VENUS By : Brenda Johnson VENUS’S SYMBOL HOW IT GOT IT’S NAME Venus was named after the roman goddess of love (in greek Aphrodite) DISCOVERY Venus was discovered by Copernicus when he developed his model of the solar system and that’s when both Venus and Earth became planets. Venus was dicovered in 1633. DISTANCES Order from the sun- 2nd planet from the sun Distance from the sun in km- 108.1 km Distance from earth in km- 261 million km VENUS’S MEASUREMENTS Mass- 4.867e24kg Volume- 928,415,345,893,km3 Density- 5.20 g/cm8 Gravity- 8.87 m/s2 ORBIT AND ROTATION It takes Venus about 225 Earth day to orbit the sun and It takes Venus nearly 243 earth days to spin once on its axis (243.02 earth days) ATMOSPHERE 96% of Venus’s atmosphere is carbon dioxide with most of the remainder being nitrogen. The atmosphere contains little water and it is very thick . TEMPERATURE The average temperature of Venus is 460 degrees celsius is way hotter than Earth’s temperatures. COMPOSITION/ APPEARANCE Venus is a rocky planet the internal composition is the core, mantel, and crust. Venus looks like Earth in size and composition. It has no ring and no moons. It has thick gas clouds but the planet itself is rocky and soild. WEATHER The weather is more than 460 degrees celsius. RINGS Venus has no rings MOONS Venus has no moons WATER The only water on Venus is at a tiny amount (0.002%) of water vapor in the atmosphere. HUMAN TRAVELED TO VENUS….. If a human travels to Venus you wouldn’t be able to breathe because of the atmosphere so if you went to Venus you would die. SOMETHING SPECIAL A year on Venus is shorter than it’s day. BIBLIOGRAPHY ndvenus.php BIBLIOGRAPHY