BSNS6730 Leadership Summerschool 2015 ASSESSMENT THREE: My Leadership Development Portfolio (100 marks / 45% weighting) This assessment is an ongoing project in which you are continually assessing and finding ways to improve your understanding of, and ability at, teamwork and leadership. Everyone starts as part of a team and is selected for leadership from there, which is why we are also beginning with the team as a starting place. It covers LO 5: Students will evaluate their current leadership abilities and create their own leadership development plan. There are three sections to the assessment. 1. YOU as a future leader (questions 1 – 5) 30 marks. 2. Leadership skills, behaviours, and styles (questions 6 -10) 40 marks. 3. Leadership situations, strategies and contemporary issues (questions 11 – 16) 30 marks. SECTION ONE: YOU AS A FUTURE LEADER We will use the textbook resources to start this process, by assessing your present leadership capabilities as follows: 1. Complete the following self assessment activities: a. Quiz 1.1 : Readiness for leadership Role (p 11) b. Exercise 1.1 : Leadership Role Analysis (p 15) c. Exercise 1.2 : Leadership Portfolio (p 24) d. Quiz 1.2 : Leadership experience (p 24) 2. Using the results of this analysis, complete a one page assessment of your existing leadership readiness, and the areas in which you feel you need more work. Include in your one page statement a statement about your level of interest in taking a leadership role, now and in the near (2 – 5 years) future. (10 marks) We will discuss the findings from these activities in class and if you choose to share some of your results you will gain more insights into yourself as a leader. You do not have to share anything if you do not want. The next section relates to the personality features that will increase the chance of you being a successful leader. Much of the role of leader is remaining ‘cool headed’ while dealing with competing and important issues, and these features assess your ability to do that. 3. Complete the following self assessment activities : a. Quiz 2.1 : How self confident are You? (p 39) b. Quiz 2.2 : Behaviours & attitudes of a trustworthy leader (p 42) c. Exercise 2.2 : Internal locus of control (p 51) d. Quiz 2.3 : Self resiliency (p 54) 4. Using the results of question 3, complete a one page assessment of your personality features and discuss how they relate to a possible future leadership role. Include statements about your self confidence, internal locus of control and resilience, and trustworthiness. (10marks) 5. Combine the findings of questions 1- 4 into a one page summary of your present readiness and suitability for leadership. Include a list of the three top priorities for you to work on for greater effectiveness in the workplace. (10 marks) DUE TO TURNITIN on FRI DEC 11 at 4:00pm (Class ID = 11153270 / password = password) BSNS6730 Leadership Summerschool 2015 SECTION TWO : LEADERSHIP SKILLS, BEHAVIOURS, AND STYLES 6. Complete the following self-assessment activities on your possible style of leadership. a. Quiz 4.1 : Task oriented attitudes & behaviours (p 115) b. Exercise 4.2 : Interpersonal work values (p 119) c. Quiz 4.2 : What style of leader would you be? (p 125) d. Quiz 4.3 : Propensity for taking risks? (p 129) 7. Using the results of these activities discuss yourself as if you were receiving a report on a candidate (you) and had to assess them for a leadership role. What conclusion would you draw? (You may choose to swap your results with another student and write about each other to get a different view.) (5 marks) 8. Complete the following self-assessment activities on your situational understanding and influence tactics a. Quiz 5.1 : Measuring your situational perspective (p 151) b. Quiz 8.1 : Influence tactics (p 244) c. Quiz 8.2 : Ingratiating behaviour in organisations (p 252) d. Exercise 8.2 : Identifying influence tactics (p 256) 9. Using the Change Management reading as a resource, choose the five most important of the factors discussed, rank them in order of importance, and briefly justify your answer. (There are many possible answers – the marks will be awarded for your explanation of your choice, rather than the factors you have chosen. You may use your own leadership profile (from Q2-5) as input when explaining your answer). (10 marks) Link to change management reading : DUE TO TURNITIN on MON DEC 14 at 8:00pm (Class ID = 11153270 / password = password) 10. Complete the following self assessment activities e. Quiz 10.1 : Motivating others (p 304) f. Exercise 10.1 : Expectancy theory valency (p 310) g. Quiz 10.3 : Coaching as leadership (p 326) Using the results from question 10 write a two-three page summary of your approach (as revealed by these tools) to getting the best out of people (including yourself). Include an example which shows your understanding of expectancy theory, and a brief plan to address the results of 10.3, to improve your chances of success as a leader. (15 Marks) 11. Complete the following self assessment activities a. Quiz 12.1 : Communication effectiveness. (p376) b. Quiz 12.2 : Cross cultural skills. (p391) c. Quiz 12.3 : conflict resolution style. (p398) Using the insights gained from these exercises, identify one area for improvement in each of your communication, conflict and cross cultural skills, and describe a method for improving each one. (one page) (10 marks) BSNS6730 Leadership Summerschool 2015 SECTION THREE : LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES 12. Complete the following self assessment activities a. Quiz 13.1 : Strategic Thinking (p414) b. Quiz 13.2 : Knowledge Sharing (p429) c. Watch the following TED talk on strategy. : 13. Using the results from Q 12, class discussions, textbook and TED video; - work with two other students to prepare a TWO minute presentation on; “The importance of flexible behaviour in leaders of the 21st century”. (15 marks) RULES : Only FIVE slides (if using powerpoint) & all team members must present. DUE IN CLASS on WED DEC 16. 14. Complete the following self assessment activities; a. Quiz 14.1 : Cultural Value profile (p448) b. Quiz 14.2 : Cultural Tolerance (p452) c. Read “Take me to your Leader” (on moodle). d. View the six minute video on culture available here; 15. a. b. Compare your results from question14 with at least TWO other students, and discuss your relative positions in the context of the two models outlines in (c ) and (d) above. INDIVIDUALLY prepare a NINETY SECONDS (1.5 minute) presentation on how you would modify your behaviour (as a leader), if the two students were working for you. You should name the students, the main cultural difference you are addressing and how you would address it. Keep it happy, and fun. (15 marks) DUE IN CLASS on THURS DEC 17 BSNS6730 Leadership Summerschool 2015 END OF SECTION THREE & END OF ASSESSMENT THREE. Congratulations (!) QUESTION TWO OVERALL One pager shows some thought about self and understanding of how to develop. Also discusses leadership ambition. Diagnosis, not action plan. MARKS 10 –excellent insight &actions 7-VG insight & actions 5 –one or the other 3- poor attempt (+/- marks for expression, fluency) CONTENT POINTS Results to each textbook quiz stated. (readiness, role analysis (now & future),portfolio (‘what I want to be remembered for’), experience so far) Own comment about results. Reaction to results / insights gained. Related to own life experience. FOUR Internal locus / resilience / confidence & trustworthiness discussed effectively. Diagnosis, not action plan. 10 – 4 out of 4 well done 7 3 out of 4 well done 5 2 out of 4 well done 3 1 out of 4 well done (+/- marks for expression, fluency) Results to each textbook quiz stated. (self confidence, trustworthiness rating, internal locus of control score, resiliency). Own comment about results / insights gained. Implication of each result for own leadership potential discussed briefly/ ideas of where to improve. FIVE Leadership readiness & suitability discussed in light of results. 3 priorities listed Q2 and Q4 results usefully summarised and leadership potential stated. Idea is to make a leadership profile for yourself, (similar thinking to SWOT analysis) Three priorities named. Action plan may be included. SEVEN Leadership styles. Discussion shows objective look at qualities. (Other students perspective needed for 5). Answer given as ‘objective report’ on job candidate. Five change management factors ranked and explained. 10 –impactful analysis of selfpriorities relate to analysis well 7-good analysis –as above 5 –moderate/ one or the other 3- poor attempt 5 – courageous 3 –good 1 – not well done (+/- marks for expression, fluency) NINE 10 –excellent insight & explanations 7-VG insight & explanations Level of task orientation found and commented on. Leadership values position found and commented on – compared with others. Participative-authoritarian position found and commented on. Risk taking propensity found and commented on. Results stated objectively, and summarised into accurate final paragraph (SWOT) Ideas of culture, structure, communication, engagement, incentives, ( ie main themes from article) and the reasons why BSNS6730 Leadership Summerschool 2015 5 –one or the other 3- poor attempt (+/- marks for expression, fluency) TEN Deep discussion of motivation & leadership (in context of personal style), including theories, possible practical measures and plan to improve own ability. 15 –obvious leadership skill 11 –probable leadership 8 –still developing 5 – need to re-evaluate 3- poor effort. (+/- marks for expression, fluency) ELEVEN 3 Skill sets addressed and improvement actions given. THIRTEEN All content communicated / observations supported by learning / evidence from resources / teamwork evident / well presented 10 – 3 out of 3 well done 7 – 2 out of 3 well done 5 –-1 well done / 2 less good 3 – all weak / missing (+/- marks for expression, fluency) 15 –all content plus high impact 11 –almost all content plus clear communication. 8 –OK (just) got most of the content across 5 – solid attempt but incomplete content/ poor delivery 3- largely incomprehensible FIFTEEN (B) Both students & cultures covered, all points made, fun and positive attempt at cross cultural engagement. (10 marks for content / 5 for presentation skills). 15 –all content plus high impact 11 –almost all content plus clear communication. 8 –OK (just) got most of the content across 5 – solid attempt but incomplete each (for five at least) is important in change management included. Final position not important, the explanation skills and content used count more. Reference to own leadership profile as starting point for opinion good. Motivation skill level found and commented on (SWOT). Expectancy theory exercise results stated and commented on (consistency & variability among group). Coaching skill level found and commented on (SWOT). Answer includes reference to more general management theories (Herzberg, Maslow, Taylor) as background for own approach to motivation of self and others. Communication skills found and commented on (SWOT). Cross-cultural skills found and commented on (SWOT). Conflict Management skills found and commented on (SWOT). For each of above, one aspect is selected and an action to improve ability is stated. Connection of resources and flexible leadership made clear. Reference to resources as evidence for statements etc. Significance of 21st century context made clear. Examples of how a leader can be flexible / impact (benefits and costs) of flexible leadership style made clear. Real world examples a bonus. Cultural identities stated and features of interest identified. Reference to resources as evidence for statements etc. Contrasts shown and implications of this made clear using Hofstede or Lewis model. Practical actions (as leader) stated and explained. Sensitivity when talking about each others’ cultures shown. BSNS6730 Leadership Summerschool 2015 content/ poor delivery 3- largely incomprehensible (10 marks for content / 5 for presentation skills). Use of positive/ inclusive humour a bonus.