Apple Inc. (AAPL) Covering Analyst: Cameron Schwartz Company Overview › Incorporated in 1977 to sell personal computer kits by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak › Jobs leaves company in 1985 › Jobs returns in 1996, becomes CEO in 1997 › iPod launch in 2001 sets path for series of revolutionary product launches › Largest publicly traded corporation by market capitalization: $554.4 Billion – More than 4% of S&P 500 MarketCap since February Apple’s Products Apple Software › Desktop – OS X Mountain ` Lion › Mobile – iOS 6 – iCloud Strategic Positioning › Supply Chains Operations › Research and Development › Sales and Marketing Business Growth Strategies › Innovation › Retail Stores › Educational Institutions › Asia-Pacific Industry › PC Market Growth Slowing – (5.1%) until 2017 – Tablet Market Growing › Smartphone Market Growing – Market Research projects 16% CAGR Competitors Tall Firs Portfolio › 8/3/12 – Purchased 75 shares at $616.80 › 9/28/12 – Sold 25 shares at $679.58 › Transaction realized gains - $1,569.50 › Current cost basis - $30,840.17 › Current Unrealized Losses - $1,372 Svigals Portfolio › 2/3/2011 – Purchased 9 shares at $459.85 › 4/9/2012 – Sold 3 shares at $627.57 › Transaction realized gains - $503.16 › Current cost basis - $2,759.10 › Current unrealized gains - $777.06 Revenue Model › Percentage of Revenue method › Product Segment – – – – Slowing year-over-year growth Strong growth from iPhone & iPad Slow/declining growth from iPod, Desktops, Portables Unable to predict new products › Apple TV? › Geographic Segment – Americas consistent – Asia-Pacific growing into 2nd largest geographic segment – Europe continues to slow Working Capital Model › Projected by Percentage of Revenue Working Capital Model ($ in millions) Total Revenue 2009A 2010A 2011A 2012A Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 12/31/2012E 03/31/2013E 06/30/2013E 09/30/2013E 2013E Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 12/31/2013E 03/31/2014E 06/30/2014E 09/30/2014E 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 42,905.00 65,225.00 108,249.00 156,508.00 55,670.55 49,862.43 43,143.04 44,763.19 193,439.20 62,137.34 54,978.88 50,903.48 51,357.06 219,376.76 245,251.48 264,860.31 279,183.36 287,905.07 22,874.65 Current Assets Accounts Receivable 3,361.00 5,510.00 5,369.00 10,930.00 15,127.87 12,188.59 11,852.48 14,110.14 14,110.14 16,209.74 15,271.91 13,984.47 16,746.87 16,746.87 18,092.32 19,955.23 21,416.81 Days Sales Outstanding A/R 28.59 30.83 18.10 25.49 25.00 22.00 25.00 29.00 26.62 24.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 27.86 27.00 27.50 28.00 29.00 % of Revenue Inventory Days Inventory Outstanding % of Revenue Short-Term Investments 7.83% 455.00 6.66 1.06% 18,201.00 8.45% 1,051.00 9.96 1.61% 14,359.00 4.96% 776.00 4.52 0.72% 16,137.00 6.98% 791.00 3.41 0.51% 18,383.00 1,177.86 1,244.87 979.02 1,280.18 7.63% 1,280.18 7.38% 1,377.26 7.53% 1,494.19 7.67% 1,590.55 7.95% 1,665.67 2.50 3.30 3.40 4.00 3.51 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 18,371.28 19,446.35 21,826.75 0.58% 21,826.75 0.56% 23,298.89 0.56% 25,161.73 0.57% 26,522.42 0.58% 27,350.98 42.42% 22.01% 14.91% 11.75% 33.00% 39.00% 1,135.00 2.65% 1,696.00 3.95% 1,444.00 3.37% 26,292.00 61.28% 1,636.00 2.51% 4,414.00 6.77% 3,447.00 5.28% 30,417.00 46.63% 2,014.00 1.86% 6,348.00 5.86% 4,529.00 4.18% 35,173.00 32.49% 2,583.00 1.65% 7,762.00 4.96% 6,458.00 4.13% 46,907.00 29.97% 3,061.88 2,954.00 1,144.00 734.00 3,364.00 29,656.00 69.12% 4,768.00 2,005.00 638.00 1,027.00 6,384.00 36,801.00 56.42% 7,777.00 4,260.00 244.00 1,814.00 10,467.00 45,640.00 42.16% 5,601.00 81.94 13.05% 12,015.00 113.87 18.42% 3,852.00 8.98% 0.00 % of Revenue Deferred tax assets % of Revenue Vendor non-trade receivables % of Revenue Other Assets % of Revenue Total Current Assets % of Revenue Long Term Assets Net PP&E Beginning Capital Expenditures Acquisitions Depreciation and Amortization Net PP&E Ending Total Current Assets & Net PP&E % of Revenue Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Days Payable Outstanding % of Revenue Accrued Charges % of Revenue Income Taxes Payable Total Current Liabilities % of Revenue 1,194.04 1,150.75 1,018.79 1,105.62 7.29% 1,105.62 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 3.51 18,982.94 19,695.80 0.57% 19,695.80 18,641.20 19,242.61 18,834.29 44.00% 44.00% 10.18% 30.00% 35.00% 37.00% 42.50% 9.95% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 9.50% 2,991.75 2,804.30 3,133.42 3,417.55 3,298.73 3,308.73 3,543.64 8,350.58 7,479.36 6,902.89 8,952.64 9,320.60 8,246.83 7,635.52 9,757.84 6,680.47 6,980.74 7,765.75 7,833.56 6,213.73 6,597.47 7,635.52 7,703.56 52,786.12 94.82% 50,237.54 100.75% 49,327.14 114.33% 54,831.17 122.49% 3,133.42 1.62% 8,952.64 4.63% 7,833.56 4.05% 54,831.17 28.35% 54,980.70 88.48% 53,902.42 98.04% 52,377.54 102.90% 60,858.84 118.50% 3,543.64 1.62% 9,757.84 4.45% 7,703.56 3.51% 60,858.84 27.74% 3,973.07 1.62% 10,545.81 4.30% 8,583.80 3.50% 65,871.16 26.86% 4,290.74 1.62% 11,256.56 4.25% 9,270.11 3.50% 71,428.56 26.97% 4,522.77 1.62% 11,586.11 4.15% 9,771.42 3.50% 75,410.08 27.01% 4,664.06 1.62% 11,804.11 4.10% 10,076.68 3.50% 78,436.14 27.24% 15,452.00 8,295.00 350.00 3,277.00 20,820.00 67,727.00 43.27% 20,820.00 2,825.00 152.63 661.05 23,136.58 75,922.70 136.38% 23,136.58 2,825.00 127.55 743.06 25,346.07 75,583.60 151.58% 25,346.07 2,825.00 101.66 824.36 27,448.37 76,775.50 177.96% 27,448.37 2,825.00 109.61 905.87 29,477.10 84,308.28 188.34% 29,477.10 11,300.00 491.44 4,933.65 36,334.88 91,166.06 47.13% 36,334.88 3,973.32 180.61 1,348.80 39,140.01 94,120.71 151.47% 39,140.01 3,219.49 146.34 1,442.30 41,063.55 94,965.97 172.73% 41,063.55 2,758.22 114.93 1,522.10 42,414.59 94,792.13 186.22% 42,414.59 3,094.13 124.76 1,611.52 44,021.97 104,880.81 204.22% 44,021.97 13,045.17 566.64 7,958.50 49,675.27 110,534.11 50.39% 49,675.27 15,160.20 631.67 9,713.15 55,753.99 121,625.15 49.59% 55,753.99 16,547.51 689.48 11,628.37 61,362.61 132,791.17 50.14% 61,362.61 17,772.02 740.50 13,685.32 66,189.81 141,599.89 50.72% 66,189.81 18,778.94 782.46 15,858.81 69,892.40 148,328.55 51.52% 14,632.00 85.29 13.52% 21,175.00 91.39 13.53% 27,860.90 26,302.88 24,196.30 27,363.99 27,363.99 86.99 14.15% 32,980.14 30,178.69 27,354.86 32,004.51 32,004.51 87.87 14.59% 34,628.21 88.00 14.12% 37,354.69 87.50 14.10% 39,536.65 87.00 14.16% 41,165.75 86.50 14.30% 5,723.00 9,247.00 11,414.00 12,247.52 11,468.36 10,354.33 13,428.96 13,428.96 13,670.22 12,095.35 11,198.76 15,407.12 15,407.12 17,167.60 18,672.65 19,822.02 20,153.35 8.77% 0.00 8.54% 0.00 7.29% 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.02% 0.00 7.00% 7.05% 7.10% 7.00% 11,506.00 20,722.00 27,970.00 38,542.00 46,788.89 44,502.67 41,453.51 48,178.88 48,178.88 54,106.84 49,971.08 46,698.18 55,757.15 55,757.15 61,115.37 66,092.03 69,967.64 72,259.50 26.82% 31.77% 25.84% 24.63% 84.05% 89.25% 96.08% 107.63% 24.91% 87.08% 90.89% 91.74% 108.57% 25.42% 24.92% 24.95% 25.06% 25.10% 6.94% 0.00 DCF Assumptions › COGS: % of Sales, Increases in Q1 and Q4 annually due to projected new product iterations › R&D: % of Sales, Increase as Apple continues to pursue introducing innovative products › SG&A: % of Sales, Historical rates based on number of retail stores opened. › Depreciation: Straight line depreciated › Acquisitions: % of Revenue, conservative rate DCF cont. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Q1 ($ in millions) 2009A 2010A 2011A 2012A Total Revenue 42,905.00 65,225.00 108,249.00 156,508.00 % YoY Growth Cost of Sales (Less D&A) Q2 12/31/2012E 03/31/2013E 61,050.23 51,018.52 Q3 Q4 06/30/2013E 09/30/2013E 40,662.30 43,843.39 2013E 196,574.43 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 12/31/2013E 03/31/2014E 06/30/2014E 09/30/2014E 72,242.22 58,536.24 45,970.31 49,905.33 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 226,654.11 252,669.97 275,791.87 296,200.29 312,982.32 -23% 52.02% 65.96% 44.58% 32% 30% 16% 22% 25.60% 18% 15% 13% 14% 15.30% 11.48% 9.15% 7.40% 5.67% 24,949.00 38,514.00 62,617.00 84,569.00 36,617.18 29,590.74 23,177.51 25,429.16 114,814.60 43,345.33 33,951.02 26,203.08 29,444.15 132,943.58 144,021.89 155,822.41 165,872.16 173,705.19 % Revenue 58.15% 59.05% 57.85% 54.03% 59.98% 58.00% 57.00% 58.00% 58.41% 60.00% 58.00% 57.00% 59.00% 58.65% 57.00% 56.50% 56.00% 55.50% Gross Profit 17,956.00 26,711.00 45,632.00 71,939.00 24,433.05 21,427.78 17,484.79 18,414.22 81,759.83 28,896.89 24,585.22 19,767.23 20,461.19 93,710.53 108,648.09 119,969.46 130,328.13 139,277.13 Gross Margin Selling General and Administrative Expense % Revenue Depreciation and Amortization % Revenue Research And Development % Revenue 42% 41% 42% 46% 40% 42% 43% 42% 42% 40% 42% 43% 41% 41% 43% 44% 44% 45% 4,149.00 5,517.00 7,599.00 10,040.00 3,968.26 3,316.20 2,643.05 2,849.82 12,777.34 4,695.74 3,804.86 2,988.07 3,243.85 14,732.52 16,423.55 17,926.47 19,253.02 20,343.85 9.67% 8.46% 7.02% 6.42% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 6.50% 734.00 1,027.00 1,814.00 3,277.00 661.05 743.06 824.36 905.87 4,933.65 1,348.80 1,442.30 1,522.10 1,611.52 7,958.50 9,713.15 11,628.37 13,685.32 15,858.81 1.71% 1.57% 1.68% 2.09% 1.08% 1.46% 2.03% 2.07% 2.51% 1.87% 2.46% 3.31% 3.23% 3.51% 3.84% 4.22% 4.62% 5.07% 1,333.00 1,782.00 2,429.00 3,381.00 1,343.11 1,122.41 894.57 964.55 4,324.64 1,769.93 1,434.14 1,126.27 1,222.68 5,553.03 7,706.43 8,549.55 9,330.31 10,015.43 3.11% 2.73% 2.24% 2.16% 2.20% 2.20% 2.20% 2.20% 2.20% 2.45% 2.45% 2.45% 2.45% 2.45% 3.05% 3.10% 3.15% 3.20% 11,740.00 18,385.00 33,790.00 55,241.00 18,460.63 16,246.11 13,122.81 13,693.97 59,724.21 21,082.41 17,903.93 14,130.79 14,383.14 65,466.49 74,804.96 81,865.07 88,059.48 93,059.04 % Revenue 27% 28% 31% 35% 30% 32% 32% 31% 30% 29% 31% 31% 29% 29% 30% 30% 30% 30% Interest Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (326.00) (155.00) (415.00) (522.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (.76%) (.24%) (.38%) (.33%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12,066.00 18,540.00 34,205.00 55,763.00 18,460.63 16,246.11 13,122.81 13,693.97 59,724.21 21,082.41 17,903.93 14,130.79 14,383.14 65,466.49 74,804.96 81,865.07 88,059.48 93,059.04 28.12% 28.42% 31.60% 35.63% 30.24% 31.84% 32.27% 31.23% 30.38% 29.18% 30.59% 30.74% 28.82% 28.88% 29.61% 29.68% 29.73% 29.73% 3,831.00 4,527.00 8,283.00 14,030.00 4,799.76 4,061.53 3,280.70 3,423.49 14,931.05 5,270.60 4,475.98 3,532.70 3,595.79 16,366.62 18,701.24 20,466.27 22,014.87 23,264.76 Earnings Before Interest & Taxes % Revenue Other Income And Expense % Revenue Earnings Before Taxes % Revenue Less Taxes (Benefits) Tax Rate Net Income Net Margin Add Back: Depreciation and Amortization Add Back: Interest Expense*(1-Tax Rate) Operating Cash Flow % Revenue Current Assets % Revenue Current Liabilities % Revenue Net Working Capital % Revenue 31.80% 24.40% 24.20% 25.20% 26.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 8,235.00 14,013.00 25,922.00 41,733.00 13,660.87 12,184.58 9,842.11 10,270.48 44,793.15 15,811.81 13,427.95 10,598.09 10,787.36 49,099.87 56,103.72 61,398.80 66,044.61 69,794.28 19% 21% 24% 27% 22% 24% 24% 23% 23% 22% 23% 23% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 734.00 1,027.00 1,814.00 3,277.00 661.05 743.06 824.36 905.87 4,933.65 1,348.80 1,442.30 1,522.10 1,611.52 7,958.50 9,713.15 11,628.37 13,685.32 15,858.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,969.00 15,040.00 27,736.00 45,010.00 14,321.91 12,927.64 10,666.46 11,176.35 49,726.81 17,160.61 14,870.25 12,120.19 12,398.87 57,058.37 65,816.87 73,027.18 79,729.93 85,653.09 25.17% 26.05% 26.48% 26.92% 27.37% 54,980.70 53,902.42 52,377.54 60,858.84 60,858.84 65,871.16 71,428.56 75,410.08 78,436.14 20.90% 23.06% 25.62% 28.76% 23.46% 25.34% 26.23% 25.49% 25.30% 26,292.00 30,417.00 35,173.00 46,907.00 52,786.12 50,237.54 49,327.14 54,831.17 54,831.17 61.28% 46.63% 32.49% 29.97% 86.46% 98.47% 121.31% 125.06% 27.89% 76.11% 92.08% 113.94% 121.95% 26.85% 26.07% 25.90% 25.46% 25.06% 11,506.00 20,722.00 27,970.00 38,542.00 46,788.89 44,502.67 41,453.51 48,178.88 48,178.88 54,106.84 49,971.08 46,698.18 55,757.15 55,757.15 61,115.37 66,092.03 69,967.64 72,259.50 26.82% 31.77% 25.84% 24.63% 76.64% 87.23% 101.95% 109.89% 24.51% 74.90% 85.37% 101.58% 111.73% 24.60% 24.19% 23.96% 23.62% 23.09% 14,786.00 9,695.00 7,203.00 8,365.00 5,997.23 5,734.87 7,873.62 6,652.30 6,652.30 873.85 3,931.34 5,679.36 5,101.69 5,101.69 4,755.79 5,336.53 5,442.44 6,176.65 34% 15% 7% 5% 10% 11% 19% 15% 3% 1% 7% 12% 10% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% (5,091.00) (2,492.00) 1,162.00 (2,367.77) (262.36) 2,138.75 (1,221.33) (1,712.70) (5,778.44) 3,057.48 1,748.02 (577.67) (1,550.61) (345.90) 580.74 105.91 734.21 1,144.00 2,005.00 4,260.00 8,295.00 2,825.00 2,825.00 2,825.00 2,825.00 11,300.00 3,973.32 3,219.49 2,758.22 3,094.13 13,045.17 15,160.20 16,547.51 17,772.02 18,778.94 2.67% 3.07% 3.94% 5.30% 4.63% 5.54% 6.95% 6.44% 5.75% 5.50% 5.50% 6.00% 6.20% 5.76% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 638.00 244.00 350.00 152.63 127.55 101.66 109.61 491.44 180.61 146.34 114.93 124.76 566.64 631.67 689.48 740.50 782.46 Change in Working Capital Capital Expenditures % Revenue Acquisitions % Revenue Unlevered Free Cash Flow Discounted Free Cash Flow 0.00% .98% .23% .22% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% .25% 7,825.00 17,488.00 25,724.00 35,203.00 13,712.06 10,237.45 5,601.06 9,463.07 39,648.07 18,785.12 8,446.93 7,499.03 9,757.65 44,997.17 50,370.90 55,209.44 61,111.50 65,357.48 13,424.11 9,812.00 5,255.56 8,692.88 16,893.85 7,436.97 6,463.76 8,233.96 39,045.83 39,313.35 39,974.34 39,272.21 Beta SD Implied Price Weighting 1 Year Daily 1.04 20.00% 1 Year Weekly 1.08 30.00% 3 Year Daily 0.92 30.00% 3 Year Weekly 1.10 20.00% Apple Inc. Beta 1.028 Terminal Growth Rate Adjusted Beta Beta 923 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 0.83 858.74 888.80 923.13 962.73 1008.91 0.93 858.74 888.80 923.13 962.73 1008.91 1.03 858.74 888.80 923.13 962.73 1008.91 1.13 858.74 888.80 923.13 962.73 1008.91 1.23 858.74 888.80 923.13 962.73 1008.91 Growth Rates › 4% intermediate growth rate used. Chosen to create smooth transition to terminal growth rate › 3% terminal growth rate used to project future economic growth into perpetuity DCF Valuation Discounted Free Cash Flow Assumptions Tax Rate Risk Free Rate Beta Market Risk Premium % Equity 25.00% Terminal Growth Rate 1.69% Terminal Value 1.03 PV of Terminal Value 7.00% Sum of PV Free Cash Flows 3.00% 1,165,878 458,249 405,395 100.00% Firm Value 863,643 % Debt 0.00% Total Debt 0 Cost of Debt 0.00% Cash & Cash Equivalents CAPM 8.86% Market Capitalization WACC 8.86% Fully Diluted Shares 30-Yr WACC 10,746 874,389 947 10.03% Implied Price 923 Current Price 584.78 Undervalued 57.86% Comparable Analysis › Comparable companies screened for: similar product offerings, market capitalization, growth rates, risk, and capital structure › Google (50%), Samsung (30%), Microsoft (20%0, Metrics/Multiples › EV/EBITDA weighted at 50% because it captured the entire relative valuation of comparable Multiple EV/Revenue EV/Gross Profit EV/EBIT EV/EBITDA EV/(EBITDA-Capex) Market Cap/Net Income = P/E Price Target Current Price Overvalued Implied Price Weight 536.41 0.00% 403.54 20.00% 636.00 20.00% 561.14 50.00% 658.41 0.00% $701.40 10.00% $558.62 584.78 (4.47%) Final Valuation Final Price Target Implied Price Weight Discounted Cash Flows $923.13 40% Comparable Analysis $558.62 60% Current Price $589.36 Final Price Target $704.43 Recommendation › Based on my current valuation I recommend a hold of Apple stocks for both portfolios › Apple’s is viewed as a premium product by all consumers and is positioned well to capitalize on international expansion, especially in China Questions?