YMCA of Regina Strategic Plan June 2013 YMCA Regina Strategy Map Mission : We are a charitable association, open to all, dedicated to enriching our community and individuals at every stage of life Vision: We will strive to be the premier values-based builder of health, leadership and personal development Values: Honesty Caring Respect Responsibility Inclusiveness Strategic Destination: May 2013 External Directions: Inspire Happy Healthy Lives Increase Our Community Impact Our Community Outcomes We build healthy communities by delivering excellent programs and services… C1 Improve individual & community capacity Excel at Processes EP1 Decrease Barriers to access effectively and efficiently leveraging our resources. EP2 Improve positioning as a charity EP3 Increase quality of programs & Services EP4 Enhance Culture of Philanthropy Improve Operational Excellence Internal Directions: through inspired and committed people… C3 Strengthen Child Development C2 Build Healthier People Committed to People, Learning and Leadership P1. Increase, develop and train volunteers P2. Improve staff engagement and culture P3. Improve Productivity and Staff Competencies P4. Board Governance Smart Stewardship S1. Asset investment & renewal S2. Improve business processes S3. Strengthen Financial sustainability S4. Improving risk management C1 Improve individual & community capacity Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Regina communities support youth and their families to be healthy and socially responsible contributing members of their communities. The YMCA of Regina does this by being a trusted provider of employment, leadership, social and personal development programs. Increasing math & reading scores VY Grade 1 and 3 will increase reading scores (on average)by 60% and math scores by 30% Increase in social support for youth Youth will find secure sustainable employment 95% of referred students will complete their stay with the program 66% of youth participants will find employment after completing program 8% of youth participants will return to school Engaged Community Partners for homelessness one additional funding partner for HPS 60% increase in community partners C2 Build Healthier People Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Regina citizens are involved in healthy, values-based programming and make healthy active choices. Improve Membership Retention scores 70% quarterly retention rate Increase physical activity with youth and their families 70% of youth participants and their families are adding physical activity to their lives Increase of perceived health 70% of participants regularly (3 times a week) attend HF program 50% of participants feel that their health has improved C3 Strengthen Child Development Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Children have access to YMCA Childcare programs whereby they discover learning through creative and active play. Increase in pre-school literacy rate 60% of participants will increase word use Increase physical activity for kinders & school age 70% of youth participants and their families are adding physical activity to their lives EP1 Decrease Barriers to access Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Decrease barriers to access for all programs and services for both existing and potential new clients. Includes financial, location, physical, psychological, process, systems, services, retention, etc. New Comers regularly attend the YMCA to practice swimming skills (Open Door Society) 15% increase in Adult swimming registration Youth with disabilities are actively participating in programs on social skills and physical health 60% of participants increase level of interaction with peers, staff and other members of the community Members with special needs gain knowledge of physical activity and healthy lifestyle 80% of participants are more physically active Convenient program registration 80% of participants will show the ability to properly use fitness equipment Community feels the YMCA is accessible to everyone regardless of financial standing 60% of participants independently regularly (3 times a week) participate in HF programs 70% of participants complete lesson and practice swimming on their own 10 - 15% online program EP2 Improve positioning Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: The YMCA of Regina is recognized as a leader in the community, a sought after partner & recognized as a worthy charity. Increase awareness of the YMCA has a charity 5% increase in donations Through enhanced communications processes that emphasizes our vision & mission, the community appreciates and understand the positive impact of YMCA programs & services. Community recognizes that all YMCA activities are charitable. 25% increase in donation when membership is purchased 80% of members and participants know that YMCA is a charity 100% of staff know that YMCA is a charity 65% of members and participants feel that the YMCA has a positive impact on community and individuals EP3 Increase quality of programs & Services Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Programs are impact driven, effective and meet the needs of participants, the expected goals & desired outcomes. All YMCA programs are reflective and have an impact on and meet the needs of participants and community 100% of strategic logic models have completed evaluation processes We do this through developing an impact business case for each program & service and evaluating our outcomes. Membership experience (specific to health and social outcomes) are above national average 60% of members state that the YMCA has an impact on themselves or their community 5 BAU programs are identified and are evaluated for impact and quality 90% of staff are trained in SAM increase in 10% on association SAM/EYE score on satisfaction and outcome measure YMCA Childcare Programs are interactive, created around goals and have outcomes which are developmentally appropriated and educational 80% of staff are trained in Play to Learn increase of 10% on association score on Play to Learn Audit EP4 Enhance Culture of Philanthropy Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: The YMCA of Regina is committed to creating a culture of philanthropy through education, opportunities and partnerships. Members and participants feel that it is beneficial to give to a charity and want to volunteer their time to help out a charity 10% increase in member donation to a charity Our members, participants, and community appreciates and participates in philanthropic activities. YMCA Staff and Board members demonstrate fundraising best practices and are successful fundraisers who educate and motivate others 70% of members and staff feel that donating to charities is important 10% of members have charities in their wills 3 staff and 2 board members attend NAYDO or other fundraising educational opportunities P1 Increase, develop and train Volunteers Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: The YMCA is seen as a worthy charity to volunteer for; where by volunteers feel supported and are given adequate training. Volunteers are recognized as helping our community grow stronger Members choose to volunteer for the YMCA and have a quality volunteering experience Volunteer satisfaction increase by 20% Volunteers and their skill development is tracked 80% of volunteers attend one training event/year 10% increase in philanthropy volunteers 80% of volunteers have a profile on YMCA HR system – 100% of Volunteers have valid criteria P2 Improve employee engagement & culture Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: YMCA has a culture of teamwork - healthy, happy place to work . Staff are satisfied, engaged and have ownership over their work and work outcomes. Childcare staff feel engaged and apart of the YMCA A decrease of 10% in childcare sick time used 70% of childcare staff feel that they can solve problems on their own YMCA staff are engaged and feel ownership over their work 60% of staff attend town hall meetings 75% of staff feel that they have ownership over their work 65% of staff feel like their opinions are valued P3 Improve Productivity and Staff Competencies Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: The right people, doing the right job, in the right way, at the right time. We ensure staff receive appropriate training to provide quality programs and services with timely and appropriate feedback. Each YMCA department has standardized performance review policies and procedures 80% of full time staff have training goals outlined in their yearly performance review YMCA staff are given opportunities for training 85% of YMCA Directors and Senior Directors attend association training Staff are aware that they have an HR management team and know where to access information regarding YMCA policies and procedures 100% of YMCA policies and procedures are accessible to staff 80% of Directors and Senior Directors feel that they are supported when it comes to making HR decisions P4 Board Governance Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Board to articulate the definition. Review Bylaws & constitution Attendance Policy Activities: • Renewing Constitution & Bylaws •Board evaluations, attendance, etc •Board structure & committees •Board Governance Board Recruitment & training Annual Evaluation & improvement Plan Committee structure Philanthropy development YMCA Canada Audit S1 Asset investment & renewal Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: The YMCA is greener, energy efficient ; and engages in prudent preventative maintenance, continual safety management, and wise capital investments. The YMCA is greener and more efficient YMCA 25% decrease in natural gas usage by Aug 2014 10 % decrease in towel usage The YMCA has a Preventative maintenance plan 10% decrease in fitness machine downtime 100% of toilets, showers and sinks will have recorded inspections The YMCA has a 5 yr Capital development plan (2012 - 2017) 50% of Capital Development plan is complete S2 Improve business processes Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: YMCA processes and systems are effective and efficient. YMCA has effective data on membership and program registration 10% new membership data for analysis YMCA engages in continuous process of improvement to leverage and maximize the use of its resources. E.g. •IT services •HR processes and system •Accounting processes •Membership and fundraising systems •Business process collaboration e.g. with other YMCA YMCA partners with other SK YMCA's to have efficient business processes Dev business plan for potential cost saving over 5 yr S3 Strengthen Financial sustainability Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: Generate revenue to sustain quality programs and services. Build funding sources to sustain the viability of the YMCA services and infrastructure. Partners recognize the YMCA as a potential partners and Corporate businesses donate to the YMCA 10% increase in partnership discussions Through: • Donors • Grants • Funding partners • Services/programs revenues 80% of partners feel the YMCA is a worthwhile partner Members include the YMCA in their Wills and Estates planning and view us as a charity 15 new Heritage Club members Membership and program revenue is sustainable Membership and program revenue increased by 4% S4 Improving risk management Definition: Intended Result: Measurement: YMCA has a enterprise risk management (ERM) program that indentifies potential risks and establishes strategies to mitigate risk. YMCA has a Risk management registry Improvement of top 3-5 priority risks decided by Board / Management YMCA meets YMCA Canada child protection registry 100% compliance for 2014 Imagine Canada Accreditation 50% of standards completed for 2014 This includes a risk registry of the key areas of risk and the risk the YMCA has prioritized to work on.