
SDSU RWS 100 Syllabus
Instructor: Wendy Scott
Classroom: EBA-439 Sched # 22895
Meeting Time: MWF 10:00-10:50
Office hours: SH 108 A Fri 11:00-12:00 and by appointment.
Office Mailbox: in RWS Department main office—SHW 141 (new Building by West Commons)
The Main Course:
This course focuses on interpreting, analyzing, evaluating and producing written arguments.
Since argument is central to academic literacy, critical thinking, professional and civic life, you
will learn to write and revise papers in which you address complex arguments effectively, use
source materials responsibly and make sound decisions about audience, context, structure, and
What is Rhetoric?
Rhetoric is the study and uses of written, spoken and visual language. It investigates how
language is used to organize and maintain social groups, construct meanings and identities,
coordinate behavior, mediate power, produce change, and create knowledge. Business, politics,
advertising, everyday life – all use rhetoric or are influenced by it on a daily basis. Rhetorical
study and written literacy are understood to be essential to civic, professional and academic life.
Browse our website to see which of our programs might best prepare you for your future.
All RWS 100 students must have satisfactory completion of the Lower Division Writing
Competency Requirement.
Required Texts:
RWS 100 Course Reader.
Available at Cal Copy (discounts for cash), it is listed under “RWS 100, W.Scott”
Available at the SDSU bookstore under Scott for RWS 100: (likely a pack)
Graff, Gerald and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
(3rd edition) W.W. Norton & Co., 2014.
Bullock, Richard, and Francine Weinberg, The Little Seagull Handbook. (2nd ed.) Norton 2014.
Also required:
 A double or single-subject, spiral-bound notebook
 Working pens, highlighters and pencils for note taking and in-class writing assignments
 Folder for keeping handouts and portfolio work
 Access to a computer, printer, paper, and stapler.
ALL WORK DONE OUTSIDE OF CLASS MUST BE TYPED and stapled. Work that is not
typed will not be accepted.
Essays: You will be required to write 3 essays (4-8 pages depending on the assignment) for this
course. Each essay will require at least one rough draft. All pre-writing and rough drafts are
due TYPED & Stapled in class on the day specified. Final drafts will be uploaded to Turnitin
on the date specified, but you will bring a hardcopy to class to be graded. Specific criteria for
each essay will be given along with the prompt. Late projects will incur a deduction from the
final grade, and I will not accept projects at all beyond a week. If there are unavoidable
circumstances or emergencies, they will be addressed on a case-by-case basis before the due
Students would be wise to communicate any circumstances relating to absences or late papers
to me before hand in order to keep me informed of any unusual situations that I should
consider, and so that we can discuss possible remedies.
Portfolio Work: This includes homework, in-class writing, quizzes, and exercises. Each
assigned work will be worth allotted points, and your final point earned to points possible ratio
will convert to a percentage. No missed work will be accepted since the assignments are timely
for the progression of the class. Since this represents 20% of your grade, your attendance for
these exercises will be essential.
Workshops: One or more drafts will be required for each writing assignment. You will
“workshop” the essay with your peers, both gaining and giving feedback. You will complete
feedback forms in peer review and be evaluated based on evidence of engagement in the
Participation: You are expected to participate actively in class. Although this does not mean
speaking up and contributing valuable insight during every class session, it does mean arriving
on time and being prepared, paying attention, and being involved. You could be called on to
answer a question at any time, so please be prepared! As long as you’ve done your assigned
work, it will not be difficult.
Printouts: From time to time you will be required to print handouts and other materials off of
Respect: Because the bulk of our in-class work will be discussions and group work,
demonstrating respect for your fellow students and for me will be paramount. This includes
everything from coming to class on time, refraining from private conversations during class, to
texting or using your electronics during a lecture. Please silence your cell phones when you
come to class. Because we will be interacting in group discussion often, the use of laptops
will not be allowed. Finally, since this is a discussion-based class, it is vital that you listen and
speak respectfully to others at all times. I encourage you to express your opinions, of course –
they will help inspire good discussions.
Attendance: There is no substitute for attending class. Students are expected to attend all
classes, and attendance will be taken. You are allowed three absences without penalty.
However, after the third absence, your participation grade will be affected. This applies as well
to frequent tardies. In the rare occasion of continual student distraction (side-discussions, using
electronics . . .) a student will be counted absent.
Essays: All rough drafts are due (in completion) as a hard copy in class on the date specified. All
essays must be typed, adhere to MLA format (12 point font, double space, Times New
Roman, proper heading) and be stapled. You will find more information on MLA in The Little
Seagull Handbook, or similar handbook. Essay pre-writing and drafts will not be graded as a final
draft but as part of your portfolio work.
Other Work: ALL WORK completed outside the classroom must be typed in the proper format
(heading, spacing, font) for credit, and turned in by the start of class. Make arrangements with
me before class in person or by email if you will be absent on the day an assignment is due. All
work not properly typed or turned in by the time due will not receive credit.
Email: Please use your resources first (blackboard, the syllabus, classmates), but feel free to
email me anytime. I will respond as quickly as possible, but please allow me 24 hours to get
back to you.
Problems: If you run into problems or emergencies, communicate with me as soon as
possible. I need to hear from you before you miss deadlines and numerous classes.
Plagiarism: All work in this course must be original. Plagiarism will result in serious
consequences ranging from grade reduction to failure in the class to expulsion from the college.
Please sign the Plagiarism Agreement in the back of your Course Reader and return to me. For
more information on the university cheating and plagiarism policy, please visit: policy/pfacademics.html. SDSU’s library also has an excellent
tutorial on how to avoid plagiarism.
Turnitin Policy: Turnitin (integrated within Blackboard) will be used in this course for
submission of the final draft of our essay assignments. Students in this course agree that papers
are subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of
plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the
reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.
Office Hours: I encourage all students to attend my office hours, especially if you have any
questions or concerns about reading, writing, rhetoric, or the structure or requirements of the
course. I’m committed to helping you develop as a writer. If you have questions or would like
additional assistance with class concepts or projects, please drop in at any time during my office
hours or make an appointment to speak with me.
Course Tutoring, ESL, and Writing Help: RWS tutors are available to help you with your
writing. The Writing Center is located in Love Library, room LA 1103 next to the Circulation
Desk. For hours and availability, go to
Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need
accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at
(619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact
Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not
retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have
presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your
cooperation is appreciated.
Counseling: There are many events and situations that put additional stress on being a
student. SDSU has an excellent center for Counseling & Psychological Services that is open to
students Monday through Friday from 8am-4:30pm. To set up an initial consultation, call (619)
594-5220. For immediate or emergency help, you are welcome to use San Diego’s free 24-hour
counseling access line at (800) 479-3339. C&PS on campus also has a “Center for Well-Being”
with multiple stations for relaxation if you are feeling stressed during the semester. C&PS is
located in the Capulli Center, Room 4401.
Student-Athletes: Student-athletes have demanding, dynamic schedules. As an instructor, I am
committed to helping you succeed in the course. To do so, regular and effective communication
is needed. While exceptions will not be made for attendance, assignment deadlines, or exams,
I’m happy to work with all student-athletes in conjunction with Student-Athlete Support
Services (SASS) to help you excel in this course. For more information on SASS’ academic
advising and tutoring services, please call (619) 594-4743.
Course Description, General Education Capacities/Goals & RWS Learning Outcomes
Our Learning Outcomes Reflect the Goals and Capacities of the General Education Program.
RWS 100 is one of several courses in the area of general education defined as “Communication
and Critical Thinking.” Focusing particularly on argument, this course emphasizes four
essential general education capacities: the ability to 1) construct, analyze and communicate
argument, 2) contextualize phenomena, 3) negotiate differences, and 4) apply theoretical models
to the real world. This course advances general education by helping students understand the
general function of writing, speaking, visual texts, and thinking within the context of the
university at large, rather than within specific disciplines. In addition to featuring the basic
rules and conventions governing composition and presentation, RWS 100 establishes
intellectual frameworks and analytical tools that help students explore, construct, critique, and
integrate sophisticated texts.
Within this framework of four general capacities, the course realizes four closely related
subsidiary goals. These goals focus on helping students
1) craft well-reasoned arguments for specific audiences;
2) analyze a variety of texts commonly encountered in the academic setting;
3) situate discourse within social, generic, cultural, and historic contexts; and
4) assess the relative strengths of arguments and supporting evidence.
Our student learning outcomes for RWS 100 are closely aligned with these goals and capacities,
and reflect the program’s overall objective of helping students attain “essential skills that
underlie all university education.”
Assignment Types: the following four outcomes describe the four main writing projects or
"assignment types" for the course. Students will be:
1. Producing an Account and Evaluating an Argument: Describe and analyze the
effectiveness of rhetorical elements used by an author, such as claims, organization, and
evidence, in support of the argument.
2. Gathering, Managing, and Using Outside Sources to Evaluate a Text: Identify and
evaluate the effectiveness of an author’s argument for its intended audience by
examining that text in the light of other arguments made on that same topic. Additional
sources will be used to reframe the original text’s position that may extend, complicate,
illustrate, qualify, or challenge the argument, in order to evaluate the strength of the
original text. Students will use appropriate research and reference materials, including a
dictionary, in order to clarify their understanding of an argument;
3. Analyzing and Evaluating Rhetorical Strategies: This assignment asks students to
construct an account of one or more authors’ projects and arguments, and explain the
rhetorical strategies used to engage and persuade readers in thinking about their
arguments. The paper should identify the rhetorical strategies used, examine why they
were chosen, and analyze the effects they have on an audience. It should also discuss the
effectiveness and relative strength of these strategies.
4. Evaluating and Comparing Multiple Arguments: This assignment asks students to
write a formal academic essay in which they first summarize the argument and describe
the dominant rhetorical strategies used in author X’s text and then compare the
effectiveness of one or two additional arguments which support or argue against it.
Students will consider factors such as the rhetorical strategies and underlying
values/ideologies deployed by the author in appealing to the characteristics of the
intended target audience.
Assignment 1: Producing an Account and Evaluating an
Assignment 2: Gathering, Managing, and Using Outside Sources to
Evaluate a Text
Assignment 3: Analyzing and Evaluating Rhetorical Strategies
Assignment 4: Evaluating and Comparing Multiple Arguments
Portfolio/ Homework, Classwork & Quizzes
Essay #1
Essay #2
Essay #3
Essay #4
Final Draft due Friday, Sept 26th
Final Draft due Monday, Oct 20th
Final Draft due Monday, November 10th
Final Draft due Wed, Dec 10th
Course Plan (subject to alteration)
WK 1 Aug 25- 29
M 25th
W 27th
F 29
INTRO to class
Intro & Syllabus
HW: none
Intro Rhetoric
In class writing—“what is rhetoric & do you use it?”
Play Videos
Discuss rhetoric
Group work (ads)
HW: Course Reader pgs 3-7
Continue Intro Rhetoric
Continue group work & discussions
Introduce discussion of CR
HW: Read the intro & first chapter of They Say I Say. Then write a long
paragraph using the TSIS template style on a vs argument (to be discussed)
WK 2 Sept 1- 5
M 1st
W 3rd
Continue Intro to Rhetoric
Discuss TSIS
Go over Course Reader 3-7
Discuss in terms of ad activity
HW: Finish TSIS Section one (chs 2 & 3)
Identifying Rhetorical elements
Read short article and locate PACES
HW: Read short article in CR pg 37 and identify PACES. Typed Due Mon.
WK 3 Sept 8- 12
M 8th
W 10th
Intro Essay 1
Essay 1 Prompt
Go over PACES of CR pg 37 article
Look at CR 8-9 & 17 & discuss Rhetorical Triangle and writing a Project
HW: Read article pg 49 for Essay 1& annotate for PACES.
Go over article
F 12th
WK 4 Sept 15- 19
M 15th
W 17
F 19
In-class writing
Discuss article PACES
HW: TSIS chs 12-14 & reread CR 8-9 & 17 (PROJECT)
Work on article for essay
Discuss Project
HW: Write a Project for the pg 49 article, due typed Monday
Continue Essay 1
Discuss Essay 1
CR 18 &19
HW: Work on a Plan for Essay 1 RD Due Wed
Go over plans & Essay 1
Discuss Plans & Essay 1
HW: Work on Essay 1 Rough Draft Due Monday
Discuss Essay 1
Go over questions & elements of Essay 1
HW: Finish Essay 1 RD Due Monday
WK 5 SEPT 22- 26
Essay 1 Due
M 22
Essay 1 Rough Draft Due
 Peer Reviews
 HW: Work on Final Draft
W 24
Work on essays
 Use class time to discuss revisions and to read and revise
 HW: Work on Final Draft Due Friday
F 26
Essay 1 Final Draft Due
 In-Class Writing
 Intro Essay 2—ballot measures—arguments for or against
 Intro each measure: each student select one
 HW: go to ballotpedia website and look at the measures. Get a copy of the
measure as well as the brief argument for it and against it to bring to class
WK 6 Sept 29-Oct 3 Essay 2 & Rhetorical Strategies
M 29th
Meet at library for research lesson
 Meet at library
 HW: Research the measure and find a text with the argument either for or
against it (newspaper, government website, politician . . .). Transfer it to Word
and bring it to class Wed. This will be the text you analyze.
W 1st
Continue Essay 2
F 3rd
WK 7 Oct 6-10
M 6th
Course Reader intro to Rhetorical Strategies
Discuss Essay 2
Intro Rhetorical Strategies
HW: Continue research on arguments (look at info and texts with opposing
arguments to help you evaluate the chosen text’s argument)
Rhetorical Strategies
Short Reading in class
Discuss RS
Discuss essay 2 planning & questions
HW: Write up research notes, including thoughts on the texts you have
located of interest that help you reflect on your original text
In-class readings & RS Practice
Rhetorical Strategies activity
HW: Work on Essay
Discuss Essays
Continue RS discussions
HW: Write up a plan for your essay-due tomorrow
Discuss Essays & Plans
HW: Work on Essay. Rough Draft Due Monday
W 8th
F 10th
WK 8 Oct 13-17
M 13th
W 15
F 17
Essay 2 Rough Draft Due
Essay 2 Rough Draft & Peer Review
Peer Reviews
HW: Work on Final Draft
HW: Work on Final Draft
HW: Work on Final Draft
WK 9 Oct 20-24
M 20th
Essay 2 Final Draft Due. Intro to Essay 3
Collect Essays
In-Class Writing
Intro Essay 3
In-class reading (TBD)
Discuss PACES of text and begin RS identification
W 22nd
F 24th
WK 10 Oct 27-31
M 27th
W 29
F 31
WK 11 Nov 3-7
M 3rd
W 5th
F 7th
HW: Re-read the text, marking significant claims, evidence and rhetorical
Discuss RS of Text
In-class group work on RS of Text
HW: Write up the Project of the text. Due Friday
Continue Essay 3
Finish discussion of the text & Essay plan (organization)
HW: Write a plan for essay 3 (including the project) due Monday
Continue working on Essay 3
In-class activity (RS vs Facts)
HW: Read TSIS chs 8-10. Work on RD
Essay 3 Preparation
Discuss TSIS
In-class preparation for writing
HW: Work on Rough Draft
Essay 3 Preparation
In-class preparation for writing
HW: Essay 3 RD Due Monday
Essay 3 Rough Draft Due
Essay 3 RD Due. Peer Reviews.
Peer reviews
HW: Work on Final Draft. Look over each of the long texts beginning in CR
pg 61 and select your top 2 choices for Essay 4 analysis. Email me your
No class
HW: Work on Final Draft
No class
HW: Work on Final Draft
WK 12 Nov 10-14
Essay 3 Final Draft Due. Intro Essay 4
M 10
Essay 3 Final Draft Due
 In-class writing
 Intro Essay 4 Prompt
 HW: Thoroughly read through your selected text and annotate for PACES,
keeping in mind the details of the prompt. Write the Project. Due Friday.
W 12th
F 14th
Continue Essay 4
Discuss the optional texts and each student select
HW: TSIS section 2 (chs 4-7)
Continue Essay 4 discussion
Discuss TSIS chapters
HW: look over the other texts related to your topic and select one or two that
you will use in your analysis of your primary text. Write the project on each
one due Monday.
WK 13 Nov 17-21
Continue Essay 4
M 17
Discuss essay and approach to analysis
 In-class writing on your selected text
 Look over other texts on related topics
 HW: Continue evaluating your primary text in light of your other selected
text(s) and begin planning for your essay rough draft
W 19
Continue Essay 4
 In-class writing—comparing text with text
 HW: Continue evaluating your primary text in light of your other selected
text(s) and begin planning for your essay rough draft.
F 21st
Continue Essay 4
 Discuss essay organization and details
 HW: write a plan for your essay (including the projects of each text) due
Monday. Begin essay 4 rough draft.
WK 14 Nov 24-28
Essay 4 cont.
M 24th
Turn in Essay 4 Plan
 HW: Essay 4 Rough Draft Due Monday
W 26th
F 28th
WK 15 Dec 1-5
M 1st
Essay 4 Rough Draft Due
Essay 4 Rough Draft Due. Peer Reviews
Peer Reviews
HW: Work on Final Draft
No class
HW: Work on Final Draft
No class
WK 16 Dec 8-12
M 8th
W 10
HW: Work on Final Draft
Discuss WPA
Discussion and questions about Essay 4
HW: Finish Final Draft
LAST DAY OF CLASSES Essay 4 Final Draft Due
In-class Writing