Computational Thinking 101

Computational Thinking 101
“Computational thinking is a fundamental skill for
everybody, not just for computer scientists. To reading,
writing, and arithmetic, we should add computational
thinking to every child’s analytical ability.”
Jeanette Wing: Carnegie Mellon; National Science
Foundation Computer & Information Science &
Engineering Directorate.
Computational Thinking Symposium
Jeannette Wing (2006)
• “Computational thinking builds on the power and
limits of computing processes, whether they are
executed by a human or by a machine.”
• “Computational methods and models give us the
courage to solve problems and design systems
that no one of us would be capable of tackling
• “Computational thinking confronts the riddle of
machine intelligence: What can humans do better
than computers, and what can computers do
better than humans?”
Computational Thinking Symposium
In a Nutshell
• Human brains have capabilities and
• Computers (computer “brains”) have
capabilities and limitations.
• Computational thinking focuses on using the
combined strengths of human and computer
brains to solve problems and accomplish
Computational Thinking Symposium
Problem Solving is Part of Every
Discipline and Includes
• Pose, recognize, clarify, & answer questions.
• Pose, recognize, clarify, & solve problems.
• Pose, recognize, clarify, & accomplish tasks.
• Pose, recognize, clarify, & make decisions.
The general idea is to use one’s own physical
and mental capabilities, along with tools
(including computers) that aid one’s physical
and mental capabilities, to do all of the above.
Computational Thinking Symposium
Some Simplified Goals of Education
1. To learn some facts (data, information,
knowledge, wisdom).
2. To learn to build on the previous work of
oneself and others.
3. To learn to solve problems and
accomplish tasks making use of 1 & 2.
All of the above contributes to increasing one’s
levels of expertise in the areas being studied.
Computational Thinking Symposium
Expertise in a Discipline
Computational Thinking Symposium
An Analogy with
Reading, Writing, & Math
• We use reading, writing, and math in all
(almost all?) academic disciplines.
• We typically do not talk about “reading
thinking” and “writing thinking.” People who
are literate routinely do reading and writing
• Mathematicians and some others talk about
mathematical thinking and math maturity.
Computational Thinking Symposium
“Computational” as a Subdivision of a
Specific Discipline
• In math and a number of sciences such as
astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and
physics, “computational” is now a significant
subdivision or component of the discipline.
• The underlying idea is to develop computer
representations, models, and simulations of
the phenomena being studied, and then use
compute-power to help in the investigation.
Computational Thinking Symposium
“Computational” is Now an Important
Part of Most Disciplines
• To see this, do a Google search on the quoted
expression “computational xyz” where you
substitute the name of a discipline for the xyz.
– “computational architecture” 18,000 hits
– “computational biology” 1,760,000 hits
– “computational economics” 134,000 hits
– “computational linguistics” 871,000 hits
– “computational music” 2,500 hits. However, the
search term “digital music” gives 32 million hits.
Computational Thinking Symposium
Summary: Computational Thinking
from an Education Point of View
We look at levels of expertise in a discipline or
component of a discipline.
We analyze in terms of possible impact of
Information & Communication Technology,
and Computer & Information Science.
We help students gain an appropriate level of
computational thinking expertise within the
areas that they study.
Computational Thinking Symposium
Afternoon Wrap-up and Closure
• A few summary comments from Moursund.
• General comments and questions from the
Computational Thinking Symposium
Summary: The World is Changing
• I see a future of continued rapid change in the
tools being provided by Information and
Communication Technology, the underlying
theory being provided by Computer and
Information Science, and the integration of
more computational thinking into the fabric of
each academic discipline.
Computational Thinking Symposium
Machines are Getting “Smarter”
Computational thinking is of growing
importance in education because:
• The cost effectiveness of computer hardware
continues to rapidly increase.
• Artificial intelligence and other aspects of
computer science continue to make progress.
• Computers are becoming an increasingly
powerful and useful “auxiliary brain.”
Computational Thinking Symposium
Auxiliary Brain
• Think of the Web as an auxiliary storage and
retrieval (declarative memory) brain.
• Think of problem-solving computer programs
(such as statistical packages) as an auxiliary
procedural brain.
• Other examples include: wristwatch, GPS, and
“full feature” cell telephone.
Computational Thinking Symposium