s Brighton Business School Undergraduate Programmes BSc(Hons) Economics & Finance BSc(Hons) Finance & Investment Level Six Examination May 2015 EC388: Financial Econometrics Instruction to candidates: Time allowed: 2 Hours Rubric: You are require to answer THREE questions from a total of six All questions carry 100 marks (Mark allocations within questions are shown in brackets). Show all workings/calculations clearly. Nature of examination: unseen, closed book Allowable material: non-programmable calculators Attachments: Statistical tables (t-table, DW table) Formula sheet Page 1 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015) Question 1 Consider the simple linear model: Yt = 0 + 1Xt + ut a) where ut ~ NID(0, σ2) Y2 = 2708 XY = 530 You are given the following information X = 30 X2 = 110 Y = 160 T=10 Using the matrix approach compute the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimates for 0 and 1, and the corresponding variance-covariance matrix. (60 marks) b) Assuming that the assumption in regard to the error process is correct then the estimated coefficients are ‘BLUE’. Explain this statement. (10 marks) c) Use a significance level of 0.05 to implement a test of the following hypotheses H0: 1 = 0 Vs H1: 1 0 Vs H1: 1 > 2 and H0: 1 = 2 What do you conclude? (30 marks) Page 2 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015) Question 2 A simple demand for money model is specified as: mt = 0 + 1yt + ut ut NID(0,2) t = 1,....,30 where, mt denotes the natural logarithm of real money balances, and yt denotes the natural logarithm of real income and ut is an error term that is assumed to satisfy the standard assumptions. a) It is hypothesised that the model omits a relevant variable, i.e. the rate of interest. Explain fully, using appropriate formulae and expressions, the implications this has for the estimated coefficient 1. (40 marks) b) The model is re-estimated with the a suitable nominal interest rate (e.g. the 3 month treasury bill rate) and the following coefficient estimates are obtained: mt = 1.25 (0.052) + 0.709 yt – 0.006 Rt (0.109) (0.002) where, mt and yt are defined as above, and Rt denotes the nominal interest expressed as a percentage. The estimated standard errors are reported in parentheses beneath the relevant coefficient estimate. i) Does this model conform to monetary theory? ii) Comment on the statistical significance of the estimated coefficients and carefully interpret their estimated impact on money demand. (20 marks) c) The researcher observes a possible structural break in the data. Outline a method that can be used to test for a structural break in the data. (30 marks) Page 3 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015) (10 marks) Question 3 An import demand function is specified as mt = 0 + 1 y t + 2 p t + u t where, mt denotes the natural logarithm of real import demand, yt denotes the natural logarithm of real income, and pt denotes the natural logarithm of real import price and ut is the error term. a) It is hypothesised that the variance in the error term is heteroscedastic and related to income. Explain fully, using appropriate expressions, how you would test this hypothesis if heteroscedasticity is of known form. (40 marks) b) It is now assumed that heteroscedasticity is of unknown form and the variable that is the source of heteroscedasticity cannot be identified. Using appropriate expressions, explain fully how you would test for heteroscedasticity in this case. (50 marks) c) If the relationship were to be estimated by OLS what would be the consequences? (10 marks) Page 4 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015) Question 4 A researcher investigating the relationship between the inflation rate and the unemployment rate for the US between 1948 and 1996 using annual data reports the following results: INFt = 1.427 (1.719) 0.468 UNt (0.189) ut NID (0,2) t = 1,....,49 R2 0.052, DW = 0.803, F= 2.616 [0.1125] where, INF denotes the inflation rate at time t and, UN denotes the unemployment rate at time t. The estimated standard errors are reported in parentheses beneath the relevant variable and u t is an error term that is assumed to satisfy the standard assumptions. a) Comment briefly on the estimated relationship. (10 marks) b) Using the information above test this model for first order autocorrelation using the DW procedure. (30 marks) c) The researcher re-estimates the equation and the following results are reported: INFt = 2.431 - 0.468 UNt + 0.728 INFt-1 u t NID (0,2) (1.719) (0.289) (0.126) R2 0.467, DW = 1.477, F= 19.719 [0.000] Is there any evidence of autocorrelation in this model? d) t = 1,....,48 (40 marks) What are the possible causes of autocorrelation? (10 marks) e) What are the consequences on the estimated coefficients and estimated standard errors if autocorrelation is present in the data? (10 marks) Page 5 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015) Question 5 A financial analyst investigating the volatility of daily returns to the S&P500 postulates the estimation of two alternative models: Model 1: yt = μ + βXt + ut , where ut ~ N(0, 1) and σ 2u t α 0 α 1 u 2t 1 ,..., α p u 12 p Model 2: yt = μ + βXt + ut where ut ~ N(0, 1) and σ 2u t α 0 α 1 u 2t 1 γσ 2t 1 In both models yt is the daily returns on the S&P500, 𝜎𝑢2 is the variance of the error term ut, and Xt is a vector of regressors assumed to affect the returns to the S&P500. a) What class of regression models are models 1 and 2 examples? (10 marks) b) Why would either model be superior to OLS in modelling returns in financial markets? (10 marks) c) Why is model 2 preferred to model 1, by researchers and financial analysts, when modelling volatility? (10 marks) d) What range of values are likely for the coefficients; , 0, 1, and γ in model 2? (30 marks) e) The analyst now contemplates the estimation of two further models Model 3: yt = μ + βXt + ut where ut ~ N(0, 1) and σ 2u t α 0 α 1 u 2t 1 γσ 2t 1 u 2t 1 D Model 4: yt = μ + β1 Xt + β2 𝜎𝑢2 + ut where ut ~ N(0, 1) and σ 2u t α 0 α 1 u 2t 1 γσ 2t 1 Carefully explain the rationale for choosing either of these models over model 2. (40 marks) Page 6 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015) Question 6 a) Define the following: i) A stationary process; (10 marks) ii) A random walk; (10 marks) iii) An integrated process of order n. (10 marks) b) Explain fully, using appropriate mathematical expressions, how you would test for stationarity in a univariate time series using the Dickey-Fuller (DF) and Augmented DickeyFuller (ADF) procedure. (60 marks) c) Outline a test to help distinguish a trended stationary process from a difference stationary process. (10 marks) Page 7 of 7 EC388: Financial Econometrics (May 2015)