General Social Psych Links http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/crow/topics.htm
Applying social psychology to Reactions to Hurricane Katrina: http://www.richmond.edu/~dforsyth/katrina/kn1.htm
[Humanities] Open Humanities Press: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/
[Social Sciences] Open Journal Systems: http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs
[ A list of open access journals using the Open Journal Systems] http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs-journals .
[Economy vs the "market" economy concept.] http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/index.htm
Here are the specific URL’s to the free access to the two books by Homer that are exactly the same as what is being sold through Amazon.com for $49: a) The Iliad -- http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/homer/iliad_title.htm
b) The Odyssey – http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/homer/odysseytofc.htm
c) Here is the NPR commentary on the quality of the translation: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6849615
I like this take on Machiavelli. http://www.academicearth.org/courses/introduction-to-political-philosophy
Psychology Writing Guides
M. Plonsky, Ph.D.'s Psychology writing guide: http://www.uwsp.edu/psych/apa4b.htm
APA Submissions Guide: http://www.apastyle.org/fifthchanges.html
Writing a Journal Article: http://www.psych.cornell.edu/dbem/writing_article.html
No links
Two ethics websites: http://www.apa.org/ethics/code.html
No links
No links
Q & A on pay equity from the National Committee on Pay Equity: http://www.payequity.org/info-Q&A.html
Women of Color in the Workplace: http://www.pay-equity.org/info-race.html
What the opposition says: http://www.pay-equity.org/info-opposition.html
Over time: In real dollars, women see a continuing gap: http://www.pay-equity.org/infotime.html
Video about the IAT: How biased are you? Discovery Channel (Video #105, psychology collection)
A website filled with information about prejudice: http://www.UnderstandingPrejudice.org/
Information about and examples of the IAT http://www.tolerance.org/hidden_bias/index.html
Social Identity Theory Learning Activity: http://www.ablongman.com/html/mindmatters2/html/m12-2/social2_11.html
Stereotypic Images: Virtual Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia: http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/news/jimcrow/index.htm
Applying social psychology to Reactions to Hurricane Katrina: http://www.richmond.edu/~dforsyth/katrina/kn1.htm
Several videos on the Blue-eyed/Brown-eyed Demonstration:
VIDEO: A class divided (Video #18, psychology collection);
Blue-eyed (Video #10, psychology collection);
The eye of the storm (Video #37, psychology collection)
*If you only have time for one, I'd recommend A class divided. If you look at more than one, just jump around in them because much of each of them repeats in the other videos.
VIDEO: Color Adjustment (Video #19, psychology collection)
The homepage for the jigsaw classroom. http://www.jigsaw.org/
Some sites about Milgram: http://www.new-life.net/milgram.htm
Relevant Videos
Obedience, by Stanley Milgram. (Video #64, in psychology collection)
Conformity, obedience, & dissent (Video #20, psychology collection)
The wave (#95, psychology collection)
No links
Some interesting information about the law and ethics of advertising: http://advertising.utexas.edu/research/law/index.html
VIDEO: The power of persuasion, by Robert Cialdini (#133, psychology collection)
No links
WEEK 11 http://www.prisonexp.org
VIDEO: Quiet Rage: Stanford Prison Experiment (Video #75, psychology collection)
No links
WEEK 13 http://www.apa.org/pubinfo/violence.html
No links
> Case Study: Stanley Milgram Experiment: A Lesson in Depravity, the Power of Authority, and Peer Pressure, from http://www.new-life.net/milgram.htm
Here's a link to a subject search of the Library's catalog on social psychology limited to DVDs and VHS videos. http://voyager.csumb.edu/cgibin/Pwebrecon.cgi?Search_Arg=social+psychology&Search_Code=SKEY^&SL=Submit
Some of Vygotsky's stuff about social constructivism.
> Have you been to http://sociallearning.ning.com/ yet? Looks very cool.
> This site for Albert Bandura seemed good: http://des.emory.edu/mfp/selfefficacy.html#bandura. You can view some of his lectures at http://des.emory.edu/mfp/bandurabio.html.
> This video on constructivism seemed good too: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1M8R1kFczRs&feature=related
http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/a-person-in-world-ofpeople-self-and-other-part-i http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/what-motivates-us-sex http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/a-person-in-world-ofpeople-self-and-other-part-ii http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/a-person-in-world-ofpeople-morality http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/evolution-emotionand-reason-love http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/evolution-emotionand-reason-emotions-2 http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/how-do-wecommunicate-language
http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/education-shift-fromcompliance-to-performance http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/the-universalityhuman-rights http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/fixing-problems-in-k-
12-education http://www.academicearth.org/lectures/parents-as-part-of-k-
om: web4lib-bounces@webjunction.org
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Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 9:01 AM
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Subject: Web4lib Digest, Vol 47, Issue 14
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Today's Topics:
1. Free YouTube College Lecture Downloads (McKiernan, Gerard [LIB])
2. ISU Library Spring Seminar: Not Just Facebook: Niche Social
Network Sites (McKiernan, Gerard [LIB])
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:12:09 -0600
From: "McKiernan, Gerard [LIB]" <gerrymck@iastate.edu>
Subject: [Web4lib] Free YouTube College Lecture Downloads
To: <web4lib@webjunction.org>, <lita-l@ala.org>, <asis-l@asis.org>,
Cc: "McKiernan, Gerard \[LIB\]" <gerrymck@mail.adp.iastate.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Another Most Interesting Development ...
New From YouTube: Free Downloads of College Lectures / David Shieh
The Chronicle of Higher Education / Wired Campus / February 13 2009
"YouTube began testing a new feature that lets users download videos posted to the site from partner institutions - including colleges - rather than just watching the videos in a streaming format. That means people can grab lectures from Duke and Stanford Universities and several institutions in the University of California system to watch any time, with or without an Internet connection."
Links /Etc Are Available At
[ http://tinyurl.com/allagu ]
Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011 gerrymck@iastate.edu
There is Nothing More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come / Victor
[ http://www.blogger.com/profile/09093368136660604490 ]
Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows and the (North)West Wind Blows
[ http://alternativeenergyblogs.blogspot.com/ ]
Later this month. I will give the first presentation in our 2009 Spring
Library Seminar series here at Iowa State University:
Not Just Facebook: Niche Social Network Sites
Gerry McKiernan, Associate Professor, Science & Technology Department,
ISU Library
Wednesday, February 25, 3:15-4:30, Parks Library 192
"While Facebook and MySpace are among the better-known general online social networks, there are an ever-increasing number of online networks that have emerged for and within a wide variety of groups. Among many others, these include networks for academe and education, people of color, boomers, businesses, LGBT groups, religious communities, and researchers and scholars. This presentation offers an overview of these on other niche online networks and examines the potential benefit they may offer to colleges and universities and their communities."
[ http://www.lib.iastate.edu/class/worktutor/workshops.html
In addition to the communities noted above, I am also greatly interested in learning of other communities (with a social network presence) that are or could be of particular interest to colleges or universities, e.g. alumni, along with specific examples.
I am also interested in learning of specific niche communities that you find of significant professional value.
Please post the names/sites of these Niche Communities and the particular professional benefits that you have gained (or believe can be gained) from membership in Any and All niche social networks as a
Comment on the associated posting available at
[ http://tinyurl.com/anj8zu ]
BTW: This presentation will be an abridged and modified version of my
Internet Librarian 2008 pre-conference workshop presentation _Not Just
Facebook: Online Social Networks For Libraries_.
[ http://nichesocialnetworksites.blogspot.com/2008/11/not-just-facebook-on
line-social.html ]
Gerry McKiernan
Associate Professor
Science and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011 gerrymck@iastate.edu
There is Nothing More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come / Victor
[ http://www.blogger.com/profile/09093368136660604490 ]
Iowa: Where the Tall Corn Flows and the (North)West Wind Blows
[ http://alternativeenergyblogs.blogspot.com/ ]
Web4lib mailing list
Web4lib@webjunction.org http://lists.webjunction.org/web4lib/
End of Web4lib Digest, Vol 47, Issue 14
Some of Vygotsky's stuff about social constructivism.
> Have you been to http://sociallearning.ning.com/ yet? Looks very cool.
> This site for Albert Bandura seemed good: http://des.emory.edu/mfp/selfefficacy.html#bandura. You can view some of his lectures at http://des.emory.edu/mfp/bandurabio.html.
> This video on constructivism seemed good too: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1M8R1kFczRs&feature=related
In general: locate a few good articles on the self and look at the bibliography. A great resource to look under key words will be International
Encyclopedia of the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Please search this data base for anything social psychological and SAVE. Go to: www.teachertube.com
Look for links to lectures, PowerPoints, charts, theorists on the topic of social psychology, the
Self (in a social psychological sense), symbolic interactionism, micro social psychology, etc. iTunes.com: go to iTunes Store then to iTuneU
Here's a present of 24 video lectures on Political Philosophy from Yale that are open access. http://www.academicearth.org/courses/introduction-to-political-philosophy www.academiceath.org/courses http://www.charlierose.com/view/interview/9875 http://www.aacu.org/liberaleducation/le-wi09/le-wi09_Strengthening.cfm?utm_s
iBerry Open Courseware Finder http://iberry.com/cms/OCWfinder.htm
Education Portal http://education-portal.com/articles/Free_Video_Lecture_Podcasts_from_Top_Universities.html
World Lecture Hall http://web.austin.utexas.edu/wlh/
UCTV http://www.uctv.tv/
Open Yale Courses http://oyc.yale.edu/
Princeton WebMedia http://www.princeton.edu/WebMedia/lectures/
MIT Open Courseware http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm
Columbia Interactive http://ci.columbia.edu/ci/
Tufts Open Courseware http://ocw.tufts.edu/
Cross check the existing web cast links on iLearn, add these new links and replace the existing file.
A few webcast sites that may interest you include:
The Library of Congress Webcasts, http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/
The Chronicle of Higher Education Events http://chronicle.com/events/
University of California Television (UCTV), http://www.uctv.tv/index.asp
MIT OpenCourseWare, http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htm
Creative Commons Video, http://creativecommons.org/video
Berkeley Events http://webcast.berkeley.edu/events
Video Lectures http://ethics.sandiego.edu/resources/cases/Detail.asp?ID=2 http://ethics.sandiego.edu/video/Hinman/Theory/index.html
Two Excellent Web Sites on Ethics
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The following is a list of academicians , both past and present, who are widely renowned for their groundbreaking contributions to the field of social psychology.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[ edit ] A
Robert P. Abelson
Lauren Alloy
Floyd Allport
Gordon Allport
Irwin Altman
Norman H. Anderson
Michael Argyle
Elliot Aronson
Solomon Asch
Berit Ås
[ edit ] B
Mahzarin Banaji - co-creator of the Implicit Association Test along with Anthony
Albert Bandura - Canadian psychologist known for social learning theory (or social
cognitive theory ) and self efficacy
John Bargh
Robert A. Baron
Daniel Batson
Martin Bauer
Roy Baumeister
Howard Becker
Ellen S. Berscheid
Michael Billig
Daryl Bem - proposed Self-perception theory of attitude change, competitor to Leon
Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory
Gustav Le Bon
Marilynn Brewer
Roger Brown
[ edit ] C
John Cacioppo
Donald T. Campbell
Merrill Carlsmith
Robert Cialdini - known for his research on influence processes
Ronald L. Cohen
Charles Horton Cooley
[ edit ] D
James M. Dabbs, Jr.
John Darley
Paul G. Davies
Carol Dweck
[ edit ] E
Derek Edwards
Phoebe C. Ellsworth
[ edit ] F
Armindo Freitas-Magalhaes
Steven Fein
Leon Festinger - originator of both cognitive dissonance theory and social comparison
Erich Fromm
[ edit ] G
George Gaskell
Bertram Gawronski
Daniel Gilbert
Thomas Gilovich - psychologist and key figure in behavioral economics
Kenneth Gergen
Brian G. Gilmartin -- developed theory of love-shyness
John Gottman - researcher known for his work in identifying relationship behaviors that predict future relationship quality and stability
Anthony Greenwald -- Co-creator of the Implicit Association Test
[ edit ] H
Rom Harré
Elaine Hatfield
Fritz Heider
Miles Hewstone
E. Tory Higgins
Hilde Himmelweit
Carl Hovland
Caroline Howarth
[ edit ] I
Michael Inzlicht
[ edit ] J
Irving Janis - well-known for his landmark research on the concept of " groupthink "
Blair Jarvis - founded Empirisoft in 1998, developing MediaLab and DirectRT software for conducting computerized social psychology experiments.
Edward E. Jones - co-authored first paper on what was later called fundamental attribution error ; known for researching actor-observer bias
Sandra Jovchelovitch
Charles Hubbard Judd
[ edit ] K
Saul Kassin
Daniel Kahneman
Harold Kelley
George Kelly
Herbert Kelman
Ziva Kunda
[ edit ] L
Bibb Latané
- initiated research on bystander intervention in emergencies (with John
Darley ), social loafing (with Kip Williams ), and dynamic social impact theory (with
Andrzej Nowak).
Gustave Le Bon
Mark Lepper
Kurt Lewin - Often called "the father of social psychology"; one of first researchers to study group dynamics and organizational development
[ edit ] M
Hazel Rose Markus
David McClelland
George Herbert Mead - American philosopher ( pragmatist ), sociologist , and psychologist ; a founder of social psychology; founder of symbolic interactionism
Stanley Milgram - performed famous experiment that demonstrated people's excessive
willingness to obey authority figures
Walter Mischel - among the first to promote a situationist view of personality
Abraham Moles , one of the first to establish and analyze links between aesthetics and information theory
Serge Moscovici
Gordon Moskowitz
[ edit ] N
Richard Nisbett
[ edit ] O
Richard Ofshe
Tom Ostrom
[ edit ] P
Ian Parker (psychologist)
Richard E. Petty
Anthony Pratkanis
Tom Pyszczynski
[ edit ] Q
[ edit ] R
Wilhelm Reich , mass psychology .
Steve Reicher
Robert Rosenthal - Pygmalion effect
Lee Ross - performed pioneering research on the fundamental attribution error
[ edit ] S
Stanley Schachter
Gunter Schmidt
Norbert Schwarz - known for his work on metacognitive experiences and survey
Martin Seligman
Muzafer Sherif
Boris Sidis - groundbreaking work on the psychology of suggestion, multiple personality
disorder, psychopathology, and genius
Volkmar Sigusch
Mark Snyder - prominent for his novel work on the self-monitoring process
Claude Steele - renowned for his groundbreaking work on stereotype threat; also known
for introducing self-affirmation theory
William Swann - best known for developing self-verification theory
[ edit ] T
Henri Tajfel
Gabriel Tarde
Carol Tavris
Shelley Taylor
Norman Triplett - widely credited with the first published study in the field of social
psychology, with his work on social facilitation
Bruce Tuckman
Amos Tversky
[ edit ] V
[ edit ] W
Daniel Wegner
Kipling Williams
Glenn D Wilson
Timothy Wilson
[ edit ] X
[ edit ] Y
[ edit ] Z
Robert Zajonc - first academic to study the mere exposure effect
Mark Zanna
Philip Zimbardo - well-known for conducting the Stanford prison experiment
See also : list of psychologists , list of sociologists
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