Chapter Two Theories

The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence
by Kathleen Stassen Berger
Seventh Edition
Chapter 2
Theories of
Slides prepared by Kate Byerwalter, Ph.D.,
Grand Rapids Community College
What Theories Do
A developmental theory provides a
framework for understanding human
development; it also guides research.
 Example:
The idea that early experiences
impact later development is a theory.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Testing the Theory
Researchers use the scientific method to
test theories.
 Generate
 Create hypothesis
 Test hypothesis
 Analyze data; draw conclusion
 Publish results
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Grand Theories
The “Grand Theories” were the first,
comprehensive theories in psychology.
They focus on development as it applies
to ALL individuals.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
The 3 Grand Theories
Psychoanalysis (Freud)
Behaviorism (Watson, Skinner, Pavlov)
Cognitive (Piaget)
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Psychoanalytic Theory
Key terms:
id, ego, superego
 repression
 psychosexual
 unconscious
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Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Psychoanalytic Theory (cont.)
Each psychosexual stage (oral, anal, etc.)
includes potential conflicts—how a person
resolves the conflicts determines their
personality and behavior.
Example: Too strict toilet training may
create an “anal retentive” personality.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Erik Erikson (1902–1994)
Erik Erikson
created a theory of
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Erik Erikson (cont.)
Erikson’s theory has 3 psychosocial
stages, in which people face “crises,” or
tasks, at different ages.
His theory focuses on the impact of
relationships in shaping personality.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Our experiences shape who we are.
John Watson (“psychology should be
about things we can observe” )
Behaviorism includes classical and
operant conditioning, social learning
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Operant Conditioning
(B. F. Skinner)
Behaviors are learned through
reinforcements and punishments.
Example: A child gets sent to room for
hitting his brother. (Hopefully) The
punishment will decrease the likelihood
of him hitting his brother in the future.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Quiz: Name That Behaviorist!
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Social Learning
Behavior is learned through observation
and imitation of others (modeling).
We model people who we admire.
Examples: Children learn aggression
from TV, gender roles from peers and
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Cognitive Theory
Jean Piaget’s 4 Stages
 pre-operational
 concrete operational
 formal operational
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Cognitive Theory (cont.)
Cognitive equilibrium—state of mental
If threatened, how do we achieve
equilibrium again?
 Assimilation:
incorporate new events into
existing schemas
 Accommodation:
change schema
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Cognitive Theory (cont.)
Example: A 10 month old learns that a red
ball bounces. If given a blue ball, he will
bounce it too (assimilation). If given a red
tomato (which looks like a red ball), he may
try to bounce it. He needs to accommodate
his schema of round, red things.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
of Grand
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Limitations of Grand Theories
In testing grand theories, it turned out that
people are much more complex than the
grand theories allowed for.
 Example:
Not all children react to a
reinforcement in the same way.
The theories ignored culture and genes.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Mini-theories focus on a specific area of
Example: a study of the development
of motor skills in premature infants
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Emergent Theories
Emergent theories arise from several
accumulated minitheories and may be the
new systematic and comprehensive theories
of the future.
Example: Results of many studies on motor
skills in premies may lead to a new theory of
motor skill development.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Sociocultural Theory
Sociocultural theory states that
development results from the dynamic
interaction between person and social and
cultural forces.
Research often includes comparisons
among children of various nations and
ethnic groups.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Lev Vygotsky
Lev Vygotsky
was a pioneer of
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Vygotsky (cont.)
Guided participation—tutor engages
learner in joint activities, providing instruction
and direct involvement in learning
Zone of proximal development—range of
skills learner can perform with assistance but
not independently
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Epigenetic Theory
Emphasizes the interaction between
genes and the environment—the
newest developmental theory.
Genetic-environmental Interactions
 genes
never function alone
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Epigenetic Theory (cont.)
Genetic-environmental Interactions
 Each
human has a genetic foundation that
is unique.
 But,
all humans have powerful instincts
and abilities that arose from our biological
heritage, through selective adaptation.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Genetic Adaptation
Selective adaptation: genes for the traits
that are most useful will become more
frequent, thus making survival of species
more likely.
 Example:
Humans have genes that foster
language–those may have helped us avoid
lethal diseases.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
With, On, and Around the Genes
Epi = with, around, before, after, on, or
near = surrounding factors
 epigenetic—surrounding
factors that affect
expression of genetic instructions
 Example:
Height is affected by genes and
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Contributions of Each Theory
Psychoanalytic theory has made us aware
of importance of early childhood
Behaviorism has shown effect of immediate
environment on learning.
Cognitive theory shows how intellectual
process and thinking affect actions.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Contributions (cont.)
Sociocultural theory has reminded us of
the importance of culture in learning.
Epigenetic theory reminds us of the power
of genes in interaction with the environment.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
So which theory is “right”?
No one theory explains all human
Eclectic perspective
 Approach
taken by most developmentalists in
which they apply aspects of each of the various
theories rather than staying with just one.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Nature: the influence of biology, genes.
Nurture: the influence of environment.
 Example: Are
you smart because of your genes,
or your upbringing?
The real question is HOW MUCH influence
each has, and how they interact.
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Difference or Deficit?
Sometimes it is difficult to determine
whether a behavior is simply a “difference”
or a “deficit” for a child.
When is a child “too thin”? Are
only children “emotionally distressed”? Is
unmarried motherhood a problem?
 Examples:
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2
Quiz Yourself: Theories
Which phrases regarding early
development go with which theory?
“intimate maternal care is crucial”
 “encourage infants to explore!”
 “malnutrition may alter height”
 “what will you reinforce and model?”
 “co-sleeping is part of our culture”
Berger: The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, 7th Edition, Chapter 2