Computer Architecture and Assembly Language


Practical Session 2

Labels Definition

• valid characters in labels are: letters, numbers, _











, and ?

• first character can be: letter, _, ? and . ( . has a special meaning)

• label can be prefixed with a $ to indicate that it is intended to be read as an identifier and not a reserved word

• Example: if some other module you are linking with defines a symbol called eax

, you can refer to

$eax in NASM code to distinguish the symbol from the register.



Flags as a whole is a single 16-bit register buried inside the CPU. Of those 16 bits, 9 are actually used as flags on the x86.

A flag is a single bit of information whose meaning is independent from any other bit.

Each of the Flags register's nine flags has a two-letter symbol by which most programmers know them.

OF— The Overflow flag is set when the result of an operation becomes too large to fit in the operand it originally occupied.

SF— The Sign flag becomes set when the result of an operation forces the operand to become negative.

ZF— The Zero flag becomes set when the results of an operation become zero.

CF— The Carry flag is by far the most useful flag in the Flags register, and the one you will have to pay attention to most. If the result of an arithmetic or shift operation "carries out" a bit from the operand, CF becomes set.

• Jcc: Conditional Branch

• JE/JZ – Jumps if ZF = 1 (Zero Flag = 1)

• JNE/JNZ – Jumps if ZF = 0

JLE/JNG (Jump Less Equal, Jump Not Greater) – ZF = 1 or SF ≠ OF

• JG/JNLE (Jump Greater/Jump Not Less Equal) ZF = 0 and SF = OF

• JL/JNGE (Jump Less/Jump Not Greater Equal) – SF ≠ OF

JGE/JNL (Jump Greater Equal/Jump Not Less) SF = OF

• JS – Jumps if SF = 1 (Sign Flag = 1)

• JNS – Jumps if SF = 0


• Hold the bulk of object file information for the linking view: instructions, data, symbol table, relocation information, and so on.

• Important types:

.bss This section holds uninitialized data that contribute to the program ’s memory image. The section occupies no file space.

.data and .data1 These sections hold initialized data that contribute to the program ’s memory image.

rodata and .rodata1 -

These sections hold read-only data that typically contribute to a non-writable segment in the process image.

.text This section holds the ‘‘text,’’ or executable instructions, of a program.

Memory layout for



Pseudo-instructions are things which, though not real x86 machine instructions, are used in the instruction field anyway because that's the most convenient place to put them.

• The notion of type in assembly language is almost wholly a question of size .

• You can define named variables in your assembly language programs using such pseudo-instructions as DB and DW .

Initialized data: something that comes with a value, and not just a box that will accept a value at some future time. A variable is defined by associating an identifier with a data definition pseudo-instruction , such as DB, DW, DD, etc.

RESB, RESW, RESD, RESQ AND REST: declaring uninitialized storage space


1. buffer: resb 64 ; reserve 64 bytes

2. word_var: resw 1 ; reserve a word

3. real_array resq 10 ; array of ten real numbers

Note: you can not make any assumption about values of a storage space cells.


: defining constants

• EQU defines a symbol to a given constant value: when

EQU is used, the source line must contain a label. The action of

EQU is to define the given label name to be the value of its (only) operand. This definition cannot changed later.

• Example:

FOO: EQU 1 ; FOO = 1


: Repeating Instructions or Data

• The

TIMES prefix causes the instruction to be assembled multiple times ( partly NASM's equivalent of the


• The argument to

TIMES is not just a numeric constant, but a numeric expression.

• TIMES can be applied to ordinary instructions, so you can code trivial unrolled loops.

• Example:

64 zerobuf: times 64 db 0 0 0 0

Effective Addresses

• An effective address is any operand to an instruction which references memory.

Effective addresses, in NASM, have a very simple syntax: they consist of an expression evaluating to the desired address, enclosed in square brackets.

• Examples: wordvar: dw 0x5A, 0x39 mov ax,[wordvar] ; ax = 0x005A (In Little Endian Format ) mov ax,[wordvar+1] ; ax = 0x3900


NASM understands four different types of constant: numeric, character, string and floating points.

1. numeric constants -

A numeric constant is simply a number. NASM allows to specify numbers in a variety of number bases, in a variety of ways: suffix



Q and

B for hex, octal and binary, etc.


• mov ax,100 ; decimal

• mov ax,0a2h ; hex

• mov ax,777q ; octal

• mov ax,10010011b ; binary

2. Character Constants

• A character constant consists of up to 4 characters enclosed in either single or double quotes.

• A character constant with more than one character will be arranged with littleendian order in mind.

• Examples:

• mov eax,'abcd'

The constant generated is not 0x61626364, but 0x64636261, so that if you were then to store the value into memory, it would read abcd rather than dcba. That way, it is stored “backwards” in eax.

3. String Constants

• String constants are only acceptable to some pseudo-instructions, namely the

DB family and INCBIN.

• A string constant looks like a character constant, only longer. It is treated as a concatenation of maximum-size character constants for the conditions.

• Examples:

• db 'hello' ; string constant

• db 'h','e','l','l','o' ; equivalent character constants

Advanced Instructions

MUL Unsigned Integer Multiply

IMUL - S igned Integer Multiply


MUL performs unsigned integer multiplication, and IMUL perform signed integer multiplication..

The other operand to the multiplication, and the destination operand are implicit, in the following way:

• For MUL r/m8, AL is multiplied by the given operand. the product is stored in AX.

• For MUL r/m16, AX is multiplied by the given operand. The product is stored in DX:AX.

• For MUL r/m32, EAX is multiplied by the given operand. The product is stored in EDX:EAX.

Examples: mov bl,5 ; multiplier mov al,9; multipicand mul bl ; ax = 45 mov bx, 8000h mov ax, 2000h mul bx ; result = hex 1000 0000 mov al, 0x80 ; mov bl, 0x40 ; imul bl ; result = hex E000

JMP:Unconditional Jump

JMP imm/r/m16/m32


JMP FAR mem/mem32

• JMP jumps to a given address. The address may be specified as an absolute segment and offset, or as a relative jump within the current segment.

• The JMP r/m forms execute a near jump (within the same segment ), loading the destination address out of memory or out of a register, and has limited range of

32767 (16 bits) . The keyword

NEAR may be specified, for clarity, in these forms, but is not necessary.

• JMP SHORT imm has a maximum range of 128 bytes, since the displacement is specified as only 8 bits, but takes up less code space. NASM does not choose when to generate

JMP SHORT for you: you must explicitly code

SHORT every time you want a short jump.

• The JMP FAR mem forms execute a far jump by loading the destination address out of memory. The address loaded consists of 16 or 32 bits of offset

(depending on the operand size), and 16 bits of segment.

Loop definition:

LOOP, LOOPE, LOOPZ, LOOPNE, LOOPNZ: loop with counter

* for all the possible variants of operands look at NASM manual, B.4.142

Example: mov ax, 1 mov cx, 3 my_ loop: add ax, ax loop my_ loop, cx

1. decrements its counter register

(in this case it is CX register)

2. if the counter does not become zero as a result of this operation, it jumps to the given label

Note: counter register can be either

CX or


- if one is not specified explicitly, the

BITS setting dictates which is used.


(or its synonym


) adds the additional condition that it only jumps if the counter is nonzero and the zero flag is set. Similarly,




) jumps only if the counter is nonzero and the zero flag is clear.




: Bitwise Logical Shifts

SHL r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

SHR r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

• SHL and

SHR perform a logical shift operation on the given source/destination

(first) operand. The vacated bits are filled with zero. The number of bits to shift by is given by the second operand.

• The shifted bit enters the Carry Flag.

• Example: mov CL , 3 mov AL ,10110111b ; AL = 10110111 shr AL, 1 ; shift right 1 AL = 01011011 shr AL, CL; shift right 3 AL = 00001011

• Perform division/multiplication with 2.




: Bitwise Arithmetic Shifts

SAL r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

SAR r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

• SAL and

SAR perform an arithmetic shift operation on the given source/destination (first) operand. The vacated bits are filled with zero for


, and with copies of the original high bit of the source operand for



• Example: mov CL , 3 mov AL ,10110111b ; AL = 10110111 sar AL, 1 ; shift right 1 AL = 11011011 sar AL, CL; shift right 3 AL = 11111011




: Bitwise Rotate

ROL r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

ROR r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

• ROL and

ROR perform a bitwise rotation operation on the given source/destination (first) operand. Thus, for example, in the operation


, an 8-bit rotation is performed in which

AL is shifted left by 1 and the original top bit of

AL moves round into the low bit.

• Example: mov CL, 3 mov BH ,10110111b ; BH = 10110111 rol BH, 01 ; rotate left 1 bit BH = 01101111 rol BH, CL; rotate left 3 bits BH = 01111011




: Bitwise Rotate through Carry Bit

RCL r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

RCR r/m8/m16/m32 1/CL/imm8

• RCL and

RCR perform a 9-bit, 17-bit or 33-bit bitwise rotation operation, involving the given source/destination (first) operand and the carry bit. Thus, for example, in the operation


, a 9-bit rotation is performed in which

AL is shifted left by 1, the top bit of

AL moves into the carry flag, and the original value of the carry flag is placed in the low bit of



• Example: mov BH ,10110111b ; BH = 10110111 ;CF = 0 rcl BH, 01 ; rotate left 1 bit BH = 01101110 ;CF = 1
