Systematic Approach Questions


Version: 1/19/16

Humane Handling Plan

How do we assure our maintenance of pens, driveways and ramps so that they remain in good repair and free from sharp or protruding objects?

How do we assure the maintenance of the floors and of good footing for animals?

How do we monitor the percentage of animals that fall during unloading and handling in the stunning area? If over 1% of the animals fall, this is an indicator that footing may need improvement.

Where is our covered pen for disabled or suspect animals located?

Describe how the set up or design of our establishment minimizes direction reversal of animals when being moved?

How do we move animals to assure they are driven at a walking speed with minimum excitement?

How do we minimize excitement and agitation during handling?

Describe the driving aids used and other handling practices specific for each type of livestock.

How do we monitor electric prod use and vocalization to help prevent agitation and excitement?

An increase in the percentage of animals moved with an electric prod or vocalizing (moo, bellow, or squeal) indicates a possible problem with agitation and excitement. Refer to NAMI guidelines for percentages and details on how to measure prod usage.

Describe any training employees are given on handling of livestock. What direction or oversight is given to non-employee (truck drivers, farmers, animal owners, etc.) on humane handling of livestock when they help with offloading of animals?

The dragging of disabled conscious animals is prohibited.

Version: 1/19/16

How do we handle animals that are unable to move or get up?

What is our protocol for animals that arrive to the establishment that are unable to rise or walk?

If we use equipment for moving conscious downed animals, what kind of equipment do you use? If we stun these downers, where in our establishment do we do this? Do we then bleed them at that spot, or take them somewhere else to bleed? How long is it typically between the time we stun them to the time we bleed them?

How do we assure animals have access to water at all times in holding pens?

How do we assure animals that are held on a transport truck waiting to be offloaded have access to water?

How do we assure animals have appropriate feed if held greater than 24 hours?

How do we assure animals held overnight have sufficient room to lie down?

What kind of cartridge does the employee use when stunning animals?

Describe how we keep stunning instruments maintained in good repair.

What is the maintenance schedule for Stunner? How often is each stunning tool inspected and cleaned?

Where do we write down (i.e. document) when maintenance is done on the stunner? How do we document stunner repairs?

How is the stunning area designed to limit the movements of animals to allow for accurate stunning?

Version: 1/19/16

Describe any special restraints we have for certain species of animals.

Describe our method of restraining animals for stunning?

How many animals are stunned at one time?

How do we reduce falls of animals in chutes leading to, and in the stunning area itself?

How do we assure the effectiveness of the captive bolt in producing immediate unconsciousness?

Are the employees instructed to look for signs of unconsciousness in animals after stunning? What signs?

Captive bolt or Firearm: absence of corneal reflex (touch eyeball), no natural blinking, no rhythmic breathing, no righting reflex or vocalization.

Electrical stun: no natural blinking, no rhythmic breathing (agonal gasping OK), no righting reflex or vocalization. With electrical stunning, you cannot use corneal reflex as a test of sensibility, but you can wave a hand in front of the eye to assure no tracking or natural blink (don’t touch the eye).

What backup device is available in the case of a failure of the primary stunning tool? State the type of backup tool and where it is located.

How do we train employees for this job to ensure their methods are effective?

How do we document their training?

What is the protocol if the initial stun is not effective the animal is still conscious?

How it is decided as to what kind of charge is used?

What is your policy on the use of captive bolt stunners that inject air?

Version: 1/19/16

Do we use a firearm to stun animals?

What type of firearm?

Under what conditions would you use a firearm?

Where is the shooting area when you employ the use of firearms?

What is the caliber of the firearm? Or firearms?

What type of bullets are used?

Does the type of bullet used vary depending on the species/size/etc. of the animal?

What backup device is available in the case of a failure of the primary stunning gun? State the type of backup tool and where it is located.

How is the firearm maintained?

What employee training is given for the use of the firearm as a stunning device?

How do we document their training?

Are your employees instructed to look for signs of unconscious in animals after stunning?

How is the stunning area designed to limit the movements of animals to allow for accurate stunning?

Describe any special restraints you have for certain species of animals.

Version: 1/19/16

Describe our method of restraining animals for stunning?

How many animals are stunned at one time?

How do we reduce falls of animals in chutes leading to, and in the stunning area itself?

How do we assure the effectiveness of the firearm in producing immediate unconsciousness?

Are special procedures employed for larger livestock such as bulls, boars, large sows and heavy headed animals? In many cases, a second “security knock” may be administered after rendering the animal insensible on the first knock and determining that it is insensible. If bulls and heavy headed livestock are routinely shot twice, do you periodically make assessments to determine if the first shot is effective.

What is the protocol if the initial stun is not effective and the animal is still conscious?

Do we use an electric stunner to stun animals?

What type of electric stunner?

Where is the area when you employ the use of electric stunner?

Head Stun: Describe where the electrical stunner electrodes are positioned on the head to assure an effective stun (passing electricity through the brain).

Heart Stun: Describe where the electrical stunner electrodes are positioned on the body to assure an effective stun (passing electricity through the heart).

How much electricity is used for each type of stun?

Version: 1/19/16

Does the amount of electricity used vary depending on the species/size/etc. of the animal?

On voltage regulated units, state voltage or dial settings. On amperage regulated units, state amperage settings. State settings for different classes of animals such as market pigs, sows, boars and large sheep or lambs.

What backup device is available in the case of a failure of the primary stunner? State the type of backup tool and where it is located.

How is the electric stunner maintained?

What employee training is given for the use of the electric stunner as a stunning device?

How do we document their training?

Are your employees instructed to look for signs of unconscious in animals after stunning?

How is the stunning area designed to limit the movements of animals to allow for accurate stunning?

How is the stunning area insulated to assure accurate stunning and prevent grounding?

Describe any special restraints you have for certain species of animals.

Describe our method of restraining animals for electrical stunning?

How many animals are stunned at one time?

How do we reduce falls of animals in chutes leading to, and in the stunning area itself?

Version: 1/19/16

How do we assure the effectiveness of the electric stunner in producing immediate unconsciousness?

What is the protocol if the initial stun is not effective and the animal is still conscious?

Describe the frequency and types of any internal and external auditing for humane handling including third party and customer reviews.
