- Promoting Human Rights and Education in Bangladesh

Promoting Human
Rights and Education
in Bangladesh
Human Rights are not a privilege.
As enshrined in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, all human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one
another in a spirit of brotherhood
(UNDHR 1948).
Who We Are
We are a not-forprofit organization
based in Chittagong
in the south of
dedicated to
fighting violence
against women and
We educate young
people about human
rights. In doing so we
aim to empower girls
and women to speak up
when they are abused,
to seek help for
themselves or others
in an abusive situation,
and be leaders in their
communities in the
fight against gender
based violence.
Our History
Founded in 2004, PHREB emerged from an intensive
study on violence against women and girls in the
Chittagong region. One of the key findings is that
there is an immense lack of awareness about human
rights among women and girls, as well as men and
boys. Coupled with this, the difficulty in accessing
support for victims of violence means that it
continues to be a serious issue for women and girls.
We began our first project Ending Violence
against Girls and Women in 2005 with financial
support from ICCO in the Netherlands.
Our Values and Principles
Achieve Gender Equality and Protect
Women's Human Rights
PHREB considers the
promotion and protection
of women's human rights is
the most succinct and
direct means by which to
develop and sustain an
equitable society.
Our Values and
Enable Girls to Lead the Change
PHREB recognizes the
importance of giving
girls agency to speak
out, demand and
access their
fundamental rights
and freedom.
Our Values and Principles
Protect Girls and Women
PHREB recognizes the
importance of all girls'
right to access
comprehensive education,
information, services and
resources that allow them
to avoid exposure to
HIV/AIDS, unexpected
pregnancy and abortion.
Our Values and
Promote Universal Access to
Primary Education
PHREB recognizes the
importance of girls' access
to formal education and
technology based
vocational training for
economic, social, political
and cultural empowerment
of women.
Our Values and Principles
Engage Men and Boys
PHREB believes that if we
can create a change in the
mindset of young male
Bangladeshis and engage
them in fighting violence
against girls, we can break
the cycle of violence
against women and girls.
Our Core Projects
1. Stop Violence Against Girls and Women
2. Imam’s Movement for Women’s Rights
3. Empowering Adolescent Girls through
BKAF (Adolescent Girl’s Alliance)
4. School Campaign
5. Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
6. Essential Primary Health Care to reduce
Maternal Mortality Rates
Stop Violence Against
Girls and Women NOW
• Family Level
• Public Seminars
• Cultural Functions
and Sports
• International Work
Stop Violence
Against Girls and
Women NOW
• Interactive Forum
• Engaging Adolescent
Boys and Men
• Training for Police
and Law
• Training for
Stop Violence Against
Girls and Women NOW
• Legal Aid and
• Women’s Resource
• Lawyers for Human
Imams for
Women’s Rights
• Mullahs (Islamic leaders)
are influential and they
play a critical role in the
way people lead their lives.
• The Friday Speech at
mosques is reaching around
300,000 men every week,
as well as at Waj Mahfils
(community based religious
Adolescent Girls
BKAF network (Bangladesh Kishori
Adhikar Forum) translates to Adolescent
Girls Alliance in English.
Members of our BKAF network include
students, garment workers, victims of
gender-based violence, domestic
workers, street girls and slum girls.
• Regular Meetings
• Cultural Functions
• Young Women’s
• Debate Programs
• Awards Initiatives
Education for Girls
Our Tulip Schools
can accommodate
up to 60 students,
with 2 classes,
primary and
in a girl’s only
Includes –
Bengali, English,
Maths, Sewing
and Computers
School Campaign
• Bringing Human
Rights in to the
School Lessons
• Essay Writing, Art
and Singing
Competitions to
empower young
School Campaign
• Alliances of youth,
teachers and
• Sports as a tool to
combat violence
against girls
Sexual and
Reproductive Health
• Education and
information about
sexual and
health, hygiene,
STDs, pregnancy
Essential Primary Health
• Maternal mortality
• Access to services
• Complications due
to home births
• Lack of knowledge
• Regular advertisement
on www.dev-zone.org
• Volunteers provide
ongoing support and
assistance to the
future of PHREB
• They bring with them
a wide range of skills
and knowledge
Get Involved
Sponsor an Education
Make a Donation
-Tulip School
-High School Student
-Vocational Training Courses
for Girls
-Sustain our projects
-Build new ones
-Support the rights of Women
and Girls in Bangladesh
Donors and Funding
We can not accomplish our aim alone.
PHREB kindly thanks ICCO The Netherlands for
their ongoing support since 2005.
PHREB is actively seeking new organizations to
partner with that have like minded values and to
ensure that we can sustain our funding for the
Contact PHREB
Mr Faridul Alam
Executive Director
House A/13, 3rd floor,
Road 1,Block A,
Chandgaon R/A
Chittagong 4212
Tel : +880 31 257 1170
Cell : +880 1714 117 194
General e-mail:
Sponsor an Education:
General Donation:
Volunteer Application:
Skype: farid.phreb