Differentiation ppt for PL-south

What it is, how you do it and
why it matters
Department of Education
Learning Goals
• Connect to what you know already
about differentiation
• Extend your knowledge and
• Challenge you to change some aspect of
practice in relation to differentiation
Department of Education
Differentiation: Why it matters
Strategic plan- equity
and excellence
Differentiation is the bridge between
students and the curriculum
Practices of highly
effective schools
and school leaders
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching
to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning
needs of students across the full range of abilities
Highly accomplished
Evaluate learning and teaching programs, using student assessment data, that are differentiated for
the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
Lead colleagues to evaluate the effectiveness of learning and teaching programs differentiated for
the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.
Surfacing current beliefs and
Surfacing assumptions:
1. Fold your paper into 4 squares
2. Write one thing you currently understand about
differentiation in each quadrant
3. Walk, and share top left statement with someone
when you hear the buzzer – one minute each
4. Continue this until all 4 statements shared
Department of Education
Drawing the threads together
1. Return to your table group
2. Think - one thing that you heard that
resonated for you, and one that
challenged your thinking
3. Write them down
4. Share with the group- volunteers
5. Keep your sheet for session 2
Department of Education
What is differentiation?
• In primary and secondary teams explore
your choice of video or article
• Go to this wiki
and choose which resource to use
• As your watch/read note down the main
ideas that describe differentiation
Department of Education
Sharing the main ideas
• In your group discuss the main ideas what
of differentiation is
• Any general questions so far?
Department of Education
How to differentiate
• Move into 3 groups according to the coloured dot
on your name tag
Black - Content
Blue- Process
Pink- Product
• Go to the wiki page for your topic and explore the
resources there that best meet your readiness needs
with respect to your knowledge about differentiation
• Choose one resource to view or read and make
notes – you can use a graphic organiser for notes if
you want to
Department of Education
Main Ideas-Content, Process, Product
• As a group, select the main ideas and
record on the large sticky note.
• Be prepared to share back with the
whole group
Department of Education
Share how to differentiate
content, process, product
• As groups share their learning about
content, process, product - take your own
notes (proforma – Differentiation implications for the AC)
• What are the implications of each aspect for
the Australian Curriculum?
Department of Education
Differentiating with the AC
• Using a work sample from the Australian
Curriculum online to look for opportunities for
• Year 7 English example – response to a film
• http://www.acara.edu.au/curriculum/worksamples/
Department of Education
Schoolwork- for next time
• Using a similar process apply the same thinking to your lesson/s
that you are planning to teach in the next fortnight.
• Knowing your students, decide on aspect/s of differentiation
(content, process and/or product) that you can trial in your
• Reflect on the experience- using the proforma on the wiki as a
guide (optional)
• Bring 5 copies of your proforma or materials you have used
Department of Education
Exit card- Pass the Remote
• Remote control thinking tool for reflecting
on the workshop
• Formative assessment- feedback to us about
your learning to inform our planning for
Session 2
We look forward to seeing you all again on
Fri 27th July 1.30 – 3.30pm
Department of Education