Vertebrate Natural History

Vertebrate Natural History
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata- animals with a jointed backbone
Class Agnatha- “Jawless” fish
Development of:
Cranium- encloses larger brain; houses sensory organs (ex: paired eyes)
Lateral Line- series of organs along each side that are sensitive to pressure changes
(senses movement in water)
2 semicircular canals- senses direction in 2 dimensions
Extinct forms- Ostracoderms – had cartilage skeletons and bony armor on head; bottom
filter feeders
2 examples today- lamprey and hagfish
Class Chondrichthyes- “gnathostomes-Jaws”
Gill slits (used for filtering water) supported by bony arches. These gill arches become
bones in inner ear of mammals
Jaws and vertebra made of cartilage
Palatoquadrate- upper movable jaw
Meckel’s cartilage- lower jaw
Spiricle- opening behind skull; used for water pasage (dorsal opening in rays)- becomes
Eustacean tube in ear of mammals
Skin covered with placoid scales with hard enamel; teeth also covered with enamel –
only fossils of sharks commonly found. Teeth are continually replaced as old ones are lost
No ribs or swim bladder. Buoyancy maintained by large oil filled liver and by swimming
method. Sharks literally ”fly” thru the water; stiff pectoral fins provide lift and tail fin
provides thrust.
Have paired pectoral and pelvic fins
3 semicircular canals- senses direction in three dimensions; better sensing for pelagic
14 families; 350 species; sharks have lived continuously on earth for 300 million years
(since Devonian)
Elasmobranchi- sharks
Holocephali- skates and rays
Heterocercal fin - primitive type of tail of sharks in which vertebra extends all the way to
tip (same as ostracoderms)
Ampulla of Lorenzini- small sensory pits located on the snout of sharks and rays; important in
electro-perception in which very small electrical currents in muscle movement can be detected; also
blood and some metals
Placoderms- extinct group; heavily armored; large toothless jaws with sheering plates; first true
Class Osteichthyes- “Bony Fish”
Ossified bone (hardened with calcium)
Swim bladder develops for buoyancy
One gill slit instead of several; covered by bony operculum
Tail becomes symmetrical
Two subclasses:
Lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygia)
Bones in fin allow for support
Probably gave rise to amphibians (same bone formula 1:2:5 digits
EX: Coelacanth (off coast of Madagascar); thought to have been extinct
Two subclasses:
Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygia)
Includes most modern fish
Have overlapping scales
3 types
Chonondrosteans- most primitive; thick bony scales Ex: Sturgeon
Holosteans – gar
Telosteans – bass, perch
Class Amphibians “Tetrapods”
Adapted to land
Had functional limbs and rudimentary swimming tail
Had flat heads with sprawling stance
Many were plant eaters; some carnivores; needed to be near water to reproduce
Ex: Ichthyostega (upper Dev.-Tri.)
Class Reptilia- true terrestrial animals (permian – present)
**Certain problems had to be overcome to conquer land
Interlocking vertebrae- provided support
Amniotic egg- allowed for reproduction w/o being close to water; they “carried their
water with them”
Leathery skin with scales- prevented desiccation
Internal fertilization- had profound effect: Mating! Introduced competitive
selection pressures
Ectothermic poikilotherms- body temperature is derived from environment (cold-
Skull changes from flat heavy type to a more domed type; allowed for a larger brain
Development of temporal fenestra: holes in the side of the skull that allowed for more room for
jaw muscle
Order Chelonia- Turtles (early tertiary – present)
Very primitive reptiles
Have anapsid skull
(no fenestra)
Class Aves- birds (jurassic – present)
Believed to have evolved from archosaurs (sauropod dinosaurs: large bipedal
Endothermic homoiotherms- ability to maintain body temperature (warm blooded)
advantages: better enzymes and more efficient metabolism
Diapsid- skull (like dinosaurs)
2 fenestra in skull
Thin, hollow bones (to reduce weight); also found in many sauropod dinosaurs. Scales
become feathers.
Loss of bony tail; development of keel on sternum ( for greater area for flight muscle
Bones become fused in hand: development of wings
Reptilian holdovers:
Egg laying
Scales on legs
Class Mammalia
Believed to have evolved from mammal-like reptiles called Therapsids Ex: Dimetrodon-Permian
Have synapsid- skull with 1 temporal fenestra
Important developmental characteristics:
Body hair- helps retain body heat (excellent insulation)
Mammary glands- modified sweat glands that provide concentrated nourishment for rapid
growth of young and aids in development of immune system
Live birth- developing fetus is protected from fluctuating environmental factors and provided
with constant temperature and nourishment from mother
Endothermic homoiotherms- ability to maintain body temperature (warm blooded) advantages:
better enzymes and more efficient metabolism (faster movement, better utilization of nutrients, will
provide basis for development larger and higher brain function)
Order Carnivora
Suborder Pinnipedea- the seals
Name means “fin-footed”; hind limbs reduced for swimming; front limbs modified into flippers
Vibrissae- whiskers that contain blood vessel, very sensitive tactile organ
Have thick layer of fat that acts as insulation
Two Groups:
Eared Seals- sea lions & fur seals
True seals- many species; found mostly in Arctic and Antarctic waters
Order Cetacea- whales and dolphins
Have streamlined body (more hydrodynamic) and forelimbs become flippers (retains 1:2:5 digits
bone formula)
Pelvic girdle highly reduced (atrophied)
Body tapers to muscular flippers called “flukes”
Family Odonoceti- “toothed whales”
Include Sperm whale, killer, dolphins and porpoise
Skull modified: blow hole on top of skull. Melon (oil-filled) in front of cranium believed to help
focus sound waves: echo-location (bio-sonar)
Larger group (72 species)
Very gregarious; strong herding instinct
Both salt water and fresh water species
Have longer snout; teeth more conical
No snout
Commonly encountered along shores
Generally smaller than dolphins; seldom follow ships
Family Odontoceti- “toothed whales”
Include Sperm whale, killer, dolphins and porpoise
Skull modified: blow hole on top of skull. Melon (oil-filled) in front of cranium believed to help
focus sound waves: echo-location (bio-sonar)
Mystacoceti- the baleen whales
Teeth of developing embryo replaced with “baleen”
Finger-like sieve plates that strains water for plankton, krill, and small fish
Includes the largest animals that ever lived on Earth
Many make sounds for communication; some of these sounds are very low frequencies that can
travel hundreds of miles
Some species are very gregarious; show cooperative behavior in defense and feeding
Many can dive for extended periods (90 minutes)- Sperm Whales); facilitated by special organ
called the Retia: bunches of long, twisted blood vessels and capillaries that acts as a reservoir of blood,
oxygen, and nutrients
Many products were derived from whales; this led to great demand and in turn to massive kills;
killing out entire families. Whales are now protected animals!