PRE QUIZ INFO 19th NATIONAL SPM BK Oral Quiz 2015 These pages give you important information regarding the above quiz. Please read BEFORE you fill in and send us your registration forms. The 19th National SPM BK Oral Quiz (i) is a team quiz which is open to students in Forms 4 and 5, especially for those who are taking the SPM Bible Knowledge (9221) paper. (II) tests students on their knowledge of the book of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles – (Good News Bible version, which is the syllabus for the SPM Bible Knowledge 9221 paper ). This quiz is carried out in TWO stages: Stage 1: Regional Quiz (11th July 2015 at Regional Centers* ) • • • • Part 1: Each team comprises 2 students who MUST** be from the same school. 50 objective questions to be answered individually, in 40 min. Papers will be marked and marks posted at TCF and SU website. Marks are added together for team totals (maximum of 100 marks) to be carried to Stage 2. • All participating teams are eligible and encouraged to enter Stage 2. • Certificates of participation from Malayan Christian Schools’ Council will be awarded to all Part 1 quiz participants. * See list below for this year’s Regional Centers. **Register with a Bible-reading school-mate if you are the only BK candidate from your school. (Your partner can from another Form – we allow teams with combinations of F3-F5 students). Stage 2: • • • National Quiz (1st August 2015 at SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya) Part 2: All teams who have Part 1 scores are eligible to enter Part 2. Written answers to 10 short oral questions, team members can confer. Max score is 40 marks. • • Part 3 (Semifinals): The top teams*** from Part 2 [e.g. top 12 Selangor teams, top 9 WPKL teams, top 6 teams from the North, and at least one top team from each of the other states] take part - others are eliminated. • 5 oral questions, 5 marks each, answers to be written down, team members do not confer. Maximum score is 25 marks. *** No. of top teams selected will vary in proportion to the no. of teams from the different regions/states. • • Part 3 (Finals): Top 5 teams from Semifinals enter the Finals. Begins with 3 speed round oral questions (Total: 15 marks) and ends with 1 context question (10 marks) where conferring is not allowed. Maximum score is 25 marks. Awards: • Certificates of participation from MCSC are awarded to all participants. • Trophies/medals to Top 5 National Champions and Top 3 State Champions+ • National champions and runners-up will receive attractive tuition fee waivers from Methodist College, Kuala Lumpur for Cambridge A-level/AUSMAT/Dip. Early Childhood Education/Certified Accounting Technician courses. + A State competition requires a minimum of 3 schools from the State. Page 1/3 BK 15 QUIZ What is BK 15 Quiz? ▪ ▪ This is a shorter, side-quiz that takes place on the same day as Stage 2 of the National SPM BK Oral quiz, i.e. 1st August 2015, at SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya. This year, we will hold Regional BK15 Quiz in Ipoh, Miri, Melaka, Sabah and Labuan on 11th July 2015. Who can take part in BK15 Quiz? ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ It is open to all students from F1 to F6 and school-leavers who are studying in colleges. All quiz-day helpers are also required to participate in the BK15 quiz. Teams taking part in stage 2 of the 19th National SPM BK Oral Quiz may NOT register for this quiz. Participants compete as individuals. What is the scope and format of BK15 Quiz? ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Texts tested for BK15 are (i) Acts 1-12; 15 (for Regional BK15 in Ipoh, Miri, Melaka, Sabah and Labuan) (ii) Acts 13-25 (for National BK15 in SMK Assunta, PJ) Format of BK15 Quiz: 50 objective questions to be answered in 35 minutes. What prizes are awarded for BK15 Quiz? Certificates and trophies/medals will be awarded to • Top 10 participants from each Form (Form 1 – 5) • Top 3 participants from the Veterans category (Form 6 and College students) **************************************************************************** To all teachers and students, The BK Quizzes are student-friendly, fun events. They are NOT exams. Last year’s individual quiz (BK14) saw excellent scores from Forms 1-6. Oral quizzes get SPM BK candidates to notice details, major events and God-moments. Get into the Word now… God speaks to the reader, the seeker, the Bible scholar ! Kun Han (Founder of BK quiz) Page 2/3 IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS FOR 19th NATIONAL SPM BK Oral Quiz 2015 and BK 15 Quiz 19th National SPM BK Oral Quiz 2015 1 May – 28 June 2015 Registration period for 19th SPM BK ORAL QUIZ & Regional BK15 QUIZ Dates Information Regional Registrar (Stage 1 Quiz) Regional Centers (Stage 1 Quiz) Center Chiefs (Stage 1 quiz) For NORTHERN REGION, (Penang, Kedah, Perak, Perlis, Terengganu, Kelantan) Northern Region: Dr Wong Chow Lan Methodist Girls School, Ipoh Dr Wong Chow Lan For ALL OTHER REGIONS, (i) email your registration forms to: (Email subject heading: Oral BK registration fr your sch / bk center) or (ii) fax to 03-79600625 (Attn: Ms Low) Southern Region (Negeri Sembilan, Melaka & Johor) Pn Reeta Baniface (012-6174206) SMKP Methodist, Pn Reeta Baniface Melaka Pahang: Mr Chiew Sai Kee (016-9313081) SMJK Hwa Lian, Mentakab Mr Charles Ng Hon Yen Selangor: Ms Audrey Lui (019-9635776) SMK (L) Bukit Bintang, PJ Ms Lee Har Bee WP Kuala Lumpur: Pn Irene Wong (016-2742174) Wesley Methodist School, KL Pn Irene Wong Miri, Sarawak: Mr Wong Kung Kui (013-8213779) SMK St. Columba, Mr Wong Kung Miri, Sarawak. Kui Kota Kinabalu, Sabah: Mr Jacob Wong (016 8604515) SMK All Saints, Kota Kinabalu Mr Jacob Wong WP Labuan: Ms Chua Ping Ching (013-8667799) SMK St Anne, Labuan Ms Chua Ping Ching Registration forms will be forwarded to Regional Registrars who will acknowledge receipt of your registration forms. Please contact regional registrars if you do not hear from us 3-5 days after submitting your forms. Page 3/3 18 July 2015 (i) Regional Quiz - Stage 1 of 19th National SPM BK Quiz (Part 1) Venue: Regional Centers above. Time: 9 am – 11 am (ii) Regional BK15 Quiz (only in Ipoh, Miri, Melaka, Sabah & Labuan) Closing date for BK15 quiz 1 August 2015 11 July 2015 BK15 Quiz: Registration forms from all regions except Northern, Miri ,Melaka, Sabah & Labuan to be emailed to or fax to 03-79600625 (Northern, Miri, Melaka, Sabah & Labuan - BK15 quiz registration by the respective Regional Registrars ) (i) National Quiz – Stage 2 of 19th National SPM BK Quiz (Part 2 & Part 3) Venue: SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya. Time: 7.30 am – 1.00 pm (ii) BK 15 quiz (For students from States which did not offer Regional BK15) Venue: SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya. Time: from 7.30 onwards – 2 sessions; prize giving until 1.00 pm Page 4/3 Page 5/3