St. Petersburg branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher professional education “National research University “Higher school of Economics” Faculty of management The program of the discipline in English language "Management" for directions 081100.62 “State and municipal management” Level of training –bachelor The program for the 2nd part of the course The author of the program: Rudchenko V.N., Ph.D. associate professor,, Approved by the Board of the faculty of management " "___________2014 Approved by the Chairman Council of the faculty management " "___________2014 A. A. Kaisarov _______________ Saint - Petersburg. 2014 This program cannot be used by other units of the University and other higher educational institutions without permission of the department of developer. 1. Field of application and normative references This program of the discipline “Management” establishes minimum requirements for student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and the types of training sessions and reporting. The program is designed for teachers, leading this discipline, teaching assistants and students of the direction 081100.62 “State and municipal management” The program is developed in compliance with: • Educational standard of Federal State Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research University “Higher school of Economics” according to its category "national research University" in the direction of training 081100.62 “State and municipal management”. Level of training: Bachelor • Educational program 080200 (2012). • Working curriculum of the University 081100.62 “State and municipal management” approved in 2013. 2. The purpose of learning the discipline: The purpose of learning the discipline "Management" is a formation of the system of knowledge, skills and practical skills, that is necessary to manage a modern organization at different levels of management, and develop the ability and readiness to adequately and effectively use on the way of achieving the development goals of the organization. 3. The competence of the learner, formed as a result of this discipline development As a result of the discipline development the student should know: • aims and subject of study for the basic sections of the course " Management; • main categories of discipline " Management; • main stages of management development as a science and profession; • main trends and schools of management, the reasons for their selection; • domestic and foreign experience in the field of the enterprise management; • the roles, functions and tasks of the Manager in the modern organization; • trends in the development of forms and methods of management under the modern conditions of managing. • modern and classical literature on the discipline subject. be able to: • use the terminology of course with theoretical issues; • orient and assess the situation in accordance with different conditions of external and internal environment; • evaluate the effectiveness of management decisions; • set goals and formulate the tasks associated with the implementation of professional duties; • planning and organization departments; • identify economic problems in the analysis of concrete situations, offer ways of their solutions, and to assess the expected results; have skills: • use of management theories in practice depending on the current situation and long-term prospects; • assessment of the organizational environment; • realize administrative functions; • build an internal information system organizations to collect information for decision making, planning and control; • analytically evaluate own behavior and the competitor one under the different market situations. As a result of development of the discipline the student learns the following competences: Компетенция Способен оценивать потребность в ресурсах и планировать их использование при решении задач в профессиональной деятельности Способен критически оценивать и переосмыслять накопленный опыт (собственный и чужой), рефлексировать профессиональную и социальную Формы и методы обучения, Дескрипторы – основные Код по способствующие признаки освоения (показатели НИУ формированию и развитию достижения результата) компетенции СК-Б4 Студент способен осуществлять Репродуктивные, подбор, разработку и индикативные и использование методов и дедуктивные методы инструментов исследования и организации и анализа. осуществления учебной деятельности; самостоятельная работа СК-9 В результате студент приобретает навыки по выявлению актуальных проблем и тенденций в области управления Активные, интерактивные и репродуктивные методы организации и осуществления учебнопознавательной деятельности; деловых и ролевых игр Компетенция деятельность Способен осуществлять поиск, сбор, первичную обработку и хранение статистических данных, иной информации, необходимых для решения поставленных задач. Способен принимать участие в подготовке обобщающих аналитических материалов (докладов, отчётов, рекомендаций, записок и др.). Способен использовать современные управленческие технологии. Код НИУ Формы и методы обучения, Дескрипторы – основные по способствующие признаки освоения (показатели формированию и развитию достижения результата) компетенции ИК-Б2 Приобретаются навыки формирования организационной структуры управления организациями и сетей бизнес-процессов организаций Репродуктивные, индикативные и дедуктивные методы организации и осуществления учебной деятельности; самостоятельная работа ИК-Б6 Приобретаются навыки поиска и оценки новых рыночных возможностей, разработки бизнес-моделей Деловая игра, методы групповой дискуссии, публичной презентации; разбора конкретных ситуаций, лекции, семинары, домашние задания. ИК-Б9 Приобретаются навыки поиска, Репродуктивные, сбора и анализа информации по индикативные и теме исследования дедуктивные методы организации и осуществления учебной деятельности; самостоятельная работа 4. Place of discipline in the structure of educational programs This discipline relates to a cycle of professional disciplines and disciplines, providing for basic training. The study of this discipline is based on the following disciplines: The discipline "Management" refers to a basic part of general scientific subjects, which provides training of bachelors in a direction “State and municipal management”. The discipline "Management" is toughed for the 1 course in the 4th module and for the 2nd course in the 1st module. The discipline "Management" en English language is toughed for the second part of the course - 2nd course students in the 1st module. In the course reveals the role of management and its basic concepts, principles for the formulation of a vision, objectives and strategy development; discusses the procedures of analysis of the general situation in the industry and analysis of the organizational environment; the process of strategy implementation is studied. Discipline is intended to ensure the development of bachelors basic management skills and adopt the competent managerial decisions. For the understanding of educational disciplines, students should have acquired the following knowledge and skills: For the discipline understanding the student should: • Successfully terminated the course “Management”, courses of the bachelor basic training: "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Psychology". •To have the skills of active perception and discussion lecturing material, to work independently with the specialized literature in Russian and English languages, to make self-management decisions, to develop analytical skills in applying management models in the solution of tasks, to be capable to create a presentation of results, to participate in team work. The main content of this discipline should be used further in the study of the following disciplines: "Strategic management"; "Innovative management"; "Marketing"; Research seminar. Term paper, diploma work 5. Thematic plan of discipline Part 2 of the course (2d course, 1st module ) Section name № 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total hours Classroom hours Semina Lecture rs s Independ ent work Theme 1. The modern concept of management Theme 2. The organizational environment Topic 3. Planning in management Theme 4. The organizational structure of enterprises Theme 5. The concept of organization life cycle Theme 6. Leadership in organization Theme 7. Management through motivation Preparation for the seminars 13 15 21 16 2 4 6 6 2 4 2 2 8 8 8 8 19 8 2 8 16 16 10 3 3 2 2 8 8 12 Essay TOTAL 48 108 32 16 32 60 6. Control’s forms: Control forms for the second part of the course: The control type Control’s forms Current Control work Referat Intermediate Final exam 2d part of the course 1 2 3 4 Department * management management * management management Parameters** 12-16 sheets of English printed text (application: drawings, paintings, graphics are not included in total). Presentation in PowerPoint Writing test in LMS system. Test consists of 25 questions for 40 minutes 6.1. Criteria of knowledge estimation At the current control student must demonstrate: • knowledge of theoretical issues in the field of strategic management. • theoretical background to solve practical problems; • knowledge of the basic objectives of the course and its relationship with the other studied disciplines. • consolidate the basic methods of solving practical tasks; • mastering by the students a deeper and contingency managerial situations encountered on practice; • theoretical studies are taught in a lecture course; • implement the rules of planning, organization and control of management processes in the company; Current and intermediate control of course takes in the form of work, based on individual assignments, student’s survey, carrying out the essay, independent work and individual testing. Assessment on all forms of the current control are set on a 10-point scale. At the final control stage students should demonstrate: • study and analysis the specific professional literature and manuals; • independent study and elaboration of the additional issues and topics under the study discipline; • knowledge of the development tendencies in the tourism management, interaction of economic processes and their social content with emphasis on tourism; • modern methods of socio-economic diagnostics used in tourism; • study of the recommended and additional literature for the course; • passing test on discipline. To assess student’s knowledge and skills used the following set of processes: The process №1. The monitoring lectures and practical classes attendance; The process №2. Assessment of student work in each of lectures and practical exercises (answers to the questions of the teacher, individual and group work, and so on); The process №3. Evaluation of the results and answers to the theoretical questions in the work; The process №4. Evaluation of the results to the correctness of calculations, scientific value, practical relevance and innovation of the abstract; The process №5. Assessment of individual knowledge and group work in the course in case studies and business s games; The process №6. Evaluation of training presentation skills public speaking skills and discussions; The process №7. Assessment of preparation quality and presentation of reports on relevant for management topics. Final control of knowledge in the form of the exam, taking into account the cumulative system. The final evaluation is evaluated on the cumulative system: The resulting score is calculated on a cumulative system for work: Assessment of students ' knowledge is as follows. Score 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Percentage 94 -100 % 87 - 93 % 80 - 86 % 73- 79 % 66 - 72 % 59- 65 % 51- 58 % 44-50 % 37-43 % 30-36 % 29% and less Current control of knowledge (essay) estimated in accordance with the methodological recommendations of writing abstracts, approved be the Department of management in 2013, and is available to students on the Department website. 6.2. The procedure for the estimate’s formation in the discipline The teacher assesses the student's work on seminar and practical classes: • speed and correctness of the solution in case - tasks; • participation in discussions on various topics; • participation in business games; • accuracy of solving problems. 1. The teacher assesses the attendance and work of students in seminars: activity in business games, discussions and correctness of the problem solution and case studies in the seminar. Cumulative score on a 10-point scale for the work of the seminars is determined before the final control – Оclasswork (auditornaia) 2. The teacher assesses the independent work of the students: the correctness of homework, a tasks that are given during seminars. Cumulative score on a 10-point scale for homework is determined before the final control - – Оself work(samostoiatelnaia rabota) 3. The teacher evaluates the students work: the correct execution of all control forms, that is determined by the working academic plan (control work, homework,essay). Cumulative score on a 10-point scale for the work is determined before the final control – Оcurrent (tekychaia) 7. The discipline consists of two parts. Накопленная оценка за первую часть курса (1 курс, 4 модуль) рассчитывается следующим образом: Онакопленная= 0,4* Отекущая + 0,3* Оаудиторная + 0,3* Осам.работа где Отекущая рассчитывается как взвешенная сумма всех форм текущего контроля, предусмотренных в рабочем учебном плане: Отекущая = Оконтрольная работа Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной восьми, девяти или десяти баллам, то студент освобождается от сдачи зачета, а в зачетную ведомость за зачет выставляется оценка равная накопленной и она же становиться промежуточной. Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной семи баллам и менее, то студент сдает зачет по дисциплине в форме тестирования через систему LMS. В этом случае промежуточная оценка (Опромежуточная) за первую часть курса рассчитывается следующим образом: Опромежуточная = 0,4*накопленная + 0,6*зачет Накопленная оценка за вторую часть курса (2 курс, 1 модуль) рассчитывается следующим образом: Онакопленная= 0,2* Ореф + 0,2*Одом.задание + 0,3* Оаудит.работа + 0,3 О промежут. (1 курс) Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной восьми, девяти или десяти баллам, то студент освобождается от сдачи экзамена, а в экзаменационную ведомость за экзамен выставляется оценка равная накопленной и она же становиться итоговой. Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной семи баллам и менее, то студент сдает экзамен по дисциплине в форме тестирования через систему LMS. В этом случае итоговая оценка (Оитоговая) за весь курс (выставляется в диплом) рассчитывается следующим образом: Оитоговая =0,4*О накопленная+ 0,6*экзамен(тест) Способ округления оценок за текущую работу, самостоятельную работу, аудиторную работу, а также накопленной оценки, оценки за зачет и экзамен: арифметический. 7.1 The lecture’s content for the second part of the course in English language 7.1.2 Part 2 (year 2, 1 module) Theme 1. The modern concept of management. The concept of "management" and "organization". Management as a science and as a profession. The basic functions of management. The evolution of the professional management Institute. Modern models of business education. Skills of the Manager. Classification of scientific fundamentals in management. The origin and development of management in Russia. Development of professional management in Russia. Distinctive features of domestic managers. The main elements of organization. The sources of organization. Theme 2. The organizational environment The concept of the macro and micro organizational environment. The internal environment of the organization. The factors characterize the state of the organizational environment. Functional area of the internal environment. Values and culture of the company. The concept of organizational culture and its influence on the internal environment of the organization. Theme 3. Planning in management Mission and goals of the enterprise. The mission and strategic vision. The mission statement for functional units. The possibility of change the mission of the company. The establishment of the company's goals: requirements, order. Long-term and short-term goals. The concept of strategic goals intention. The hierarchy of objectives. The relationship of mission and goals in the strategic pyramid. The rules for constructing the tree of objectives. Tree of the decision making. Management by goals (P. Drucker). SWOT analysis: assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the external opportunities and threats. The state of the external environment. Attractiveness of the industry and competitive conditions. Strengths and weaknesses of the organization and its competitive capabilities. The choice of position in competition. Matrix analysis of the company economic portfolio. Analysis of competitive environment: the model of the five forces. Strategy selection and construction through the BCG matrix, matrix McKinsey. Theme 4. The organizational structure of the enterprises Basic definitions. The choice of organizational structure. Stages of organizational design. The division of labor and specialization. Centralization and decentralization: advantages and disadvantages. The evolution of organizational structures. Factors influencing organizational structure. Linear-functional organizational structure. Multidimensional organizational structure. Matrix structure: divisional and design. The advantages and disadvantages of multidimensional structures. Theme 5. The concept of organization life cycle The life cycle of the organization. Stages and the logic of the organization's move from one stage of development to another one. The size and the life cycle of the organization. Changes in the organization. Resistance to organizational changes. The essence of control in the organization. Types of control: preliminary, current and final. The advantages of using different types of control. Organizational communication. Types of communications. The main elements of communications. Noise and interference in the communications, their influence on the message. Theme 6. Leadership in organization The concept of power. The classification of leadership’s forms. Leadership and subordinate authority. The concept of emotional intelligence. Types of leaders from the point of control. Leadership and guidance. Classification of leadership theories. Management styles. Problems of modern leadership. Topic 7. Management through motivation Basic concepts of motivation. Motivation and stimulation. The concept of needs and their variants. Economic and managerial interpretations of needs. Types of motivation. The problem of demotivation. Theories of motivation. Hierarchy of needs A. Maslow. Two-factor model of motivation F. Herzberg. The expectancy theory of Brum. Porter –Lawler.s model of motivation. Modern theories of motivation. 7.2 The themes of seminars 7.2.2 Part 2 of the course (year 2, 1 module) Seminar 1. Basic concepts. The modern concept of management. Approaches in management. The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours Questions on the topic: 1. Why do you manage? 2. What is modern management? 3. Which is the subject of activities of the Manager? 4. Who are the managers and their difference from other professionals. 5. The role of the Manager. 6. What is the difference between a Manager and a businessman? 7. Explain what methods propose to use in the management representatives of different schools. Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: business games, case "In good company". The plan of the seminar: 1. Acquaintance with the group. The main aspects of assessment for the course. 2. The discussion is the concept of "Manager", "effective Manager". The role and skills of managers (video-case "In good company"). 3. Discussion of modern management trends 1. Introduction: the rules of survival course Exercise "snowball". In order to know and remember the names of the participants, each participant calls her name and thinks adjective beginning with the same letter as their name. (optional: it is Very important to say that epithet, which emphasizes the individuality of the participant, and to the others he was not repeated). Each next participant repeats the names and epithets all previous participants, then calls your name and your epithet and so on until the last participant who calls all. 2. Video-case "In good company". Questions for discussion: 3. Exercise "Different opinions". 3 pages with current issues on the subject of the lecture (on different boards). Participants are divided into mini group. Each group is located near one of the board with a question. At the signal, the mini-groups within 3 minutes to come up with the answer to the board to write questions, written on their page (or its considerations on this subject). After 3 minutes the trainer asks the group to change places. Each group must within 3 minutes to answer to the questions given by the previous group. The discussion. You can ask participants, what was difficult and what is easy in this exercise, there were moments when it seemed to them that questions have already been given an exhaustive answer, what new ideas come during the exercise. "Specify the main features inherent in the modern successful Manager of the company" "The problems faced by the Manager in its activities, this..." "The main features of modern society that affect the activities of the organization" Seminar 2. Evolution of management. Transformation of the profession "Manager". The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours Questions on the topic: 1. The main characteristics of scientific management 2. The main characteristics of administrative school. Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: work in groups on educational case "Management skills" Seminar 3. The organizational environment and corporate culture The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours Questions on the topic: 3. Elements of an organizational environment and environment objectives. 4. Adaptation strategies to uncertain and changing external environment. 5. Corporate culture and its examples. 6. Symbols, legends, heroes, slogans and ceremonies organizations and their role in corporate culture. 7. The interaction of the corporate culture and the environment. Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: review of the case “Organizational environment". Team work over the project. Seminar 4. Planning organizations The number of hours of classroom - 2 hours Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: Group work: mission constriction, definition of organization’s goal, the external environment of the organization. Team work over the group project. Questions on the topic: 1. What is the model of "McKinsey 7S"? 2. By whom and when was put forward the concept of management by objectives? What is its essence? 3. Compare concepts I. Ansoff and M. Porter. 4. What they have in common and how they differ? 5. Organization's mission and strategic vision. What are the main features of the company's mission? 6. Examples of missions commercial and non-commercial enterprises. 7. Compare mission of different companies: Gazprom - its mission in reliable, effective and sustainable provision of consumers with natural gas, other kinds of energy resources and products of their processing. The Coca Cola In all that we do, we follow three principles, which we called the mission and formulated so: To refresh the world, the body, mind and spirit; To arouse optimism with our drinks and our affairs; To bring meaning into everything we do. The Fazer Our mission is to create taste sensations. Seminar 5. The organizational structure. The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours Questions on the topic: 1. Illustrate your own examples of the idea of dividing organizations, both formal and informal. Team work “Construct ideal organizational structure for the enterprise”. Student’s presentation of essays. Seminar 6. The control in the company The number of hours of classroom - 2 hours Questions on the topic: 1. Why managers should understand the process of organizational control? 2. Four phases of the control process Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: review of the case of "Control in organization". Team work over the project Seminar 7. Leadership in organization The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours Questions on the topic: 1. The essence of leadership and its value to the organization 2. Characteristics of effective leaders 3. The differences between the theories characteristics of leaders and behavioral theory of leadership Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: business game " the managers roles". Exercises demonstrate to participants the effectiveness of cooperation, help them understand the role of the internal team discipline and the importance of the ability to hear each other. Also they give an opportunity to see and appreciate the role of the leader in the team. Essay presentation of the student Seminar 8. Management through motivation. The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours Questions on the topic: 1. Prove that differences in the structure of the needs of A. Maslow and F. Herzberg 2. Compare the theory of A. Maslow and McGregor. What they have in common and how they differ? 3. Can we consider the system of Japanese management best of ways of management of organizations? Please explain why. 4. The theory of "Z" supplements or replaces the theory of "X" and "Y". Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: The case "staff Motivation". Team work- developing of the motivation system for the enterprise. 8. Educational technology While implementing the tasks of the discipline "Management" are used: • • • • • • • active and interactive forms of training; analysis of case studies; role games; business games; round tables; psychological trainings; analysis of practical tasks and case studies. The main form of training - lectures and practical classes. In addition, it is assumed independent work of students on the development of theoretical material. 8.1. Recommendations to the teacher Recommendations for training methods and forms of independent work of students and the development of tasks for independent work Independent work of students at studying the discipline includes: - preparation of reports for the seminars on the topic; preparation of practical work on major issues of discipline; preparation to the theoretical surveys on terminology; preparation to the tests on basic subjects; preparing for the exam, set-off. Preparation to the theoretical surveys and test surveys on topics discipline "Management" promotes quality learning of theoretical material and the ability to operate the special economic terms in this field of activity. Methods and ways of lecture materials presentation Each lecture on the subject "Management:" has a clear structure and logic of disclosure consistently stated issues (conceptual line lectures); • has finished certain topics (issues), the close connection with the previous material; • based and contains of sufficient number convincing examples, facts, reasoning, to have a clearly defined relationship with practice; • reveals contradictions and show the ways of their solution, as well as denots before the students questions; • has the logical argument and calls the students interest for independent work; • development forecasts of the subjects for the coming years; • reflects methodological processing of the material (highlighting main ideas and provisions, underline conclusions, repeating them in different wording); • uses audiovisual materials; • sets out clear and plain language, contains the explanation of all newly introduced terminology and concepts; The structure of the lectures Lectures are intended to interpret and synthesis of discipline complex sections that covers mainly on the problem. Academic lecture has a clear structure and consists of three parts: introduction, summary and conclusions. The lection is designed to interest and configure the audience, to inform, what is the subject of the lecture and its relevance, the main idea of the problem. Summary - the main part of the lecture, in which is realized the scientific content of the text, put all Central issues, is the whole system of evidence using the most appropriate teaching methods. All evidence and explanations aimed at achieving the set goals, the disclosure of basic ideas, content and scientific conclusions. Each academic question ends with a summary, logically lead students to the next question lectures. The conclusion summarizes a concise formulation of the basic ideas of lectures, logically conclude it as a whole. This lecture course is fully defines the content of practical training, calculation and graphic works, abstract and independent work of students in the discipline. Instruction for planning and organization of time necessary to study a discipline Independent work is intended to familiarize the student with specific chapters of the course recommended by the teacher materials and training for individual assignments for the course. Correct organization of self-training, systematic, appropriate scheduling of working time allows students to gain skills in learning, study and systematize the acquired knowledge in the learning process, to ensure a high level of achievement in learning. Planning time studying in the discipline is recommended to incite in the beginning of the semester, when he receives from the teacher prescribed hours for the discipline (including classroom, practical and independent work). The plan of independent work preparation should be made according to the curriculum of the subject "strategy of management: Strategic management in the hospitality industry and tourism", which specifies the number of hours allocated to each topic. The distribution of hours depends on the complexity of the subject, the availability of educational materials on the topic. A number of topics can be wholly attributed to independent work, others can contain a minimum of independent work or not to include it at all. Some topics may be forwarded for self-study. The essence of independent work of students is determined by features of meeting its educational objectives. Thus, independent work and time planning includes the following stages: • drawing up plan of independent work of a student in the discipline with regard to regulatory complexity and time budget; • development of problem points in the discipline for independent work; • consultations on the implementation of tasks. Description of the student’s steps /"scenario of discipline study". The plan of studying the discipline provides for the following types of training: • lections, • independent work, • consultations, • practical work and seminars • control work • essay • final exam Independent work involves the consolidation of the lecture material at home and the knowledge supplementation by supplementary literature, textbooks, and materials from periodicals on the subject of the course "Management”. As the material of the case can be brought data from companies, or company information, published in mass media, or through the use of Internet resources. Consultations are held with students at occurrence of questions on various topics of the discipline “Management”; Practical work and seminars are used to secure the lecture material, the learning of the course "Management" and admitted to the exam; Report on seminar training course “Management” must be done to improve the skills of study discipline and the implementation of the knowledge in practice. Control involves the examination throughout the course of the discipline “Management” in order to check and evaluate the students’ knowledge. Recommendations about the usage of educational materials in methodical complex Documents, that can be classified as "for student review" are: • training program on discipline; • questions for the exam; • a list of topics abstract works; • training manual in the discipline; • recommendations. Additionally, in a program "Management" presents the list of recommended literature: primary and secondary, taking into account the specifics of the discipline. Explanations about homework 1. The purpose of homework Homework may be issued on each seminar lesson and are aimed at: • repetition and combining of theoretical questions of the course " Management"; • expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge of students; • combining of theoretical questions by solving practical problems; • consolidating the basic methods of solving practical tasks; • mastering by the students a deeper and contingency situations encountered in practice. 2. Requirements to students with homework For successful homework, students should: • detail and carefully examine the current theoretical material taught in a lecture course; • carefully worked out the material from all seminar lessons; • study and analyze the relevant educational and methodological literature and manuals; • study and work over additional issues and topics suggested by the lecturer or by teacher who conducts seminar lessons; 9. Tools for current monitoring and certification of the student 9.1. Subjects of the current student’s control 9.1.1 Requirements for essays Complex skills and knowledge that are acquired in the process of discipline studying includes the following main elements: 1. Theoretical knowledge, which include: the content of the basic concepts used in the discipline ; patterns of management as a complex of technological and socio - economic systems; the use of different methods of the economic situation analysis ; the system of planning and management of enterprise activity; the main factors of internal and external organizational environment the system of management control in the company; 2. Practical skills, including: application of the obtained knowledge for solving practical tasks facing the company; self-analysis and evaluation of processes and phenomena in the external and internal environment of the enterprise; assessment of the economic and social environment, the implementation of management instruments at the enterprise practice; 3.The skills, knowledge and abilities in preparation and presentation of research and analytical work. Requirements to the content and style of essay The content of the essay The content of the essay should reflect: - the relevance of the chosen theme; the knowledge of the modern state of the problem; the use of known results and facts; the completeness of references, references to the work of leading researchers involved in this issue; the facts confirming scientific or practical importance of the issue at present. The structure of work Title page (on the title page must be specified the name of the author, name of the educational institution, the topic of the essay, name of the supervisor). Table of contents (it consistently sets out the name of the points of the essay which pages, which begins with each item). Introduction (formulated the essence of the research problem, the selection of topics is determined by its significance and relevance, indicate the purpose and objectives of the report gives an analysis of references). The main part contains topics that will detail a particular problem or one of its sides are theoretical discussion, conclusions of the author of the work, research on the issue; necessarily to indicate the links of sources Conclusion (conclusions are summed up or given generalized conclusion on the research topic, recommendations). The list of used sources is the list of: books, texts, journals, monographs. Assessment of the work 1. Knowledge and skills at the level of the standard requirements of a particular discipline: knowledge of the actual material assimilation of general ideas, concepts, ideas. 2. Achievement of the goals and objectives of the study (novelty and relevance delivered in abstract problems, the correctness of the formulation of goals, objectives of the research, using the correct methods of problem solving and implementation goals; compliance of the conclusions of the task, the objectives, the credibility of the conclusions). 3. The degree of validity of the arguments and generalizations (the fullness, depth, comprehensive disclosure topics, logic and consistency of the material, the correctness of the arguments and evidence, the nature and reliability of examples, illustrations, vision of the author, the ability to generalize). 4. The quality and value of the obtained results (the degree of completion refereed research, controversy or the validity of the conclusions). 5. Using literary sources. 6. The culture of writing material. 7. Culture of materials design work. 8. Additional criteria may include, for example: timeliness of delivery, the interest of the author of the essay, etc. The discipline provides a control work. Preparation of reports and performances of students in the framework of the course. To prepare the presentation of the report the student must be acquainted with the literature on the topic, to analyze statistical data, to form a common vision of all the work and on the basis of experience and an additional amount of knowledge to shape the content of the work. The report must detail and carefully studied, to form a general understanding of the logic of a material on the protection or performance. By given the above evaluation criteria summary, the teacher evaluates this type of work on the 10-point system. Time of student’s work in the preparation of the essay can be distributed in the following way: • Selection of the necessary sources of literature on catalogue; • The study of literature; • Preparation of the list of references in accordance with the requirements of design works; • The formation of the structure with a brief summary of the issues addressed in each section; • The process of writing of the essay; • The formation process of the essay (the location of the text, contents, references to primary sources and statistical information, pages indication and others); • Study of the finished work, reading material, forming brief abstracts for preparation of the defense or speech with presentation. Control of works is carried out as follows: • Consultations of the teacher on the work formation depending on the selected topics, list of literature, statistical materials; • Monitoring the stages of work according to a given time; • Inspection of finished work, creating a list of comments that are subject to correction or improvement; • Protection of the essay; • Evaluation of work by the teacher. Principles of organization of educational process: • the choice of methods based on the changing conditions of the external and internal environment; • combining several methods in order to increase the efficiency of the training process; • active participation of students in the educational process; • carrying out of a practical training, allowing to obtain the stable skills to solve social-economic problems of enterprises; • give examples of studies applications in practical situations. 9.1.2 The proposed themes of referat for the part 2 of the course 1. Effective methods of enterprise management in conditions of economic crisis. 2. The role of charisma in the management of the enterprise by the example of several enterprises. 3. Conflict and stress in the organization and methods of their solution. 4. Evaluation of the motivation results. 5. The system of control in Japanese, American and Russian enterprises: similarities and differences. 6. Evaluation of major adaptive organizational structures: a comparative perspective. 7. Methods of improving the product quality in the enterprise thought the system of motivation. 8. Senior executives: the distinctive features for the domestic and foreign leaders. 9. Legal and social responsibility of Manager. 10. Types of enterprises and the particularities of their managing. 11. Strategic planning and mission of the organization. Interdependence and influence on strategic planning. 12. The principle of power delegation in dependence of organization’s type 13. Methods of impact on workers: positive and negative sides. 14. The analysis of labour legislation: rights and obligations of employees, procedures for conflict resolution between the employee and the company. 15. The principles of effective management in the enterprise by the example of well known Russian companies. 16. Cross-country analysis of competition in the industry on the example 2-3 enterprises of the same industry or 2-3 countries. 17. The system of motivation development on the example of Russian or foreign companies 18. Comparative analysis of the enterprise’s leader strategies on the example of Russian and foreign companies 19. Mission and goals of Russian companies and foreign companies. 20. Problems of adaptation of new employees in large organizations 21. Analysis of contemporary trends of application of competitive worker selection for positions in the management system. 22. Modern approaches to organizations teams creation on the principle of "command". 23. Analysis of the competition impact to the labor efficiency and to the personnel development 24. Managerial relationships with creative, talented people in the organization. 25. Problems and prospects of women in senior management positions. 26. Development forecast of the future organizations: the office at home; information management by distance communication; Internet technologies, etc. 27. The organization of the future: the virtual Corporation. 28. The role of intellectual capital in modern organizations. Note: 1. Desirable essay’s topics offered by students. 2. The requirement to themes of essay: subjects must not copy lectures, include the collection and analysis of statistical material, work on the base of legislation. 9.1.3 Examples of control work questions 1. The relationship between the strategic plan and other managerial decisions: A) B) C) A) do not exist, as strategic planning is the prerogative of the senior management there is, as all subsequent decisions should contribute to achieving the goal yes and no, it depends on the personality of the Manager G) theoretically - Yes, in practice, no 2. School of human relations comes from the following postulate : "the success of the organization is ... " A) B) C) D) the work of a Manager labor organization for the workers relations between managers and workers all mentioned above 3. The goals of the organization should be ... A) B) C) D) as General as possible, then it is easier to report on their implementation close to each other as possible, then it is easier to control specific, measurable and cross-supported as long as they did not contradict each other 4. A great contribution to the development of the ideas of the classical school brought ... A. A) B) C) P. Drucker and P. Waterman B) D. McGregor, and M. Follett Gantt and F. Gilbert L. Urvich and D. Mooney 5. Theory distinguishes three types of control A) B) C) A) universal, selective, private preliminary, current and final linear functional, staff G) on the basis of norms, standards, regulations 6. The author of the substantive theories of motivation A) G. Ford B) A. Fayol C) F. Herzberg 7. The true expression A) implementation of the function of motivation does not cause special problems, because it may be based on the model provisions on bonuses B) the function of motivation is poorly connected with the other functions of the management cycle, as it is aimed at employee and not on the process A) In) function of motivation is closely connected with other management functions, as part of the integrated management cycle B) G) the allocation function of motivation of scientific method which allows to better understand the actions of the head, speak about its relationship with other functions pointless C) E) the function of motivation is closely connected with other functions of the management cycle, as the management process is implemented through people 8. Dysfunctional conflict is ... A) the conflict situation B) conflict, accompanied by increase of efficiency of organization C) the conflict, accompanied by decreasing the effectiveness of the organization 9. The strengths and weaknesses of the organization need to ... A) better understand what is happening B) to proper technologies planning C) to implement the effective planning 10. Information on the object of consideration under the process approach A) everything changes: organizational environment, organization, management tasks B) macro environment changing: it is the reason why the organization must change firstly C) no changes: control is a process undertaken in any organization according to the General scheme D) any management problem can be formalized and presented in the form of a model, it helps to manage correctly 9.2. Themes for the current and final control 9.2.1 Questions to prepare for the test/exam 1. The main characteristics of the organization. 2. Management as a profession. The division of labour in the management. 3. The concept of management decisions. 4. The basic schools of management thought: the evolution of ideas. 5. The scientific school of management: basic concepts and controversies. 6. The principles of scientific management F. Taylor. 7. Administrative school: the main ideas and authors. 8. School of human relations: stages and main ideas. 9. Experiments E. Mayo. 10. The development of management theory in the 1950s and 1970s years. 11. System approach in management. 12. Situational approach in management. 13. The concept of "scientific discipline of management P. Drucker. 14. Comparative studies U. Ouchi. Company type Z. 15. Particularities in management in Italy, Greece, Egypt 16. External environment: levels and the basic variables. 17. Environmental specifics of modern business. 18. Mission and goals of the organization. 19. The concept of “theory of business” P. Drucker. 20. The concept of the SWOT analysis. 21. The concept of corporate, competition and functional strategies. 22. The basic process of development strategies of the firm: the BCG matrix 23. The concept of the five forces of sectoral competition M. Porter. 24. Typology of organizational structures: comparison of governance mechanisms. 25. Functional organizational structure. 26. Divisional organizational structure. 27. Varieties divisional structure. 28. Matrix organizational structure. 29. Outsourcing 30. The concept of business processes and the purpose of reengineering. 31. The concept of the life cycle of the organization of L. Greiner. 32. Forms of power. Management and leadership. 33. The evolution of theories of leadership. 34. Theory of leadership D. McGregor. 35. Situational approaches to the study of leadership 36. Motivation: basic concepts. 37. Content theories of motivation. 38. Theory of motivation A. Maslow. 39. Theory of motivation F. Herzberg. 40. Procedural theories of motivation. 41. Theory of motivation Century Bruma. 42. Theory of justice and practical aspects of its application. 43. The concept of the compensation package. 44. Features of motivation of top managers. 45. The “ideal enterprise” according to M. Weber 46. Matrix BCG, MacKeansy -its relation and particularities 47. Tree od goals , tree of decision making 48. Management levels in the enterprises and the goals constriction according to level 49. The main elements of communication process in organization 50. Modern theories of motivation 9.2.2 Examples of questions pass/exam 1. Management does not include: A. B. C. D. socio-psychological methods; administrative methods; formal methods; economic methods. 2. The advantages of decentralization are: A. strengthening the control and coordination of the specialized subdivisions of the enterprise; B. imbalance in the growth of the company's departments; C. the ability to effectively manage a large organization; D. the possibility of using the experience and knowledge of the Central administrative apparatus. 3. Content theories of motivation is based on the analysis of... A. B. C. D. preferences in personnel development; human needs; reasons why people join the organization; organization’s status or the desired result it development 4. The author of the theory of "X" and "Y" A. B. C. A. Rensis Of Likert Douglas McGregor Paul Hersi G. Robert House 5. The authority is ... A. B. C. D. the right of any Manager to decide for others the right to use the resources of the organization to solve specific tasks generalizing term used to denote the functions of the head the ability to dispose of other people 6. The incident may occur without conflict situation A. Yes B. no 7. Functional conflict is ... A. B. C. D. conflict situation conflict, accompanied by increase of efficiency of activity of the organization incident conflict, accompanied by a decrease of activity efficiency of the organization 8. The mission is needed for ... A. the broad use in the process of advertising B. in order to be better than others in modern society C. to facilitate a contact with those who use goods and services of the organization and provides its resources D. Understanding by employees of the organization and its contractors overall objective of the organization, lying in the external environment 9. Scientific school is premised on the following postulate: "the success of the organization is..." A. B. C. D. the work of a Manager organization of worker’s labor relations between managers and workers all mentioned above 10. Methodical and informational support of the discipline 10.1 Basic textbooks 1. Кравченко, А. И. История менеджмента. Учебное пособие для вузов [Электронный ресурс] / А. И. Кравченко. - М.: «Академический проект», 2009. - 560 с. - 978-5-8291-1105-2. Режим доступа: 2. Дафт Р. Менеджмент. 8-е изд. – СПб.: Питер, 2009. 800 с. 3. Виханский О.С., Наумов А.И. Менеджмент. 5-изд. М., Магистр. 2010. 528 с. 10.2. Main literature 1. Семенова, И. И. История менеджмента [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / И. И. Семенова. - М.: Юнити-Дана, 2012. - 200 с. - 978-5-238-01330-5. Режим доступа: 2. Мескон М.Х., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента – М.: Дело, 2010. 704 с. 10.3. Additional literature 1. Адизес И.К. Управление жизненным циклом корпорации. - СПб. Питер, 2009. 384 с. 2. Аналоуи Ф., Карами А. Стратегический менеджмент малых и средних предприятий: Учебник для вузов.- М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2005.- 400с. 3. Ансофф И. Стратегический менеджмент. Классическое издание. – СПб.: Питер, 2009. 4. Гарвардская школа бизнеса о личной эффективности. Книга 4. Лидерство. Перевод с англ. – М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2008 5. Гейтс Б. Бизнес со скоростью мысли. Ростов-на-Дону, 2000. 6. Герстнер Л. Кто сказал, что слоны не умеют танцевать? Возрождение корпорации IBM: взгляд изнутри. М., 2003. 7. Делл М., Фредман К. От Dell без посредников. Стратегии, которые совершили революцию в компьютерной индустрии. М., 2004. 8. Друкер П. Ф. Практика менеджмента. – ИД «Вильямс» 2009. 48 с 9. Колинз Дж., Лазье У. Больше, чем бизнес. Как преодолеть ограничения и построить великую компанию. М., 2006. 10. Коллинз Дж. От хорошего к великому: пер. с англ. – СПб.: СШЭ, 2002 11. Корицкий, Э.Б. Развитие науки о менеджменте в России в 1900-1950 гг. // Российский журнал менеджмента. – 2005. -Том 3. - № 1. 12. Коротков Э.М., Беляев А. А., Трененков Е. М.«История менеджмента: Учеб. пособие - М. : ИНФРА-М , 2010. - 240 с. 13. Котлер Ф. Маркетинг-менеджмент. – СПб. Питер, 2012. 464 с. 14. Коттер Дж. П. Лидерство Мацуситы. Уроки выдающегося предпринимателя XX века. М., 2004. 15. Кредисов А.Н. История учений менеджмента. - Киев: ВИРА-Р, 2000. - 336 с. 16. Ламбен Ж.-Ж. Менеджмент, ориентированный на рынок. Стратегический и операционный маркетинг. – СПб.: Питер, 2007. 17. Латфуллин Г.Р. Теория организации - СПб.: Питер, 2004. - 394 с. 18. Лоу Дж. Говорит Билл Гейтс. М., 2004. 19. Лутц Р.А. 8 законов Крайслер. Законы бизнеса, которые сделали Chrysler одной из самых успешных в мире автомобильных корпораций. М., 2004. 20. Льюис Э. Великая ИКЕА. Бренд для всех. М., 2008. 21. Меджи Д. Путь компании John Deere. Эффективность, проверенная временем. М., 2007. 22. Мерриден Т. Бизнес-путь: Nokia. Секреты успеха самой быстроразвивающейся компании в мире. М., 2003. 23. Минцберг Г., Альстренд Б., Лемпел Д. Школы стратегических управлений – СПб.: Питер, 2000. 24. Мичелли Дж.А. Ritz-Carlton. Золотой стандарт гостиничного бизнеса нового тысячелетия. М., 2009. 25. Мэнтл Дж. Бенеттон. Семья, бизнес и бренд. М., 2003. 26. Питерс Т.Дж., Уотерман-мл Р.Х. В поисках совершенства. Уроки самых успешных компаний Америки. М., 2005. 27. Портер М. Конкурентная стратегия. Методика анализа отраслей и конкурентов. - М.: АльпинаПаблишер. 2011. 715 с. 28. Саундерс Р. Бизнес-путь: DELL. Секреты лучшего в мире компьютерного бизнеса. М., 2003. 29. Уолтон С., Хьюи Дж. Сделано в Америке. Как я создал Wal-Mart. М., 2009. 30. Форд Г. Моя жизнь, мои достижения. Екатеринбург, 2003. 31. Чудновская С.Н. История менеджмента. – С 32. Пб.: Питер, 2004. - 239 с. 33. Чудновская С.Н. История менеджмента. - СПб.: Питер, 2004. - 239 с. 34. Шпотов Б.М. Генри Форд: жизнь и бизнес. М., 2005. 35. Шульц Г., Йенг Д.Д. Влейте в нее свое сердце. ашка за чашкой строилась Starbucks. М., 2005. 36. Bisen, Vikram Srivastava, Sachin. Production and Operation Management. Global Media: 2009 37. Bodnar K. The B2B social media book: become a marketing superstar by generating leads with blogging, linkedIn, twitter, facebook, email and more. John willey& songs. 2012, 218 p. 38. Culture, leadership and organizations. The GLOBE study of 62 soc. - cop. 2006 39. Dalum, B., Pedersen, Ch., Villumsen, G. Technological Life of Cycles: Regional Clusters Facing Disruption / DRUID. 2002. 40. Doyle, P. Marketing Management and Strategy. New York, 2006. – 464 p. 41. Fred I. Han. Do it yourself. Advertising and promotion. New Jersey: John Willey & Sons, 2010. 670 p. 42. Gil-Pechuá I. Strategies in E-Business: Positioning and Social Networking in Online Markets. Spinger, 2014. 43. Hull, C.L. Principles of behavior: an introduction to behavior theory. - Oxford, England: Appleton-Century, 1943. – 422 pp. 44. Jones P., Lockwood A. Hotel Operations. Stamford: Thomson, 2006. 45. Jones, Brenda B. Brazzel, Michael Handbook of Organization Development and Change : Principles, Practices, and Perspectives (2nd Edition) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2014 46. Kotler P. «Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know», Wiley, 2003 47. Laamanen, Kai Malmberg, LasseDevelopment Models : Process Management Excellence Criteria - EFQM 2013 Benchmarking 2012 48. Levy D. Theory and strategy: Theory, Application, and Managerial Implications.New York, 2004 – 504 p. 49. Maslow, A. H. A theory of human motivation. // Readings in managerial psychology. The University of Chicago press, 1989. 50. McManus J., Leadership: project and human capital management - 2006 51. Mintzberg H. The Struturing of Organizations: A Synthesis of the Research – Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1979. 52. Moran R. T., Managing cultural differences. global leadership strategies for the 21st century -2007 53. Organ, D.W., Podsakoff, Ph.M., MacKenzie, S.B. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences. Sage Publications, 2006. 54. Ray R. The facebook guide to small business marketing. John willey& songs. 2013, 288 p. 55. Smith, D.B., Shields, J. Factors Related to Social Service Workers' Job Satisfaction: Revisiting Herzberg's Motivation to Work, 37(2). 2013. 56. Wells, W. Advertising Principe & practice. Great Britain, 2006. – 589 p. 57. Williams C., Leadership accountability in a globalizing world – 2006 58. Abhilasha Mehta Scott C. Purvis «Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness Through Advertising Response Modeling» (ARM), Gallup & Robinson, Inc. Pennington, NJ 59. Abraham, L. How Validation Can Trump Digital Waste.Journal of Advertising Research. Jun2012, Vol. 52 Issue 2, p180-195. 60. Alexandros Paraskevas Crisis management or crisis respond system?: A complexity science approach to organizational crisis// Management decision. – 2006. – Vol. 44 – p. 892 – 907 61. Benard C. The paradox of meritocracy in organizations // Administrative Science Quarterly. 2010. No 55. P. 543–576 62. Binet, L. Empirical Generalizations about Advertising Campaign Success. Journal of Advertising Research. Jun2009, Vol. 49 Issue 2, p130-133. 63. Denison D.R. What is the difference between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native's point of view on a decade of paradigm wars // The Academy of Management Review. 1996. Vol. 21. No. 3. P. 619-654. 64. Ehsan Khodarahmi Crisis management// Disaster Prevention and Management. – 2009. – Vol. 18 – p. 523 – 528 65. Laurence Barton Crisis management: Selecting Communications Strategy// Management decision. – 1990. – Vol. 28 – p. 5 -8 66. Linda S. Ashcroft Crisis management – public relations // Journal of managerial phycology. – 1997. – p. 325 – 332 67. McCarthy, E. Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach. E. McCarthy. – Irvin Publishing. 1981. – 324р. 68. Miron E., Erez M., Naveh E. Do personal characteristics and cultural values that promote innovation, quality, and efficiency compete or complement each other? Journal of Organizational Behavior. 25, 175-199 (2004). 69. Rosenfeld, S.A. Bringing business into the mainstream of economic development// European Planning Studies. 1997. №5. P. 3-23 70. Stephen W. Smoliar Interaction management: The next (and necessary) step beyond knowledge management. // Business Process Management Journal. – 2003. – Vol 9. – p. 337 – 335 71. Styrelsen, E. Competence clusters in Danish industry — a new piece in the industrial policy Copenhagen. Enterprise publications URL: 72. Wang, Y.,Fesenmaier, D. Collaborative destination marketing: A case study of Elkhart county, Indiana. Tourism Management 28(3) 73. Will Parsons Crisis management// Career Development International. – 1996. – Vol. 1 – p. 26-28 10.4. Reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Harvard Business Review - Russia The Bulletin Of McKinsey - Russia Vestnik SPbSU. Series "Management" Marketing in Russia and abroad Management in Russia and abroad Problems of theory and practice of management Russian management journal 10.5 Magazines: a. Expert; b. The secret of the company; c. Business Week. 10.6 Newspapers: • • • • Vedomosti; Russian newspaper; Kommersant; The Financial Times. 10.7 Internet resources: • • • 11. Supplemental support of the discipline The classes involves the advantages of the latest multimedia technology (projector, laptop, screen, speakers). The author of the course is designed slides for each topic of the lecture using Power point, focusing students attention on the most important aspects in the process of presenting the material and to increase the appreciation of the presented material. Handouts are used in seminars. Supplementary material of the discipline: • classrooms; • textbooks and manuals; • audio and video equipment in lectures and seminars; • utility handouts; • sample questionnaires, questionnaires and documents of the enterprises.