Name: The Unstoppable BLT DP Checklist (2013-2014) Please make sure you have the following things on your DP: Name School About Me FRESHMAN SOPHOMORE JUNIOR SENIOR When you first get to your DP, your opening page should contain the following information: ____ Your name ____ Your School ____About me ____link to freshman year ____link to sophomore year ____link to junior year ____link to senior year SOPHOMORE YEAR Humanities Math II/Chemistry Art Spanish Your SOPHOMORE YEAR page should… ____be titled with the correct spelling (SOPHOMORE) ____ have a link to Humanities ____have a link to Math II/Chemistry ____ have a link to Art ____have a link to Spanish Look at Humanities DP Information Look at Math II/Chem DP Information Humanities DP Information HUMANITIES PROJECTS Elements of Change Project Description: For this project, we learned about global issues that exist, connected those things to history and science, and explored how we can take a role in trying to make a difference in the world around us. Specifically, we examined the role we play in our increasingly interconnected world. We investigated the origins of products we use in our daily lives and the impact that our “stuff” has on people and the environment. We did a case study on “conflict minerals” that are found in our cell phones and other technology. These “conflict minerals” have impacted parts of the world such as China and the Congo. From what we learned, we created a public awareness campaign on our campus, which included presenting in classrooms, creating activities and videos, and a school wide cell phone recycling campaign. WRITING I am From Poem Description: We wrote poems about where we are from. Letter to a Corporation Description: We wrote formal business letters to corporations. Writing a Vignette Description: After reading the book Sold by Patricia McCormick, which is a series of vignettes, we wrote our own vignettes about our lives. Our vignettes had a theme and incorporated literary devices. .Global Issues Essay Description: After studying global issues and the hope for change, we wrote an essay on this topic synthesizing multiple sources and using MLA Format. When you get to your Humanities page, you should have the following: ___ 2 sections: PROJECTS and WRITING ___link to The Elements of Change Project ___ description of The Elements of Change Project ___link to I am From Poem ___description of I am From Poem ___link to Letter to a Corporation ___description of Letter to a Corporation ___link to Writing a Vignette ___description of Writing a Vignette ___link to Global Issues Essay ___description of Global Issues Essay I am From Poem Letter to a Corporation Final draft Self critique and teacher feedback Your I am From Poem page should just include a link to your I am From Poem Rough draft Self and peer critique Your Letter to a Corporation Page should include… _____link to letter final draft _____link to self critique and teacher feedback _____link to letter rough draft _____link to self and peer critique Writing a Vignette Global Issues Essay Essay Prompt: Final Draft Rough Draft Write out essay prompt you chose here. Global Issues Essay Final Draft Global Issues Essay Goals and Self Evaluation Global Issues Essay Outline Your Writing a Vignette Page should include… _____link to vignette final draft _____link to vignette rough draft Your Global Issues Essay Page should include the following… _____a written out Global Issues Essay Prompt _____link to final draft _____link to essay goals and self evaluation _____link to outline Math II/Chemistry DP Information MATH II/CHEMISTRY When you get to your Math II/Chemistry page, you should have the following: ___ 3 sections: PROJECTS, MATH, and CHEMISTRY PROJECTS Elements of Change Project Description: For this project, we learned about global issues that exist, connected those things to history and science, and explored how we can take a role in trying to make a difference in the world around us. Specifically, we examined the role we play in our increasingly interconnected world. We investigated the origins of products we use in our daily lives and the impact that our “stuff” has on people and the environment. We did a case study on “conflict minerals” that are found in our cell phones and other technology. These “conflict minerals” have impacted parts of the world such as China and the Congo. From what we learned, we created a public awareness campaign on our campus, which included presenting in classrooms, creating activities and videos, and a school wide cell phone recycling campaign. MATH Learning with the 4 C’s Description: In math this year, we have been assessing our progress as mathematicians through courageousness, curiosity, creativity and communication. CHEMISTRY Scientific Growth Description: In chemistry this year, we have learned how to collect scientific evidence through inquiry-based learning. ___link to The Elements of Change Project ___ description of The Elements of Change Project ___link to Learning with the 4 C’s ___ description of Learning with the 4 C’s ___link to Scientific Growth ___description of Scientific Growth MATH – Learning with the 4 C’s When you get to your MATH – Learning with the 4 C’s page, you should have the following: Curiosity Description of how you developed in being curious in math this year Link to work supporting this ___ Description of how you developed in being curious in math this year ___ Link to work supporting this Courageousness Description of how you developed in being courageous in math this year Link to work supporting this ___ Description of how you developed in being courageous in math this year ___ Link to work supporting this Creativity Description of how you developed in being creative in math this year Link to work supporting this Communication Description of how you developed in communication in math this year Link to work supporting this Reflection on 4 C’s: Reflection on which of the 4 C’s you would like to focus on improving for next semester… _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___ Description of how you developed in being creative in math this year ___ Link to work supporting this ___ Description of how you developed in communication in math this year ___ Link to work supporting this ___ Reflection on which of the 4 C’s you would like to focus on improving for next semester CHEMISTRY – Scientific Growth Summary of Learning – Semester 1 _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Link to Elements of Change Project When you get to your CHEMISTRY – Scientific Growth page, you should have the following: ___ Summary of Learning : one paragraph summary of content learned through the first semester (see final exam study guide for ideas) ___link to Elements of Change Project page Note: The following page should link to both your humantities and math/ chem DP pages, because it is our TEAM project. Elements of Change Project Description of project: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Photo of presentation or project work time Your Elements of Change page should contain the following… _____description of project _____photo of presentation or project work time _____final project reflection _____link to final powerpoint _____link to interactive activity _____link to audience accountability Final Project Reflection (link) _____video description Presentation to our campus Final presentation Powerpoint (link) Interactive Activity (link) Audience Accountability (link) _____embedded video Video description: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Embedded video Recycling receptacle description: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Photo of your receptacle Google sketch up (link) _____recycling receptacle description _____photo of receptacle _____link to google sketch up