Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
High performance = 3 marks
Words are spelt accurately 99% of the time.
Capitals, full stops and commas are used accurately 99% of the time. Other punctuation marks are also
used accurately 99% of the time, such as question marks and semi-colons.
Paragraphs are always shown clearly by leaving a line between them.
Sentences make sense and flow together well due to the use of punctuation and connectives.
Key subject words are always used correctly.
Intermediate performance = 2 marks
There might be some spelling errors in the writing, but these are not that frequent.
Capitals, full stops and commas are used accurately most of the time. Other punctuation marks are also
used accurately most of the time, such as question marks and semi-colons.
Paragraphs are normally shown clearly by leaving a line between them.
Sentences are clear and make sense due to the use of punctuation and connectives.
Key subject words are normally used correctly.
Threshold performance = 1 mark
Although there are quite a few spelling errors, it is still possible to understand what’s been written.
Capitals, full stops and commas are sometimes used properly. There isn’t much accurate use of other
punctuation marks.
Paragraphs aren’t always clearly shown by leaving a line between them.
Sentences are written clearly enough to show meaning, but they aren’t well connected.
A few key subject words are used.