Psychology - Christopher Whitehead Language College

Bromwich Road, Worcester WR2 4AF
Tel: 01905 423906 Fax: 01905 420788
Sixth Form Course Information
A-level in Psychology
Exam Board
 7182
Subject specific entry
Mrs Lisa Stephens
Mr Benjamin Jones
GCSE Maths grade A*-B
GCSE English Language grade A*-B
GCSE Science grade A*-B
What skills are required of students?
Excellent communication and discussion skills.
The ability to learn and retain information and key concepts at a fast pace.
A commitment to understanding how the human mind works and how this influences behaviour.
The maturity to deal with challenging, sensitive topics, especially when studying areas linked to the
study of Psychopathology.
What the A-level is like. What kind of topics and texts are studied over the two years.
Have you ever wondered if prison really does change criminal behaviour? Or why some people conform? Or
perhaps if the experiences you had before the age of five really do shape the person you are today? A level
Psychology will give you an understanding of the way people think and why people behave in certain ways.
You will learn a variety of skills including analytical thinking, improved communication, problem solving and
many more that will prepare you for an exciting future with the possibility of a range of fantastic careers.
Psychology is a fascinating subject which both challenges and captivates students of all abilities. As an A
Level Psychology student, you will learn about a variety of different topics, ranging from cognitive
psychology, which is the study of human memory; to forensic psychology which explores the motivation
behind criminal behaviour and offending.
In terms of assessment, at A level there are three exams, each accounting for one third of your A-level. The
three exams last 2 hours and are worth 96 marks each. The exams consist of multiple choice, short answer
and extended writing questions. Both sets of exams will test students on the knowledge and understanding
they have gained throughout their study. This course is assessed entirely through examination only.
Modules, titles and codes.
A-level Examinations:
Paper 1: Introductory Topics in Psychology - Written exam: 2 hours; 96 marks in total; 33.3% of A-level
Topics include:
 Social influence
 Memory
 Attachment
 Psychopathology
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Christopher Whitehead Language College & Sixth Form – continuation page
Sixth Form Course Information: A-level in Psychology
Paper 2: Psychology in Context - Written exam: 2 hours; 96 marks in total; 33.3% of A-level
Topics include:
 Approaches in psychology
 Biopsychology
 Research methods
Paper 3: Issues and Options in Psychology – Written exam: 2 hours; 96 marks in total; 33.3% of A-level
Compulsory Topic: Issues and Debates in Psychology, then three additional topics from the range below:
Cognition and Development
Eating Behaviour
Forensic psychology
What kind of work will you do in class and at home?
Writing notes
Revising key topics
Essay writing
Conducting your own experiments
Challenging discussion
What other A-levels does your subject connect well with?
Psychology connects well with many other subjects, including: Biology, English Literature, History, Religious
Studies and Sociology.
What types of university course will be helped by this A-level?
The following university courses will benefit from the studying of A level Psychology:
 Psychology
 English
 Philosophy
 Sociology
 Criminology
 Law
Furthermore, studying Psychology at university can give you a whole host of exciting career options,
including: • Marketing
• Business development
• Accountancy
• Human resources
• Forensic psychology
• Occupational therapy
• Clinical psychology
• Nursing
• Teaching
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