Reading Assignments
Introduction to the course, policies, texts, grading
rubric, and Blackboard; in-class diagnostic writing
Discussion of writing myths, rhetorical situation
Critical reading habits and practice
Read and discuss Chapter 1 from Language Awareness
Discuss annotations and critical reading
Read and discuss Chapter 2 (Writing in College)
No Class: Labor Day (Sept. 7)
Read selections from Chapter 4 (Power of Language:
Malcolm X, Keller, Raymond, Pipher) and begin
Chapter 6 (Language Communities: Roberts, Lederer)
In-class writings
Discuss Essay 1 (narrative on literacy, language, or
discourse community; integrating one source from LA)
Discuss Tan (Ch. 6), Dumas (Ch. 10)--narrative models
Brainstorming and drafting for Essay 1
Read and discuss selections from Chapter 7 (Writers on
Writing: Lamott, Zinsser, Flower, Murray)
Peer Review introduction and modeling
No Class: Assurance of Learning Day (Sept. 25)
Discuss thesis statements; drafting
Peer Review (Sept. 23) in Noel Studio Discovery
6: Sept. 28Oct. 2
No Class All Week; Conferences with Instructor
Required instructor conferences
Revising and editing Essay 1
Optional consultations with Noel Studio
7: Oct. 5-9
Class Cancelled: Oct. 7-9
Read Chapter 3 of Language Awareness
Introduction to argumentation (group activity)
Read and discuss Prologue, Introduction, Chapter 1,
and Chapter 2 of Hamlet’s BlackBerry
5: Sept. 21-25
8: Oct. 12-16
9: Oct. 19-23
Fall Break: Oct. 12-13; Midterms due Oct. 14
William Powers Workshop & Chautauqua Lecture:
Oct. 15 *Note: Must attend at least one for workshop
credit (see Grading Distribution)
Read, analyze, and compare rhetorical strategies in
Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 of Hamlet’s BlackBerry
Read Chapters 12-13 of Hamlet’s Blackberry
Discuss Essay 2 (problem/solution essay on
technology, integrating evidence from HB and Ch. 11)
Read selections from Chapter 11 (Crystal, Wellner,
Kahn, Carr)
Discuss evidence, rhetorical strategies, and
synthesizing main points with Ch. 11 texts and
Hamlet’s Blackberry
brainstorming problems/solutions, thesis, evidence, and
synthesis for Essay 2; drafting
CPA #1 (Ch. 1): 8/31
CPA #2 (Ch. 2): 9/4
CPA #3 (Ch. 4): 9/9
CPA #4 (Ch. 6): 9/11
CPA #5 (Tan,
Dumas): 9/14
CPA #6 (Ch. 7): 9/16
CPA #7 (Ch. 7): 9/18
Essay 1: First Draft
9/23 (on Blackboard
and copy for peers)
Essay 1: 10/2 (before
midnight on
CPA #8 (Ch. 3) 10/5
CPA #9 (Pro.- Ch. 2):
10/7 (turn in 10/14)
CPA #10 (Ch. 4 & 8)
and CPA #11:
CPA #12 (Ch. 1213): 10/16
CPA #13 (Crystal):
CPA #14 (Wellner,
Kahn, Carr): 10/21
CPA #15: 10/23
10: Oct. 26-30
11: Nov. 2-6
12: Nov. 9-13
13: Nov. 16-20
14: Nov. 23-27
15: Nov. 30Dec. 4
16: Dec. 7-11
Saundra McGuire/Metacognition Workshop: Oct.
29, 6-8 PM *Attendance required for workshop credit
MLA/APA, 2nd Person, Sentence Variation
Peer Review
Optional instructor conferences/Noel Studio visit
Post-writing activity for problem/solution essay
Discuss rhetorical appeals; application
Introduction to political language
Discuss Essay 3 (rhetorical analysis of political text or
media-based advertisement, integration of 2 or more
sources from Chapters 8 or 12)
Read and discuss selections from Chapter 8 (Language
That Manipulates: Woolfolk Cross, Orwell, and Lutz);
political language, propaganda
Read selections from Chapter 12 (Language and
Advertising: Bryson, Lutz, Severson, Federman)
Discuss visual rhetoric
Group work with ads
In-class writings
Brainstorming for Essay 3
Drafting/Revising Essay 3
Peer Review in Noel Studio
Optional instructor conferences/Noel Studio visit
Discuss Remediation Project details (transform one of
the three essays into a different medium)
Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 25-27
Brainstorm for Remediation Project in Noel Studio
Discovery Classroom
Drafting final project and presentations
Required instructor conferences
Exam Week
Project presentations
Essay 2: First Draft
10/28 (on Blackboard
and copy for peers)
Essay 2: 11/2
(before class on
CPA #16 (Cross):
CPA #17 (Orwell,
Lutz): 11/6
CPA #18 (Bryson,
Lutz): 11/9
CPA #19 (Severson,
Federman): 11/11
CPA #20 (Prep. for
Essay 3): 11/13
Essay 3: First Draft
11/16 (on
Blackboard and copy
for peers)
Essay 3: 11/23
(before class on
Remediation: 1st
Draft (12/4)
Remediation Project
12/7: 10:30-12:30
Final Reflection:
12/9 before 9 AM on
*Please note that all content, dates, etc. are tentative and subject to change if need arises. I will
inform you in advance of any necessary alterations.