How to submit a good proposal

How to submit a good proposal
Ms Anette Jahn
Mr Gordon Sutherland
Mr Gianluca Tondi
1. Main principles of H2020
2. Type of actions in the Energy Efficiency Call
3. Evaluation principles
4. Before you start…tips and lessons learnt
5. Frequent mishaps
6. Where to find information
H2020 – What are the main principles?
• 2-year work programme to allow for better preparation of
• Challenge-based
• Technology Readiness Levels to specify scope of activities
• Indicative project size range
• A single funding rate per project
• A single indirect cost model
• A single time to grant of 8 months
A single funding rate
• One project = One rate
 For all beneficiaries and all activities in the grant.
 Defined in the Work Programme:
‒ Up to 100 % of the eligible costs;
‒ but limited to a maximum of 70 % for innovation
projects (exception for non-profit organisations maximum of 100%)
A single indirect cost model
 Flat rate: 25% on total cost
Time to grant
04 November 2015
04 June 2015
Grant Agreement
04 February 2016
GA preparation
H2020: What type of actions?
* 100% for non-profit
legal entities
3 beneficiaries
3 beneficiaries
Mostly 3 beneficiaries
(with some exceptions to
1 beneficiary, check the
Work Programme)
H2020 Evaluation principles
• Fair and equal treatment of all proposers
• Based on the criteria announced in the Work Programme
• Confidential process, no conflicts of interest
• Independent external experts
• Competitive process
• Indicative budget (per topic) as guidance
• Basic steps of the evaluation process
• Eligibility Admissibility conditions
• Award criteria (assessed by external experts)
H2020 Evaluation principles
• Transparent procedure
• Criteria are published in the General Annexes of the Work
• Instructions and advice are included in the Grants Manual
• Examples of forms and templates are public
• Award criteria:
1. Excellence
2. Impact
3. Quality & efficiency of
• Only the best proposals not requiring
negotiations will be selected
Aspects for the EXCELLENCE
All actions
• Clarity and pertinence of the objectives
• Credibility of the proposed approach
• Soundness of the concept, including trans-disciplinary
considerations, where relevant
• Extent that the proposed work is ambitious, has innovation
potential, and is beyond the state of the art (e.g. groundbreaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches)
• Soundness of the concept
• Quality of the proposed coordination and support measures
Aspects for the IMPACT
All actions
• The expected impacts listed in the work programme
• Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge
• Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by
developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global
markets; and, where relevant, by delivering such innovations to the
• Any other environmental and socially important impacts
• Effectiveness of the proposed measures to
 exploit and disseminate the project results (incl. manag. of IPR),
 communicate the project,
 manage research data, where relevant
All actions
• Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including
appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources
• Complementarity of the participants within the consortium
(when relevant)
• Appropriateness of the management structures and
procedures, including risk and innovation management
• In addition to the scientific evaluation, an ethical review of the
proposed action is carried out to assess and address the ethical
dimension of activities funded under Horizon 2020
• The Ethics Appraisal Procedure ensures that all activities under
H2020 are conducted in compliance with fundamental ethical
• A number (10) of ethics issues are checked, e.g. humans cells,
animals, environmental protection, protection of personal data,
• When preparing the proposal, it is required to conduct an Ethics Selfassessment starting with the completion of an Ethics Issues Table
in the Proposal submission forms, and in case, an Ethics SelfAssessment in Part B
• All proposals above threshold and considered for funding will
undergo an Ethics Review carried out by independent ethics experts
Start early …..
Start NOW !
...25 weeks until deadline
4th June 2015
Before we start: to lift the fog of the
• Proposal: Your application
• Proposal submission forms (e.g. general info,
participants, budget, ethics)
• Part B Section 1-2-3 (the technical work
programme, objectives and impacts)
• Part B Section 4-5 (consortium, ethics and
• Optional: Ethics annex
• Participants Portal: home of the Commission’s
electronic submission tool – obligatory for H2020
• Consortium: A team of organisations submitting
the proposal – with one defined Coordinator
Before you start…
key documents
> "Energy Challenge" Work
Programme’: background, topics and
> General annexes to the general
Work Programme: list of countries,
eligibility and admissibility conditions,
evaluation criteria and procedure, scoring
and thresholds, etc.
> Submission forms and
templates: essential forms and guides
to draw up and submit your proposal
> Guide to the submission and
evaluation process
Define your specific
objective & target group
• What concretely would you like to achieve?
• Whom do you want to address?
• Make sure you know the current (market) situation
and your starting point
• For market uptake actions (CSA), make sure you
check the IEE project database
• Take a reality check before you invest your time:
investigate the interest amongst target group and
major stakeholders
Produce a first outline of your idea
> Write a preliminary 2-3 pages
about your:
target group
major steps (work packages)
intended consortium (countries,
types of organisations)
> Internal reality check: Use it as first base to discuss with
potential partners
> External reality check: Consult with market actors – check
their understanding and interest. Profit from their feedback
to decide whether to take your idea forward
Design and invite your consortium
Be selective – make an appealing choice!
Stay consistent – keep to your objective & target group
Do not cover the EU map artificially – make a fitting choice
Explore alternatives early, but be ready to change plan –
change/renounce a country if you do not secure THE right
• Keep your partners motivated - agree a working method
for the proposal phase, make a plan for their contributions
Start writing the detailed proposal
– Work Plan
• Fine-tune your aim and your target group
• Take your time to decide the best methodology to
be applied – can it deliver? Think impact!
• Define your main working steps
• Follow the guide on number of pages
Finish with the fine-tuning
The technical annex must give a detailed description of the
project idea and work plan, which:
• divides the planned work into work packages,
• assigns the related responsibilities and resources within the
• sets out a project time schedule, main milestones and
• describes the project management structure,
• describes the communication and exploitation plans.
Establish the budget
• Design your budget “bottom-up”
• Wait until the tasks are
sufficiently specified and agreed –
then design the budget
• Check consistency regularly while
advancing on your Work Plan share of resources, appropriate
levels between partners,
appropriate weight of manmonths between major work
Translate manmonths into
Estimate efforts
needed (manmonths of work)
Define tasks
Last check: consistency / language
• Ask an “informed outsider” for critical reading and feedback
• Check consistency of your description of activities and budget
• If you have the chance, then have a native speaker check the
Frequent mishaps – Eligibility / Admissibility
• Call deadline is unchangeable: use all advantages
of the electronic submission system to make the
• Completeness: one section missing makes your
proposal inadmissible
• Partnerships: remember the principle of 3
participants from MS or AC (except EE 20 + parts of EE 19)
• Page limit of 50 pages: is applied strictly during
Frequent mishaps – Excellence
• Evaluation Results: Proposal often miss explanation
of the concept and added value and Innovation falls
• Be courageous – take choices, focus and innovate
• "Explain the overall concept underpinning the
project"  Do this not only from the perspective of
the Coordinator… input from your partners is key
• Your opportunity for a unique selling point - do not
assume that evaluators know your specific context
• You win by explaining!
Frequent mishaps – Impact
• Evaluation results: Ambition is not quantified / not realistic
/ not supported by action
• Keep your 'challenge' in mind!
• Quantify! Describe in a concise, yet robust, manner your
baseline, benchmarks and assumptions
• Plan activities to monitor your performance
• Be aware: keep the link to actual activities in your work
Frequent mishaps – Resources
• Evaluation results: Work plan not sufficiently detailed /
Budgets not justified / Budgets seem top-down
• Make sure work description sufficiently detailed and clear
• Invest time into this: this is the opportunity to convince
evaluators that you can materialise your vision
• Invest time into your resource planning –bottom up:
Indicative Budget
Partners and Work
While perfect proposals
do not exist…
• We look out for
"excellence" proposals
• Submitted by motivated
and inspired project
• Aiming to deliver and
make a “change”
Thank you
for your attention!
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