Quantum Transport Outline: What is Computational Electronics? Semi-Classical Transport Theory Drift-Diffusion Simulations Hydrodynamic Simulations Particle-Based Device Simulations Inclusion of Tunneling and Size-Quantization Effects in Semi-Classical Simulators Tunneling Effect: WKB Approximation and Transfer Matrix Approach Quantum-Mechanical Size Quantization Effect Drift-Diffusion and Hydrodynamics: Quantum Correction and Quantum Moment Methods Particle-Based Device Simulations: Effective Potential Approach Quantum Transport Direct Solution of the Schrodinger Equation (Usuki Method) and Theoretical Basis of the Green’s Functions Approach (NEGF) NEGF: Recursive Green’s Function Technique and CBR Approach Atomistic Simulations – The Future Prologue Transport Properties of system/device using Green’s functions formalism Low field transport Linear response theory (ASU) High field transport Bulk systems – Airy approach (Rita Bertoncini, ASU, PhD Thesis) Devices: Recursive Green’s Functions Approach (ASU, Purdue) CBR Approach (ASU, WSI, Purdue) Linear Response Theory Only the retarded Green’s function is needed as it includes the collisional broadening of the states In the ASU’s simulator for low-field mobility calculation in silicon inversion layers, strained-Si layers and InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures the following features have been implemented: Realistic treatmet of scattering within the self-consistent Born approximation Modification of the density of states function is accounted for due to the collisional broadening of the states and the intersubband scattering Random phase approximation in its full implementation is included to properly treat static screening of Coulomb and Interface-Roughness scattering Bethe-Salpether integral equation is solved in the calculation of the conductivity Excellent agreement is obtained with measured low-field mobility data in silicon inversion layers and predictions were made for the mobility behavior in Strained-Si layers and InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures that were later confirmed with experimental measurements Relevant Literature D. Vasileska, P. Bordone, T. Eldridge and D.K. Ferry, “Calculation of the average interface field in inversion layers using zero-temperature Green’s functions formalism”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 13, 1841-7 (1995). P. Bordone, D. Vasileska and D.K. Ferry, “Collision duration time for optical phonon emission in semiconductors”, Physical Review B 53, 3846-55 (1996). D. Vasileska, T. Eldridge and D.K. Ferry, “Quantum transport: Silicon inversion layers and InAlAs-InGaAs heterostructures”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 2780-5 (1996). D. Vasileska, P. Bordone, T. Eldridge and D. K. Ferry, “Quantum transport calculations for silicon inversion layers in MOS structures”, Physica B 227, 333-5 (1996). D. Vasileska and D. K. Ferry, “Scaled silicon MOSFET’s: Part I Universal mobility behavior”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 44, 577-83 (1997). G. Formicone, D. Vasileska and D.K. Ferry, “Transport in the surface channel of strained Si on a relaxed Si1-xGex substrate”, Solid State Electronics 41, 879-886 (1997). Proposed Strained-Si and Strained-SiGe Devices Gate (a) Gate (b) n+poly-Si Source n + Gate (c) n+poly-Si n+poly-Si Drain SiO2 Source Source Drain SiO2 Si1-xGex Strained-Si n + n+ n+ n + Strained-Si Relaxed Si1-xGex SiGe Graded Buffer 5% x% of Ge Strained-Si Relaxed Si1-xGex SiGe Graded Buffer 5% x% of Ge SiGe Graded Buffer 5% x% of Ge Gate (e) Metal Metal Source SiO2 Drain Source p+ Strained-Si1-xGex n- SiO2 Drain Si Si p+ Strained-Si Si1-xGex Relaxed Si1-xGex Gate (d) SiO2 p+ Strained-Si1-xGex p+ p+ modulation doping Si Substrate n- Si Substrate Drain n+ Is Strain Beneficial in Nanoscale MOSFETs With High Channel Doping Densities? ’ ’ ’ 4 -band ’ ’ 00’ ’ Biaxial tension Strained Silicon x=0.1 x=0.2 x=0.4 x=0.1 x=0.2 x=0.4 1.8 strained-Si /Si 2 Mobility [cm /V-s] 1500 2 Exp. data Silicon 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 16 10 1000 10 17 10 18 -3 Substrate doping NA [cm ] 500 0 16 10 -3 17 -3 17 -3 17 -3 18 -3 A Regular Silicon 2500 17 N =1x10 cm 2000 2.2 00’+ Mobility enhancement ratio 2 -band 2 10 Substrate doping N 10 18 A 1.8 N =7x10 cm A N =1x10 cm A 1.6 1.4 1.2 12 10 -3 A A N =5x10 cm 1 17 N =2x10 cm [cm ] 13 10 -2 Inversion charge density N [cm ] s High Field Transport in Devices: Recursive Green’s Functions Approach The most complete 1D transport in resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) that operate on purely quantum mechanical principles was accomplished with the NEMO1D Code The NEMO 1D Code was developed by Roger Lake, Gerhard Klimeck, Chris Bowen and Dejan Jovanovich while working at Texas Instruments/Raytion It solves the retarded Green’s function (spectral function) in conjuction with less-than Green’s function (occupation function) selfconsistently References for NEMO1D: Roger. K. Lake, Gerhard Klimeck, R. Chris Bowen, Dejan Jovanovic, Paul Sotirelis and William R. Frensley, "A Generalized Tunneling Formula for Quantum Device Modeling",VLSI Design, Vol. 6, pg 9 (1998). Roger Lake, Gerhard Klimeck, R. Chris Bowen and Dejan Jovanovic, "Single and multiband modeling of quantum electron transport through layered semiconductor devices", J. of Appl. Phys. 81, 7845 (1997). The Philosophy Behind the Recursive Green’s Function Approach K. B. Kahen, Recursive-Green’s-function analysis of wave propagation in two-dimensional nonhomogeneous media, .Phys. Rev. E 47, 2927 - 2933 (1993). S. Datta, From Atom to Transistor, 2008. Representative Simulation Results High Field Transport in Devices: Contact Block Reduction Method The retarded Green’s function of an open system: - 1 GR (E ) = [IE - H] = [IE - H0 - S ]- 1 where H 0 closed system Hamiltonian , S self-energy matrix The Dyson equation, - 1 GR (E ) = éëI - G0 (E )S (E )ùû G0 (E ), - 1 where G0 (E ) º éëIE - H0 + i h ù û = å a a a , E - ea + i h h= 0+ H0 a = E a a 0 G (E ) describes closed system (decoupled device) To determine Green’s function of an open system we need to invert a huge matrix D. Mamaluy, D. Vasileska, M. Sabathil, T. Zibold, and P. Vogl, “Contact block reduction method for ballistic transport and carrier densities of open nanostructures”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 245321 (2005). Retarded Green’s Function GR of an open system in CBR formalism: éGCR GR = êê R êëGDC R ù é GCD AC- 1GC0 ú= ê ú ê 0 GRD ú ê- A DC AC- 1GC0 + GDC û ë 0 AC- 1GCD 0 - A DC AC- 1GCD ù ú, ú + GD0 ú û C 0 AC = 1C - GC0 S C , ADC = - GDC SC GC0 is the contact portion of the G0 where, index D denotes the interior device region index C denotes the contact ( boundary ) region D All elements of GR can be determined from inversion of small matrix AC The left upper block GCR fully determine the transmission function The left lower block GRDC determines density of states, charge density etc. Transmission Function and Local Density of States Calculation Transmission Function ' R† T l l ' (E ) = T r ( Gl G R Gl G ) CBR Formalism ' T l l ' (E ) = T r ( GCl G CR GCl G CR † ) , where G CR = [1 - G C0 S C ]- 1G C0 GCl = i[S C - S C† ] Local Density of States Function r (r, E ) = r | GR GGR † | r 2p CBR Formalism r (r, E ) = 1 2p å 2 G rRm Gmm , m 0 G rRm = r | GDC BC- 1 | m = å m ', a r|a a |m ' E - ea + i h m ' | BC- 1 | m h = 0+ Properties of Widely Acceptable 2D Simulators Exactness - Accomplished with comparison with experiments Speed (Optimization and Process Variation) Experimental FinFET* Gate length Lg = 10 nm Fin width tSi = 12 nm, Gate oxide thickness tox= 1.7 nm (110) channel orientation *Bin Yu et. al., “FinFET Scaling to 10 nm Gate Length”, IEDM Tech. Digest, 2002 Y B′ Z X A B Source Gate A′ Drain Buried Oxide 3D view H. R. Khan, D. Mamaluy and D. Vasileska, “Approaching Optimal Characteristics of 10 nm High Performance Devices” a Quantum Transport Simulation Study of Si FinFET, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 55(1), pp. 743-753 (2008). H. R. Khan, D. Mamaluy and D. Vasileska, “Simulation of the Impact of Process Variation on the Optimized 10-nm FinFET”, IEEE Transactions Electron Dev. Vol. 55(8), pp. 2134 – 2141, August 2008. NeedNeed for 3D Device for 3D DeviceSimulations Simulations 2-D simulator does not give us the opportunity to analyze: the effect of fin height on carrier transport device characteristics of tri-gate structure the effect of an unintentional dopant on device characteristics Gate h tSi Drain Side Gate Side Gate Z Buried Oxide Top Gate oxide Top Gate Y Y Y tox tox Simulated geometry Side Gate Gate length =10 nm Fin width = 4 nm Gate oxide thickness = 1.2 nm Gate dielectric – SiO2 Fin height = 4 nm ~ 8 nm tSi Z h VGS = 0.1V tox h Side Gate Lg Top Gate Y tox tSi B Source Y Y Z X 4 Top Gate View along B-B' Y Drain current [ A] B' Side Gate Side Gate h tSi 3 h tSi Side Gate Z Z 2 1 Side Gate Z Z Source/drain doping = n type-2×1019 cm-3 Body doping = 2×1015 cm-3 Doping gradient = 1.25 nm/dec Gate doping = uniform, n type-2×1019 cm-3 0 DG FinFET TG FinFET 0.0 0.1 0.2 Drain voltage [V] 0.3 0.4 DG vs. TG FinFET 1 10 0.08 10 0.04 -2 10 6 -3 10 4 -4 10 Drain current, I Drain current, I DS DS 8 2 Net gate leakage [nA] -1 10 [µA] 0 10 [µA] 12 VDS = 0.4V VDS = 0.4V 0.00 -0.04 -0.08 -0.12 -5 10 DG FinFET TG FinFET -6 DG FinFET TG FinFET 0 10 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.16 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 Gate voltage [V] Gate voltage [V] Parameter DG TG ION = IDS @ VDS = 0.4V, VGS = 0.3V [μA] 7.57 10.18 ISD,LEAK = IDS @ VDS = 0.4V, VGS = -0.4V [nA] 0.0319 0.0048 Subthreshold swing [mV/dec] 73 70 |IG| @ VDS = 0.4V, VGS = -0.4V [nA] 0.027 0.122 0.1 0.2 0.3 ON-State Electron density along the dotted line Y [nm ] 4 2 tox 0 <2. 2. 8 6. 1. 1. Y [nm ] 6 2. tox 4 3. 3. > 4. 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 12 3.6E19 3.0E19 2.4E19 1.8E19 1.2E19 6.0E18 > 4.2E19 0 Electron density (TG) > electron density (DG) 2.0E18 VGS=0.2, VDS=0.4V <2.0E18 Z [nm] Atomistic Simulations – The Future of Nano-Devices Examples of devices for which atomistic simulations will be necessary include: Devices in which local Strain exists Alloy Disorder has to be properly described • Group of Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA • Group of Aldo di Carlo, Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. Why Tight-Binding ? Allows us to describe the band structure over the entire Brillouin zone Relaxes all the approximations of Envelope Function approaches Allows us to describe thin layer perturbation (few Å) Describes correctly band mixing Gives atomic details The computational cost is low It is a real space approach Molecular dynamics Scalability (from empirical to ab-initio) Scalability of TB approaches Empirical Tight-Binding Hamiltonian matrix elements are obtained by comparison of calculated quantities with experiments or ab-initio results. Very efficient, Poor transferability. Semi-Empirical Hartree-Fock Methods used in the chemistry context (INDO, PM3 etc.). Medium transferability. Density Functional based Tight-Binding (DFTB, FIREBALL, SIESTA) DFT local basis approaches provide transferable and accurate interaction potentials. The numerical efficiency of the method allows for molecular dynamics simulations in large super cells, containing several hundreds of atoms. The sp3s* Hamiltonian [Vogl et al. J. Phys. Chem Sol. 44, 365 (1983)] In order to reproduce both valence and conduction band of covalently bounded semiconductors a s* orbital is introduced to account for high energy orbitals (d, f etc.) The sp3d5s* Hamiltonian [Jancu et al. PRB 57 (1998)] Many parameters, but works quite well ! Tight-Binding sp3d5s* model for nitrides Ab-Inito Plane Wave DFT-LDA Band Structure for GaN Wurtzite TB Wurtzite GaN Band Structure Nearest-neighbours sp3d5s* tightbinding parametrization for wurtzite GaN, AlN and InN compare well with Ab-Initio results. Boundary conditions Periodic After P planes the structure repeats itself. Suitable for superlattices H= P Finite chain After P planes the structure end. Suitable for quantum wells H= Open boundary conditions After P planes there is a semiinfinite crystal Suitable for current calculations ∞ P BULK P BULK ∞ Where do we put the atoms ? To describe the electronic and optical properties of a nanostructure we need to know where the atoms are. 1) We know “a priori” the atom positions (for example X-ray information) 2) We need to calculate the atomic positions Simple analytic espressions Full calculation Classical calculations Continuum theory Atomistic (Valence Force Field) Quantum calculation Example: Strain and Pseudomorphic growth An epitaxial layer is grown, on a substrate with different lattice constant. The epilayer deforms (strain) as a0 as a a0 as as as as C12 a a0 2 as a0 C11 as as R' (1 )R Strain tensor Strain in a AlGaN/GaN Nanocolumn Calleja’s pillars z, [0001] 20nm Al0.28Ga0.72 N GaN y, [1210] x, [1010] AlGaN/GaN Nanocolumns Potential piezo-electric polarization pyro-electric polarization ( 4 (P pz P py )) 4 The Poisson equation piezo-electric moduli tensor Pi pz dijk jk How do we describe alloys ? Usually, tight-binding parameterizations are made for single elments and binary compounds (Si, Ge, GaAs, InAs etc.). However, nanostructure are usually build by using also ternary (AlGaAs etc.) and quatrnary (InGaAsP etc.) alloys. 1) Supercell calculations A0.5B0.5C Average over an ensamble of configurations 2) Virtual crystal approximation A new crystal is defined with averaged properties (P) P(AxB1-xC)=x P(AC) + (1-x) P(BC) 3) Other methods (Modified VCA, CPA, T-matrix etc.) Self-Consistent Tight-Binding Schrodinger Poisson Charge transfer is important in semiconductor nanostructures. Self-consistent solution of Schredinger and Poisson equations are common in envelope function approaches Tight-binding allows for a full (with all the electrons) self-consistent solution of the nanostructure problem Full self consistent approach only suitable for small systems like molecules Self-consistent approach for only the free charge With the aim of Self-Consistent treatment of external electrostatic potential, Tight-Binding can be applied to semiconductor device simulations. Self-Consistent Tight-Binding [A. Di Carlo et. al., Solid State Comm. 98, 803 (1996); APL 74, 2002 (1999)] The electron and hole densities in each 2D layer are given by: n( z ) 1 2 2 d 2k // z Ec k // x y 1 2 2 f Ec Fn 2 1 f Fh Ev c BZ // p( z ) 2 d 2k // z Ev k // BZ // v z The influence of free carrier charge redistribution and macroscopic polarization fields are included by solving the Poisson equation: d d d D( z ) VH P e p n N D N A dz dz dz H H C VH + boundary conditions Ei k // Summary Linear response and solution of the Beth-Salpether equation in conjunction with the Dyson equation for the retarded Green’s function is useful when modeling low-field mobility of inversion layers When modeling high field transport both Dyson equation for the retarded Green’s function and the kinetic equation for the less-than Green’s function have to be solved self-consistently CBR approach and recursive Green’s function method have both their advantages and their disadvantages When local strains and stresses have to be accounted for in ultra-nano-scale devices then atomistic approaches become crucial Prologue What are the lessons that we have learned? Semi-classical simulation is still a very important part of Today’s semiconductor device modeling as power devices and solar cells (traditional ones) operate on semi-classical principles Quantum corrections can quite accurately account for the quantum-mechanical size quantization effect which gives about 10% correction to the gate capacitance For modeling ultra-nano scale devices one can successfully utilize both Poisson-Monte Carlo-Schrodinger solvers and fully quantum-mechanical approaches based on NEGF (tunelling + size quantization) Full NEGF is a MUST when quantum interference effects need to be captured and play crucial role in the overall device behavior For a subset of ultra-nano scale devices that are in the focus of the scientific community now, in which band-structure, local strain and stresses, play significant role, atomistic simulations are necessary. Simulation Strategy for Ultra-Nano-Scale Devices Calibrate semi-empirical approaches with ab-initio band structure simulations Perform BANDSTRUCTURE/TRANSPORT calculations on systems containing millions of atoms 1000 atoms Millions of atoms Atomistic Simulations Selected Literature Mathieu Luisier and Gerhard Klimeck, "A multi-level parallel simulation approach to electron transport in nano-scale transistors", Supercomputing 2008, Austin TX, Nov. 15-21 2008. Regular paper - 59 accepted papers, 277. Mathieu Luisier, Neophytos Neophytou, Neerav Kharche, and Gerhard Klimeck, "Full-Band and Atomistic Simulation of Realistic 40 nm InAs HEMT", IEEE IEDM, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 15-17, 2008, DOI : 10.1109/IEDM.2008.4796842, Mathieu Luisier, and Gerhard Klimeck, "Performance analysis of statistical samples of graphene nanoribbon tunneling transistors with line edge roughness", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, 223505 (2009), DOI:10.1063/1.3140505, Mathieu Luisier, and Gerhard Klimeck, "Atomistic, Full-Band Design Study of InAs Band-to-Band Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors ", IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 30, pp. 602-604 (2009), DOI:10.1109/LED.2009.2020442. Questions or Comments?