DBS 2.3.4 to 5.0 Sales-EMS Delta Presentation v2

DBS 2.3.4 to 5.0 Delta Presentation
© 2008 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved
Caterpillar: Confidential Green
•DBS 2.3.4 to DBSi 5.0 Changes
•Changes to Existing Functionality
•New Functionality
•Supporting Documentation Locations
Changes to Existing Functionality
Influencer Changes
• The Influencer Address file was merged into a revised
Influencer Name file
• Each Influencer will now be assigned a unique
Influencer Number by the system
Changes to Existing Functionality
Other Merchandising Changes
•Import External Prospect List has been removed
from LSTSCRPT – Batch Job Selection.
•SFMO Influencer Download – This interface
from SFMO to DBSi is now obsolete.
Changes to Existing Functionality
Other Merchandising Changes
•Merchandising Code Table:
•A new Salutation Code has been added as
Option 0. (Examples: Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc)
Changes to Existing Functionality
Other Merchandising Changes
•Merchandising Code Table:
• Payment Terms Code has been added as Option
X. (Example: D015 = Payment due 15 days after
invoice date)
Changes to Existing Functionality
Salesman Name Split
•The Salesman maintenance screen has
been changed to reflect the split of the name
field into first name, middle initial and last
name .
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTCICUS (Customer Information Maintenance)
F10: Customers Not Added in FINANCE
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTCICUS (Customer Information Maintenance)
Function key (F10)
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTCICUS (Customer Info Maintenance)
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTCICUS (Customer Financial Information screen)
Customers’ Credit is controlled here
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTCSUPR (Maintain User Preference) For Credit Limits
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTCSUPR (Maintain User Preference) For Credit Limits
Changes to Existing Functionality
Additional Customer changes
• The following special characters are not allowed in customer
fields that are passed to CODA:
Double Quotation
? Question Mark
Greater than sign
Vertical Bar
< Less than sign
Broken Vertical Bar
Not Sign
• Fields passed to CODA are Customer Name, Search Key, Address
Lines 1, 2, and 3, City, State, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax
Number, Credit Contact, Credit Contact Phone Number
Changes to Existing Functionality
Additional Customer Changes Continued
•DSPCICUS – Screen changes made to the Customer
Information Maintenance function are reflected on the
inquiry screens.
•MNTCIDLT – The ability to delete customers has been
restricted to Prospect Customers only. Prospect
Customers are customers whose Invoicing Indicator is “4”.
Changes to Existing Functionality
Date Enhancement to YY MM
•MNTEMITR (Inventory Transfer)
•MNTEMACC (Equipment Accounting Maintenance)
(More functions listed in DBSi 5.0 Significant Changes from DBS
2.3.4 )
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTSCTAB (Merchandise Control Table)
U – Customer Type code has been added. Customer Type is now
validated against these entries.
X – Payment Terms code has been added. All valid Payment Terms
codes must be entered using this option. Seen in the invoice.
8 – ISO Country Code screen has been added. Changes to these
codes are limited to displaying a long or a short description. States
are validated within countries.
0 – Salutation Code screen has been added. Values added
(example: Mr, Mrs) here can be selected for influencers
MNTEMTAB (EMS Control Code Table)
E – Location Stores(required for inventory equipment ) code has
been added.
Changes to Existing Functionality
LSTSCRPT (Batch Job Selection)
SCJN2601S Import External Prospect List batch job
has been removed. Function MNTMOUCI – Salesman
Customer Information Upload on the Mobile Office
menu (MOMENU) should be used for uploading
prospect customers.
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTEMRNT (Rental Agreement)
Credit issues will result in a “hard stop”. The
agreement must be approved by your Credit
Department in order to create an invoice. This applies
to RENTAL agreements only.
DSPCRDT (Credit Approval)
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTEMEBO (E-Business Customer Order)
Existing options 1, 2, 3, and 5 have been removed. The
purpose of this function now is “Gatekeeper” for quotes
sent from Global Product Quoter to DBSi. Option 7 will
always take you to the Equipment Availability function.
In Availability, option 14 will allow you to compare the
consist of requested equipment with ordered / inventory
equipment. Option 8 will take you directly into the
Agreement function.
Changes to Existing Functionality
•Additional EMS and Sales Parameters
Changes to Existing Functionality
•Additional EMS and Sales Parameters
•MNTEMORD – Equipment Order Maintenance
•MNTEMREC – Equipment Receiving
•MNTEMIEQ – Inventory Equipment Maintenance
•MNTSCPPR – Prime Product Maintenance
•MNTEMIAT – Inventory Attachment Maintenance
•MNTSCPPR – Prime Product Maintenance
•MNTSCPPA – Attachment Maintenance
Changes to Existing Functionality
•Group Code Restrictions are Removed
•MNTEMMDL – Model Control Maintenance
Changes to Existing Functionality
•Enhanced information defaulted to Receiver
Changes to Existing Functionality
•Reinstate “Approval” field for EMS Agreements
•Equipment Quote, Reservation, Agreement Inquiry,
and all Agreement Maintenance functions
Changes to Existing Functionality
•Recalculate Cost options added to EMS Re price job
•DBS 2.3.4 to DBSi 5.0 Changes
Changes to Existing Functionality
•New Functionality
•Supporting Documentation Locations
New Functionality
Store Number Expansion
Store Number fields have been universally changed from 2
position numeric to 2 position alphanumeric. All functions that
maintain Store Number will allow VALID alphabetic store
numbers to be used. The permissible and restricted characters
are shown below.
Not Allowed
A – Z (uppercase only)
Special characters
NT (reserved for No Tax)
New Functionality
Customized Pricing
This enhancement provides dealers with customized
Pricing (EMS Price Lists) resulting in the ability to define up to
6 pricing methods for each price list. A pricing method can
only be defined to one Price List. Depending on the customer’s
preference, a dealer’s sales force will quote in one of 3 methods:
• FOB Condition
• CIF Condition
• Landed Cost Condition
Review the EMS 5.0 User Documentation for details
Changes to Existing Functionality
MNTEMCTL (General Parameter Maintenance)
Setup the relationships between existing Price list and
New Pricing Methods using General Parameters
Maintenance Function.
MNTEMCPF (Custom Pricing Factor
Define Price Method Factors for each of those
relationships defined using the Custom Pricing Factor
Maintenance function.
Changes to Existing Functionality
LSTEMJOB – Schedule Batch Jobs
Create the new actual customized price list records by
designating the Make and Price List to be converted in
the EMJN517 Customize EMS Price List.
DSPEMPRC – Equipment Price Inquiry
Confirm the creation of the new price list items by
using the Equipment Price Inquiry function.
•DBSi 3.1 to 5.0 Changes
•Changes to Existing Functionality
•New Functionality
•Supporting Documentation Locations
Where to Get More Information
• ADMS Website (https://www.acndms.com)
• DBSi 5.0 Significant Changes
• Technical  DBSi 5.0
• Self Study
• Finance  DBSi 5.0
• Application Service Packs
• Technical  5.0 Application Service Packs
• CODA Help from CODA main menu
Application Service Packs
March 2008
List of All Improvements
1. Equipment Management System
New Serial Number Edit
This enhancement prevents entry of an apostrophe into a new serial number for prime
products and attachments.
Functions affected:
MNTEMORD – Equipment Order Maintenance
If a serial number containing an apostrophe is keyed into the Acknowledgement screen, the
message “UEM1073 Invalid Character in Serial #” is displayed. The field must be corrected
before input from the screen can be accepted.
MNTEMREC – Equipment Receiving
If a serial number containing an apostrophe is keyed into the Equipment Receiving key
screen, the message “UEM1073 Invalid Character in Serial # “ is displayed. Receipt of the
equipment cannot proceed until the field is corrected.
When a breakdown item is received as an attachment, if a serial number containing an
apostrophe is keyed into the serial number field on the Attachment Receiving screen, the
message “UEM1073 Invalid Character in Serial # “ is displayed. Receipt of the equipment
cannot proceed until the field is corrected.
List of All Improvements
LSTEMJOB - EMJN67 ID/Serial Number Change Submission
If a serial number containing an apostrophe is keyed into the “TO Serial Number” field, the
message “UEM1073 Invalid Character in Serial #” is displayed. Submission of the job cannot
continue until the field is corrected.
MNTSCPPR – Prime Product Maintenance
If a serial number containing an apostrophe is keyed into the Serial Number field on the
Prime Product Maintenance key screen OR on the Prime Product Maintenance screen, the
message “USC1056 INVALID CHARACTER IN SERIAL#” is displayed. The equipment cannot
be added until the field is corrected.
MNTSCPPA – Attachment Maintenance
If a serial number containing an apostrophe is keyed into the Serial Number field on the
Prime Product Attachment Maintenance key screen OR on the Prime Product Attachment
Maintenance screen, the message “USC1056 INVALID CHARACTER IN SERIAL#” is displayed.
The equipment cannot be added until the field is corrected.
List of All Improvements
3. Customer Statement Sorted by Due Date
Today the invoices and credits that are displayed on the detail page are sorted in Document
Code and Document Number Order. This makes it very difficult for their customers to know
which invoices are due as of a certain date. This change will sort the invoices and credits in due
date order.
Application Service Packs
May 2008
List of All Improvements
Equipment Management System
Additional EMS and Sales Parameters
This enhancement allows use of a new group of parameters to control EMS processing.
Functions affected:
MNTEMCTL – General Parameters Maintenance
A new option has been added to the General Parameter Maintenance Option Screen:
Additional EMS and Sales Parameters. Selection of this option displays a list of new parameters. The Y/N
field is used to activate / deactivate each of these optional
parameters, with a value of “Y” making the
parameter active.
The default value for each parameter is “N” (inactive). If inactive, the parameter has no affect on
DBSi functions.
New parameters are:
- GROUPOPTAT – if this parameter is set to “Y”, the Group code becomes an optional
field for attachments (functions MNTEMREC, MNTEMIEQ, MNTEMIAT).
- GROUPOPTPP – if this parameter is set to “Y”, the Group code becomes an optional
field for prime products (functions MNTEMREC, MNTEMIEQ).
- MDLVALIDAT – if this parameter is set to “Y”, validation of the Display Model is skipped for
- MDLVALIDPP – if this parameter is set to “Y”, validation of the Display Model is
skipped for prime products (functions MNTEMORD, MNTEMREC,MNTEMIEQ,MNTSCPPR).
List of All Improvements
MNTEMORD – Equipment Order Maintenance
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated
for attachment orders.
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDPP (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated
for prime product orders.
MNTEMREC – Equipment Receiving
-If the new parameter GROUPOPTAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Group field is optional for
attachment receiving.
-If the new parameter GROUPOPTPP (see above) is set to “Y”, the Group field is optional for prime
product receiving.
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated in
attachment receiving.
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDPP (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated in
prime product receiving.
MNTEMIEQ – Inventory Equipment Maintenance
-If the new parameter GROUPOPTAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Group field is optional for breakdown
items that are converted to attachments.
-If the new parameter GROUPOPTPP (see above) is set to “Y”, the Group field is optional for prime
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDPP (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated
for prime products.
List of All Improvements
MNTEMIAT – Inventory Attachment Maintenance
-If the new parameter GROUPOPTAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Group field is optional for attachments.
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated for
MNTSCPPR – Prime Product Maintenance
- If the new parameter MDLVALIDPP (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated for
prime products.
MNTSCPPA – Attachment Maintenance
-If the new parameter MDLVALIDAT (see above) is set to “Y”, the Display Model field is not validated for
Group Code Restrictions are Removed
This enhancement allows addition, change, or deletion of any Group Code.
Functions affected:
MNTEMMDL – Model Control Maintenance
Any Group Code, regardless of format, may now be added, changed, or deleted.
List of All Improvements
Maintenance of Customer Industry Codes and PWC/Application Codes
This enhancement allows the direct addition of new Customer Industry Codes and PWC/Application
Codes, as assigned by Caterpillar, Inc.
Functions affected:
MNTSCTAB – Control Code Maintenance
-Customer Industry Codes have been added as a Record Type which may be selected for
-A new program for maintenance of PWC/Application codes may be accessed by pressing CF8 on
the Control Code Maintenance Key screen.
DSPSCTAB – Control Code Inquiry
-Customer Industry Codes have been added as a Record Type which may be selected for display.
-A new program to display PWC/Application codes may be accessed by pressing CF8 on the
Control Code Inquiry Key screen.
LSTSCRPT – Batch Job Selection
-Selection for job SCJN4601S – Control Code List now includes Customer Industry Code.
Job SCJN4601S – Control Code List
-Report SCC201247 now includes Customer Industry Codes
List of All Improvements
Enhanced information defaulted to Receiver document
This enhancement causes more of the information recorded for Equipment Shipping activity to be
defaulted to the corresponding Advance Receiver or Receiver when that document is created. The
key to whether the information is brought into the Advance Receiver / Receiver is whether or not
the Agreement Number on the Shipper is the current agreement number for the equipment being
Functions affected:
MNTEMSHP – Equipment Shipping / Receiving
- Many of the fields that previously were not carried over from the Shipper document to the
Advance Receiver or Receiver document are now carried over.
- Because Agreement Number is the key to this enhancement, the procedure for equipment
shipped and then returned (for rental, lease or transfer) should be:
-The Shipper must include the actual Agreement Number for the ID Number being
shipped (ideally the Pre-shipper is created from the agreement function MNTEMRNT or
-The Advance Receiver or Receiver document must be created while the ID Number is
still on the same agreement, that is, before being returned using the Rental/Lease
Return function MNTEMRLR.
- Any information that is automatically populated when an Advance Receiver or Receiver is
that is not wanted should be spaced out or typed over.
List of All Improvements
Reinstate “Approval” field for EMS Agreements
The Approval field was removed from agreement screens with release DBSi 5.0 in order to incorporate the field into
credit check functionality. This enhancement reinstates the field on the agreement inquiry, quote, reservation, and
agreement maintenance screens. Instead of “Approval”, the field is now labelled “Originator” on the screens and is
10 characters in length as opposed to the previous 3 characters. A new file called the Agreement Extension file
EMPCTRA0 has been created to store the value from the screen and to additionally store the user profile of the user
that actually created the document. The Agreement Extension records use a code to distinguish the two user
profiles. A value of “1” for Record Type indicates the value from the screen. A value of “2” for Record Type
indicates the user profile of the user that created the document.
Functions affected:
Equipment Quote, Reservation, Agreement Inquiry, and all Agreement Maintenance functions.
The field that was previously labelled “Approval” is now called “Originator” and is on the same screens in the
same location as “Approval” was previously. When the field is first displayed, it contains the User Profile of
the person signed on. Users are able to change the value if desired or leave it as defaulted. The same value
that is defaulted is automatically stored in the Agreement Extension file as Record Code “2”. This field is not
displayed on any screen but can be reviewed using a file utility.
EMS Reprice List
Reference# 416E in GPQ config 213-9271 has an in correct list price. Discount % is not pulling in 27%,
it is pulling in 28.43%.
Modify program to populate EMPCTRA0