The Internet

Cyrus W. Field was the driving force in America; on the
British side it was Charles Bright and brothers John and
Jacob Brett.
The Cold War
In 1957 this satellite called Sputnik motivated President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and the United Stated government to create the
Advanced Research Projects Agency. (ARPA)
James R. Killian, Jr.
Then MIT President became
Presidential Assistant for Science. And
helped established an agency called
Advanced Research Projects Agency
This organization united some of
America's most brilliant people. Their
goal was to establish the United States
lead in science and technology
applicable to the military.
ARPA was as unique as its role, reporting directly to the Secretary of
Defense and operating in coordination with but completely
independent of the military research and development (R&D)
establishment. ARPA's mission has been to assure that the U.S.
maintains a lead in applying state-of-the-art technology for military
capabilities and to prevent technological surprise from her adversaries.
The Race
to the
President John F. Kennedy
took over
On May 25, 1961 Kennedy declared, "...I believe this
nation should commit itself to achieving the goal,
before this decade is out, of landing a man on the
Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."
Many years ago the great
British explorer George Mallory,
who was to die on Mount
Everest, was asked why did he
want to climb it. He said,
"Because it is there."
Well, space is there, and
we're going to climb it, and the
moon and the planets are there,
and new hopes for knowledge
and peace are there. And,
therefore, as we set sail we ask
God's blessing on the most
hazardous and dangerous and
greatest adventure on which
man has ever embarked.
Click on picture
Packet Switching July 1961
July 61 First paper on
Packet switching.
Leonard Kleinrock
Who’s Your Daddy?
Packet Switching Inventors
Leonard Kleinrock
Paul Baran
Donald Davies
60’s Style
Dr. Jack Ruina
1961, director of ARPA
In 1962, hired J.C.R. Licklider
To head ITPO
Funded University Research
Funded Larry Roberts
Vannevar Bush
Raython Co-Founder
Lincoln Labs
Original mission was to build a
survivable network built on cross
country radar system. the “SAGE “
Semi-Automatic Ground
MIT Visionary Psychologist that saw the
potential of the Intergalactic network.
1962 Came from Bolt, Beranek and Newman,
(BBN) in Cambridge, MA.
1st to head up IPTO Information
Techniques Processing Office
JRC Licklider
Continued large contracts to universities,
as well as high powered Labs.
Laid foundations for the ARPANET
Headed up IPTO
Had the vision. But, no clue how to build it.
Saw that Larry Roberts was the “Answer”
Believed in Licklider concept and funded the
first Network research.
Like Licklider he tried to hire
Larry Roberts from MIT to IPTO
Funded Roberts in first program that used
POTS to send packets from TX-1 at MIT to
Tom Merrill’s Q-32 in California UCLA.
Ivan Sutherland
2nd head of
Sutherland's program enabled the creation of the
field of computer graphics that has led to all the
graphical displays available today.
Air traffic control.
1966 Robert Taylor became director of ARPA's
Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO),
Because of duplicate work being done at ARPA
funded institutions, and because the institutions
were always asking for newer and better (more
expensive) computers. Roberts decided that ARPA
should link these institutions together, and save
3rd Head of
Both Sunderland and Taylor tried to hire Roberts
When Roberts refused they appealed to
Charlie Hertzfeld who put pressure on the
director at Lincoln Labs who convinced Roberts
to take the ARPA job.
Got Hertzfeld to agree to uncontrolled funding of
the network experiment.
The Man with the plan
1964 met with JCR Licklider, Licklider’s
vision sparks Roberts to undertake the creation
and implementation of the internet
After much resistance Roberts begins the design
of the ARPANET.
Lawrence Roberts
4rd head of
The APRANET as proposed to congress by
Roberts was to explore computer resource sharing
and packet switched communications. It had
Nothing to do with nuclear war, or survivability.
Reliability was one of the key network issues that
Dictated packet switching.
MIT Visionary Psychologist that saw the
potential of the Intergalactic network.
1962 Came from Bolt, Beranek and Newman,
(BBN) in Cambridge, MA.
1st to head up IPTO Information
Techniques Processing Office
JRC Licklider
5th Director
Back as head in
Continued large contracts to universities,
as well as high powered Labs.
Laid foundations for the ARPANET
Had the vision. But, no clue how to build it.
Saw that Larry Roberts was the “Answer”
DARPA - On March 23, 1972, by DoD Directive, the name was changed to the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA was
established as a separate defense agency under the Office of the Secretary of
ARPA - On February 22, 1993, DARPA was redesignated the Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA) -- as the agency was known before 1972.
The change was outlined in President Bill Clinton's strategy paper, "Technology
for America's Economic Growth, A New Direction to Build Economic
DARPA - On February 10, 1996, Public Law 104-106, under Title IX of the
Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Authorization Act, directed an organizational name
change to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).