Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Poster Session Learning Times / International Online Conference (IOC) 2010 1 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Poster Session Description This collectively built and modularized “Intro to Public Health” project involved the virtually mediated work of three colleges and a university in Kansas. This will describe the uses of a stylebook and the standards-setting early on to guide the quality build and to ensure legal compliance for intellectual property and accessibility guidelines. This also shows the evolution of the 7 modules and the creation of lecture-based contents and videotaped interviews; customized and local assignments; opportunities for interactivity, and other quality-building aspects. This will also focus on the creation of both real-life public health cases and interactive fictional public health mysteries to enhance student learning. This addresses the technological challenges in the uses of several learning / course management systems to deploy the contents for use by different instructors at various institutions of higher learning. 2 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Local Virtual Collaboration K-State, Johnson County Community College, Kansas City Kansas Community College, and Dodge City Community College Strategic mix of F2F meetings (during critical decision junctures) and several Web conferencing meetings Use of Axio Learning™ as a shared virtual workspace, with equal access to all functionalities, information, and technologies 3 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas A Project Stylebook Goals list of project outcomes and deadlines Roles definitions and contact information To-still Consider: instructor handbook, tangibles, e-book, course branding (“Pathways to Public Health” sequence) 4 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas A Project Stylebook (cont.) Definition of team workflow 5 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas A Project Stylebook (cont.) Modular “Specs” Definition: Hours of learning per module, learning types (lectures, assignments, assessments, interactivity, and learning activities) Definitions: Development and authoring technologies (software versions / outputs) and uniform digital file types Granularity of Learning Objects: Granularity of digital learning objects (slideshows, video lengths, and others) 6 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Early Collective Standards Setting 7 Intellectual Property Copyright / intellectual property / trademark / patents / trade secrets Use either open-source or self-created contents Maintain provenance records of all digital contents Respect trademarks and label appropriately; register used marks Media releases for videotaped interviews Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Early Collective Standards Setting (cont.) Accessibility Accessibility guidelines [universal file types; screen readable text documents—not as digital images; tags for document structure and mark-up; clear, simple English; the labeling of informational graphics; the transcription of audio and video; accessible PowerPoint™ slideshows; accessible use of color; summarizing and labeling of data tables; proper planning of live online events*, and user control of automations and sequenced actions] (*not actually used) 8 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Early Collective Standards Setting (cont.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Quality Matters™ Rubric Guidelines Course Overview and Introduction Learning Objectives Assessment and Measurement Resources and Materials Learner Engagement Course Technology Learner Support Accessibility Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Early Collective Standards Setting (cont.) 10 Work Processes Work project documentation / record-keeping Research citation (APA citation guidelines) File naming protocols Large group decision-making junctures Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas 7 Modules Module 1: Overview and Basic Principles Module 2: Epidemiological Principles Module 3: Population Health Tools Module 4: Disease and Disability: Determinants, Burdens, and Interventions Module 5: Healthcare and Public Health Systems (Public Health Administration) Module 6: Special Topic Areas (One Health; Infectious Disease / Zoonoses; Food Safety, Security, and Defense; Public Health Nutrition and Physical Activity) Module 7: Careers and Future Directions in Public Health 11 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas 7 Modules (cont.) 12 Modular Features Developmental sequence (foundational to complex) Topic-based modules Standard contents (directions, lectures, assignments, activities, interactivity, and assessments) Segues between modules Consistent module-based look-and-feel Elimination of overlap of information contents Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas A Generic Syllabus A “generic syllabus” offers all basic information about the course (course description, learning objectives, directions for each module, policies, and others) A generic syllabus also has highlighted sections which need to be defined to customize the syllabus to a particular institution of higher education and term 13 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Multimedia Contents Audio slideshows (transcribed) and lecture videos Transcribed videos (interviews) Public health terminology flashcards Downloadables (transcripts, references, study guides, and others) Interactive public health mysteries 14 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Public Health Work-based Videos Agricultural biosecurity Safe food handling Food safety and security (in a global trade context) Lab biosafety The needs of older adults Human-animal bond in human health Public health nursing 15 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Snippets on YouTube™ (Dr. Marty Vanier) (Dr. Ingrid Garrison) (Dr. Douglas Powell) (Dr. Dan Richardson) (Mylissia Stukey) 16 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Customizable and Localized Assignments Fieldtrips to local zoos, departments of public health, water treatment facilities, public health clinics, and / or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) local office A customizable term research paper 17 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Learner Interactivity Discussion questions (asynchronous postings to the Message Board) for shared insights and discussions Variety of topics for interaction: fast food consumption, chronic diseases, H1N1 outbreak, public health policies, family disaster plans, soda machines in schools cases, foodrelated illnesses, field trip experiences, and website evaluations 18 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas “One Health” Cases Melamine Case Study Avian Flu Case Study E-Coli in Spinach Outbreak 19 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Public Health Mysteries Mystery at Standing Water (West Nile) Mystery at a Feedlot (FMD) Mystery in the Air (SARS) 20 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Public Health Mysteries (cont.) Automated, interactive “Clean,” legal, and accessible builds Opt-in advisement from experts: an epidemiologist, a food scientist, a nutritionist, and an agro-defense / crisis management expert 21 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Public Health Mysteries (cont.) Factual debriefings at the ends of each fictional mystery case 22 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas E-Learning Path / Trajectory Lectures Textbook readings Multiple-choice quizzes (automated, with limited feedback) Field trips A cumulative research paper (with jigsaw sharing) “Study guides” designed around the modular contents and the related assessments 23 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Deployment to L/CMSes Axio Learning™ / K-State Online ANGEL E-College 24 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Deployment to L/CMSes (cont.) Highly variant back-end functionalities for learning / course 25 management systems (L/CMSes) Different looks-and-feels for branding Different automated assessment functions Embedded video player on one The building of “pristine” master courses for back-up and the integration of future resources Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Shared Instruction A trial-run of the course contents for a summer residency program at K-State in Summer 2009 “Intro to Public Health” taught at select two campuses in Fall 2009 “Intro to Public Health” taught at all four partner institutions of higher education in Spring 2010 26 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Post-Build Launch of the One Health Kansas site Publicity launches through print brochures and presentations Academic publications Course assessment by outside body 27 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Lessons Learned Maximize local virtual teaming by meeting F2F at strategic decision junctures Collaboratively define project standards to meet critical intellectual property, accessibility, and quality e-learning guidelines (and continue evolving the stylebook as the team learns and evolves the work) Build to high quality standards from the beginning to save on retrofitting and other challenges later on Use templates and sample work (slideshows, templates, and videos) to set standards for the work 28 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Lessons Learned (cont.) Create interchangeable contents for broader and more 29 portable usage Offer unfettered and equal access and power to all team members using the collaborative virtual work site Use the group’s collective professional standards and judgment as thresholds for each other’s work Build professional relationships for the long-term future and not just the single course build Collaborate; collaborate; collaborate! Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas Conclusion and Contact Information Dr. Shalin Hai-Jew iTAC 212 P Hale Library K-State 785-532-5262 (work) 30 Co-Building a Shared Online Public Health Course for Kansas