MAVS Current Measurement Nobska Development, Inc. Albert J. Williams 3rd Archie Todd Morrison III Current Measurements Mechanical Sensors Electro-Magnetic Sensors Doppler Sensors LDV Acoustic Doppler Acoustic Doppler Profiling Acoustic Travel-Time Sensors Mechanical and EM Sensors Mechanical Rotor, vane – operate at very low power but have poor response in low flows and in oscillatory motion Fan type – operate at low power, have good response in oscillatory flow but exhibit dead band in low flows Electro-Magnetic 2-D, no dead band but response is poor to accelerating flow, far field of electric field makes calibration awkward in a tow tank Doppler Sensors LDV – Laser Doppler velocimeters Narrow range of particle densities over which it has good signal, requires many realizations to obtain low velocity noise Acoustic Doppler single point sensors df=(f1-f0)=2f0(u/c)cos(a), where a is the angle between the acoustic beam and the current ADV sensor is bistatic and measures velocity components at a point. There are three acoustic paths Acoustic Doppler current sensors suffer from weak returns if there are few scatterers and may lock onto spurious returns from supporting structures with zero velocity. Scattering volume is remote from sensor head and fairly large Doppler Sensors Acoustic Doppler profilers (ADCP) An entire profile of velocity is obtained Monostatic, three or four acoustic axes diverge from transducer head Pulse burst must decay before next burst is transmitted Range depends on frequency, 300kHz gives about 150 meters range with good scatterers Individual burst has large ambiguity in velocity, many pings must be averaged to obtain speed resolution desired Doppler Sensors Acoustic Doppler profilers (continued) Velocity resolution*repetition rate = constant for any particular frequency Range*velocity resolution*repetition rate = constant allowing frequency to be selected for desired range. This tradeoff limits use of ADP for turbulence measurements as well as large ensonified volume Broadband encoded bursts in BBADCP permit effectively more pulses at once and this constant is increased proportionally Acoustic Travel-Time Sensors Defined acoustic path along which fluid velocities are averaged Depends only on the ability of the fluid to transmit sound, no penalty for moderate attenuation or for perfect clarity Linear velocity response through zero velocity Acoustic Travel-Time Sensors u c+u c-u L t LR L cu 2 Lu 2 Lu t 2 2 2 c u c t RL L cu c 2 t u 2L Applications of Current Measurement, Requirements Transport Waves Average over waves and mooring motions, typically 20 seconds Long deployment duration, typically 3 to 12 months Excellent directional resolution and low velocity threshold, linearity over large range in velocities Bursts of duration capable of resolving spectrum at modest sampling rate, typically 20 minutes at 2 Hz Burst interval related to wave development, typically 2 hours Boundary layer turbulence High frequency sampling, typically 20 Hz Fine spatial resolution, typically 1/3 of distance from the boundary Current Meter Moorings and Rigid Supports Mooring cage Bottom Tripod Sensor inside tripod or sticking up in cage, MAVS illustrated In-line support Carry mooring tension around current sensor Near bottom with float, MAVS illustrated at Juan de Fuca hydrothermal vent Piling Rigid mount above bottom in shallow water Nobska - MAVS3 Modular Acoustic Velocity Sensor 3rd Generation "Standard" MAVS3 with CTD option Nobska Memory TT8 Flash (ROM) RAM EEPROM SCP Run-time Configuration Deployment Definition MAVS Flash Card Data Configuration Deployment Definition Net Relative Velocity, Tilt, Heading HEADING COD END DIRECTION OF TOW MAVS Specifications Sensitivity and linearity 0.05 cm/s sensitivity, 0.5% linearity (corrected to that in 2003) Velocity reading [cm/s] MAVS3 10104 Red - original transistors, Green - 2N2369A, Blue - 2N2369A without capacitors 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Velocity error [cm/s] Delay [ns] 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 120 140 160 180 Velcity reading [cm/s] 20 Error [%] 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Velcity reading [cm/s] MAVS Specifications Velocity zero offset stability 0.5 cm/s per deployment, no net drift with time Demonstrated sensitivity to pressure and temperature on deployment in gel to 2000 m Filtered Velocity, Averaging Length: 100 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 cm/s 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 Record Number MAVS Specifications Vertical Cosine Response Horizontal cosine response within 5% through 360° Vertical cosine response within 10% to 30° and within 20% to 45° On-axis response is 20% low but turbulence is minimum Tow tank shows test run with sensor at +45° Scale Error 1.05 15% 1.00 10% 0.95 5% 0.90 0% 0.85 -5% 0.80 -10% 0.75 -15% 0.70 -20% 0.65 -25% 0.60 -30% -90 -70 -50 -30 -10 10 Elevation Angle 30 50 70 90 Percent error Cosine response Corrected speed reading/tow speed MAVS Specifications Compass Three magneto inductive axes in orthogonal array Tilt measured with two axis solid state accelerometer for resolution of earth magnetic field onto horizontal plane Second socket for remounting of tilt sensor for horizontal deployment of MAVS MAVS Specifications Tilt Linearity within 1° out to 50° Temperature compensated to 0.3° of tilt between 5°C and 45°C Works equally well inverted or on 90° bracket for horizontal mounting 50 Pitch degrees 60 40 30 Pitch 20 10 0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Tilt degrees Tilt1005 Inverted, Corrected 2 1.5 Degrees of tilt Tilt vs Pitch Reading 1 Pitch Roll 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 5 15 25 Celsius 35 45 MAVS Specifications Toughness Carried by submarine landslide 550 m down Monterey Canyon. Still recording pressure although sensor rings sheared off and tube bent 90°. Fouling sensitivity Stops measuring only when flow is totally blocked as in illustration Insensitive to particles, bubbles, or perfectly clear water. Only hard obstruction or swim bladder stops acoustic signal MAVS Carried 550 m in Monterey Canyon Landslide and Buried Alive MAVS on MBARI Frame with Homer acoustic beacon ROV manipulated sand lifter exhuming frame Upper portion of MAVS exposed MAVS on deck, sensor stripped of rings and bent 90° MAVS Operation Setup with PC and deck box: Menu mode Run a terminal emulator: Crosscut, Hyperterm, TTOOLS, Kermit, etc. Connect through the endcap to the deck box, which provides power and a DB9 connector for the PC’s RS232 serial comport Configure the comport for 38,400 baud, 8 bits, no parity Turn on power and type Control C MAVS Operation Setup with PC and deck box: MAVSoft mode Bring up MAVSoft on the PC Connect through the endcap to the deck box, which provides power and a DB9 connector for the PC’s RS232 serial comport Turn on power MAVS Operation Set time: Menu mode When screen says “Change time & date?” type y <enter> Type month_day_year_hour_minute_second <enter> Set time: MAVSoft Mode Push button “SET TIME” Push button “Send PC Time to MAVS” MAVS Operation Calibration: Menu mode, select Calibration Select Velocity Offsets: V <enter> Select Compass Offsets: C <enter> Follow instructions Select Tilt Offsets: T <enter> Place sensor in still water Type M, <enter>, <enter> Accept if STDV values are less than 0.15 cm/s Follow instructions Save constants and exit Type x, <enter> MAVS Operation Calibration: MAVSoft mode, select MavsTerm Select Calibration: 3 <enter> Select Velocity: V <enter> Select Compass Offsets: C <enter> Follow instructions Select Tilt Offsets: T <enter> Place sensor in still water Type M, <enter>, <enter> Accept if STDV values are less than 0.15 cm/s Follow instructions Save constants and exit Type x, <enter> MAVS Operation Deploy: Menu mode, select Deploy Frame, select MAVS, earth Cartesian, or earth speed and direction Logging enabled as append or overwrite Beware of overwriting data before reading it but beware of starting with a partially filled compact flash Measurement frequency, number of measurements per sample Samples per burst, burst interval Delayed start (Start Time), duration of deployment G <enter> to get analysis of battery and data storage duration There are opportunities to revise deployment parameters MAVS Operation Deploy: MAVSoft mode, from Control Panel select Parameters, press UPLOAD Select frame (MAVS, earth Cartesian, or earth speed and direction) Enter measurement rate, number of measurements per sample, samples per burst Set burst interval and bursts per file Establish the deployment schedule Select Enable Logging to Flash Card and check append or uncheck for overwrite Press DOWNLOAD to put these parameters into MAVS In Control Panel push DEPLOY As data appear, select START LOGGING and name file for capturing data on the screen. MAVS Operation Offload: Menu mode Control C to get control (may need to do this three times if MAVS is in a Low Power Sleep) 7 <enter> Capture conversation with terminal (alt z in Crosscut) Offload: MAVSoft mode Select Offload Name file to which the data will be captured MAVS Operations Flash Card Ops: Menu mode Control C to get control 2 <enter> Note data files with selection 2 Data files contain data Config.bin, Deploy.bin, and f_count.bin are required for unpacking data Select 4 <enter>, open MAVS case, and remove compact flash card Copy card contents to PC with Microsoft copy command. Then return compact flash to MAVS and type <enter> again. MAVS Data Analysis MAVSPack Run MAVSPack selecting the folder into which the contents of the compact flash were copied. This converts from binary files to ASCII data files and ASCII configuration and deploy files. Plot Load into Excel Select columns for time, u, v, w and other ancillary parameters. Time may be generated from hours, minutes, and seconds as fractional hours Select plot as scatter plot Or load into Matlab Generate m files for data manipulation and plotting MAVS Deployment Choices Low energy flow Wave “interference” Average over wave or mooring motion, measurement frequency high enough to resolve motion Wave spectra Long deployments, infrequent samples Measurement frequency high enough to resolve highest frequency wave Burst long enough to resolve wave bands Burst interval short enough to resolve change in wave climate Turbulence Highest frequency to resolve turbulent eddies, burst to extend duration of deployment Batteries for MAVS Basic alkaline Lithium 9.6 ah at 12 volts Double lithium 4.8 ah at 12 volts 19.2 ah at 12 volts Power consumption is reduced by allowing time between bursts so MAVS can go into low power sleep Data Storage for MAVS Compact flash memory 16 MByte CF 64 MByte CF 256 MByte CF Other capacities available to 1 GByte or more Industrial rating required for temperature range of application Real Time MAVS RS232 output RS485 output 100 foot limit Half duplex, not supported by MAVSoft More than 1000 feet possible Power source 12 volt low impedance (must provide 2 amps for 15 ms each measurement) 24 volt with internal regulator, typically 60 ma Ancillary Sensors for MAVS Pressure External temperature Aanderaa inductive head, range 0 to 75, resolution 0.02, and accuracy 0.2 mS/cm Optical turbidity Precision of 0.03°C and accuracy of 0.1°C Internal temperature standard with precision of 0.03°C and accuracy of 0.5°C Conductivity Omega or Druck, 20 meters to 6000 meters full scale range OBS, LBSS, or SeaPoint Analog voltage from external source Analog Output MAVS Integration with existing data systems Output voltage range +/- 5 v for +/- 180 cm/s External strobe possible Calibration signals provided Other Specials for MAVS Bent sensor Inverted sensor, vertical up or down 90° right or left bend of sensor from body 90° up or down bend from body With solid state compass and tilt meter, this is standard, selectable by user from the setup menu Horizontal sensor Internal tilt sensor must be moved from vertical socket to horizontal socket and the change entered in the setup menu Setup Menu for MAVS Configuration parameters may be changed in the setup menu, accessible with a password to prevent accidental entries S <enter> WHIPR <enter> gives entry Orientation can be selected Ancillary sensors can be disabled or enabled X <enter> stores new configuration Downloading New Versions of MAVS Firmware Enter TOM8 monitor Type q <enter> nobska <enter> Change communications setup for a baud rate of 9600 Download and open new distribution software, MPREPxyz.rhx and MAVSxy_z.ahx is the new software release to load to MAVS In Crosscut select Tattletale, Load S-record, and MPREPxyz.rhx Type G, select previous version from the menu Next load MAVSxyz.ahx Accept the burn to flash memory Type G Change baud rate back to 38,400