Review from yesterday! Review Match • Seismologist • Seismograph • Seismogram (1) (2) (3) Let’s compare: NB and BC seismographic activity • Seismograph recordings in NB Compare to… • Seismograph recordings in SW BC How do we read the _________________________? What types of waves are measured by the seismograph? Let’s see! wave Wave! • Seismic wave (energy!) • A wave produced when Earth’s plates release energy (earthquake). We can not see these waves, only the effect on their surroundings. 3 main seismic waves Body waves P waves S waves L waves Surface Wave A. Which waves are the smallest? B. Which ones cause the most damage? C. Which waves travel the fastest? Let’s find out! (P) Primary wave (or longitudinal wave) •1st wave •Fastest wave •Can travel through solids/liquids/ gases. (S) Secondary Wave (or transverse wave) • Next waves after P waves (slower) • Move Up and Down OR side to side (like a snake) • Can move through solids. (L) Love Waves or Surface Waves • Travel along surface of Earth • Slowest waves • Cause the most damage •Let’s try making waves online! Can you make P, S and L waves? Can we use a slinky to create body waves? Body waves are….. P and S waves! Use this chart to write down your information. Use the slinky in class or online to draw a picture. A. Which waves are the smallest? B. Which ones cause the most damage? C. Which waves travel the fastest? Answer time! A. P waves B. L waves (slower, longer) C. P waves • Animation of an Earthquake. Notice how fast the different waves travel AND the seismogram readings at the different seismograph locations! • Can you locate an earthquake using information from 1 seismograph? (hint – look at the link above)