The French National Ranking Examination past and future Pr Charles-Hugo Marquette Time course of medical studies years 1 to 3 Anatomy Physiology years 4 to 6 The diseases Residency half time at hospital as students years 7 to 10 (or 11) Internship Full time at hospital True responsibilities national ranking examination National Ranking Examination – the issues years 1 to 6 core curriculum national ranking examination years 7 to 10 (or 11) specialization National Ranking Examination – the issues internship anywhere else national ranking examination years 1 to 6 native university National Ranking Examination – the issues Gynecology 0.4% Biology 1.2% Public health 1.2% Occupational medicine 1.7% Obstetrics specialization quotas 2.4% Pediatry 4.1% Anesthesiology 4.4% Psychiatry Surgery Medical specialties General medicine 6.4% 7.7% 16.6% 54.0% National Ranking Examination – the issues geographic quotas National Ranking Examination – the issues where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? where ? what ? National Ranking Examination – organization Ministry of education & research Ministry of health Scientific boards National center for health management Writing & choice of questions & topics Organisation of examination Results & allocation of positions National Ranking Examination – program 345 items National Ranking Examination – program 42 43 86 106 113 115 116 120 124 135 157 193 197 198 211 226 227 254 276 312 317 324 336 Addictologie : TABAC Ex: Pulmonology 23 items Troubles du sommeil de l’adulte lower respiratory tract infections Tuberculose Allergie et hypersensibilité de l’adulte Allergies respiratoires chez l’enfant et chez l’adulte Pathologies auto immunes Interstitial lung diseases Sarcoïdose Thrombose veineuse profonde et embolie pulmonaire Lung cancer Détresse respir aiguë. Corps étranger des voies aériennes Douleur thoracique aiguë et chronique Dyspnée aiguë et chronique Œdème de Quincke et anaphylaxie Asthme de l’enfant et de l’adulte Bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive Insuffisance respiratoire chronique Pneumothorax Pleural effusions Hémoptysie Opacités et masse intra-thoraciques Toux chez l’enfant et chez l’adulte (avec le traitement). Program items and pedagogic objectives Ex N° 86 lower respiratory tract infections Ministry of education: 1. Establish the diagnosis of a bronchiolitis, pneumonia or broncho-pneumonia 2. Identify emergency situations & their management 3. Chose appropriate therapy and organize follow up National college of teachers 1. Know the main clinico-radiologica presentations of community acquired LRTI : acute bronchitis, pneumococal pneumonia, atypical pneumonia, complicated pneumonia (empyema, abcess, ARDS) 2. Know the main micro-organismes responsible of LRTI according to underlying comorbidities and epidemiological factors 3. Know signs and symptomes of severe LRTI 4. Identify and prioritize indication for hospitalization in LRTI (decision scores) 5. Know diagnostic means, indications 6. Know the epidemiology of nosocomial pneumonias 7. …… 8. ….. 9. …. 10. Know prevention factors of LRTI Examination – modalities Nine stories National data bank • Likely medical stories • Including imaging • 6 to 8 independent questions answer: 4 to 8 key words • 90% of final score Critical comment of medical paper • One published scientific paper • 10% of final score Examination – modalities 1. Clinical records • Built in each university • Sent to the scientific committee of the National Ranking Examination • Reviewing process Board of experts Less than 20 % enter the national data bank • Obsolescence = 5 years • Size of the national data bank : 150 – 300 stories Examination – modalities 2. Critical reading of a medical paper • Built in less than 10 universities • Sent to the scientific committee of the NRE • Reviewing process Board of experts • Size of the national data bank : unknown • Major issue : translation from English to French Ex: Clinical record A 65 years old man who worked a an insulator was discovered a 25 mm pulmonary nodule. He smoked on pack/d since the age of 15. He reports minimal hemoptysis with a normal CXR 8 months earlier. Chest CT and spirometry show following results. pré BD norme post BD VEMS (L) 2,31 3,62 2,46 CVF (L) 4,37 4,4 4,42 1. What are the arguments favoring the malignant nature of the nodule ? Presence risk factors – age > 50 ans – Smoking story > 3PY – Asbestos exposure hemoptysis de large size (> 2 cm) Rapid growing (normal CXR 8 months earlier) Suspicious morphology : – irréguliar (poorly limited) 2. What anbormalities are present on the spirometry & what are they related to? 3. Considering his pulmonary function do you think the patient could undergo lobectomy ? Positon emission tomography shows hypermetabolism of the right hilum and of subcarinal, and left and right paratracheal lymph node areas 4. List four means to obtain histological proof of the nature of the tumor Ex: Critical reading of medical litterature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Summarize this paper in 250 words What king of study is this ? Justify Describe and comment the means of consent of the patients in this study Is there a difference in mortality between groups ? How do you understand the sentence regarding the trend in major hemmorrage in the long duration group of treatment ? How could one confirm this trend ? Examination – modalities Tree days long Nine stories 9 x 100 points • Duration: 1 hour per story = 3 X 3 hours Monday afternoon Tuesday morning Tuesday afternoon Critical comment of a medical paper 1 x 100 points • Duration: 3 hours Wednesday morning Wednesday afternoon … in case … National Ranking Examination – the facts National Ranking Examination – the facts 8 000 students 7 examination centers 500 supervisors 3 days National Ranking Examination – the facts Centralized distribution National Ranking Examination – the facts Centralized correction National Ranking Examination – the facts The jury • manual correction • two weeks long • 500 professors • In Paris Results: 6 weeks later Total score National Ranking Examination – the facts 0.03 points between each student !!! Discrimination ? Rank National Ranking Examination – the facts only 129 items (38%) Completeness of evaluation ? National Ranking Examination – the facts 4 millions € Computerized National Ranking Examination cNRE - 2015 Need for change • Heavy & expensive • Questionable relevance of ranking • Increase of number of students According to following principles • Need for competent doctors • Respect autonomy of Universities • Promote collaborative approaches • Chose an adaptable system cNRE – 2015 - objectives Rank 8000 to 10000 students Increase accuracy of final ranking Diversify docimology Bring the cNRE closer to university tests & examinations Harmonize chances of success at the national level Avoid cramming cNRE – 2015 - proposal Fully computerized with automatic corrections cNRE – 2015 - proposal Computerized examination rooms • Property of the University • Logistic & computer certified • Open source national software • ~ 200 working places • Safe, stable, aid stations Computerized scientific board cNRE - 2015 at the center of the network Local data base University 3 National data base Local data base University 2 Local data base University 1 cNRE – 2015 - docimology Two kind of questions 1. Closed answers (CA) • answer by checking a box all answers are provided one to several good answers between 1 to 10 answers Open answers (OA) answer by tiping a text in a short field spelling mistakes are automatically corrected computerized correction cNRE – 2015 - docimology Four kind of tests 1. Isolated questions (Key-Features Problems) = 20% 70% CA 2. Short stories = 50% CA or OA Progressive 3. Critical reading of a medical paper = 10% 4. Script Concordance Tests = 20% Isolated questions (CA) A 72 years old man with COPD stage 3 complains of dyspnea increase over the past 6 months. When you look at his fingers you find something wrong. This abnormality A. B. C. D. E. F. Closed answer: A B C E Is usually painless Should prompt to search for pulmonary cancer Should prompt to search for pulmonary fibrosis Should prompt to search for respiratory insufficiency Can disappear once the cause has been treated Il always associated with pain and swelling of wrist and ankles Isolated questions (OA) Chest CT performed in the context of low grade fever and subacute dyspnea. What is the most probable diagnosis ? Open answer: miliary tuberculosis