Peripheral nervous system



ST 240

Divisions of the nervous system

 Central nervous system (CNS) – the brain and the spinal cord

 Peripheral nervous system (PNS) – external to the brain and spinal cord from their roots to their peripheral terminations.

This includes any plexuses through which the nerve fibers run.

Divisions of the Nervous System

 Spinal nerves - 31 pairs of nerves which carry (send) messages to & from the spinal cord

Spinal Nerve Plexus & Important Nerves


 Any membrane; specifically, one of the membranous coverings of the brain and spinal cord.

 Dura matera tough, fibrous membrane forming the outer covering

 Arachnoidea - A delicate fibrous membrane forming the middle. In life, its smooth external surface is closely applied

(but not attached) to the internal surface of the dura mater, with only a potential space ( subdural space ) intervening.

Between the Arachnoidea and Pia mater is Subarachnoid space

 Pia mater - A delicate vasculated fibrous membrane firmly adherent to the capsule of the brain

 Lumbar puncture -needle puncture made into the subarachnoid space; usually between 3&4 or 4&5 lumbar vertebrae performed for various reasons

Meninges and Related Structures

Indications for neurosurgery

 To remove pathological lesions

 To relieve pressure on brain or spinal cord due to disease or injury

 To relieve pain

 To relieve injured or diseased peripheral nerves

 To treat congenital anomalies

 Carpal tunnel release - decompression of the medial nerve

 Carpal tunnel syndrome -painful disorder of the wrist & hand in which pressure is on the median nerve at the point at which it goes through the carpal tunnel

 Cranial nerve - 12 pairs of nerves which carry messages to & from the brain

Ventricle -one of the cavities of the brain; produces CSF

 Cerebrospinal fluid

(CSF) -watery fluid protecting the brain & spinal cord

 Automatic nerves -that part of the nervous system which represents the motor innervation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and gland cells. It consists of two mutually antagonistic components: the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts

 A-V malformations -thin-walled vascular channels that connect arteries and veins without the usual intervening capillaries; may give rise to intracerebral hemorrhage

 Brain abscess -localized collection of pus in the intracranial region

 Craniosynostosis -premature ossification of the sutures of the skull

 Decompression -the removal of pressure

 Stereotaxis -accurate placement of a probe, needle or electrode in a specific location in the brain

Diagnostic tools

 Digitalized angiography – (Cerebral angiography) - x-ray are taken after injection of a contrast medium into the intracranial vessels, helps visualize aneurysms, tumors, or other vascular lesions

 Echoencephalography -ultrasonic waves used to detect brain tumors; used to detect brain tumors, hematomas, swelling or abscesses

 Pneumoncephalography -air is injected through a lumbar puncture into a subarachnoid space & x-rays are taken to reveal the outline of the ventricular system

 Pericranium -fibrous membrane surrounding the cranium; periosteum of the skull

 Peripheral nerves – nerves which connect the brain or spinal cord with peripheral receptors or effectors

 Sella turcia -a concavity in the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone which houses the pituitary gland

 Pituitary tumor -benign or malignant tumor that presses on the optic chiasm & impairs vision & may cause symptoms of acromegaly

 Meningocele -congenital hernia with the meninges protruding through opening of the skull or spinal column

 Sciatica pain -severe pain in the leg along the course of the sciatic nerve felt at back of thigh running down the inside of the leg

Mechanical methods of hemostasis

 Bone wax

 Scalp clips

 Cottonoids ½” to 2x3

 Monopolar and/or bipolar electrocoagulation

 Ligaclips

Chemical methods of hemostasis

 Oxycel

 Topical thrombin

 Gelfoam

 Surgicel

 Avitene

Special considerations of neurosurgical procedures

 If the patient’s hair is shaved, it is considered part of patient’s personal belongings, bagged & set back to room with patient.

 Surgeon may assist with draping

 Surgical technologist keeps rongeur clean for continued use.

CT Scan depicting Brain Tumor

Craniotomy -incision into the cranium to treat intracranial disorders

Pin Fixation Device Headrests -used to securely position or fixate the skull during a cranial or cervical spine operation


 Surgeon places scalp clips for hemostasis along the outside edge of the incision.

 Scalp flap is turned back & covered with a moist sponge & sterile towel.

 Surgeon strips peritoseum from the bone with periosteal elevator

Raney Scalp Clip Applier

Scalp Clips Placed/Muscle Cut

Bur Holes

 Surgeon makes 2 or more bur holes with either a hand-or-power drill (ANSPACH drill with perforator)

 Technologist must be ready to irrigate the drilling site to counteract heat buildup

& to remove bone dust.

 Surgeon saws skull bone between bur holes with cranial tome

Retractors Placed/Bone Rongeured

 Surgeon separates the dura mater from the bone by a dura separator (Penfield

#3 dissector)

 Surgeon uses rongeur, such as a

Kerrison, to enlarge the bur holes.

 Have bone wax ready

Penfield Dissectors

#1 #2 #3


Surgeon lifts the skull flap off the dura mater with 2 periosteal elevators & controls bleeding with bone wax.

 Skull flap is covered with moist sponge and a sterile towel

& protected in saline moistened sponges into a basin. (bug juice: saline & antibiotic solution)

Dura Opened and Retracted/Cerebellar Hemispheres


 Surgeon grasps dura edges extends the incision with

Metzenbaum scissors.

 At this point, technologist needs to prepare traction sutures on fine needle holders

(dolphin head) Ryder needleholders)

 Surgeon protects brain surface with moist cottonoid strips.

Craniotomy closure

 Surgeon closes dura mater with fine absorbable suture.(4-0 nylon P3 popup)

(possibly 3 pkgs of 8 or more)

 Skull flap is replaced and fixated with plates and screws

 Surgeon removes scalp clips & sutures muscle (Vicryl 2-0 or 0 CT2 or 3 or UR6, subcutaneous tissue), skin - sutures of choice (usu. staples)

Craniotomy closure

 Cranioplasty -repair of a skull defect resulting from trauma, malformation, Or a surgical procedure; involves covering the defect with some type of prosthetic material, such as metal, methyl methacrylate, silicone rubber, or bone & cartilage

 If tumor has grown into bone, cranioplasty is done


 Bur holes (trephination) -Removal of a circular piece (“button”) of cranium

 Remove a collection of fluid beneath the dura mater

 Tap a ventricle to relieve pressure

 Aspirate a brain abscess & instill antibiotics

 Locate & drain a subdural hematoma

Cranio -prefix pertaining to the skull

 Craniectomy incision into the skull

& removal of bone


Subdural Hematoma

 Hematoma -tumor or swelling that contains blood




Circle of Willis

 Intracranial aneurysm localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the skull may be due to a congenital defect or weakness of the wall of vessel

Aneurysm Clips -device placed on an aneurysm to prevent hemorrhage yet allow collateral blood flow

Permanent Clip

Temporary Clip

Clip Applier

Different Types of Aneurysm Clips

Ventriculoatrial Shunt: Hydrocephalus

 Hydrocephalus -increase accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain resulting from an interference with the normal circulation & absorption of the fluid

 Shunt operations -performed to treat hydrocephalus by diverting excessive cerebrospinal fluid from cerebral ventricles to other body cavities where the fluid can be absorbed

Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt

VP shunt : Hydrocephalus

Ventriculoatrial Shunt: Hydrocephalus

Nucleus pulposus - the center cushioning of gelatinous mass lying within an intervertebral disc (or disk)

Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves

 Intractable pain pain that cannot be easily relieved, such, as that occurring from certain neuro plastic invasions EX: herniated disc, lamina expansion)

Spinal Neurosurgical procedures

 Laminectomy -removal of one or more vertebral laminae to expose spinal cord; commonly performed to treat one of the following:

 herniated disc (nucleus pulposus)

 spinal cord tumor

 meningocele

 compression fracture or dislocation

 spinal cord injuries due to trauma

 Lamina -the flattened part of either side of the arch of a vertebra

Lumbar Myelogram with Herniated Disk


 Myleography -contrast medium is injected into the subarachnoid space of the spinal canal to visual a herniated disc, tumor, or other abnormality

 Herniated disc - rupture of the fibrocartilage surrounding an invertebral disc, releasing the nucleus pulposus that cushions the vertebrae above

& below with resulting pressure on the spinal nerve roots & pain

Lumbar Laminectomy

Lumbar Laminectomy, Disectomy

Lumbar Laminectomy, Disectomy

Posterior lumbar discectomy with interbody fusionPLIF

 Excision of one or more herniated lumbar intervertebral discs & the placement of bone grafts between the vertebrae to fuse them together; internal fixation can be implanted; lateral fusion may also be done (

Laminectomy must be done )

Anterior lumbar discectomy with interbody fusion ALIF

 Anterior excision of one or more herniated lumbar intervertebral discs & the placement of bone grafts between the vertebrae to fuse them together; internal fixation can be implanted posteriorly; lateral fusion may also be done

Lateral Cervical X-ray

Removal of anterior cervical disc with fusion – ACD,ACF Excision of one or more herniated cervical intervertebral discs & the placement of bone grafts between the vertebrae to fuse them together


Anterior Cervical Fusion

Anterior Cervical Fusion

Anterior Cervical Fusion

Anterior Cervical Fusion

 An anterior cervical fusion involves 2 operative sites.

 Both operative sites, the neck & iliac crest are prepped & draped. Thyroid drapes at neck folded up above hip.

Lower half of body also draped.

 The bone graft commonly taken from iliac crest

 Surgeon removes disc with pituitary ronguer & fine curettes.
