Static Electricity Lab 6


Grade 5

Essential Lab #6

Static Electricity

Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist – Science

Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist – Science

Dr. Millard Lightburn, Instructional Supervisor

Department of Mathematics and Science

What Do You Know About Atoms ?

• All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.

• Atoms contain protons, electrons and neutrons.

• Protons have a positive charge, electrons a negative charge, and neutrons a neutral charge.

• There are 115 different atoms.

• All matter is made up of different combinations of these atoms.

Department of Mathematics and Science


Let’s Model the Parts of an Atom

Need: 8 Volunteers (2 neutrons, 2 electrons, 2 protons, 1 nucleus, and 1 atom)

Here’s what to do:

• Atom” person holds up the sign and stands near the outside of the circles.

• The “Nucleus” stands inside the circle and hold his/her sign up

• The 2 “Protons” go inside the center of the circle.

• The 2 “Neutrons” go inside the circle

• One “Electron” stands on each of the outer circles

• “Both Electrons” walk quickly around their orbit

All: Draw a diagram of the model we just made in your journal.

Department of Mathematics and Science

All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.

What are an atom’s

3 basic parts?

What are their electrical charges?

1. Neutrons

2. Protons

3. Electrons a. Neutral b. Positive c. Negative

Department of Mathematics and Science

What do Atoms have to do with Static Electricity?

Check this out: d_zsnap/

Discovery Video: Static Electricity

Department of Mathematics and Science

Now it’s Your Turn to Explore

Essential Lab #6 Static Electricity

Key Question:

How does static electricity cause objects to attract or repel?

Rotate through the 4 stations, follow the directions, and record your data in the chart.

Department of Mathematics and Science

Key Question: How does static electricity cause objects to attract or repel?

Explain/Evaluate a. How does what you observed at Station 1 provide evidence to answer your key question? b. How does what you observed at Station 2 provide evidence to answer your key question? c. How does what you observed at Station 3 provide evidence to answer your key question? d. How does what you observed at Station 4 provide evidence to answer your key question?

Department of Mathematics and Science

Let’s Take Another Look

The protons’ positive charges and their electrons’ negative charges are typically electrically balanced in an atom.

- +




Rubbing the balloon on one’s hair (friction) causes it to gain electrons and become negatively charged. This makes your hair stand on end by giving them all the same charge, making them repel one another.

Department of Mathematics and Science

Try This: Discovery Exploration:

Static Electricity

Rubbing the balloon on your hair, gives it a surplus of electrons. A wall will have an opposite charge, causing them to attract one another and allowing the balloon to stick to the wall.

Department of Mathematics and Science

What Do You Know Now?

• What is static electricity?

• When does a static charge build up on an object?

• What happens when a static charge builds up on an object?

• What is an example from nature of static electricity?

Department of Mathematics and Science

What is Static Electricity?

• Static electricity is a buildup of electrical charge in an object.

• Friction can cause a static charge buildup.

• Static charge causes objects to attract or repel.

• Static charge can be released as a brief burst of electrical energy, sometimes visible as a spark, and felt as a shock.

Discovery Reading Passage: Don’t Move

Department of Mathematics and Science

When Does a Static Charge Build Up on an Object?

There are forces that can change an object’s electrical charge. One such force is friction. Friction is produced by rubbing two objects together. For example, when you walk across the floor, your shoes rub against the carpet. This creates friction. The friction causes electrons to flow from the carpet to your body. Both your body and the carpet become electrically charged.

Department of Mathematics and Science

What causes static electricity?


Department of Mathematics and Science

What Happens When a Static Charge

Builds Up on an Object?

An electrically charged object can exert a force on other objects. A charged object will pull on uncharged objects and on objects that have an opposite charge. A charged object will push away another charged object that has the same charge.

Static charge can also jump from a charged object to another object. The shock you might feel after rubbing your feet on the carpet is an example of this jump of electrical charge.

Department of Mathematics and Science

What Is an Example from Nature?

Lightning is the release of a very large static charge.

Friction causes static electricity to build up in the clouds. Sometimes, electrons jump from cloud to cloud, releasing a very large static charge. The sky lights up, and we see a flash of lightning. Sometimes electrons jump from the cloud to the ground. This creates another flash of lightning.

Department of Mathematics and Science









Static Electricity Quiz

Department of Mathematics and Science


• Study Jams Atoms: Protons, Neutron and Electrons


• Bill Nye



• Atom’s Family:

• Study Jams- Electricity:


• Electricity:


Department of Mathematics and Science
