Diversity and Globalization

Economics of Change
Cultural Diversity and Globalization
Murat Bajrami
• In the last 250 years, the human population has increased ten-fold. The human impact
on the environment has increased one-hundred fold.
• There is a growing integration of economies and societies around the
world. What
happens in one country now affects other countries as well. This tendency for the
world’s countries to be influenced by one another is known as globalization
(Globalization Guide. 2007a).
• It is universally accepted that globalization is a very powerful force for
international economic development. But too many countries and people have been
left out.
(World Bank. 2006)
• Globalization has the capacity to wipe out an entire economic system and in doing
so to wipe out the accompanying culture-the way an entire society lives and is
According to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Globalization101.
org. 2007a) globalization can be seen to have a positive or negative impact.
A report by International Monetary Fund (2002) showed that the world trade in
goods with cultural content almost tripled between 1980 and 1991: from 67 billion
dollars to 200 billion dollars . The richest quarter of the world’s population saw its
per capita GDP increase nearly six-fold during the century, while.
But, the poorest quarter of the world’s population experienced less than a three-fold
increase. Furthermore, the gaps between rich and poor countries, and rich
and poor people within countries, have grown.
Food production has grown 20% faster than the population. People living in extreme
poverty has fallen from one half to one sixth
1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty and 800 million people go to bed hungry.
Life expectancy has risen 20 years. Access to clean water has doubled. Child death
rates have halved.
12 million children will die this year before their fifth birthday.
Access to essential drugs increased five fold from 240 million to 1.3 billion in 10
Essential HIV drugs still only reach only 20% of those who need them. Every day,
14,000 people become infected with HIV.
Globalization: Cultural Threat or Opportunity?
A culture is everything that people have, think, and do as members of their society.
Each culture is unique, changes over time, and is still evolving. The preservation
of each diverse culture is beneficial to present and future generations. The threat of
globalization on cultural diversity must be carefully evaluated and managed.
Positive and negative impact of globalization on cultural
• Diversity has itself become a positive global value, promoted through international
institutions, organizations and movements, to facilitate the understanding of different cultural
identities, intercultural integration, and to spread productive ideas on issues such as health and
• Multinational organizations are dominated by monetary relationships, and their commercial
values often replace traditional social relationships and family values. The United States, for
example, exerts hegemonic influence in promoting its values and habits through popular culture
(movies, music, television shows, newspapers, fast food, clothing, and other entertainment and
consumer goods. As former Canadian Prime Minister Campbell (Globalization101.org, 2007b)
observed, "images of America are so pervasive in this global village that it is almost as if instead
of the world immigrating to America, America has emigrated to the world, allowing people to
aspire to be Americans even in distant countries."
• Interaction across boundaries leads to the mixing of cultures in particular places and practice—
• It does not make sense to talk of a world of 6 billion people becoming a monoculture.
(Globalization Guide.2007b).
• Cultural flows occur differently in different spheres and may originate in many places
• Human rights are violated and cultural heritages are destroyed.
Protecting Cultural Diversity
International Strategy for Protecting Cultural Diversity. There are many
international institutions and organizations (UNICEF, INCP, UNESCO) which are
concerned with the protection of cultural diversity from the impact of
globalization. Their main focus is:
To ensure that all cultures have the means to express their voices and opinions in
a changing world;
To achieve a balance between participating fully in the global environment while
nurturing national and local identities; and
To ensure the fair and equitable sharing of the opportunities and benefits for all.
Based on their initiatives and taking into account also the United Nations
Millennium Declaration (UN. 2000), the General Conference of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO. 2004) adopted the
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in November 2000. The UNESCO
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity is a set of guiding principles for the creation
of a more peaceful and equitable society and their culture based on mutual respect and
YMCA Strategy for Protecting Cultural Diversity
Through the history of World Alliance of YMCA (1998), globalization posed
many challenges in the cultural industry that YMCA as a part of civil society has
tackled together with governments, civil society and the private sector in order to
nurture diversity and establish a better world.
YMCAs should continue to play an important role in serving the cultural needs
of diverse societies. Specifically, they should:
Preserve and Promote Cultural Identity and Diversity
Advocate for the protection of cultural diversity from the influences of
Establish international exchange programs as a necessary tool to support the
development of local and regional cultural industry.
"Never try to change country cultures. Try, instead, to work with what you've got."
(Brainy Quote. 2006a)
YMCA Strategy for Protecting Cultural Diversity
In the 16th World Council of YMCAs in Durban - South Africa – July 2006
World Alliance of YMCA. (2006) it was stated that YMCA leaders should
become ambassadors of positive globalization. YMCA worldwide should lead
the way and work together to become leaders of positive global actions.
• The YMCA Europe is an umbrella of many national movements with diverse
cultures and therefore plays an active and prophetic role promoting cultural
identities and uniting such countries and to promote love on earth as a sign of God’s
Reign and Love on earth (European YMCA. 2006).
• Today, YMCA of the USA (2006) is the leading YMCA organization which
promotes international work and collaboration, and plays a vital role in
strengthening of YMCAs around the world through global education and cultural
programs, international YMCA partnerships and external grants for international
YMCA Kosovo Strategy for Protecting Cultural
The recent interethnic war in Kosovo left a humanitarian catastrophe with loss
of thousands of lives, large-scale population displacement, deep human suffering
and widespread material destruction. Cultural monuments of outstanding historical
significance were destroyed or seriously damaged throughout the territory of
The UN Security Council has required as a matter of priority the promulgation of a
Cultural Heritage Law for Kosovo (UNMIK. 2006). The law is aimed of creating a
legal infrastructure and regulative, regarding protection, preservation and promotion
of the cultural diversity and heritage of Kosovo.
Inspired by the worldwide mission of YMCA, YMCA Kosovo is to interethnic
reconciliation, inter-faith tolerance, the protection of our national and cultural
identity, and the participation in global exchange programs.
“I am very thankful to the young YMCA leaders who are taking responsibility at
this crucial time in our history to serve the people of Kosovo and create a better
future for all.” President of the Kosovo, Dr Ibrahim Rugova (Annual Report. 2004)
YMCA Kosovo Strategy for Protecting Cultural
YMCA Kosovo should develop strategies for protecting multiethnic identity of
Albanians, Serbs, Bosnian, Turks and Roma in Kosovo. The specific strategies for
protecting multiethnic identity in Kosovo in the face of the challenges and opportunities
posed by postwar situation and globalization should be developed at local, national and
international level.
Preserve and promote
ethnic diversity
Advocate for the protection
of cultural diversity
YMCA Kosovo Strategy
Protecting Cultural Diversity
exchange program
Strategy 1. Preserve and Promote Ethnic Diversity in
Support representation of each ethnic group in YMCA and the local youth
Encourage people to be aware of the multiethnic cultural identities and cultural
industry products and services.
Inclusion of multiethnic community in media.
Promote the history of local cultures through different media.
Promoting the traditional culture through games, food, songs, dances and local
Hold craft markets, skills workshops, organize sporting events to promote the
cultural diversity
Connecting people from different ethnicity like a puzzle rather than melting pot.
Constantly work on embracing diversity within community.
Organize open dialogue on cultural issue with diverse ethnicity.
Adapt programs to fit the needs of the community reflect the culture.
Networking within community and different ethnicity.
Invite newly arrived refugees and returns to participate in YMCA programs
Strategy 2. Advocate for Cultural Diversity in
Training of YMCA leaders in advocacy and networking
Identifying the issue regarding to cultural diversity, influence others to support it,
and try to influence or change legislation that affects it.
Build relationships within the community to create network of NGOs and other
allies interesting to advocate cultural identity and globalization issue.
Publish various printing materials with messages regarding to cultural diversity
issue for audience.
Fund raising is needed for most of these initiatives
Lobby local, National and international community
Built co-operation between governments and YMCA
Advocate government officials in all levels to implement "cultural policy" in
private and public sector.
Monitor implementation of policies provided by officials and those making
decisions and taking actions which affect cultural life.
Lobby media through campaigns so as to gain greater representation of different
cultural backgrounds.
Educate people on the effects of multiethnic cooperation and action they can take
to contribute to the sustainable cultural diversity.
Strategy 3. International Exchange Program
Form International sector in YMCA Kosovo to support National YMCA in
networking possibilities.
Offering local cultural assets (books, multimedia products, audio-visual
programmes, crafts, and many more) to international partners
Supporting Youth Exchange programs
International cultural activities that focus on cultural traditions
Mobilisation of international public opinion and resources
Establish YMCA as a safe place for dialogue to increase inclusion and
understanding of differences and to militate against a culture of fear and
Foster new sense of belonging to a global organization.
Why Engage in Globalization and Cultural Diversity?
There are multiple personal and organizational benefits as a result of
international involvement and preserving or protecting cultural identity.
• Demonstrate a commitment to the YMCA mission and vision.
• Building peace and justice among people various ethnicity and nationality that
can destroy lives and community.
• Respond to the community needs, enhance cultural visibility and local image.
• Promote Christian values and principles through humanitarian work.
• Strengthen YMCA leadership and community programs at home and around the
• Increase membership and budget.
• Increase competitive advantage over other not-for-profit organizations.
Annual Report. (2004). YMCA Kosovo [Brochure]. Prishtina.
Brainy Quote. (2007a). Quotes. Retrieved May 28, 2007, from http://www.brainyquote.com
European YMCA. (2006). EAY role and strategy 2006-2010. Retrieved May 25,
2007, from http://www.ymcaeurope.com/fundamentals.html
Globalization Guide. (2007a). When did globalization begin? Retrieved May 24, 2007,
from http://www.globalisationguide.org/01.html
Globalization Guide. (2007b). How does globalization affect culture? Is it
“Americanization’? Retrieved May 24, 2007, from http://www.globalisationguide.org
Globalization101.org. (2007a). Culture and globalization. Retrieved May 24, 2007, from
Globalization101.org. (2007b). Cultural Impact. Retrieved May 26, 2007, from
International Monetary Fund. (2002). Globalization: Threat or opportunity? Retrieved
May 24, 2007, from http://www.imf.org
The World Bank. (2006). Globalization. Retrieved May 24, 2007, from
UN. (2000). United Nations Millennium Declaration. Retrieved May 21, 2007, from
UNESCO. (2004). All different, all unique [Brochure]. Paris, Fr: Author.
UNMIK. (2006). Cultural heritage law: Assembly of Kosovo. Prishtina, KS: Author.
World Alliance of YMCA. (1998). Challenge 21. Retrieved May 25, 2007, from
World Alliance of YMCA. (2006). Facing Globalisation . Retrieved May 27, 2007, from
YMCA of the USA. (2006). Beyond borders: Mapping international strategy for the 21st
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