October Area Minutes 2015

October 2015
Call to order: 10:12am
Chair's opening comments
Introductions, Quorum count and Roll Call
10th Concept read by Petra - Scott skipped it
Opening Prayer led by Scott
Quorum Confirmation (20 active meetings): 22 voting members; Quorum set at 13
September meeting minutes read by Jaeson
Iesha motions to accept minutes, Gabe seconds
Accepted with unanimous consent.
Agenda Review
Breakaway – A Quiet Peace Reading, 1 new member, 9 total members. $0 donation to Area, $80 prudent
reserve. Needs support. Thanks Louise S.
Caulfield on the Rocks – HFC1, 12 steps and God meeting, 2 new members, 12 total members. $0
donation to Area, $? Prudent reserve. Needs support. Thanks Joseph
New Experience – NNN
Pipedown - NNN
Let's Live – NNN
A New Freedom – Big Book Topic Discussion meeting, 3 new member, 10 total members, $20 donation to
Area, $125 prudent reserve. Thanks Chris.
Recovering Rockstars – 4 total members, $0 donation to Area. Haven’t had a business meeting in
months. Meeting is really struggling. Only CA meeting in Kelowna. Thanks Linnea.
Crack Attack – Big Book Topic Discussion meeting, 0 new members, 2 total members, $0 donation to Area,
$45 prudent reserve. Thanks Jaeson.
Poconuts – Topic Meeting. 2 new members, 30 total members. $150 donation to Area, $300 prudent
reserve. A receipt for donation to area needed. Thanks...
All Our Affairs – Ask it Basket topic Discussion/Speaker meeting, 0 new member, 12 total members, $0
donation to Area, $236.70 prudent reserve. Needs clean time support. Thanks Daine.
No Rock in the Ridge – NNN
Sapperton Serenity – Big Book Discussion Meeting. 5 new member, 26 total members, $0 donation to Area,
$150 prudent reserve. Thanks Cavin.
Friday Night Live – NNN
Pipedown - Victoria - NNN
That Was Drywall - Big Book meeting. 0 new members, 2 total members. $25 prudent reserve, $0
donation to Area. Thanks Linnea
Problem What Problem – Big Book Topic Discussion meeting, 0 new members, 7 total members, $0
donation to Area, $75 prudent reserve. Need support. Thanks...
Just Don't Use Today – Topic/Discussion meeting. 1 new members, 16 total members. $140 prudent
reserve, $0 donation to Area. To increase fellowship we propose pot luck dinners beginning in
November. Thanks Don
Mayhem to Miracles – Meeting is good. Come visit us! Thanks Mikki
Upcoming Cakes
Louise S
1 yr
5 yrs
3 yrs
1 yr
2 yrs
4 yrs
1 yr
1 yr
4 yrs
1 yr
7 yrs
2 yrs
5 yrs
Oct 30
Nov 27
Nov 13
Nov 20
Dec 4
Nov 6
Nov 19
Nov 5
Nov 11
Oct 19
Oct 19
Nov 16
Nov 15
Committee Reports
Chips and Literature – NNN
Delegates Reports – Michael C.: Hello fellow members
This month I have attended meetings in New Westminster, Vancouver, North Vancouver and in Washington
State. It was my pleasure to share some ES&H with the No Fronts group at Mt. Vernon. It is good to see to
see the Regional support that we share with the Washington State Area. It was good to see two members get
their cakes this past month. The PNR Convention committee is moving forward and there are a couple
openings for people to be of service to the fellowship. We have an upcoming ‘fun’draising event for the
PNRC. Our Unity Committee is preparing the annual Gratitude Day. Let’s all come out and support these
great events. On the CA World level, I am bringing several more reports from the Conference for you to look
at so you can have a better understanding of what each World Committee is doing. Yours in love and service,
Michael Chiki Thanks Michael
Petra L.: Incredible month so far in CA, I have noticed that the meetings are fuller as the weather changes.
Lots of new people, so here we have an opportunity to provide a welcoming atmosphere at our home groups
and include the new people.
Then of course a time as well this month, as one of our long term members passes away suddenly. This loss is
felt deeply and I am ever so grateful that we have each other to hang on to as we grief and honor our friends
participation and contribution to CA.
Please GSR's announce at your home group that we do need a Chips and Lit. person. 4 years clean time
requirement and a 2 year commitment with an option for doing this service for an additional 2 years.
Also, everybody please start talking about our fabulous Unity events and our PNRC next year. The deadline for
the early bird registration for that event is rapidly approaching, Dec.31.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to talk to me.
Thank you for letting me be of service
Thanks Petra.
Alternate Delegates Report – Sheyan S.: NNN.
Iesha M.: Good morning Area!
My apologies for not attending last month, I was really sick.
This last week has been sad, unsettling and a good reminder. It’s unfortunate how this disease can take over
so quickly and so easily despite how much clean time one may have. We are not invincible and we must be
vigilant in maintaining the program of recovery as laid out in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I would also like to thank everyone who attended my cake. I can’t believe it has already been five years!
I have been in contact with our Outreach Chair attempting to make contact with our Victoria meeting. I will
maintain contact with Linnea throughout the month and hopefully we can get some progress.
I have also attended our Abbotsford meeting, Breakaway and some meetings in the USA and of course a few
cakes that have just passed over the last couple of months. I love seeing everyone I love at cakes and
If anyone needs anything or has any questions, you know where to find me!
ILAS, Iesha Murdoch
BCCA Alt. Delegate
Hospitals and Institutions – We are taking nominations for positions as chair for panels, wrote in 30
days. Donation to Area $179.65. I will place the order for pamphlets.
Thanks Gabe
Public Information Chair Report – In the next month I will be going to all local radio stations with the
world service approved PSA sheets to see if we can get on the radio. I have also located our PSA for television
and will be taking those to TV stations. Meeting guides have been printed and are here for GSR’s to
take. Thanks Mike
Phone Line – Good morning, The phone is going good, as plan, nothing to report, I'm coaching the
volunteers in order to be more effective when it comes to persistent callers, so far so good, thank you for
letting me be of service Thanks Gabe.
IT Committee Chair Report – Hello everyone
The website is update to with events and meetings. The request for changes have been made with the chips
and lit section and cakes have been updated. Nothing to report on my end. Everything is all well on the
website end. Thank you for letting me be of service
Thanks Jee
Unity Chair Report – Good morning everyone, hope everyone has been enjoying this beautiful fall
weather. This past month has been a full month as usual. I was excited to take part in some sobriety
celebrations with some beloved members of the fellowship and on a different note so to say goodbye to some
friends that have now passed to a different level of being of service to their higher power. Times like this are
always a good reminder of how lucky we are to live sober and do Gods work.
On a happier note our Unity committee has been hard at work planning our upcoming events:
November 21 is our Gratitude day; we will be celebrating with Brunch at the VRC at 1pm.
December 13th is our Holiday Dinner; we are hoping to top our celebration last year. Santa will be making an
appearance and we will have some fun activities and lots of food as usual!
November 9th will be our next committee meeting (cookies at my house) hope to see lots of faces there!
Mikki MacCumber Thanks Mikki.
Fundraising Chair Report - I am sorry for missing Area last month, I was really sick.
As I am sure you just heard in Mikki’s report we have locked down the dates for the Holiday Dinner and
Gratitude day. Gratitude day is on Nov 21st at the VRC and the Holiday Dinner will be on December 13th with
the location TBA. We are looking at a couple of speakers but have yet to finalize them.
We are giving you lots of notice to get it back to your home groups and encourage everyone to attend,
especially because they are both free!
So, due to lack of attendance at committee meetings I would like to try something new. For those who have
ideas or would like to have their voices heard I want to attempt an online committee meeting. Please give me
your phone numbers and email address if you are interested or know anyone who is. Please feel free to pass
along my number or email as well.
Iesha Murdoch
BCCA Fundraising Chair
Outreach Chair Report - Good morning CA Family,
This month I sent out meeting lists and some posters of upcoming events to Mandy in Nanaimo and Pete in
Prince George. It cost me $ .20 to photocopy the posters and $15 to mail the packages, for which I have
receipts. I would like to request an advance budget of $75, so that I can mail out packages as needed. This
month I received GSR reports from Prince George, Nanaimo, Abbotsford, and Vernon. My contact from
Victoria for Pipe Down, Helen’s number is Not in Service. I left a voicemail for the new contact I have for
Kelowna – Recovering Rockstars (Angie). I emailed another new contact for the other Kelowna meeting Path
to Recovery. Also tried calling Kelly Lim (Kelowna) another contact I was given but the phone number does
not work. I also attempted to make contact with the new Revelstoke meeting – Janice from Recovery Rocks,
voicemail was full, so texted. * Should be noted here that Sylvia was going to order a starter package for the
Revelstoke meeting when last we spoke. Our GSR, Car from Vernon reports that recovery day went well with
their Public Information table. They send their condolences for the loss of our friend Sylvia. And they were
hoping to be put in contact with the interim lit person once that has been decided.
Linnea Clarkson
BCCA Outreach Chair
PNRC 2016 Steering Committee Report – No meeting since last area. Next meeting this Wednesday Oct
21st Alano Club 6:30pm. We are in need of a decoration chair. Fundraiser at the Giants Oct 28th. We need
volunteers for the 50/50 see me at the break. Thank you to Mike and Nadine for getting our BLicense. Registrations will be at FNL. We need volunteers to distribute registrations to the lower mainland
meetings. Vince Thanks Vince.
Long Term Planning Chair Report – NNN
H & I Nominations
Mikki nominates Gabe - stands
Mike nominates Nick - stands
JP nominates Don - stands
Iesha nominates Scott H - declines
Delegate Nominations
Michael nominates Sheyan - stands
Nadine nominates Mikki - stands
JP nominates Simone - stands
Nick nominates Cake Mike - stands
Chips and Lit Nominations
Nadine nominates Simone - stands
Move Area Location
Nadine motions to form an ad hoc committee to search for a new location.
Iesha seconds
Scott makes a friendly amendment to have Don Chair the ad hoc committee.
Motion passes
Outreach Budget
Linnea makes a motion to create a $75 budget for Outreach
Don seconds
Don makes a friendly amendment to increase the budget to $100
Linnea accepts
Motion tabled
Prepare for Ratification
Treasurer's Report
See attached. Thanks Nadine.
Announcements from the Floor
Monies Owing
Adjournment – Iesha motions to close. Close with the Serenity Prayer at 12:42pm
Donations to Area Committee
Dawson Creek
Hospitals and Institutions $
Chips and Lit
Sea to Sky Serenity- Whistler
Caulfield on the Rocks
New Experience -vernon
Pipe Down
Let's Live - Nanaimo
A New Freedom
Recovering Rockstars- Kelowna
Crack Attack
All our Affairs
No Rock in the Ridge - Maple Ridge
Sapperton Serenity
Pipe Down - Victoria
Friday Night Live
That Was Drywall - Abbotsford
Recovery Rocks - Revelstoke
Problem? What Problem?
Just Don't use today - Squamish
Mayhem to Miracles - Prince George
New Experience -vernon
Total Donations from groups
7th Tradition
393.65 $
393.65 $
Total incoming Cash and Cheques Cash paid out
65.80 $
Don - Orchard
Joseph K - Orchard
Michael C - Delegate
Outreach - Linnea
total reimbursement
$ 115.00
$ 115.00
$ 455.00
$ 15.20
$ 700.20
Total Cash in
less cash paid out
Total Cash in
$ 929.45
$ 700.20
$ 229.25
Douglas college - Rent
Telus business line
Telus Mobility
Transportation Orchard
Delegates travel
printing meeting guides
CA world services
Telus Mobility
Telus business line
Item Description
starting balance Sept 31/15
Chq# 017 - 15.10.09
chq#018 - 15.10.09
Douglas college - Rent
Telus business line
Telus Mobility
Transportation Orchard
Delegates travel
printing meeting guides
CA world services
Douglas college - Rent
Item Description
starting balance Oct 31/15
Dahl & Connors chq#022
two 1/2 months chq #019
expenses chq#021
Cash/chq 15.11.10
Credit (+) Debit (-)
$ 188.45
$ 123.38
$ 2,603.38
$ 2,414.93
$ 2,291.55
$ 2,291.55
$ 2,291.55
Credit (+) Debit (-)
$ 12.75
$ 94.50
$ 319.44
$ 379.25
$ 2,291.56
$ 2,278.81
$ 2,184.31
$ 1,864.87
$ 2,244.12