RICHARD COLE PENNEY EDUCATION B.S. Ph.D. Tulane University MIT 1968 1971 Tulane University (Summer) Purdue University Purdue University Purdue University University of California, Berkeley Institute for Advanced Study Mathematical Institute, Wroclaw Mathematical Institute, Wroclaw 1968 1971-77 1977-83 1983Fall 1978 Fall 1984 Spring 1998 Fall 2011 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Sabbatical Leave Sabbatical Leave Sabbatical Leave Sabbatical Leave DIRECTOR: ACTUARIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM 2000- CHAIRMAN OF THE UNDERGRADUATE COMMITTEE FOR THE MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT, 1987-1999 BOOK Linear Algebra: Ideas and Applications, 3nd Edition. J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 2008. (This text has appeared in Chinese as well.) AWARDS Nominated by the Mathematics Department as the Outstanding Teacher in the School of Science 1991 One of the ten best teachers in the School of Science 1995 Best Teacher in the School of Science 1996 COURSE DEVELOPMENT Developed the syllabus and first taught MA 161M-162M (Calculus for Mathematics Majors), MA 181-182 (Honors Calculus) MA 364 (Ordinary Differential Equations) and MA 366 (Ordinary Differential Equations). Revised 03/28/08 PENNEY, Richard Cole 2 Taught (with Doug Klumpe) the summer workshop on AP Calculus for High School Teachers, July, 1993 and 1994. Wrote the notes currently used as the MA 301 (Introduction to Proofs Through Real Analysis) text Wrote class notes for MA 170 (Introduction to Actuarial Science). Wrote the Computer Labs for MA 366, Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. . OTHER TEACHING RELATED ACTIVITIES Consultant on Guershon Harel’s NSF grant on how students learn the concept of proof, 1995. Wrote, in conjunction with Dr. Schwingendorf and Professor Moore, one of the early Actuarial Sciences Curriculums. Founder of the Purdue Mathematics Club and Faculty Advisor from 1985-1997. Started and ran the Mathematics Career Nights, 1994-97. Wrote and managed the Department’s Careers, Internships and Graduate School Web page, 1995Purdue site manager for the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Mathematics Contest, 1999-2004 Faculty Advisor of the Actuary Club RESEARCH Professor Penney is an active researcher who has published over 40 research articles in major, peer reviewed, journals such as The Annals of Mathematics, The Journal of Functional Analysis, and The Journal of Differential Geometry. He currently has at least three works either in the review process or in preparation.