Seventh Grade -

JBennitt Lesson
Second Term 2009-10
Monday, October 26, 2009
Seventh Grade:
Compare/Contrast G-4 Collect Unit
Return Papers/Distribute Grades
Man’s Fatal Flaw Essay
Complete as homework if needed
Sixth Grade:
Compare/Contrast G-4 Collect Unit
Return Papers/Distribute Grades
Ben Carson
Eighth Grade
Compare/Contrast G-4 Collect Unit
Return Papers/Distribute Grades
The Outsiders: Chapter 8
Begin the Chapter 8-10 Study Guide
Man’s Fatal Flaw Essay
The Greeks believed that hubris was the worst
flaw in mankind. Hubris was defined as a
destructive kind of pride in which a person did
not humble himself before the almighty power of
the gods, but thought of himself as the most
important being in the universe.
Consider human flaws such as pride, rage,
cowardice, greed, conceit, laziness, violence,
disloyalty, excessive ambition, selfishness,
rudeness, dishonest, ignorance, disrespectful,
irresponsible, jealousy, merciless, vengeance,
obsession, and others.
Now write to convince me that your choice is the
worst character flaw in mankind.
Introduction (Topic)
Define “character flaw”
Give example (Greek info from prompt)
Choose flaw(s) and DEFINE it(them)
Use example of your flaw(s) from history,
literature, current events, etc. if needed to make
the meaning clear.
Explain the possible outcome or
consequences, for example:
This (These) flaw(s) can cost a person their
success, their friends, and their family.
Every person has character flaws.
A character flaw is a defect in the way a
person makes choices about following the
rules of a civilized society.
The Greeks thought the worst flaw was
“hubris”. A person with hubris thinks he
knows better than the gods what is right
and wrong. He makes his own rules.
I believe that man’s worst flaw is
disloyalty. Disloyalty is turning away from
someone when times are hard. Jason
was disloyal to Medea. When the
townspeople started calling her names,
he abandoned her.
Disloyalty can cost a person friends,
family, and success.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Voltaire quote of the day:
“A witty saying proves nothing.”
Seventh Grade:
Collect Man’s Fatal Flaw Essay (and period 1 Reading Unit)
Grammar Drill: Verbals
Greek Myth Hero: Review Theseus; Read Odysseus at
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills Unit “Motivation”
Ben Carson
Eighth Grade:
Complete and Collect Reading Unit
Grammar Drill: Verbals
The Outsiders: Chapter Eight and Study Guide
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“…the safest course is to do nothing against one’s conscience.
With this secret, we can enjoy life and have no fear from death.”
Seventh Grade:
Return Essays: Revise the introduction
New Reading Skill: Main Idea/Inference
Baroque History/Choose Your Content Strategy
Sixth Grade:
Reading about the Baroque Period
Motivation: Make it work for you
Ben Carson
Eighth Grade:
New Reading Skill: Main Idea/Inference
The Outsiders: Chapter Eight
Work on Chapter 8-10 Study Guide to be collected Friday
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“…Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.”
Seventh Grade:
New Reading Skill: Main Idea/Inference
Baroque History/ ”Cut it down to size” Strategy
Grammar Mini-Lesson: Verbals and Participals
Mythology: The clever Greek Hero: Odysseus
(Period Two: Theseus from Perithious)
Answer this question (the “Raa way”): How did Theseus change
Athens? Describe his “new” approach to government.
Sixth Grade:
Reading about the Baroque Period
Motivation: Make it work for you
Ben Carson
Eighth Grade:
Grammar Mini-Lesson: Verbals and Participals Part 2: Collect grammar
The Outsiders: Chapter Eight
Work on Chapter 8-10 Study Guide to be collected Friday
During Reading: Choose Your Content
• Cut it down to size…
– Highlight the main idea
– Cross out any sentence that gives
extra details about a person or
event and that can be left out
while leaving a paragraph that Cross Out
has meaning
– In each highlighted sentence,
cross out any words that can be
– Copy what’s left into your
Friday, October 30, 2009
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is
excellent in others belong to us as well.”
Seventh Grade:
Verbals Part II; collect grammar drills
Odyssey Reader’s Theatre
Final Mythology Test next week: Have you been absent? Catch
up on your reading!
Sixth Grade: Let’s Go for Baroque (the era that is..)
The story of the era: Baroque Part II
Friday Read-aloud: Ben Carson
Eighth Grade:
Grammar Mini-Lesson: Verbals and Participuals; collect
grammar drills
The Outsiders: Chapter Nine
Complete Chapter 8-10 Study Guide
Monday, November 2, 2009
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is
Seventh Grade:
Reading Warm-Up: Baroque Science and Culture;
Five-Sentence Summary
Theseus Review
Odyssey Reader’s Theater
Sixth Grade:
Motivation pages 21-25
Odyssey Reader’s Theater
Eighth Grade:
Reading Warm-up: Baroque Science and Culture:
Five-Sentence Summary
The Outsiders Chapter 9-10
Tuesday, 11/3/09
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“It is dangerous to be right when the
government is wrong.”
Seventh Grade:
Veterans Day Poetry
Odysseus Review; Perseus and Medusa
Complete “Final Mythology Test”.
Sixth Grade:
Veteran’s Day Poetry
Finish Theseus
Eighth Grade:
Veterans Day Poetry
The Outsiders: Complete Chapter Nine
Wednesday, 11/4/09
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“”Judge a man by his questions rather than
by his answers.”
Seventh Grade:
Reading Skill Lesson: Preparing for FCAT, Grade Seven pages
Grammar Drill: Commas with Clauses
Sixth Grade:
Write a letter to a veteran.
Finish reading about Theseus
Read about Perseus and Medusa
Eighth Grade:
Grammar Drills: Commas with Clauses
The Outsiders: Finish Chapter Nine;
Begin Reading Skill Lesson: Preparing for FCAT, Grade Eight
pages 53-70
Thursday, 11/05/09
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that
makes the difference.
Sixth and Seventh Grades:
Clash of the Titans: Part I
Eighth Grade
Charly Part I
Friday, 11/6/09
Sixth and Seventh Grade:
Clash of the Titans, Part II
Eighth Grade: Charly, Part II
Monday, 11/9/09
Voltaire Quote of the Day:
“Men are equal; it is not birth, but virtue that
makes the difference.”
All classes: The Flag and the Pledge
Sixth Grade: Announce Ben Carson at FAMU; Send
home the letter
Sixth and Seventh:
Finish Clash of the Titans and take the final mythology;
Essay: Plan and write: “There are several common
characteristics of Greek mythical heroes.”
Finish Charly
Continue and Complete Reading Textbook: pages 64-73
Tuesday, 11/10/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“Prejudice is opinion without judgment.”
Mini-Lesson: the ellipsis
Seventh Grade:
Complete Final Mythology Test and Essay Question:
Plan and write: “There are several common
characteristics of Greek mythical heroes.”
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills pages 21-23
Eighth Grade:
NY Times Upfront: Women in the Military
Complete study Guide Chapters 8-10 The Outsiders
Topic: Characteristics of Greek Mythical
Thesis Sentence (Main Idea)
Greek mythical heroes have several characteristics in
common, but the most important ones are _____,
_____, and _____.
Development Plan:
Characteristic named and defined
Characteristic named and defined
Characteristic named and defined
Compare Greek heroes to modern heroes, OR
Make an evaluation of the importance of these heroic
Thursday, 11/12/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“Regimen is superior to medicine.”
Seventh Grade:
Grammar Drill: Commas With Clauses
Complete Mythology Test/Essay Question
Complete Reading Textbook pages 92-101
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills: pages 21-25
Ben Carson Read-Aloud
Eighth Grade:
Grammar Drill: Commas With Clauses
The Outsiders: Complete Chapter 8-10 Study Guide
Continue and Complete Reading Textbook: pages 6473
Friday, 11/13/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“The secret of being boring is to say
Reading Drill: Baroque Culture
Grammar Drill: Commas With Clauses
Seventh Grade:
Complete Reading Textbook pages 92-101
New York Times Upfront Free Reading and Selected Articles
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills: pages 26-27
Eighth Grade:
Continue and Complete Reading Textbook: pages 64-73
The Outsiders, Chapter 11
Monday, 11/16/09
John Donne quote of the day…
“Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and
dreadful, for thou art not so…One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.”
Mini-Lesson: Personification
Reading Drill: Louis XIV
Seventh Grade:
Reading Textbook Chapter Three, pages 92-101
NY Times Upfront: Free Read
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills pages 24-29
Ben Carson Read-Aloud
Eighth Grade:
Continue and Complete Reading Textbook: pages 64-73
The Outsiders, Chapter 11
Tuesday, 11/17/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“Those who can make you believe
absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
Mini-Lesson: Name some people whose absurd ideas have led to
horrible deeds.
Seventh Grade:
Grammar Drill: Commas with Direct Quotes
Return papers; review reading selection
NYTimes Upfront
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills: pages 26-34
Ben Carson Read-Aloud
Eighth Grade:
Grammar Drill: Commas With Direct Quotes
Continue and Complete Reading Textbook: pages 64-73
The Outsiders, Chapter 11
Wednesday, 11/18/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“To succeed in the world, it is not enough to
be stupid, you must also be well-mannered.”
Mini-Lesson: Satire
Reading Drill: Baroque Music and Bach
Writing: Food Drive Letter
Seventh Grade:
Return papers; review reading selection
NYTimes Upfront:
The Supremes
The Draft
Sixth Grade:
Ben Carson Read-Aloud
Eighth Grade:
Complete Reading Textbook: pages 64-73
The Outsiders, Chapter 11
Thursday, 11/19/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“”I disapprove of what you say, but I will
defend to the death your right to say it.”
Seventh Grade:
Grammar Drill: Commas for Pause and Separation
NYTimes Upfront:
The Supremes
The Draft
Sixth Grade:
Study Skills: pages Goal-Setting
Ben Carson
Eighth Grade:
Grammar Drill: Commas for Pause and Separation
The Outsiders: Read Chapter Twelve
Complete the Study Guide and prepare for tomorrow’s test
Friday, 11/20/09
Voltaire quote of the day…
“Work saves us from three great evils:
boredom, vice, and need.”
Reading Drill: Henry Purcell
Seventh Grade:
Reading Study: Conclusion and Inference
Sixth Grade:
Reading Study: Conclusion and Inference
Study Skills: Goal-Setting
Eighth Grade:
The Outsiders Finish the book; finish the movie
Reading Study: Conclusion and Inference
Monday, November 23, 2009
Voltaire Quote of the Day: “Think for yourself and let
others enjoy the privilege to do the same”
Grammar Drill: Commas with Titles etc.
Sixth Grade:
Reading Study: Conclusion and Inference
Study Skills: Goal-Setting
Eighth Grade:
The Outsiders Finish the book; finish the movie
Reading Study: Conclusion and Inference
Seventh Grade: Get magazine and handouts
from the back counter.
The New York Times upfront news magazine;
complete the activities using the articles and the Atlas
and Almanac pages.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Voltaire Quote of the Day: “ When we hear
news we should always wait for the
sacrament of confirmation.”
Reading and Listening Drill: Domenico
The New York Times upfront news
magazine; complete the activities using
the articles and the Atlas and Almanac
Period One: Go to Lee’s room. Finish
Atlas/Almanac Activity
Period TWO: MEET ME IN Ms. Lee’s
Room (Cooking Lab across from Chorus)
Period Three and Four: Meet in my room
Period Five: MEET ME IN Ms. Lee’s
Room (Cooking Lab across from Chorus)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Milton Quote of the Day: “A good book is the
lifeblood of a master spirit.”
Reading and Listening Drill: Domenico
LA classes: Plan a Five-Paragraph Essay
Eighth Grade:
The Outsiders Test tomorrow
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Writes Upon Request Today
Milton Quote of the Day:
“”Deep-versed in books and shallow in himself”
Writes Upon Request schedule drops B Period.
Grammar Drill: Commas with Titles etc.Collect Persuasive
Essay Plan Sheet
The New York Times upfront news magazine; complete
the activities using the articles and the Atlas and Almanac
pages. (B Period will complete this at home.)
Sixth Grade: Goal-Setting
Eighth Grade: The Outsiders Final Test; Submit Chapter
11-12 Study Guide/Essay Questions
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Milton Quote of the Day:
“For what can war, but endless war, still breed?”
Progress Report
Grammar Drill: Commas with Titles etc.
Collect Persuasive Essay Plan Sheet
(Period 1 and 5)
The New York Times upfront news
magazine; complete the activities using
the articles and the Atlas and Almanac
pages. (B Period will complete this at
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Progress Reports for students absent on
Vivaldi Reading Activity
Sixth Grade: Ben Carson: Chapter 9-11
Grammar Drill: Commas with Titles etc. Collect
Persuasive Essay Plan Sheet (Period 1 and 5)
The New York Times upfront news magazine;
complete the activities using the articles and the
Atlas and Almanac pages. (B Period will
complete this at home.)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Milton Quote of the Day: “”He that studieth revenge keepeth his
own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well.”
All: Homophones Drill
Sixth Grade: Ben Carson Chapter Ten
and Study Skills Unit “Goal-Setting”
Seventh and Eighth Grade:
Reading Skills: Main Idea; Cause-Effect;
The New York Times Upfront:
Can Your Phone Testify Against You?
A New Look in Baghdad
1859: Darwin
Monday, December 7, 2009
Pearl Harbor Day
Grammar Unit Test
Baroque Reading: Handel
NYTimes Upfront:
A New Look in Baghdad
1859: Darwin
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Be a STAR for HOPE Community!
Milton Quote of the Day: “ He who reigns within
himself and rules passions, desires, and fears is
more than a king.”
Grammar Drill: Gerunds
New York Times UpFront:
A New Look in Baghdad
1859: Darwin
Reading Textbook: Chapter Seven “Why Did That
Sixth Grade: The Ben Carson Story: Chapter Ten
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Milton Quote of the Day:” They also serve
who only stand and wait.”
Reading Drill: The Tale of the Taj Mahal
New York Times UpFront:
Read the Cartoons
Reading Textbook: Chapter Seven “Why
Did That Happen?”
Sixth Grade: The Ben Carson Story:
Chapter Ten
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Milton Quote of the Day:” True it is that
covetousness is rich, modesty starves.”
(The rich get richer and the poor get poorer)
Cartoon of the Day and Upfront article review
Persuasive Essay Plan
Reading Textbook:
Chapter Seven: Why Did That Happen?
Sixth Grade:
Ben Carson
Persuasive Essay Topics
Should law enforcement need a warrant to
track your cellphone?
Should Raa change its dress code?
Does the media cover enough serious news?
Should it be against the law to use your cell
phone for talking OR ANYTHING ELSE while
driving a car, flying a plane, etc.?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Happy Hannukah
Review Writes Upon Request
NYTimes Upfront quiz and Essay
Sixth Grade: Ben Carson Story
Seventh Grade: Reading Textbook: pages
Eighth Grade: Reading Textbook: pages160175
Monday, December 14, 2009
Santa Quote of the Day: “You’d better watch out, You’d
better not cry, You’d better not pout, I’m telling you why,
Santa Claus is coming to town.”
Sixth Grade: Ben Carson
Seventh Grade: Reading
Textbook: pages 104-204
Eighth Grade: Reading
Textbook: pages160-175
Tuesday, December 15, 2008