Hampton Wick Infant and Nursery School School Improvement Plan 2014 – 2015 Eco Topics Focus: Energy, Biodiversity, Healthy Living, Global Citizenship, Waste Year Group Tasks to Raise Standards What This Will Achieve (ref. to the Nine Topics) Whole school Continue to incorporate EcoSchools topics and project work /Sustainability into our school curriculum so it becomes part of children’s everyday learning. Raise awareness and knowledge of sustainability in our school, home, local community and globally. Begin to identify what could be done in our school and communities to change things in communities and plan some action. Develop knowledge of eco-topics, with a strong focus on 5 Eco topics project work: Energy, Biodiversity, Healthy Living, Global Citizenship, Waste, as well as the other 4 topics: Water, School Grounds, Transport & Litter. How This Will Be Monitored For Success In Raising Standards Monitored through assessment tracking in EYFS (PSHE/KW/PD) Monitored though KS1 planning of revised curriculum (Science, PSHE, Geography) Reviewed and monitored in the achievement of Eco Schools green Flag Monitored through planning and book looks. Photographs & descriptions of curriculum activities added in Eco Scrapbook. To be achieved by Review Notes 2013 - 2014 Ongoing through out school year. All classes much more aware of Eco Schools and were part of writing the Eco code. Each class has light, computer and door monitors. Classes incorporate sustainability into their curriculum. Eco team have reported improvements in their school checklist. Forest school sessions now contain an Eco School focus. Half termly updates 2014 - 2015 New Eco-club for 2014 – 2015 has been established. Eco-club have completed an environmental review and revised the Eco-code, which they shared with their classes. Wilderness activities have been included in class discussions and activities (Early Years) Produce from the garden has been used in cooking clubs. Book looks show a breadth of Eco coverage. Topics for year 1 and 2 have been changed to improve children’s awareness in line with our green flag. Some topics include ‘Deadly 60’ which will cover endangered species, ‘Eco Art’ which will focus on reusing rubbish to create artwork to be displayed in our school and international links which will look at the lack of clean water in other countries and help the children fundraise to support this. Whole school Continue to involve our school and wider community in the Local community Number of our school involved in school community who events and development volunteer for Ground of the Wilderness. This Ongoing, through out the To-do: Ensure continued eco work as part of curriculum and work shared with the rest of the school. Family ‘I Spy’ Local business event every term in members (15 x 2 the Wilderness. days) assisted in preparing the Early development and use of the Wilderness. will provide a link to the community and ensure that children are able to continue to access and use the Wilderness environment as much as possible. Link to eco-topics: Biodiversity, Global Citizenship, School Grounds. days, Wilderness’ visits, allotment trips etc. Number of corporate events which take place in our Wilderness Number of parents/carers involved in Our Eco Committee Invite more local visitors to talk/work with the children regarding local Eco/Sustainability projects (e.g.waste/recycling/tran sport). Photos/descriptions of school & community involvement included in Eco Scrapbook. school year and during special planned events. Special Summer activity event in the Wilderness. Local community invited to all Ground day events every term. RBS, HSBC, BCTV corporate events. Parents involved in the school garden and 3 parents part of the Eco committee. Planning has begun for our school community event to take part in Richmond’s ‘ARThouse’ event. This will transform the Wilderness into an outdoor gallery to display the children’s natural artwork. Each year group will work on two pieces of natural art and every child will Years outdoor area and Wilderness before the new school year started. Parent volunteers assisted children in planting in raised beds. Wilderness I-Spy event (Autumn 2014) 100+ people attended and enjoyed. To do: Continue regular wilderness visits and planning of events. Use visits to continue teaching/learning back in classroom. Share practise with community through parent newsletters and more articles in ‘Go Green’ newsletters. have one of these pieces displayed. The children will look at a variety of artists who create recycled artwork, natural artwork and the children will work with one of these artists on a art project. The ARThouse event was a huge success with over 140 families attending over two days. This also encouraged families who do not usually attend the Wilderness events, to visit. A similar event will be planned next year. Whole school Continue to transfer our Wilderness area into an outside teaching resource. Enhanced leaning about biodiversity and wildlife Ensure every class are visiting the Wilderness. Monitor the work Ongoing Classes go to the Wilderness every half term to focus Each class has signed up for Wilderness time slots and have Improved real life learning linked to teaching. Link to Eco topics: Biodiversity; Healthy Living; School Grounds project work. Whole To develop and School extend our fruit and veg garden to promote and educate our children in the awareness of healthy food choices Children have a better understanding of being healthy and where their food comes from. They can name and identify varieties of fruit, veg and herbs. through planning and book looks. Review Wilderness/Forest Schools scheme of work. Assessment tracking of relevant subjects e.g. Geography, Science and KUW. Photos in Scrapbook. Plan a gardening scheme of work for classes to follow. Planning and activities to include topics related to healthy eating, a knowledge of different foods and vegetables on the Scheme of Work. Arts afternoon visit once every half term, for a period of 4 weeks as part of Forest School learning See above for information on the ARThouse event. Ongoing When the children were asked to vote for their favourite Arts afternoon sessions, all children voted for Forest School as one of their top three choices, with many naming it as their top choice. All classes gardening. Nursery, yr1 and 2 growing veg, fruit and herbs. Arts afternoon healthy cooking – all children in yr1 been visiting the Wilderness area and completing activities in their class groups. To do: Continue regular wilderness visits and planning of events. Use visits to continue teaching/learning back in classroom. Forest School training for new staff members. Parent helpers assisted in planting in raised growing areas. Eco club to monitor and water Eating a healthy diet will improve children’s concentration and alertness in the classroom. Link to Healthy Living; Waste (food waste) project work. and to develop an understanding of where food comes from. Produce from the school gardens to be used in healthy cooking. Reviewed and monitored in the achievement of Eco Schools green Flag and 2 make fruit pots and coleslaw and can identify all fruit and veg used for ingredients. After the struggle of losing our school allotment due to the large building works, plans have now been finalised to use a variety of raised beds in their place. This will give each year group a chance to grow food that will source their class cookery projects. Raised beds have been installed, a year plan of what will be grown and how it will be used has been finalised, gardening equipment has been ordered and plant and seed planting areas, when necessary. Children have been using vegetables, grown in the school planting area, in cooking clubs. An after-school cooking club has started. Reception children encouraged to try a range of healthy and different foods during school dinners. To do: Research into gardening scheme/training to ensure all classes have planting opportunities. Whole Promote safe walking School and cycling, car sharing and public transport. Lessen the environmental impact and promote healthier lifestyles. Greener travel arrangements contribute to the safety and fitness of children. Enhanced fitness will help improve children’s concentration levels. Link to: Transport; Healthy Living Annual hands up surveys of % of children who walk, cycle, come by car etc. Data used to create School Travel Plan to increase numbers (children and staff) coming to school in ways other than driving. School Travel Plan: Promote through annual walk to school week. Ongoing. orders have been placed so they arrive throughout next year. Initial difficulties as the building work overran and caused restrictions on the school site. This meant that bikes and scooters could not be stored on site. New bike and scooter racks installed in Nov 2013 which has caused an increase in those who cycle/scoot to school as there are more spaces to leave bikes/scooters at school. The Eco team have campaigned to reduce the environmental impact our school has. Training Hands-up travel survey completed. To do: Use new data to update school travel plan and increase the number of pupils and staff travelling to and from school in ways other than driving. sessions for walking to school safely has been provided for Nursery, Reception and the Eco team. Safe scooting has been provided for KS1. The Eco team took a KS1 assembly to pass on their knowledge of walking to school safely. Reception children demonstrated their knowledge through an instructional writing project and with posters which were placed around the school. Children Cycling up 10% to 38(12.4%) Staff cycle increase to 7 18.9% and walking to 14 37.8%. Four members of staff now car share 10.8%. Children’s walking up 11% to 192 (62.5%) Car share up to 6 (9.1%) Public transport still 12 (3.9%) 116 badges given per term out of a possible 120. Whole Children to become School good global citizens. Children to gain a better understanding of how Reviewed and monitored in the Ongoing Due to the reduction of the size of the school car park, we have seen more staff cycling, walking and car sharing. This has had a positive impact on the children as the staff have become eco role models. Supporting developing Focus Week planning and citizens in our own local community are making a difference – Enhanced community cohesion. Children will have a better understanding about the lives of other people around the world and how they could help to improve them. Link to: Global Citizenship; Waste achievement of the International School Award. International links: Forming a closer link to fundraising efforts in India. Link to local community through Focus Week planning and activities (When you wish upon a star: People who help us) through out the year. During ‘Focus week’ through out the school year. countries by collecting unwanted shoes and clothes to send them once a term. Eco team research into Fair Trade, assembly delivered and there are now discussions over another Fair Trade Harvest celebration next year. Staff have continue to build on the International Gold award and continue work on the links made with schools in Spain. Fundraising and a link has been made with a charity based in India. The fundraising has supported the build activities (When you wish upon a star: People who help us) Previous ecoleader currently visiting India – will be able to feedback to school and provide photographs with our link to fundraising efforts in India. of a new school in the slums of Kolkata. A member of staff is leaving to support the school upon its completion in Oct 2014 and will update the children on their progress. Topics for KS1 for next year have been given a more international theme. Old school uniforms have been gathered and sent to the school in India so the children will all have matching uniforms. Whole Educate children on School the use of sustainable design features and building technologies, interior furnishings and equipment (of the new school build) which have a low Lessen the environmental impact and educate children on renewable energy Efficient management of the new school buildings will result in lower energy and water bills Invite Project Manager/architect builders to speak to the children regarding the new school build. Spring Term 2015 Although the build process was difficult, the children, particularly the Eco team were given input into making the building more To do: Invite Project Manager/architect builders to speak to the children regarding the new school build. impact on the environment. Children become aware of the impact of some of our decisions and actions. Link to: Energy, Waste, Water, Biodiversity, School Grounds, Global citizenship sustainable. The children were educated on the materials used, the reasons for insulation, glazing, lighting, taps etc. The Eco team were taken on a tour of the new school grounds and given instruction on how to maintain them, from the grass hills to the willow arches. The build is now over and the school allotment is being replaced with raised beds. The architects and builders updated the children throughout the process and answered all their questions. Year 2: Curriculum planning project? Research other buildings, in London as well as countries around the world, to find eco-friendly features. Whole Educate our school School and local community in reducing waste by recycling and reusing and inspire them to adopt methods in our school as well as in their own homes. Purchasing recycled products Increased composting of fruit and food waste Reduction in the amount of single sided paper being thrown away, used for photocopying and printing. Improved home/school links. Link to: Waste, Global citizenship Review purchasing of products such as toilet paper and paper Monitor the amount of food waste collected Monitor the amount of blue paper recycling bags we fill. Reviewed and monitored in the achievement of Eco Schools green Flag. Link to local community recycling scheme – invite to talk about what happens when recycling is collected. Ongoing Increased amount of food waste bins by 3 so composting greater amount of fruit/teabag waste. Every class has scrap paper drawer to use both sides of paper. Some recycled products been ordered and used by the school this year. We have managed to maintain only one recycling dustbin for the whole school, despite moving to three forms of entry. The Eco team wrote weekly recycling tips in the school newsletter to encourage families to reduce, reuse and recycle at home. Current ICT leader looking at ways to reduce paper/ink wastage by staff members. The recycled products such as pencils and toilet paper, which were trialled this year Old bicycles and scooters been recycled by metal company. Eco-club currently looking into ways to decrease food waste at school and educate other children. Eco-club looking at ways to encourage other ways of recycling at school. To do: Ensure enough paper and fruit have all been approved and ordered for next year. Year 1/2 Monitor and review our use of energy using the AMR and deploy appropriate methods to reduce it. Our school will become more energy efficient and reduce the energy waste. Children will learn life skills of monitoring bills and usage. Enhancement of ICT and numeracy skills Link to topics: Energy Check AMR and energy bills to monitor the amount of usage. Monitor methods used to reduce usage to ensure reduced consumption. Ongoing AMR was lost during the demolition stage of the build but has been reordered and will be installed in Sept 2014. recycling bins around school. Invite contact to talk to the children regarding local recycling/waste management (*in process) Eco-friendly initiatives used in new build – reduced energy wastage. New gas AMR monitoring system installed this term. Current data shows a decrease in Electricity, Gas and Water use, compared to last year. To do: Year 2 Curriculum planning? Children to analyse data and use information to think of solutions to reduce energy waste. Year 1/ 2 Deepen links with Hampton Wick allotments to see fruit and vegetables being grown Children have a better understanding where their food comes from. Children gain a greater knowledge of how food can be grown – will assist in children taking more responsibility for growing in raised beds. They can name and identify varieties of fruit, veg and herbs. Learning linked to reallife examples. Link to: Healthy Living; biodiversity; Waste (food waste) Children will have a greater understanding and appreciation for where food comes from. Children can take more responsibility for growing activities at school and home. Photographs in Eco Scrap-book. Spring and Summer Terms The local gardening centre have agreed to run a training session with the Eco team, to equip them with the skills needed to oversee the gardening projects. The new Eco leader will be sent on a gardening course with Chris Collins, the blue peter gardener to give them more confidence in this area. To do: Contact local community members and visit Hampton Wick allotments. Ensure growing opportunities for all classes. Future Initiatives/Needs Children find out about sustainability in other countries and how they reduce the impact on their environment (Global citizenship projects). Strengthen international links (India) – Global citizenship projects Continue to ensure growing happens in each year group. Plan and visit the Hampton Wick allotments. Reinstall the AMR and support the Eco team to monitor using this. Continue to reduce as much waste as possible (food/paper) Installing a weather station for children to use