Session # 9 Planning the FBS Curriculum OBJECTIVES At the end of the session the participants will be able to: 1. Finalize a programmed schedule of FBS meetings during the production season; and 2. Explain how the conduct of focused group discussion with selected farmers be done 3. Adopt the process of identifying current knowledge gaps and shaping the FBS program to cater to farmers' needs OBJECTIVES At the end of the session the participants will be able to: 4. Explain how the conduct of training needs assessment with selected farmers be done 5. Explain how the conduct of self-assessment form be administered 6. Explain how the FBS time chart be administered (Part 1-Diagnosis and Planning, Part 2Implementation & Evaluation and Preparing a New Business Plan) Assessing FBS needs via Focused Group Discussion Ask questions, such as: Why form a group? What would you like the group to do? What activities would you like to do in the group? What are your current farming problems? What problems do you have with selling? Assessing FBS needs via Focused Group Discussion Ask questions, such as: How do you think you can solve them? How do you think meeting together to discuss can help all of you? What issues would you like to discuss? Training needs assessment form Section 1 Instructions Note the name of the barangay, potential FBS participants and record the most common enterprises produced as well as approximate time for each of the parts of the training. Training needs assessment form Community __________________ Name of FBS __________________ No. Name of farmer Age Sex Location ___________________ Education level Land size Main crops grown Trainings attended in the past months/ years Section 2 Instructions Complete the self-assessment below as shown in the following example Example Knowledge/Skill Assessment Relevant Session Profitability “Want to earn income from farms; do not know much about concept of profitability” Part 1; Session 5 Knowledge/Skill, i.e.: • Farm goal setting • Production planning • Physical resources and inputs acquisition and making them available • Labor planning • • • • • Marketing Profitability Cash Availability Risks/Management Record keeping Developing a FBS ‘during season’ schedule Meeting Date Key Contents (Module, No. Sessions, Exercises) Planning the FBS Curriculum Main enterprises ____________________ Period of season From_______________ To ________________ Programme Diagnosis and Finding Opportunities Planning & Implementing Evaluating Start (month & year) Finish (month & year) Part 2 of the FBS is organized into different subjects: Finance, Linking farmers to market; Managing risks; Market Contracts; Benchmarking; Entrepreneurship; and Value Addition. Finance, Marketing and Managing risk are required to be covered. The remaining subjects are optional and can be covered in any order. Make a regular review on the progress of your farm business plans by meeting at least twice a month. FBS Time Chart: Part 1 (diagnosis and planning) Session Date & Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Description of sessions Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do to prepare for the sessions) FBS Time Chart: Part 2 (implementing) Meeting Part I Date & venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Description of sessions Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do to prepare for the sessions) FBS Time Chart: Part 3 (evaluation and preparing a new business plan) Meeting Part I Date & venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Description of sessions Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do to prepare for the sessions) FBS Meeting Schedule Part I : Diagnosing and Planning Sessio n Topic 1 Rationale of Farm Business School and Developing Group Ownership 2 Farming as a Business 3 The farmer as an Entrepreneur and Farm Business Profitability 4 Assessing Current Farm Situation and Translating Analysis into Action 5 Understanding Enterprise Profitability 6 Understanding Marketing and Markets 7 Presenting the Market Survey Report and Developing a Vision and Goal for the Farm Date Time Venue Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do) Farm Business School Meeting Schedule Sessio n Topic 8 Choosing an Enterprise 9 Components of a Farm Business Plan: Farm Production and Marketing Plan 10 Components of a Farm Business Plan: Profitability, Cash Flow and Availability, and Risks 11 Preparing an Action Plan 12 Overview of record keeping 13 Practice of keeping farm business records Date Time Venue Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do) Farm Business School Meeting Schedule Part 2: Implementing Sessi on Topic 14 Agreeing on sessions and schedule; Mobilizing Finance 15 Group Marketing, Buying and Saving 16 Understanding Contract Farming and Appraisal 17 Assessing and managing business risks 18 Benchmarking 19 Characteristics of an Effective Entrepreneur 20 Value Addition Date Time Ve nue Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do) Farm Business School Meeting Schedule Part 2: Implementing Sessi on Topic 21 Assessing the Benefits of the Farm Business School 22 Assessing the Performance of a Farm Business Plan 23 Choosing Farm Enterprise for the Next Season 24 Preparing a Farm Business Plan 25 Developing an Action Plan Date Time Ve nue Preparations (e.g. materials, work to do) Changing Environment “The only person who always likes change is a wet baby” CHANGE . . . Challenges our paradigms Alters the way we think Makes life more difficult for a while Causes Stress Is an ongoing fact of life Life’s Little Question “Are some people just born positive thinkers . . . or is it their CHOICE?” Choose the Right Luggage The Problem With Dodging Bullets You’re going to get hit! Choice #2 Wear Bulletproof Armor Bulletproof Armor Comes from SELF CHANGE Putting on the Armor How to Change Your Attitude ATTITUDE Changes happen personally from the INSIDE OUT! ATTITUDE So . . . Accept Responsibility I am responsible . . . . . . for who I am . . . for what I have . . . for what I do Step #2 Take Control Negative world view YOU ATTITUDE FROM THE INSIDE . . . OUT! How to Change Your Thinking THINKING Changes come from observing logically in every situation Observe Your Thinking Tomorrow it will look very different. This is all very interesting THINKING Manage Your Self-Talk If you think you Can, or you think you Can’t… YOU’RE RIGHT! Henry Ford This is going to be a wonderful day! THINKING This is going to be a crappy day! How to Change Your Behavior BEHAVIOR Changes take true assessment, determination & discipline BEHAVIOR Choose Your Behavior REACTIVE Response Stimulus RESPONSIBLE Stimulus BEHAVIOR My Choice My Response Steps Toward Changing Behavior The New YOU! BEHAVIOR 4. Unconscious Competence 3. Conscience Competence 2. Conscience Incompetence 1. Unconscious Incompetence Remember to . . . Watch your definitions they become thoughts Watch your thoughts they become words Watch your words they become actions Watch your actions they become your destiny The Choice is YOURS With a Bad attitude you can never have a positive day With a Positive attitude you can never have a bad day Choose POSI+IVE Living Live POSITIVELY GOD Live AUTHENTICALLY GOD LOVE YOURSELF BY HONORING YOUR NEEDS GOD’S WILL IS WRITTEN IN YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES GOD GAVE YOU THE CAPACITY TO DREAM BE FAITHFUL TO WHO YOU ARE, WHEN PERSONS ARE HAPPY THEY LEARN MORE DON’T EARN MONEY JUST FOR TODAY, EARN FOR TOMORROW Live AUTHENTICALLY GOD