16 Module 15 - Streams-Wetlands

Rev. 12/2013
Module 15: Streams / Wetlands
Engineering designs, engineering calculations, and stream profiles submitted under this Module must be
certified by a licensed professional engineer.
Stream/Wetland encroachments may also require authorization from the US Army Corps of Engineers
(Corps) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. If this project requires a federal permit, you may be
eligible for a PASPGP-4 authorization or you must file a separate application with the Corps and request a
Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Department.
Does this project require a permit from the Corps?
If no, explain why not.
If yes, complete the applicable portions of Module 15.7.
Complete Module 15.8 when proposed activities qualify for coverage under the PA DEP, Bureau of
Watershed Management - General Permits.
Surface Activities within 100 Feet of a Stream
If surface mining activities, including haul road crossings, are proposed within 100 feet of any intermittent or
perennial stream provide the following information:
The name and location of the stream; and location, length, and acreage disturbed by the proposed
activities (Identify the location of the proposed activities on the Operation Map, Exhibit 9.1 and the
Land Use and Reclamation Maps, Exhibit 18.1.)
A narrative giving a description and the purpose and justification of the proposed activities.
Provide a narrative that demonstrates that no adverse hydrologic impacts, water quality impacts, or
other environmental resources impacts will occur as the result of the varience.
Surface Activities Involving Stream Encroachments and Water Obstructions
Where a stream relocation, channel change, or any other Chapter 105 activity is proposed for surface mining
activities, provide the following information:
The name and location of stream and location and length of the proposed activity. (identify the location
of the proposed activities on the Operation Map, Exhibit 9.1 and the Land Use and Reclamation Maps,
Exhibit 18.1.)
A narrative describing the proposed activity, its purpose, and the reason it is necessary.
A characterization of the resident aquatic community, a description of the riparian vegetation and an
assessment of the probable hydrologic consequences of the proposed activities on the water quality
and quantity, and the resident aquatic communities. Provide the name(s), address(es), and telephone
number(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the collection and analysis of this data and provide a
description of the methodologies used to collect and analyze the data.
A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis which includes:
Data on size, shape and characteristics of the watershed;
The size and frequency of the design storm;
The hydraulic capacity of the proposed replacement channel;
The hydraulic capacity of the stream channel upstream and downstream of the proposed
relocation or channel change.
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A stream profile for the existing and proposed channel for a reasonable distance upstream,
downstream and within the proposed change, showing bed slopes, pool-riffle ratios, normal and flood
water surfaces, and existing obstructions.
A detailed plan and cross sections of the existing and proposed channel upstream, downstream and
within the proposed channel change showing the limits and configuration of the proposed activities,
dimensions, channel linings and normal and flood water surfaces.
A description of the construction methods and sequence including: water handling during construction,
erosion and sedimentation controls, and measures to be taken to prevent adverse impacts to water
quality and quantity, water users and the aquatic communities, and measures for environmental
enhancement if practicable.
A characterization of the existing water quality and quantity of the stream, including downstream water
uses and 25 PA Code Chapter 93 Protection Water Use Classification.
Stormwater Analysis: If a stormwater management plan has been prepared or adopted under the
Stormwater Management Act, an analysis of the project’s impact on the Stormwater Management Plan
and a letter from the county or municipality commenting on the analysis.
Floodplain Management Analysis: If the proposed restoration project is located within a floodway
delineated on a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) map, include an analysis of the
project’s impact on the floodway delineation and water surface profiles and a letter from the
municipality commenting on the analysis.
Risk Assessment: If the stormwater or the floodplain management analysis conducted in 15.2(i) or
15.2(j) indicates increases in peak rates of runoff or flood elevations, include a description of property
or land uses that may be affected and an analysis of the degree of increased risk to life, property and
the environment.
Provide verification that landowner’s consent and permission have been obtained to conduct activities
on private property.
A Resource Characterization. For each stream or stream segment identified in module 15.2(a) or
15.3(a), provide the following pre-mining water resource information:
Is the water resource stocked by the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission?
Is the water resource designated as a Natural Wild or Scenic
River or as part of the Commonwealth’s Scenic Rivers System?
Habitat Assessment: Provide a written narrative discussing the following ecological functions;
food chain production, general habitat (nesting, spawning, rearing, resting, migration, feeding,
escape cover), threatened and endangered species habitat (include PNDI search results),
environmental study areas (sanctuaries, refuges).
Water Quantity and Streamflow. Provide a written narrative discussing the following: natural
drainage patterns, flushing characteristics, current patterns, groundwater discharge for baseflow,
natural recharge areas for groundwater and surface water, storm and floodwater storage and
Water Quality: Provide a written narrative discussing the following: preventing pollution,
sedimentation control, and natural water filtration.
Recreation: Provide a written narrative discussing the following: game species, non-game
species, fishing, hiking, observation (plant/wildlife), or other recreational attributes.
Describe upstream and downstream property uses.
Other environmental factors determined by site investigation.
Provide a discussion of the proposed activity’s impacts on: national, state or local parks, forests or
recreation areas, natural or wilderness areas, national, state, or local historic sites, national natural
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landmarks, national wildlife refuges, cultural or archaeological landmarks, state game lands, federal,
state, local or private plant or wildlife sanctuaries, and prime farmland.
Environmental Impacts: Provide the following information regarding environmental impacts:
A discussion of the proposed activity’s impacts to water resource characteristics listed previously
in Modules 15.2(m)iii) through 15.2(m)viii).
Identify all environmental impacts on other adjacent land and water resources associated with
the planned encroachment activities.
Identify and evaluate the potential cumulative environmental impacts of the proposed activity and
other potential or existing similar activities, and the impacts that may result through numerous
piecemeal changes to the impacted water resource.
Alternatives Analysis: Provide a discussion of any alternatives to implementing the encroachment or
restoration plan(s).
Where a bridge or culvert is proposed provide the following information:
Plans and details showing the location, type, size, and height of the structure.
Calculations showing the hydraulic capacity of the structure.
A profile of the stream bed for a reasonable distance above and below the proposed location
showing normal and flood water surface elevations and backwater effects of the structure.
Cross sections upstream, downstream, and at the proposed location of the structure showing
normal and flood water surface elevations and other topographic features, elevations, etc.,
necessary for an appraisal of the hazard potential of the structure.
A narrative description of the construction methods and sequence including water handling
during construction, and erosion and sedimentation controls.
Indicate if the structure will be temporary or permanent, (include plans for removal of temporary
Surface Activities Affecting Wetlands
(Note: Provide the name, address, and phone number of person(s) conducting the wetland delineation.)
Complete Form 15.3A “Wetland Inventory Summary” to provide inventory and classification information
on all wetlands which occur on or within the permit area of surface mining activity sites or within stream
restoration sites. In completing the form, answer “yes“ or “no“ to the following questions as they
pertain to each wetland.
Exceptional Value Wetland Characteristics
Does the wetlands serve as habitat for flora and fauna listed as
“threatened” or “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, or Wild Resource Conservation Act, Fish and Boat
Code, or Game and Wildlife Code?
Is the wetland hydrologically connected to or located within
½ mile of another wetland that serves as habitat of ”threatened”
or ”endangered” species, and does it serve to maintain the habitat
in that wetland?
Is the wetland located in or along the floodplain of a wild trout
stream (as designated by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
Commission), or the floodplain of a tributary to a wild trout stream?
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Is the wetland located in or along the floodplain of a stream listed
as exceptional value (under Chapter 93) or the floodplain of a tributary
to an exceptional value stream?
Is the wetland within the corridor of a waterway, which has been
designated as a wild or scenic river in accordance with the Wild and
Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 or the PA Scenic Rivers Act?
Is the wetland part of, or located along, an existing public or private
drinking water supply and does it maintain the quality or quantity of
the drinking water supply?
Is the wetland located in an area designated by the Department
as ”natural” or ”wild” area within state forest, game, or park lands?
Is the wetland located in an area designated as a Federal
Wilderness Area under the Wilderness Act or the Federal Eastern
Wilderness Act of 1975?
Is the wetland located in an area designated as a National
Natural Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior under the
Historic Sites Act of 1935?
If a “yes“ response is indicated for any question in (i) through (ix) above, the wetlands would be
“exceptional value“ (as defined in 25 PA Code Section 105.17) and a demonstration must be
made that the requirements of subsection (a) of 25 PA Code Section 105.18(a) have been met.
Wetland Functions
Does the wetland serve natural biological functions, including
food chain production; general habitat; and nesting, spawning,
rearing, or resting sites for aquatic or land species?
Does the wetland provide areas for study of the environment, or
as sanctuaries or refuges?
Does the wetland aid in, or maintain natural drainage
characteristics, natural water filtration processes, current
(flow) patterns, or other environmental characteristics?
Does the wetland serve as a storage area for flood and storm
waters, or does it shield other areas from erosion or storm damage?
Does the wetland provide recharge to local streams that maintains
minimum baseflow?
Does the wetland serve as a prime natural discharge area
where surface water and groundwater are directly connected?
Does the wetland aid in the prevention of pollution?
Is the wetland used for, or does it provide the opportunity to be
used for recreation?
Wetland Impact Analysis/Assessment
Describe the alternatives to the proposed surface mining activities or stream restoration activities that
have been considered to avoid or minimize impacts on wetlands. An alternative analysis should
include alternatives to the proposed surface mining activities, including alternative locations, routings
or designs to avoid adverse impacts on the wetlands (i.e. relocating spoil/topsoil storage areas,
rerouting haul roads).
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Discuss whether any of the alternatives considered in 15.4(a) are practical to achieve the basic
purposes of the project taking into account availability, cost, technology and logistics of the other
possible project sites that would not affect wetlands?
If any wetlands will be directly affected, provide the following:
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Identify the wetland and the areal extent of the impact.
Submit a cross-sectional view showing the wetland and the proposed disturbed area.
Explain how the proposed activities will directly affect the hydrology, functions, and values of the
If the proposed surface mining activities will affect less than one (1.0) acre of wetland and
the wetland is not an exceptional value wetland (in accordance with 25 PA Code Section
105.17), provide a description and probable degree of impact to the wetland functions and
values which will be impacted by the proposed mining activities. NOTE: If a “yes”
response is indicated for any question in 15.3(a)i) through 15.3(a)ix), the wetlands would
be exceptional value (as defined in Section 105.17).
If the proposed surface mining activities will affect one (1.0) or more acres of wetlands or
may affect an exceptional value wetland, provide a detailed assessment of the wetland
functions and values identified in 15.3(a)x) through 15.3(a)xvii). Provide extent or degree
of impact to each function and value.
If any wetlands will be indirectly affected by surface mining activities (e.g. altering the wetland
Identify the wetland and provide an estimate of the total wetland acreage affected. Describe the
functions or values to be impacted and the degree of impact.
Provide a description of how the proposed surface mining activities will indirectly affect the
wetland’s functions and values.
Indicate whether the cumulative impact of the proposed and anticipated surface mining activities result
in a major impairment of the wetland resource in the general area, provide an explanation of the
determination and identify any contacts with state or federal agencies involved in making the
Wetland Mitigation/Replacement.
(Sites where less than 0.5 acres of wetland are affected may qualify for mitigation options provided under the
Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project. Contact the DEP permitting office for details.)
If wetland mitigation measures or wetland replacements are proposed, address the following items:
Identify the wetlands where mitigation measures will be employed, wetlands that will be
replaced, and sites where replacement wetlands will be constructed along with the respective
area of each.
Provide a plan for mitigation/replacement following the guidelines in the DEP’s Technical
Guidance Document, “363-0300-001”, “Design Criteria for Wetlands Replacement.” This
guidance can be found on the Department’s eLibrary.
Show all affected wetlands, mitigation areas, and replacement sites on the Operation Map,
Exhibit 9.1; and, in addition, show replacement sites on the Land Use and Reclamation Maps,
Exhibit 18.1.
Provide a comparison of the wetlands functions and values of the current vs. replacement
wetland acreage. In the case of mitigation, a comparison of the known wetlands functions and
values and degree of impact to each must be compared to the functions and values of the
proposed mitigation site when completed. This comparison of “currently existing” to “probable
replacement” allows for a basis of the 1:1 replacement ratio.
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At a minimum, wetland replacement must be at a 1:1 ratio (replacement acres: affected acres),
although the Department may require the ratio to exceed 1:1 based on the functions and values
of the wetlands to be affected.
Wetland replacement sites will generally not be approved unless the site is located within the same general
area as the existing wetland to be replaced.
Underground Mining Stream Impact Evaluation / Restoration
Under certain conditions, surface restoration activities may be necessary to avoid impacts to water uses and
rectify subsidence-related effects of underground mining beneath streams. These plans typically include
Chapter 105 in-stream encroachment activities. Where impact predictions under Module 8.9 and 8.10
indicate the need to perform surface restoration activities, provide the following information. Provide a
separate Module 15.6 for each named stream. Unnamed tributaries to named streams may be included in
the same Module 15.6 as the named stream.
Where information is required to be shown on Exhibit 6.3, a separate Exhibit 15.6, “Plan Map” of
appropriate scale and equivalent information may be substituted.
Types of Impacts.
Provide the name and location of each impacted stream and describe predicted or anticipated impacts
to the streams due to undermining. Describe potential restoration measures and the general areas in
which they may be used, including pooled stream restoration, stream dewatering restoration, and
minor stream restoration.
Pooled Stream Flow Evaluation / Restoration.
Provide pre-mining stream profiles showing the extents of all riffles, pools, glides and runs.
Profiles must be developed from survey information accurate within 1.0 foot. Submit profiles
scaled at a minimum: horizontal 1” = 50’ and vertical 1” = 10’. Key the stream stationing to the
Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3. Identify the profiles as “Exhibit 15.6(b)ii) – Stream
Provide subsidence prediction information, including all documentation and calculations from
subsidence prediction models. Show the post-mining stream profiles on Exhibit 15.6(b)ii).
Provide an analysis and description of the extent of post-mining pooled areas based on a
comparison of pre-mining and post-mining profiles. Show the post-mining pooled areas on the
Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3, and Exhibit 15.6(b)ii).
Provide a general description of restoration measures if the analysis in Module 15.6(b)iii)
indicates pool depths will increase by less than 1.0 foot.
Provide a plan for mitigating the effects of mining induced pooling if the analysis in Module
15.6(b)iv) indicates pool depths will increase by 1.0 foot or more. The plan should be designed
to address mining induced changes before they rise to the level of adverse effects and, where
practical, should include measures to enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat. The plan must
include the following:
A post-mining evaluation plan, in accordance with Technical Guidance Document
A description of the proposed restoration activities and the time frame in which the
activities will occur. Describe the effect of the restoration activities on public health and
The location of proposed restoration areas. Show the extents of restoration areas on the
Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3.
Photographs of pre-mining stream conditions along the restoration area. Reference the
photograph locations on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3.
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Post-restoration stream profiles; include on Exhibit 15.6(b)ii).
Stream cross-section(s) at minimum 100-foot intervals along the restoration area. The
cross-section(s) must be at a scale of 1” = 10’ or larger. Key the cross-section(s) to the
stationing on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3.
An erosion and sedimentation control plan for the restoration activities that includes: a
description of the activities, structures, best management practices, water handling plans,
construction typicals, and implementation methods that will be utilized throughout all
phases of the restoration.
Post restoration stream channel erosion protection and substrate restoration.
A reclamation plan for areas disturbed by restoration activities, including: regrading,
revegetation, and environmental enhancement. Include plans for riparian area plantings.
(10) Depict wetland boundaries on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3 within the
limits of the restoration project in accordance with Technical Guidance Document
“563-2000-655”. Provide a schedule and procedure for the submission of Module Items
15.3, 15.4, and 15.5 before restoration work commences.
(11) A description of the measures that will be used to prevent adverse water quality impacts
during restoration activities.
(12) A plan for evaluating the success of the restoration. At a minimum, the plan should
provide for biological sampling to document that the macroinvertebrate community has
recovered to its pre-mining condition, and substrate evaluations (e.g., Wolman Pebble
Counts) to document that the substrate is not being blanketed by fine sediment.
Stream Dewatering Restoration.
Where mining plans have the potential to cause mining induced flow loss, but do not pose a high
probability of causing flow loss, provide a mitigation plan describing all aspects of restoration
work needed to restore stream flow to the normal range of conditions. (NOTE: Should mining
induced flow loss occur, site-specific plans, including required information in 15.6(c)ii) and
15.6(d), must be submitted and approved before restoration work commences.)
Where mining plans are predicted to result in mining induced flow loss in specific areas and
Chapter 105 activities are proposed to restore flow, provide the following:
A description of the proposed restoration activities and the time frame in which the
activities will occur.
A description of the effect of restoration activities on public health and safety.
A description of the location of specific areas predicted for stream dewatering. Show the
extents of predicted dewatering areas on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3.
All necessary supporting data (calculations, manufacturer’s specifications, typical
drawings, etc.) for the proposed restoration measures.
Pre and post-mining, and post-restoration stream profiles (if not submitted in
Section 15.6(b)(ii). Profiles must be developed from survey information accurate within
1.0 foot. Submit profiles scaled at a minimum: horizontal 1” = 50’ and vertical 1” = 10’.
Key stream stationing to the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3. Identify the
profiles as “Exhibit 15.6(c)(ii)(6) – Stream Profiles.”
Photographs of pre-mining stream conditions along the restoration area. Reference the
locations of the photographs on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3.
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Stream cross-sections at minimum 100-foot intervals along the restoration area. Indicate
the limits of stream channel disturbance. Cross-section scale must be at a scale of 1” =
10’ or larger. Key the cross-sections to stream stationing on the Environmental Resource
Map, Exhibit 6.3.
An erosion and sedimentation control plan for the restoration site that includes: a
description of the activities, structures, best management practices, water handling plans,
construction typicals and implementation methods that will be utilized throughout all
phases of the restoration.
Post restoration steam channel erosion protection and substrate restoration.
(10) A reclamation plan for areas disturbed by restoration activities, including: regrading,
revegetation, and environmental enhancement. Include plans for riparian area plantings.
(11) Depict wetland boundaries on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3 within the
limits of the restoration project in accordance with Technical Guidance Document
563-2000-655. Provide a schedule and procedure for the submission of Modules Items
15.3, 15.4, and 15.5 before restoration work commences.
(12) A description of the measures that will be used to prevent adverse water quality impacts
during restoration activities.
Chapter 105 Requirements for Pooled Stream Flow Restoration and Stream Dewatering Restoration
should include the following information:
Verification that the public notification required in Module 2 was completed.
A characterization of the resident aquatic community, a description of the riparian vegetation and
an assessment of the probable hydrologic consequences of the proposed activities on the water
quality and quantity, and the resident aquatic communities.
The name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the
collection and analysis of this data and provide a description of the methodologies used to
collect and analyze the data.
A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis which includes:
Data on size, shape and characteristics of the watershed;
The size and frequency of the design storm;
The hydraulic capacity of the proposed replacement channel;
The hydraulic capacity of the stream channel upstream and downstream of the proposed
relocation or channel change.
Stormwater Analysis: If a stormwater management plan has been prepared or adopted under
the Stormwater Management Act, an analysis of the project’s impact on the Stormwater
Management Plan and a letter from the county or municipality commenting on the analysis.
Floodplain Management Analysis: If the proposed restoration project is located within a
floodway delineated on a FEMA map, include an analysis of the project’s impact on the floodway
delineation and water surface profiles and a letter from the municipality commenting on the
Risk Assessment: If the stormwater or the floodplain management analysis conducted in 15.6(d)
or 15.6(d)4) indicates increases in peak rates of runoff or flood elevations, include a description
of property or land uses that may be affected and an analysis of the degree of increased risk to
life, property and the environment.
Provide verification that landowner’s consent and permission have been obtained to conduct
activities on private property.
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Resource Characterization: For each stream or stream segment identified in module 15.6(a),
provide the following pre-mining water resource information:
Is the water resource stocked by the Pa. Fish and Boat Commission?
Is the water resource designated as a Natural Wild or Scenic
River or as part of the Commonwealth’s Scenic Rivers System?
Habitat Assessment: Provide a written narrative discussing the following ecological
functions; food chain production, general habitat (nesting, spawning, rearing, resting,
migration, feeding, escape cover), threatened and endangered species habitat (include
PNDI search results), environmental study areas (sanctuaries, refuges).
Water Quantity and Streamflow: Provide a written narrative discussing the following:
natural drainage patterns, flushing characteristics, current patterns, groundwater discharge
for baseflow, natural recharge areas for groundwater and surface water, storm and
floodwater storage and control.
Water Quality: Provide a written narrative discussing the following: preventing pollution,
sedimentation control, and natural water filtration.
Recreation: Provide a written narrative discussing the following: game species, non-game
species, fishing, hiking, observation (plant/wildlife), or other recreational attributes.
Describe upstream and downstream property uses.
Other environmental factors determined by site investigation.
Provide a discussion of the proposed activity’s impacts on: national, state or local parks, forests
or recreation areas, natural or wilderness areas, national, state, or local historic sites, national
natural landmarks, national wildlife refuges, cultural or archaeological landmarks, state game
lands, federal, state, local or private plant or wildlife sanctuaries, and prime farmland.
Environmental Impacts: Provide the following information regarding environmental impacts:
Include a discussion of the proposed activity’s impacts to water resource characteristics
listed in paragraph ix, above.
Identify all environmental impacts on other adjacent land and water resources associated
with the planned encroachment activities.
Identify and evaluate the potential cumulative environmental impacts of the proposed
activity and other potential or existing similar activities, and the impacts that may result
through numerous piecemeal changes to the impacted water resource.
Alternatives Analysis:
Provide a discussion of any alternatives to implementing the
encroachment or restoration plan(s).
Minor stream restoration activities should include the following information:
(Note: Minor stream restoration activities could include: streambed deformation restoration, streambed
sealing, streambed grouting, stream channel enhancement structures, etc.)
A post-mining evaluation procedure for the proposed restoration activities.
A description of the location of the streambed restoration area(s) (if known).
restoration areas on the Environmental Resource Map, Exhibit 6.3.
Restoration plans that should include the following information:
Show the
A general description of the proposed restoration activities and the time frame in which the
activities will occur. Describe the effect of the restoration activities on public health and
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A general cross-section of the restoration area.
An erosion and sedimentation control plan for the restoration activities that includes a
description of the activities, structures, best management practices, water handling plans,
construction typicals and implementation methods that will be utilized throughout all
phases of the restoration.
Post restoration stream channel erosion protection and substrate restoration.
A reclamation plan for areas disturbed by restoration activities, including: regrading,
revegetation, and environmental enhancement. Include plans for riparian area plantings.
A description of the measures that will be used to prevent adverse water quality impacts
during restoration activities.
A post-mitigation Stream Delineation and Bioassessment Summary (Form 8.8B), a
Quantitative Multi-Habitat Bioassessment of Diverse Community (Form 8.8C), and a
Biometric and Total Biological Score Summary (Form 8.8D), must be submitted to
evaluate all areas requiring minor stream restoration.
United States Army Corp of Engineers Permits
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) authorizes a Pennsylvania State Programmatic
General Permit – 4 (PASPGP-4) when there will be a discharge of dredged or fill materials, or the
placement of both temporary and/or permanent structures, which individually or cumulatively result in
impacts to 1.0 acre or less of waters including wetlands. The information submitted under this section
will be forwarded to the Corps as a PASPGP-4 / Category III activity for review. The Commonwealth
has issued 401 Water Quality Certification for projects eligible under PASPGP – 4.
Have you completed and attached the “PASPGP-4 Cumulative Impacts Project
Screening Form (3150-PM-BWEW0050)” and supporting documents listed below
to this module?
Note: The applicant must attach an additional copy of the following information, which will be
forwarded to the appropriate Corps District:
PASPGP-4 Cumulative Impact Project Screening Form (3150-PM-BWEW0050)
Exhibit 6.1 Location Map,
Exhibit 6.2 Environmental Resource Map,
Exhibit 9 Operations Map,
Exhibit 18 Land Use / Reclamation Map, and
A CD or DVD containing any exhibits that are larger than 8 ½ by 11 inches. (saved in a
.pdf form).
Module 1: Application for Bituminous Underground Mine, Coal Preparation Plant and/or Coal
Refuse Disposal Area.
Module 15 (including all drawings submitted with the module and Form - 15A, Request for
Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Certification For Mining / Coal Refuse Disposal
Endangered Species Act /Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory correspondence.
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission correspondence (Section 106 coordination).
Note: If the site has been identified as a high probability or known archeological site, the Corps
will require a Phase I survey.
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If there will be a discharge of dredged or fill materials, or the placement of both temporary and/or
permanent structures, which individually or cumulatively result in impacts to more than 1.0 acre of
waters including wetlands, or such activities are otherwise ineligible for a PASPGP-4, the Corps may
require an individual permit in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
Have you submitted an “Individual Permit” to the Corps?
If yes, you must also complete Form 15A to request a 401 certification from the Department.
General Permits – Water Obstruction and Encroachments
Please check the appropriate box for each General Permit submitted with this application.
New Permit
Transfer or Existing Permit
Type of General Permit:
GP- 1: Fish Habitat Enhancement Structures
GP- 2: Small Docks & Boat Launching Ramps
Private recreational dock
Public access facility
Public service facility
Other private or commercial facility
GP- 3: Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Protection, and Gravel Bar Removal
GP- 4: Intake and Outfall Structures
GP- 5: Utility Line Stream Crossing
GP- 6: Agricultural Crossings & Ramps
GP- 7: Minor Road Crossings
GP- 8: Temporary Road Crossings
GP- 9: Agricultural Activities
GP-10: Abandoned Mine Reclamation
GP-11: Maintenance, Testing, Repair, Rehabilitation, or Replacement of Water Obstructions and
GP-15: Private Residential Construction in Wetlands
The “Application for Transfer of Permit1/ and Submerged Lands License Agreement” (3150-PM-BWEW0016)
may be required when submitting a general permit.
The General Permit application(s) must include, but are not be limited to the following contents for each proposed
surface mining activity.
A description of the category of each dam, water obstruction, or encroachment covered by the general
permit, including all exceptions to that category.
Identify all watersheds, streams, or geographic areas within the general permit area.
A set of standardized specifications or plans for the particular category of dam, water obstruction or
encroachment or a reference to specific criteria and requirements adopted by another Federal or State
agency which adequately regulates the particular category of dam, water obstruction or encroachment.
A set of conditions governing the construction, operation, maintenance, inspection and monitoring of
the projects covered by the general permit as are necessary to assure compliance with the act,
Chapter 105 and other laws administered by the Department, the Fish and Boat Commission and a
river basin commission created by interstate compact.
The correct fee(s) for each General Permit submitted.
General Permit registration requirements established by the Department.
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FORM 15A - Request for Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Certification For
Mining / Coal Refuse Disposal Activities
General requirements: A mining or coal refuse disposal activity that involves encroachment into a stream or
wetland requires a DEP mining activity permit and a US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) permit issued pursuant
Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act (FWPCA). An applicant proposing this type of activity must file a state
mining activity permit application with the DEP district mining office and a separate federal permit application with the
Corps district office.
Need for a Section 401 certification: As a matter of coordination, the Corps district office will not issue the federal
Section 404 permit until DEP issues an Individual Water Quality Certification pursuant to Section 401 of the FWPCA,
certifying that the activity will comply with the provisions of sections 301-303, 306 and 307 of the FWPCA and will not
violate applicable federal and state water quality standards. The DEP district mining office issues this certification
based on the information presented in the state permit application, public comments received with respect to the
state permit application, and consultation with the Corps district office in regard to the federal permit application.
To ensure timely processing of both state and federal permit applications, the applicant is encouraged to:
Contact the Corps district office to determine if a Section 404 permit is required for the proposed activity, and
what type of permit is needed (an individual permit or nationwide permit).
Complete and submit this form with the state mining activity permit application to the DEP district mining
Application No.
Operation Name
Section 1: Corps Determination:
This project requires 401 certification for:
An individual 404 permit
Modification to an existing 404 permit
Authorization to operate under Nationwide Permit No.
Section 2: Activity Description:
Please describe the activities that are the subject of this request:
If the scope of activities (including any mitigation to be performed as compensation for the unavoidable impacts of fill
placement) proposed under the federal permit application is the same as the scope of activities proposed under the
state permit application, check here
and provide the application number assigned by the Corps
and the date on which the application was filed
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If the scope of activities described under the federal permit application differs from the scope of activities described
under the state permit application, attach a copy of the federal permit application.
Note that any substantial revisions required as part of the federal application review process must be provided to the
DEP district mining office.
Section 3: Signature(s)
I (am the applicant) (am an officer of the applicant) (have the authority to file a Section 404 application for this
project) and certify that the plans, reports and documents submitted as part of the application are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. (Note: Cross out inapplicable portions in parenthesis).
Signature of Applicant or Responsible Official
Name (typed)
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Permit No.:
Operation Name:
Surface Site
Provide a positive (Y) or negative response (N) to each question under 15.3 (a) as it applies to each wetland.
(Column numbers correspond to question numbers).
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