Green IT Dan Feeherty Jin-jia Hu Emily McCarthy Laura McGrath Natalye Medina What is Green IT? “Using technology in an environmentally responsible and eco-friendly way in order to reduce the negative effects technology has on the environment, but also to use technology to solve environmental issues.” • [39] Aka: Green Computing Green Disposal Green Use Green IT Practices Green Manufacturing [2] & [27] Green Design Environmental Impact ● ICT fastest growing sector of energy use ● 2007 2-2.5% of global CO2 Emissions ○ comparable to that of airline industry ○ energy cost 10% of IT budget, according to Gartner could rise to 50% in a few years [55] & [62] IT Energy Consumption ● 10% of global energy consumption ● Every minute there are 2 million google searches, 48 hours of new YouTube content, 700,000 Facebook content shares. ● one google search is worth o.ooo3 kwh energy ● equal to turning on a 60 kw light bulb for 17 seconds ● a single search query may produce a few tenths to a few grams of CO2 emissions [49] & [28] Forms of Green IT 1. Data center design a. electricity used in global data center in 2010 is between 1.1%~1.5% of total electricity used. 2. Power management a. turn off during inactivity b. reduce heat and electricity usage 3. Material recycling a. 3Rs: Reuse, Refurbish, Recycle b. E-waste 4. Telecommuting 5. Cloud computing [63] & [48] Data Center “Energy used by data centers on average are only using 6%-12% of the electricity powering their servers to perform computations. The remaining is used to keep the servers idling and ready in case the case of a surge of activity.” [43] Server Virtualization & Consolidation Energy Star recommends Server virtualization as a way to combine multiple servers on to one physical host server. [32] Server Virtualization & Consolidation Server consolidation takes lightly used servers and combines them to one server. This can save a company $500 in energy, $500 in operating system licenses, and $1,500 in hardware maintenance costs. [32] Decommissioning of Unused Servers Energy Star reports aged servers are more likely to be running but not in use, these servers are referred to as comatose and can attribute to 8%-10% of data center energy use. [32] Decommissioning of Unused Servers In 2012 AOL decommissioned over 9,484 servers for a total savings of around $5 million. The effort included: • shutting down or merging extraneous applications • increasing utilization in a private cloud data center • eliminating inefficient or abandoned servers [32] Benefits of Green IT 1. Reduce power consumption 2. Lower costs 3. Lower carbon emission and environment impact 4. Improved system performance and use 5. Space savings [22] & [51] Example UMSL-Dave Maczynski, institutional support service 1. Paper cut policy o 1000+500 pages quota o 10,100,108 pages (2009)-->7,700,000 pages (2010) 2. Upgrade hardware o CRT-->LCD-->LED 3. Paper & toner recycle 4. BIOS control o schedule o labstats 5. E-waste disposal o [4] Surplus sale - refurbished equipment E-Waste ● Consumer and business electronic or electric equipment near the end of its life. ● (EEE) electrical & electronic equipment ● Definitions vary with countries ● Contains hazardous materials as well as precious materials [60] & [61] Global E-Waste Production 2012 ● World 53,896.409 ● USA 10.317 ● China 7.995 ● EU 10.933 [52] & [50] Disposal Laws ● Basel Convention ● WEEE ○ Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ● Disposal bans vs. recycling goals ● EPA regulations ● State Laws [35] & [53] E-waste Exports ● ● ● ● ● Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, China China largest e-waste dump site Imported both illegally and legally from North America, Europe, and other parts of Asia ○ illegal to import into china not possible to inspect every container ○ mixed in other metals Loopholes ○ through Vietnam or Hong Kong ○ non shredded ○ re-use [59], [58] & [56] Health Concerns From E-waste ● ● ● Stems from inappropriate recycling practices ○ Incineration ○ Chemical baths ○ Leaching Toxins ○ Flame retardants ○ Lead ○ Mercury ○ Cadmium 70% of toxins in landfills comes from e-waste [26] & [ 17] E-cycling Re-use Reduce 80 to 85% of electronic products were dumped into landfills or incinerated Green Tech Recycling allows for recovery of precious metals 60 million dollars of gold and silver are dumped away each year in cell phones. Where and how to recycle Local and State programs Manufacturer responsibility [57], [36] & [31] e-cycle Missouri • Tony Pierce Interview o • • e-cycle Missouri Missouri Laws o producer responsibility law o Bill for landfill reform Dave Beal o Epc • o e-cycle involvement Allison Carmen o [3], [5] & [1] processing plant MaterialMix LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design [54] LEED Standards There are four levels of certification Certified Silver Gold There are five rating systems that address multiple project types: Building Design + Construction Interior Design + Construction Building Operations + Maintenance Neighborhood Development Platinum Homes [54] Architects and LEED All with in the USA 77 chapters 30,000 members 44,000 LEED projects [54] Technology and LEED Technology is pushing LEED to a more user friendly, everyman technology. [2] Top Companies Strategies/Investments Accenture IBM SAP HP reducing greenhouse emissions & energy efficiency by “Leasing,” Reuse or sell refurbished products, & “Recycling” programs. Dell- avoiding harmful substances and recycling [14], [38] & [34] Dell Initiatives Recycling- 65.1 tons of electronic products were disposed “Design for Environment” “Reducing Our Impact” [34] “Green packaging and shipping” Accenture Reducing energy consumption and organizing green agenda Focus on five areas [44] 1. “End user working practices” 2. “Office environment and equipment” 3. “Office infrastructure/data center 4. “Procurement” 5. “Corporate citizenship” Accenture Green Maturity Model (GMM) three [44] stages 1. “initial assessment” 2. “detailed assessment” 3. “output” IBM: reducing and managing carbon footprints for a green supply chain five tiers 1. material suppliers 2. component manufacturers 3. assembly operations 4. distribution companies 5. retailers serving end customers [33] IBM: [33] Steps: 1. Product is redesigned 2. Manufacturing 3. Green Suppliers 4. Distance & Short Routes 5. Service level agreements alteration IBM: [33] Steps 1. Packaging and consolidating shipments 2. Partner coordination 3. Lifecycle 4. Start Helping reduce energy Setting baseline and managing indicators “Decommission legacy systems” “Archive documents and unused data” “ Consolidate your system landscape” “ Virtualize your SAP software systems” “ Run paperless processes” [25] Why do companies go green? Profitability share price return on investments distinction [12], [7] & [18] from other companies Set Backs Cost of implementation/conversion Ease of use Technical issues Adaptation to change / lack of support Going paperless Customer backlash [47] Green IT of the Future Motorola Project Ara: ECO-MOBIUS [42] SOL • • [41] WeWi Telecommunications has annonced a laptop that it is equipped with folding solar panels that can charge for two hours, while the sun shines When fully charged, SOL is able to work 8-10 hours EcoCharge A portable and environmentally friendly charger which converts thermal energy (from heaters, etc.) into electricity. EcoCharge will work with any surface that can produce heat. It will also comes with an OLED display that let users know how efficiently their devices are being used. [40] Easy Ways to be Green in IT: References – Primary Sources 1. Beal, D. (2014, March 14). Interview by d Feeherty [Personal Interview]. Epc recycling. 2. Bundren, T. (2014, March 21) Director of Sustainability, Lawrence Group. Interviewed by E McCarthy and L McGrath [Personal Interview]. 3. Carmen, A. (2014, March 20 ). Founder and CEO, Material Mix. Interview by Emily McCarthy [Personal Interview]. 4. Maczynski, D. (2014, March 31). UM-St Louis: Green IT. Interviewed by J. Hu, Interviewer [Personal Interview]. 5. Pierce, A. (2014, March 11). Interview by D Feeherty [Personal Interview]. ecycle missouri. References – Peer Reviewed 6. Bai, Chunguang, and Joseph Sarkis. "Green Information Technology Strategic Justification and Evaluation." Information Systems Frontiers 15.5 (2013): 831-47. ProQuest. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. 7. 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