School Districts Utilize National Ed Tech Plan to Make Technology Plans (NETP) Along With the State Requirements & Beaumont ISD’s Long Range Technology Plan Maridale Still EDLD 5362 Information Systems Management SP3 11 - ET8026 Week 5 Assignment Planning For Technology Integrating Ideas into the Plan • Things we have learned from our coursework • The National Ed Technology Plan requires the student to be at the center of the learning process. • Texas State Technology Requirements • Key Components of a Technology Plan: Infrastructure, Assessment, Goals/Objectives, Budget & Evaluation • Key Areas of a Technology Plan: Infrastructure, Learning, Productivity, Teaching • • • • Beaumont ISD Long Range Technology Plan: Steps & Requirements Beaumont ISD Technology Plan: Goals & Objectives Beaumont ISD Plan & Possible Improvements Summary What We Have Learned Best Technology Practices Information Systems & Technology Use • The importance of creating long range technology plans for the future – State, District, & School technology plans using the National Plan for Guidelines. • The importance of integrating technology into the teaching & learning process. • The importance of strategic technology planning to prepare students for the 21st Century. (Nagel, p. 4) From the National Education Technology Plan (NETP): a depiction of the new model for student-centered learning. Texas Long Range Technology Plan • In our coursework, we learned that, the Long-Range Plan for Technology in Texas, 2006-2020, establishes a shared vision of teaching and learning, and the processes for improved student achievement, through the application and integration of technology. In addition, all states have curriculum standards to include technology across the curriculum. • For example in Texas, the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) define what students need to know and be able to do to function in an information-based economy. By the end of Grade 8, students are required to master the TEKS in four key areas: Foundations, Information Acquisition, Problem Solving, and Communication. Key Components of a Technology Plan • Introduction: Provides background information. • Assessment: Gives a description of the assessment process. • Goals Objectives: Gives needs and objectives of the plan. • Budget: Funding details of the plan • Evaluation: Gives the process and the methods for the implementation of the plan. National Ed Tech Puts Technology at the Heart of Education Reform Key Areas of a Technology Plan • • • • • Assessment Infrastructure Learning Productivity Teaching Nagel, (2010), p. 2-4. Assessment • Data collection is extremely important. • “Technology should be used in the classroom for ongoing assessments” (Nagel, p. 2). • Use of “interactive tools such as student response devices” (Nagel, p. 2). • Classroom clickers and “multimedia to reinforce concepts and measure progress” (Nagel, p. 2). Scanners are also used for data driven assessment tools. Infrastructure • “The infrastructure goals for the plan are to provide students and teachers with ‘access to a comprehensive infrastructure for learning when and where they need it” (Nagel, p. 2). Key Elements of the Infrastructure •Broadband in all locations •Internet access to all students & teachers •Computers, smart phones, tablets, & other technologies •Increased usage of the cloud for service delivery Nagel, (2010), p. 2 Learning • The NETP puts the learner at the center of the learning environment. • It is necessary to have support from teachers, parents, mentors, peers, and technology. • The students stays in control of the learning atmosphere. • Self paced & individualized learning • Game based learning – to meet core subject content “The new is collaborative, with information shared, discussed, refined with others, and understood deeply” (Sollomon, G. & Schrum, L. (2007), p. 20. Kids derive many benefits from playing such games. They learn to: •Cooperate, collaborate, and work in teams •Make effective decisions under stress •Take prudent risks in pursuit of objectives •Make ethical and moral decisions •Employ scientific deduction quickly master and apply new skills and information •Think laterally and strategically persist and solve difficult problems •Understand and deal with foreign environments and cultures •Manage businesses and people Virtual Cell i Productivity Productivity • NETP wants schools to utilize “models from the business world to increase productivity” (Nagel, p. 4). • Prepare our students for their college education and the workplace Teaching • Increase access to online resource materials for teachers • Use social networking technology • Distance learning opportunities for students • Technology for teacher in-service Nagel, (2010) p. 4. Developing a School District Technology Plan • “An effective technology plan is based on the shared vision of educators, parents, community members and business leaders who have technological expertise” (November, A. (1998), p. 1. • “It also specifies how the technology will be paid for and how its use will be supported” (November, A. (1998), p. 1). November, A. (1998), p. 1. Goals in Creating a District Technology Plan • “The plan for integrating technology into the school is based on the school or district’s educational vision and is part of an overall school-improvement plan. • The technology plan aims to improve student learning, to help students perform authentic tasks, and to help students learn skills that will prepare them for future careers. • Educators, parents, students, and community members support the school’s initiatives in the use of technology. • Professional development and support for staff is provided on an ongoing basis. • The technology plan is periodically reviewed and updated” November, A. (1998), p. 1. November, A. (1998), p. 1. Beaumont ISD Recognizes Necessary State Requirements • All campuses have completed STaR Charts • Critical Factors for achieving NCLB, E-Rate, and Long-Range Plan for Technology Requirements Technology Plans are Required by the State: Campus and district improvement plans adopted under the requirements of the Texas Education Code must include the integration of technology in instructional and administrative programs Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology, the law states that in order to be eligible to receive a subgrant from the State educational agency, a local educational agency or eligible local entity shall sub it to the State educational agency an application containing a new or updated local long-range strategic educational technology plan that is consistent with the objectives of the statewide educational plan. In addition, schools and districts are required to have an approved technology plan to participate in the federal Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism better known as E-Rate. Resource: Texas e-Plan Online Technology Planning System (2010) Steps to Technology Plan Approval Process E-Rate is a common name for The Schools and Libraries Universal Service Fund It provides discounts to assist schools and libraries This assistance helps obtain affordable telecommunications services and Internet access. TEA approves technology plans for K-12 schools. The assessment tools for technology plans are the Texas STaR Charts. The Texas STaR Charts are completed once a year. Resource: Texas Education Agency ePlan System (2011), p. 1. Beaumont ISD District Profile Number of Campuses 32 Total Student Enrollment 19,549 District Size 10,000 – 24,999 Percent Economically Disadvantaged 72.68% Resource: BISD Technology Plan (2010), p. 2. Technology Expenditures $6,886,078.00 Technology Budgets / By Category Teaching & Learning Budget $1,308,355 Educator Prep & Development Budget $1,170,633 Leadership, Administration & Support $ 964,051 Infrastructure for Technology Budget $3,443,039 Total: Technology Expenditure Per Student $352.25 Campuses with Connection to Internet 32 Classrooms with Connection to Internet 1,239 Computer/Student Ratio 4 student(s) per computer Computer/Teacher Ratio 1 teacher(s) per computer Campuses to complete Texas STaR Chart 32 or 100% $6,886,078 Beaumont ISD Technology Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Goal 1 Incorporate technology as an integral part of education. 1.1.1 The district will continue to provide student access to electronic information in classrooms, labs, libraries and other appropriate areas, including extended hours. 1.1.2 Students will use technology in inquiry standards-based lessons that require collaboration and higher-level thinking skills. 1.1.3 The district will ensure accessibility by all students to technology-based instruction. 1.1.4 Students will acquire information literacy skills, as designated in campus STaR Charts. 1.1.5 Students will master competencies in Technology Applications TEKS and BISD K-I2 Technology Benchmarks appropriate for their grade level, utilizing district-adopted, state-mandated, and state-funded Technology Applications materials and resources. 1.2.1 Instructional leader will incorporate the use and integration of technology into campus plan. 1.2.2 Instructional leader will facilitate campus use and integration of technology into the curriculum. 1.2.3 Instructional leader will provide funding for campus use and integration of technology into the curriculum. 1.3.1 District will provide staff with technology-rich curriculum in core content areas. 1.3.2 District will update and provide access for online curriculum in a timely manner. 1.3.3 District will provide staff development in its use of technology-rich curriculum. 1.3.4 Campus administrators will monitor and assess classroom application of technology-rich curriculum. 1.3.5 District personnel will re-evaluate and modify technology-rich curriculum as needed. 1.3.6 Establish distance learning labs in all schools to allow high school students to receive college credit and other students will experience interaction with individuals in other geographic areas. 1.3.7 District will provide PLATO, a credit recapture program for students needing assistance in graduating on time. Beaumont ISD Technology Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Goal 2 Provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies 2.1.2 Align district technology staff development with the state teacher STaR Chart. 2.1.2 Develop district-wide staff development calendar with courses listed by individual needs as determined by survey results. 2.1.3 Allocate sufficient funding (30% minimum) and time for staff development. 2.1.4 Allocate sufficient funding and time for technology liaisons to attend annual state TCEA conference. 2.1.5 Provide ongoing sustained professional development for teachers, principals administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in he classroom or library media center. 2.1.6 On-line staff development registration and records portfolio. 2.2.1 Develop and implement workshops based on SBEC teacher standards and STaR Chart proficiency levels that will be delivered in various formats including, but not limited to face to face, instructional video, and/or web-based instruction. 2.2.2 Provide a technology-proficient, certified teacher to serve as full-time instructional technologists on each campus as a natural part of staffing. 2.2.3 Continue with K-12 technology integration training by: train-the-trainer model, summer institutes, mini-sessions, independent study, computer-based training. 2.2.4 Monitor the effective integration of technology into the curriculum. 2.2.5 Allocate sufficient funding (30% minimum) and time for staff development. 2.3.1 Continue to use technologies, software and online services for data analysis of student performance and accountability. The district has standardized on a district-written, web based Item Analysis program. 2.3.2 Include Technology Applications in district vertical (alignment) team meetings. Continue emphasis of TEKS/TAKS and Item Analysis in all content-area staff development sessions. Beaumont ISD Technology Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Goal 3 Provide and support appropriate software and the ethical use of sources 3.1.1 Provide a standard productivity software package for each computer leased, which includes Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office 3.1.2 Replace Windows operating systems to appropriate versions in order to support most current technologies as needed. Continue with district lease cycles. 3.1.3 Provide and support standardized hardware and software for all areas of education. 3.2.1 Provide technology leadership academies for administrators and technology liaisons that develop appropriate skills. 3.2.2 Develop district-wide standards and policies for hardware and software. 3.2.3 Increase internet bandwidth to support emerging technologies. 3.2.1 Utilize the BISD network, website and intranet to share appropriate district resources and information within the district and the community. Acceptable Use Policy, on-line curriculum, district policies, job postings, campus plans, district technology plan, PEIMS, accountability data, attendance, work orders, purchasing, food services, TEAMS, and parent self-serve. 3.3.2 Install and maintain time clocks and swipe cards for all district personnel. This data will be corrected and used with the current Payroll and Personnel software for numerous purposes, including pay checks. 3.3.3 In and maintain security cameras at all schools and administrative buildings in the district. 3.3.4 Implementation of eWalk, a web-based classroom walkthrough program utilizing smart devices for all campus administrators, district supervisors and assistant superintendents. 3.3.5 Continue to implement TEAMS software designed to handle student, human resources and business-related applications. 3.4.1 Maintain an Internet web page that includes links that facilitate information distribution to school personnel and community members, such as accountability , Board Policy, TEKS, Attendance Zones, Lunch Menus, TEAMS & Subject area links. 3.4.2 Increase community access to technology resources through Family Technology Nights and extended hours for computer labs on ACE campuses. Incorporate technology training in the annual Education Summit. 3. 4. 3 Promote the district website to district patrons. 3.4.4 Provide increased opportunities for adult literacy advancement. 3.4.5 Implement Granicus for streaming video-based content to the internet. Beaumont ISD Technology Plan Goals, Objectives, and Strategies Goal 4 The district will secure adequate funding for maintaining state-of-the-art technology resources for all BISD facilities. 4.1.1 The district will continue leasing computers with a four year refresh as well as software licensing agreements in alignment with the state student/computer ratio requirements. 4.1.2 The district will continue to make E-Rate applications for technology funding. 4.1.3 The district will utilize grant writing teams to obtain external funds for technology purchases. 4.1.4 The district will have each campus allocate a percent of their local budget to technology needs, including professional development. 4.1.5 District will maintain and support a local and wide area network for voice, video and data, increasing speed and bandwidth to meet increased needs. 4.1.6 District will maintain network access for all students, teachers and administrative personnel. 4.1.7 Coordinate hardware and software purchases with curricular and administrative needs and certify that the purchases met current infrastructure capability and established standards. 4.1 8 Evaluate emerging technologies including document cameras, data projectors, class pads, virtual desktops, and a staff laptop initiative. 4.1.9 District will implement a wireless infrastructure at all appropriate facilities. 4.1.10 District will implement the use of an IP telephone system for use by all district personnel. 4.1.11 District will convert data to a communications portal built on Microsoft SharePoint. 4.2.1 The district will provide specialized full-time technicians to support current and future network initiatives. 4.2.2 The district will provide full-time technology trainers. 4.2.3 The district will staff a full-time help desk to support all technology concerns. 4.3.1 The district will evaluate and implement appropriate policies, security software, and hardware. 4.3.2 The district will evaluate electrical and surge protection adequacies in all facilities, set standards and make adjustments as requirements. 4.3.3 Cameras will be installed at all locations in the district. 4.3.4 Investigate RFID technologies for purposes of asset control and personal and student tracking. Improvements That Could Be Made to the Beaumont ISD Technology Plan • A digital world needs safeguards that can ensure the personal safety of our students. We could add curriculum that could teach safety standards to our students to increase awareness and provide a safer digital environment. • Provide technology innovative programs that could promote parental involvement, increase communication with parents and community members, and community access to technology resources. • Develop strategies for libraries to include technology and professional development training for utilizing online tools and smart devices such as Kindles and Nooks in school library facilities. • Increase budgeting for students and teachers to utilize online resources such as virtual field trips and distance learning opportunities. Summary • National Ed Tech Puts Technology at the Heart of Education Reform • Our state recognizes the importance of technology • Beaumont ISD is setting goals and objectives to meet the technology needs of our students so that they can be successful in our expanding digital world References Beaumont Independent School District Technology Plan (2010). Beaumont Independent School District Technology Plan, 2010-2013. Retrieved May 10, 2011 from , p. 1 – 20. Ed.Gov, National Educational Technology Plan , Department of Education. National Educational Technology Plan (2010). Retrieved May 10, 2011,, p. 1. Texas Education Agency e-Plan System (2011). Technology Planning and E-Rate Support Center . Retrieved May 12, 2011, from Nagel, D. (2010). National Ed Tech Plan Puts Technology at the Heart of Education Reform. Retrieved May 10, 2011 from 2010/11/09/national-ed-tech-plan-puts-technology-at-the-heart-of-education-reform.aspx , p. 1 – 4. North Dakota State University Virtual Cell, (2005). Virtual Cell. Retrieved May 11, 2010, , p. 1. November, A. (1998). Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, Retrieved May 10, 2011, from, p. 1 – 3. Prensky, M. (2007). Sims vs. Games: The Difference Defined. Edutopia, p. 1. Shimabukuro, J. (2010). A Glimpse at the 2010 National Education Technology Plan. Retrieved May 20, 2011 from, p. 1 – 2. Solomon, G. & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools. Washington, DC:ISTE, p. 20.