LIBOR MARKET MODEL AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION SUBMITTED TO FIN 519, TERM STRUCTURE MODELS TUNG-TA CHEN SHENG MEI, WENJUN MEI, YIJUN TANG CHAO XU PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. An introduction to Libor Market Model and Term Structure Models Derivation of Libor Market Model and Pricing of Different Contracts Calibration of the Models with FINCAD and Bloomberg Code Structure Some Investigations a. Volatility Smiles of Swaptions b. Errors of Long Jump/Very Long Jump in Caplets Pricing Pricing Products a. Caption b. Constant Maturity Swap c. Bermudan Swaption d. Rachet Cap e. Trigger Swap f. European Swaption g. Real World Product Extensions a. Reduce Rank of Covariance Matrix Conclusions Code Base in Details Code files are provided in 2 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation INTRODUCTION TERM STRUCTURE MODELING The real challenge in modeling interest rates is the existence of a term structure of forward rates. Fixed income products typically depend on many points of the forward curve rather than a single point. Pricing such instruments requires a model describing a stochastic time evolution of the entire forward curve. There are many stochastic term structure models based on different choice of dynamics, number of factors and state variable parameters. We will outline main approaches deveolped in the following. BLACK MODEL The most straight-forward and popular approach in the early days is the use of Black model with the forward prices, primarily for pricing bond options, interest rate caps / floors, and swaptions, however this approach assumes forward rates volatility to be either constant or time dependent. Black formula is the industry standard for valuing caps and caplets and their market prices are quoted as Black’s implied vol. SHORT-RATE ONE-FACTOR MODEL The one-factor short rate models (Vasicek’s model and its extensions) use the instantaneous spot rate rt as the basic state variable. The short rate was assumed to be a stochastic differential equation made up of a deterministic component and a stochastic part. It has the form drt = b(t , rt )dt + s (t , rt )dW t A special feature of the Vasicek’s model is that the stochastic equation has a closed form solution. Even though, short rate models gain some success in the early days. However, this one-factor model has some serious shortcomings. For example, in one-factor short-rate, correlation between the continuously compounded rates is only one which comes from the fact that the only non-deterministic term is the current short rate and both instantaneous rates are driven by the existence of single source of uncertainty. Corr (dFi (t ), dFj (t )) = 1 This is not realistic as it suggests interest rates move exactly together. One-factor model has some serious short coming as follows: 1. There is unrealistic correlation pattern between points of the curve with different maturities. 2. There are poor calibration capabilities which can only fit a low numbers of caps and swaptions 3. It is different to express markets views and quotes in terms of model parameters because the standard way of quoting prices on caps/floors and swaptions is in terms of Black’s model. 4. With non-zero probability, rates may become negative. 5. The short-rate model is compatible with the market model and Vasicek’s parameters ( k , q, s , x 0 ) don’t have an immediate intuitive meaning for traders who don’t know how to relate them to Black’s market formula. The natural solution to overcome the one-factor models limitation and incompetence to capture the dynamics of the interest rates would lead to development in multi-factors models. 3 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation A principal components analysis of the whole yield curve Jamshidian and Zhu (1997) found that one principal component can explain around 70% of the total variation and three can explain around 94% of Yen, Dollar and Deutschmark yield curves. Rebonato (1998) found that two can explain 99.1% of the total variance. However, starting from short rate model to determine the process followed by forward rates and calibrating them to the data seems consume a lot of time and effort, besides the mathematics become very tedious and fuss. LIBOR MARKET MODEL We’ve gone through the development in the interest rate models. And the most prevalent and successful model is the framework proposed by Brace-Gatarek-Musiela (BGM, also known as the LIBOR Market Model) which is an extension and a generalization of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework (HJM). Within the HJM framework the modeled rate is the short rate. However this rate cannot be observed accurately from market data and quoted instruments. That is why the BGM framework now prevails. Indeed it can be calibrated to the quotations of caps and swaptions which are actively traded instruments. We will go through the derivation of the LMM model in the following chapters. INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN LIBOR AND SWAP MODELS Theoretical incompatibility between LSM(libor swap market model) and LFM(libor forward market model) LFM: dFi (t ) = s i (t )Fi (t )dZ i (t ), Q i , LSM: dS a ,b (t ) = s ( a ,b ) (t )S a ,b (t )dW t , Q a ,b 1- Given that S a , b (t ) = Õ b j= a +1 b 1 1 + t j Fj (t ) 1 å t i Õ j = a + 1 1 + t F (t ) i= a + 1 j j i , each Fi can be lognormal under Q i and S a , b be lognormal underQ a ,b . Check distributions of S a , b under Q a ,b for both LFM and LSM. Derive the LFM model Q a ,b : dFk (t ) = s k (t )Fk (t ) ( mka ,b (t )dt + dZ ka ,b (t ) b mka ,b = å (2( j £ k ) - 1)t j j= a +1 P (t ,T j ) C a ,b (t ) max( k , j ) å i = min ( k + 1, j + 1) t i r k ,i s i Fi 1 + t i Fi When computing the swaption prices as the Q a ,b expectation C a ,b (0 )E a ,b (S a ,b (T a ) - K )+ We can use either above equation (1) or (2) In general, S a , b coming from equation (1) is lognormal whereas S a , b coming from equation (2) is not. But here we are showing the approximation lognormality. 4 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation LIBOR MARKET MODEL THE DRIFTS OF DIFFERENT FORWARD RATES UNDER A SINGLE MEASURE Given a series of time Let the difference between the times to be Different forward rates for these times will be Use zero coupon bond as the numeraire asset, the forward rate is a martingale. However, for which is not a martingale under the given measure. However, notice that Fi - 1 t i - 1Pi - 1 = Pi - 2 - Pi - 1 ß (1 + F t i- 1 i- 1 )P i- 1 = Pi - 2 which is a linear combination of traded assets, thus a martingale scaled by the numeraire asset, notice that d éê(1 + t i - 1Fi - 1 )(1 + t i Fi )ù i ú= t i - 1 (1 + t i Fi )dFi - 1 + t i (1 + t i - 1Fi - 1 )dFi + r i ,i - 1 s i - 1Fi - 1 s i Fdt ë û which yields and 5 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Which essentially dictates that the drift term of the forward rate must take a certain form for the non-arbitrage relation to hold. Similarly, for where , we have (1 + t i- k Fi - k )Pi - k should be a martingale scaled by the numeraire asset, and k- 1 Pi - k = Õ (1 + t i- l Fi - l )Pi l= 0 Finally we arrive at ék ù d êÕ (1 + t i - l Fi - l )ú êl = 0 ú ë û which has a zero drift term for any k ³ 0 ék ù d êÕ (1 + t i - l Fi - l )ú= êl = 0 ú ë û ék - 1 ù Fi - l )d (1 + t i - k Fi - k ) + (1 + t i - k Fi - k )d êÕ (1 + t i - l Fi - l )ú êl = 0 ú l= 0 ë û ék - 1 ù + d (1 + t i - k Fi - k ), d êÕ (1 + t i - l Fi - l )ú êl = 0 ú ë û k- 1 Õ (1 + t i- l The following term then must be zero ék - 1 ù êÕ (1 + t F )út m F dt + d (1 + t F ), d i l i l i- k i- k êl = 0 ú i- k i- k i- k ë û and ék - 1 ù êÕ (1 + t F )ú = 0 i l i l êl = 0 ú ë û ék - 1 ù d (1 + t i - k Fi - k ), d êÕ (1 + t i - l Fi - l )ú êl = 0 ú ë û l= k- 1 k- 1 = t i - k s i - k Fi - k dW i - k , Õ (1 + t i - l Fi - l ) å t i - l s i - l Fi - ldW i - l 1 + t i - l Fi - l l= 0 l= 0 ék - 1 ù l= k- 1 t s F t s F r i - l i - l i - l i - k i - k i - k i - k ,i - l ú = êêÕ (1 + t i - l Fi - l ) å údt 1 + t i - l Fi - l l= 0 êël = 0 ú û The drift term reduces to ék - 1 ù êÕ (1 + t F )út m F + i- l i- l ú i- k i- k i- k êl = 0 ë û k- 1 Õ (1 + t l= 0 And we have the drift for Fi - k 6 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation l= k- 1 t i - l s i - l Fi - l t i - k s i - k Fi - k r i - k ,i - l l= 0 1 + t i - l Fi - l F i- l i- l )å = 0 mi - k = - l= k- 1 t i - l s i - l Fi - l s i - k r i - k ,i - l l= 0 1 + t i - l Fi - l å The process followed by Fi - k can be written as él = k - 1 t s F s r ù i - l i - l i - l i - k i - k ,i - l ú dFi - k = - êêå úFi - k dt + s i - k Fi - k dW i - k 1 + t i - l Fi - l êë l = 0 ú û Now consider Fi + k , where k ³ 1 , similar result can be obtained for ék - 1ù d êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) ú êl = 0 ú ë û which is also a martingale, ék - 1ù d êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) ú= êl = 0 ú ë û ék - 1 - 1ù - 1 - 1 êÕ (1 + t F ) úd (1 + t F ) + (1 + t F ) d i+ l i+l i+ k i+ k i+ k i+ k êl = 0 ú ë û ék - 1 - 1 - 1ù + d (1 + t i + k Fi + k ) , d êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) ú êl = 0 ú ë û ék - 1 - 1ù êÕ (1 + t F ) ú i+l i+l êl = 0 ú ë û The drift term is ék ék - 1 m F dt - 1 ùt - 1 - 1ù - êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) ú i + k i + k i + k + d (1 + t i + k Fi + k ) , d êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) ú êl = 0 ú1+ t F êl = 0 ú ë û ë û i+ k i+ k k ék é m F dt - 1 ùt - 1 ùk - 1 t i + k t i + l s i + l s i + k r i + k ,i + l Fi + k Fi + l = - êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) ú i + k i + k i + k + êÕ (1 + t i + l Fi + l ) úå dt êl = 0 ú1+ t F êl = 0 úl = 0 (1 + t F )(1 + t F ) ë û ë û i+ k i+ k i+ k i+ k i+ l i+ l The drift term for Fi + k is thus mi + k = l= k- 1 t i + l s i + l Fi + l s i + k r i + k ,i + l l= 0 1 + t i + l Fi + l å And the process followed by Fi + k él = k - 1 t s F s r ù i + l i + l i + l i + k i + k ,i + l ú dFi + k = êêå úFi + k dt + s i + k Fi + k dW i + k 1 + t i + l Fi + l êë l = 0 ú û In a more general form, we have specified the process followed by the forward rate dFl = m(Fi , t )Fdt + s l (t )FdW l l l 7 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Notice that volatility terms don’t have state-dependence. THE STRUCTURE OF THE VOLATILITY AND CORRELATIONS The (instantaneous) volatility of these forward rates can be formed as é ù+ c s i (t ) = Fi y (T i - 1 - t ; a, b, c, d ) = Fi éêa (T i - 1 - t ) + d ù úexp ëê- b (T i - 1 - t )ú ë û û ( ) The (instantaneous) correlations between forward rates can be formed as ( r = exp - b t i - t j ) MONTE CARLO EULER FORWARD Let’s first study the log process é ù 1 d ln Fl = êml (Fi , t ) - s l2 (t )údt + s l (t )dW l ê ú 2 ë û The simplest scheme would be the Euler Forward é ù 1 ln Fl (t + Dt ) - ln Fl (t ) = êml (Fi , t ) - s l2 (t )úDt + s l (t ) Dt f l ê ú 2 ë û where f l is a standard normal random variable. Notice the fact that s l (t ) is only time-dependent and therefore the following integral can be evaluated analytically or numerically C t ,t + Dt ,l = ò t + Dt t s l2 (t )dt The Euler Forward can be rewritten as é ù 1 ln Fl (t + Dt ) - ln Fl (t ) = êml (Fi , t )Dt - C t ,t + Dt ,l ú+ C t ,t + Dt ,l f l ê ú 2 ë û Also, if we let sl = sgn (l - k ), where Pk is the zero coupon bond at time T k and chosen numeraire asset, we have l- k - 1 ml (Fi , t ) = sl å m=0 t k + sm Fk + sm 1 + t k + sm Fk + sm The integral can be approximated by 8 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation r l ,k + sm s l (t )s k + sm (t ) ò t t + Dt l- k - 1 ds ml (Fi , s ) » sl å m=0 t k + sm Fk + sm 1 + t k + sm Fk + sm ò t t + Dt ds r l ,k + sm s l (s )s k + sm (s ) PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR SCHEME Build on the Euler Forward Scheme, the Predictor-Corrector Scheme works as follows Let the result from Euler Forward be Fl E , and we have mlCD = 1 2 ém F , t + m F E , t ù êë l ( i ) ú l i û ( ) Furthermore, notice that there is at least one forward rate that has a zero drift, which is Fk , and ln Fk (t + Dt )- ln Fk (t ) = C t ,t + Dt ,k f k The equation is precise for any Dt as long as C t ,t + Dt ,k is evaluated accurately. Now consider a forward rate Fl , whose drift only depends on Fk + s m with m = 0 L l - k - 1 , which can be computed using Predictor-Corrector l scheme before we compute Fl (starting from Fk ). LONG JUMP It is possible to use a very long jump rather than advancing the forward rates structure with a small time step. A simpler method would be advance the forward rates such that at one step only one forward rate will be reset. This is the long jump method. Predictor-Corrector scheme can be used, and we don’t need to worry about other forward rates. ln Fl (T k + 1 ) - ln Fl (T k ) = ò Tk + 1 Tk æ ö 1 ÷ ds çççml Fi (s ), s - s l2 (s )÷ + ÷ ÷ 2 è ø ( ) ò Tk + 1 Tk dW (s )s (s ) The variance terms can be evaluated accurately just like what we did in the short time steps. VERY LONG JUMP If the pay-off of the contract doesn’t depend on the path of how forward rates are evolved, a very long jump is applicable. However, notice that, if the jump step Dt is very large, it might be possible that some of the forward rates are already reset before the time (T i - t £ D t ). It is not that problematic if we consider ln Fl (t + Dt ) - ln Fl (t ) = ò t T i Ú(t + Dt ) æ ö 1 ÷ ds çççml Fi (s ), s - s l2 (s )÷ + ÷ ÷ 2 è ø 9 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation ( ) ò t T i Ú(t + Dt ) dW (s )s (s ) where T i Ú t + Dt = min (T i , t + Dt ). The variance/covariance terms are obtained by similar method in the previous methods, albeit we should be careful about the integral intervals. C ij = ò T i ÚT j Út + Dt t ds r ij (s )s i (s )s j (s ) The matrix C ij is called the TOTC (total terminal covariance). When using the Euler scheme to evolve the yield curve, the Dt goes to zero and it slow down a numerical calculation. However, the long jump and very long jump can reduce time since fewer steps are required and the Monte Carlo convergence would be faster than that of Euler scheme. But when using long jump technique, we are force to use terminal bong as numerair. The value of the numeraire can get very small if rates become large, but the money-market account has value at least 1. For low factor models, long jump doesn’t speed up the simulation. REDUCE RANK OF THE COVARIANCE MATRIX Libor Market Model involves a lot of forward rates – sometimes may be 200 forward rates, and the original approach will require generating 200 stochastic driven factors for all these forward rates, which is costly for a large scale Monte Carlo. Another important factor is that most of the forward rates are driven by several important stochastic factors, which dominate their variance. These facts will lead to methods to reduce the rank of the covariance matrix. The approach employed here is like principal component analysis. The covariance matrix can be Eigenvalue decomposed A = uDuT where u contains all the Eigen vectors of the covariance matrix. Ranking the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors by the absolute values of Eigenvalues from the largest to smallest, it is easy to see that the variance is dominated by the Eigenvectors of the largest Eigenvalues, here we choose 4. The eigen value matrix D is like æ çç ççl 1 çç çç çç çç çç çç ççè l2 O n The total variance will be å l i . And Let i= 1 10 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation l n- 1 ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ln÷ ÷ ø Ds = D = æ çç çç l 1 çç çç çç çç çç çç çç ççè l2 O l n- 1 ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ln÷ ÷ ø Then a random vector that has a variance matrix of A can be obtained by v = uDs w where w is a Gaussian random vector that a covariance of æ çç çç1 çç 1 çç çç O çç çç çç ççè ö ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 1 ÷ ÷ ÷ 1÷ ÷ ø To reduce the rank, we simply set l k = k where k > R ank , which gives v = uæ çç çç l 1 çç çç çç çç çç çç çç çç çç çç çç çè l2 O l R ank - 1 öæ ö ÷ ÷ çç ÷ ÷ w ÷ çç 1 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ çç w ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ çç 2 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ çç M ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ çç ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ç ÷ wR ank - 1 ÷ ç ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ç ÷ ÷ çç w ÷ ÷ ÷ ç ÷ è R ank ø ÷ l R an k ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 0 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 0 ÷ ø The number of independent random variables for each simulation will be reduced to rank. THE PRICING OF DIFFERENT CONTRACTS The price of a contract will be determined by the martingale method, which is éV (T )ù ú = E êê ú N (t ) êN (T )ú ë û V (t ) where V is the price of the contract and N is the numeraire asset. To value a contract at time t, we just calculate the expected value of the contract price at a certain time scaled by the martingale asset. 11 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation éV (T ; F )ù i ú V (t ) = N (t )E êê ú êN (T ; Fi )ú ë û BOND PRICES AND SWAP RATES Let’s make it clean that at any time T i , the price of any zero coupon bond Pj is a function of all the forward rates, therefore we will use the zero coupon bond prices in the following sections without given out the explicit formula for them. Similarly, a swap that exchanges payments from T a + 1 to T b can be calculated for T from zero coupon bond prices, which is and therefore their explicit formulas will not be provided in the following sections. CAPLET PRICING Let the contract expire at T m written on the forward rate Fm + 1 , and choose any zero coupon bond Pn as the numeraire asset. The price of the caplet is just émax F T - K ,0 ê m+1 ( m+1 ) V = Pn 0 ; Fi (0 ) E ê ê Pn (T m + 1 ) êë ( ( ) )ùúN t ú ú ú û m+1 The expectation is therefore computed by Monte-Carlo simulation. Note that the numeraire asset is not necessarily the zero coupon bond matured at T m + 1 . CAP PRICING Similar to caplet, the caplet can be priced in the same way. Let T s + 1 be the first payment of the cap and T C be the time of the last payment in the cap, the value of the cap can be written as émax F T - K , 0 C- 1 ê i+ 1 ( C ) V = PC (0 )N å E ê ê PC (T C ) i= s êë ( ( ) j=C - 1 Õ j= i+ 1 ù é1 + t F (T )ùú t j j C û úú ëê ú i+1 ú û ) The max Fi + 1 (T c )- K , 0 is the pay-off of the cap at T i + 1 , and the discount factor j=C - 1 Õ j= i+ 1 é1 + t F (T )ù is j j C ú êë û used to scale the pay-off to its value at T C . Note that Fi (TC ) = Fi (T i - 1 ) for the forward rate will be reset at T i - 1 . PC is the numeraire asset can in this case, because PC (T C ) = 1 , we have 12 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation C- 1 é V = PC (0 )N å E êêmax Fi + 1 (T C ) - K , 0 i= 1 ë ( j=C - 1 )Õ j= i+ 2 ù é1 + t F (T )ùút j j C û úú i + 1 ëê û This makes it possible to use a very long jump to value the contract. EUROPEAN SWAPTIONS Let the T s + 1 be the first payment of the swap and T C be the last payment of the swap, the float leg’s value of the swap at time T s is N éêPs (T s ) - PC (T s )ù ú ë û The fixed leg’s value of the swap at the same time is C NK å Pi (T s )t i i= s+ 1 The payoff of the swap is C é ù N êPs (T s ) - PC (T s ) - K å Pi (T s )t i ú ê ú i= s+ 1 ë û The price of the swaption at time 0 is therefore é C æ é öù ù ÷ êm ax ççN êP (T ) - P (T ) - K ú ú, 0 ÷ P T t ( ) ÷ å C s i s i ú ÷ú ê çç ê s s è ë i= s+ 1 ê û øú V (0 ) = Ps (0 )E ê ú ê ú Ps (T s ) ê ú ê ú ë û where Ps is the numeraire asset and C é æ öù ú ÷ V (0 ) = Ps (0 )NE êêmax çççPs (T s ) - PC (T s ) - K å Pi (T s )t i , 0 ÷ ÷ ÷ú çè ø i= s+ 1 êë ú û TRIGGER SWAP AND MULTI-LOOK TRIGGER SWAPS This is similar to swaps, albeit the simulation should advance to each of the observe dates to check whether the trigger is triggered or not. RATCHET CAPS The pricing is similar to pricing of caps, however, because the pay-off of the product is path-dependent, a very long jump to time T C is not possible. 13 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation C- 1 é V = PC (0 )N å E êêmax Fi + 1 (T i ) - Fi + 1 (T i - 1 ), 0 i= 1 ë ( j=C - 1 )Õ j= i+ 2 ù é1 + t F (T )ùút j j C û úú i + 1 ëê û where the value Fi + 1 (T i - 1 ) is path-dependent. CAPTIONS The pricing of Captions is a bit tricky. It is possible that we evaluate the pay-off of the caption at the expiration by launching a new Monte-Carlo to evaluate the cap, or more easily, we can evaluate the pay-off of the caption by Black-Scholes equation (for we have assumed a volatility structure and we have the forward rates), therefore we can express the value of a caption at the expiration of the caption T C s V cap (T C ; Fi ) = N å ( ) BL Fi , s i (T c , T i - 1 ), T i - 1 - T c , K Pi (T C )t i i=C + 2 where the function BL is æln (F / K ) + s 2t / 2 ö ÷ ç ÷ ÷ BL (F , s , t , K ) = F N çç - KN ÷ çç ÷ ÷ s t è ø æln (F / K ) - s 2t / 2 ö ÷ çç ÷ ÷ çç ÷ ÷ ÷ çè s t ø with s i (TC ,T i - 1 ) is the volatility of the forward rate from T C to T i - 1 . The pay-off is therefore ( V (TC ) = max V cap (TC ; Fi )- K , 0 ) and the value of the caption at time T C is V (0 ) = PC (0 )E éêmax V cap (T C ; Fi ) - K , 0 ù ú ë û ( ) CONSTANT MATURITY SWAPS Notice the product is path-dependent, the payment exchange at time T i is éF (T )- SR (T ;T ,T )ùN t i i+a i+b ú êë i i û i where SR (T i ;T i + a ,T i + b ) is the swap rate from T i + a to T i + b . The value of the CMS can be immediately computed given the path of the forward rates ïì C V = PC (0 )E ïí å ïï i = 1 î C é ùïü êF (T ) - SR (T ;T ,T ) Õ 1 + F (T )t N t úïý i i+a i+b j C j iú êi i j= i+1 ï ë ûïþ 14 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation ( ) BERMUDAN SWAPTIONS Bermudan Swaptions have early exercise feature, and is path-dependent. The continuation value and the exercise value can both use the same numeraire asset. If exercised at time T i , the value will be the value of the swap at time Ti C é ù N êê1 - PC (T i ) - K å Pj + 1 (T i )t j ú ú j= i+1 ë û The continuation value is the difficult part here. Consider time T C - 1 , which is the last reset date in the swaption. The continuation value will be zero (because there is no more continuation). The exercise value will be V = ma x N éê1 - PC (T C - 1 ) - KPC (T C - 1 )t C ù ú, 0 ë û ( ) Now consider the swaption at time T C - 2 , the continuation value will be the exercise value ( ) CV T C - 2 , Fi (T C - 2 ) éV (T ) ù C- 1 ê = PC (T C - 2 )E ê Fi (T C - 2 )ú ú êPC (TC - 1 ) ú ë û to calculate the continuation value, a fit function with the FC - 1 (T C - 2 ) and swap rate SR (T C - 2 ;T C - 1 ,T C ) is constructed CV = a + bx + cy + dxy + ex 2 + fy 2 To make the fit work, we will need all the paths we’ve generated. We are fitting PC (T i ) V (T i + 1 ) PC (T i + 1 ) to a function of Fi + 1 (T i ) and SR (T i ;T i + 1 ,TC ) for time T i . To get the continuation value for T i , and the value of the contract at that time will be æ V (T i ) = max çççN çè C ö é ù ê1 - P (T ) - K å P (T )t ú, CV T ; F (R ), SR (T ;T ,T ) ÷ ÷ ÷ C i j+1 i jú i i+1 i i+1 C ê ÷ ÷ j= i+1 ø ë û 15 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation ( ) 16 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation CALIBRATION TECHNICAL DETAILS Assume that there n forward rates fi that describe the pay-off of an interest rate derivative. The evolution of each forward rate fi is described by the stochastic differential equation: dfi = mi ( f , t ) fidt + s i (t ) fidW i E [dW idW j ] = r ij (t )dt Where r ij is the instantaneous correlation between i and j, dW i is standard Weiner process, s i (t ) is the instantaneous volatility of forward rate and mi ( f , t ) is the drift of the forward rate. Note that the drift mi ( f , t ) for forward rate can be calculated from the other forward rates and their instantaneous volatilities and correlations, so the instantaneous volatilities and correlations completely describe how forward rates will evolve in the future. The FINCAD LMM calibration functions use the following functional form for the instantaneous volatilities of forward rates and instantaneous correlations between forward rates: - c (t - t ) s i (t ) = ki éê{a + b(t i - t )}e i + d ù ú ë û r ij = b1 + (1 - b1 )e - b2 t i - t j CALIBRATION The calibration part adjusts the parameters of the LMM as to minimize the difference between LMM internal model values and actual prevailing market values. We use FINCAD to calibrate the instantaneous volatilities and correlations of the LMM to quoted market data for caplets and swaptions. 17 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Quot ed Flat Vols for Caps/ Floors aaVol_ Crv_ Rcap_ BL (Fincad Funct ion) Volat ilit y Curve of Forward Rat es Quot ed Black Vols for European Swapt ions aaCalibrat eRcAP2_ LMM (Fincad Funct ion) aaCalibrat eSwapt ion2_ LMM (Fincad Funct ion) Calibrat ed Paramet ers for t he Inst ant aneous Volat ilit y Funct ion: a,b,c,d Calibrat ed Paramet ers for t he Inst ant aneous Correlat ion Funct ion(bet a1,bet a2) and opt ionally, t he inst ant aneous volat ilit y funct ion (a,b,c,d) Input Paramet ers int o Specific Product Pricing CAPLET The first calibration is caplet. Caplet Details value date effective date 18 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 8-Dec-2011 8-Mar-2012 caplet frequency caplet or floorlet accrual method - rate accrual method - coupon payments business day convention interpolation method bootstrapping method quarterly rate caplet actual/360 actual/360 modified following business day exponential piecewise linear spot volatilities We run with the initial parameters 1, 1, 1, and 1 for a, b, c and d. Minimizer Settings 1000 maximum number of iterations 0.001 error metric tolerance Model Parameter Range Table lower bound upper bound a b c d 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 Initial Model Parameter Table initial value a b c d 1 1 1 1 Results output time taken (in seconds) number of iterations calibration converged error metric 19 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Calibration 0.13 200 0 5.522686968 0.648549551 a 2.599431552 b 1.847251966 c 0.279026143 d ADEQUATE overall calibration result The calibration takes 0.13 seconds to converge and using 200 iteration steps. The overall calibration is rated as adequate. The calibrated parameters a, b, c and d for instantaneous volatility are show in the above table. 0.60 0.50 price 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 10 20 Black Price 20 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 30 caplet Predicted # Price 40 50 130.00% 110.00% 90.00% 70.00% 50.00% 30.00% 10.00% 0 5 10 15 Black Vol 20 25 30 35 40 45 Predicted Vol According to the volatility graph above, we can find that in the long term the predicted volatility matches Black volatility better than that in short term. The error between predicted volatility and Black volatility in short term is significant. SWAP CURVE Curve Settings value date interpolation (bootstrapping) method spread (added to raw rates) use money market rates? use futures prices? use FRA rates? use swap rates? calculate tenor basis curves? 21 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 8-Dec-2011 exponential discount factors 0 yes yes no yes yes no show all tenor basis curves? Money Market Rates Settings actual/360 accrual method modified following business day business day convention 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% Rate 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 1-Dec-11 1-Dec-16 1-Dec-21 1-Dec-26 1-Dec-31 1-Dec-36 1-Dec-41 1-Dec-46 1-Dec-51 -0.50% Date Fwd Rates Spot Rates Observing the graph above, we can find that the difference between forward rate and spot rate is large in the near 20 years and becomes smaller in the long term. To explain the trend of spot rate curve and forward rate curve, we start from: æ t+ t ö exp çççò r (s )ds ÷ ÷ ÷ è t ø F = t ln (t F + 1) = 22 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation ò t t+ t r (s )ds 1 ¶F t = r (t + t ) - r (t ) t F + 1 ¶t Then we get: ¶F Dr = (t F + 1) ¶r t Therefore, the time interval in this case is 0.25, and therefore the fluctuations in forward rates are much more severe than spot rates. SWAPTION We run with the initial parameters 0.5, 2, 2, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.1 for a, b, c, d, beta1 and beta2 respectively. Details value (settlement) date frequency accrual method interpolation method business day convention swaption price closed-form approximation linear-exponential volatility parameterization error minimization method error metric weighting 8-Dec-2011 quarterly actual/360 linear modified following business day Hull-White 4 parameters: lognormal volatility Levenberg Marquardt L-2 norm or chi-squared norm vega weighted in price space Minimizer Settings maximum number of iterations error metric tolerance Model Parameter Range Table 23 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 200 0.001 lower bound upper bound a b c d beta1 beta2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 1 1 Initial Model Parameter Table initial value a b c d beta1 beta2 0.5 2 2 0.5 0.1 0.1 Results output time taken (in seconds) number of iterations calibration converged error metric a b c d beta1 beta2 overall calibration result Calibration 57.094 83 0 4567705.612 0.0000 1.3703 2.2420 0.4944 0.0287 0.1100 ADEQUATE The calibration takes 56 seconds to converge and using 83 iteration steps. The overall calibration is rated as adequate. The following checklist tests various criteria in order to examine a calibration. Calibration Checklist status 24 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation calibration converged? calibrated parameters are not too close to boundaries all price points < 3sigma all vol points < 3sigma 90% price points < 2sigma 90% vol points < 2sigma price bias <= 30% vol bias <= 30% price residual mean <= 1sigma from 0 vol residual mean <= 1sigma from 0 no single vol point is >5% off mean distance vol data to model is <1% model vs data difference within given vol uncertainties overall calibration result 25 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation pass fail fail pass fail pass pass pass pass pass fail fail pass ADEQUATE 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 -0.5 60 80 100 80 100 120 price residuals 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 20 40 60 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 vol residuals 26 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 120 12.00 10.00 price 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 20 40 60 swaption # 80 100 120 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% volatility 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0 20 40 60 swaption # 80 100 In the short term, predicted volatility matches Black volatility better than that in the long term. Data: downloaded from Bloomberg 27 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 120 Full Swaption Vol Matrix swap tenor (months) volatility 1 3 6 12 24 36 48 60 84 120 180 240 1 3 option expiry (months) 6 12 24 36 48 60 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 73.350% 76.980% 63.460% 58.970% 51.465% 48.210% 50.570% 78.805% 75.165% 63.550% 56.890% 51.965% 53.365% 50.270% 78.150% 75.575% 61.770% 56.310% 52.970% 50.310% 49.290% 80.705% 70.090% 59.330% 54.665% 50.765% 48.165% 46.700% 74.720% 60.500% 52.340% 47.860% 45.570% 43.260% 42.065% 58.400% 49.570% 44.475% 41.670% 40.165% 38.760% 37.875% 46.450% 41.585% 39.025% 37.465% 36.560% 35.990% 34.975% 39.050% 36.880% 36.020% 35.070% 34.355% 34.080% 33.300% 33.230% 33.190% 32.380% 31.670% 31.380% 30.940% 30.835% 30.155% 29.775% 29.435% 29.150% 28.730% 29.125% 29.285% 29.165% 28.700% 28.400% 28.960% 28.900% 29.185% 29.175% 27.650% 27.500% 27.600% 27.700% 27.745% 27.750% 27.695% 96 108 120 180 240 300 360 46.400% 48.800% 47.775% 45.070% 44.200% 43.100% 43.940% 48.150% 47.800% 47.250% 44.280% 42.760% 42.700% 43.715% 47.900% 47.000% 46.215% 43.370% 42.355% 42.250% 42.935% 45.100% 44.725% 43.765% 40.925% 40.900% 40.275% 40.665% 40.950% 40.050% 39.335% 36.850% 36.960% 36.600% 36.995% 37.545% 36.725% 35.955% 34.100% 34.450% 34.000% 34.230% 34.300% 34.050% 34.060% 33.055% 32.930% 32.600% 32.625% 32.945% 32.650% 32.640% 31.930% 32.080% 31.500% 31.955% 28 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 84 120 180 240 30.200% 30.200% 31.185% 30.340% 30.355% 30.030% 30.240% 29.320% 29.450% 29.700% 28.820% 28.480% 27.750% 28.000% 29.000% 29.490% 29.000% 27.950% 27.615% 27.710% 27.400% 27.590% 27.555% 26.880% 26.200% 26.285% 26.100% 26.475% Futures Prices Table (Not Used) contract futures price contract futures price Dec-2011 Jan-2012 Feb-2012 Mar-2012 Apr-2012 May-2012 Jun-2012 Sep-2012 Dec-2012 Mar-2013 Jun-2013 Sep-2013 Dec-2013 Mar-2014 Jun-2014 Sep-2014 Dec-2014 Mar-2015 Jun-2015 Sep-2015 Dec-2015 Mar-2016 Jun-2016 Sep-2016 Dec-2016 Mar-2017 Jun-2017 Sep-2017 Dec-2017 Mar-2018 Jun-2018 Sep-2018 Dec-2018 Mar-2019 Jun-2019 Sep-2019 Dec-2019 Mar-2020 Jun-2020 Sep-2020 Dec-2020 Mar-2021 Jun-2021 Sep-2021 97.6150 97.4750 97.3400 97.2400 97.1350 97.0450 96.9500 96.8800 96.8100 96.7550 96.6900 96.6500 96.6000 96.5650 96.5200 96.4900 96.4600 96.4250 96.3900 96.3700 96.3400 96.3100 99.4475 99.4350 99.4200 99.3900 99.3750 99.3600 99.3500 99.3500 99.3600 99.3450 99.3150 99.2400 99.1300 98.9750 98.8050 98.6200 98.4500 98.2800 98.1050 97.9150 97.7600 Single Strike Cap Data - NOT USED cap term (months) strike volatility 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% 106.870% 87.320% 85.480% 77.940% 71.690% 66.810% 63.200% 29 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 96 108 120 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% 60.560% 58.470% 56.810% Swap Rates Table grid point 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y 6Y 7Y 8Y 9Y 10Y 12Y 15Y 20Y 25Y 30Y 40Y maturity date 12-Dec-2012 12-Dec-2013 12-Dec-2014 14-Dec-2015 12-Dec-2016 12-Dec-2017 12-Dec-2018 12-Dec-2019 14-Dec-2020 13-Dec-2021 12-Dec-2023 14-Dec-2026 12-Dec-2031 12-Dec-2036 12-Dec-2041 12-Dec-2051 Money Market Rates Table grid point maturity date rate ON T/N 1W 2W 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M 11M 12M 9-Dec-2011 12-Dec-2011 19-Dec-2011 27-Dec-2011 12-Jan-2012 13-Feb-2012 12-Mar-2012 12-Apr-2012 14-May-2012 12-Jun-2012 12-Jul-2012 13-Aug-2012 12-Sep-2012 12-Oct-2012 13-Nov-2012 12-Dec-2012 0.150% 30 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation par swap rate 0.624% 0.648% 0.758% 0.975% 1.223% 1.474% 1.689% 1.863% 2.006% 2.124% 2.315% 2.496% 2.616% 2.676% 2.712% 2.721% 0.200% 0.220% 0.276% 0.396% 0.540% 0.614% 0.682% 0.761% 0.813% 0.863% 0.916% 0.967% 1.022% 1.082% CODE STRUCTURE IMPLEMENTED FUNCTIONS The following are implemented in the code: 1. Random number generators 2. Multi Dimensional Gaussian Generators, with simple cholesky decomposition, and reduced rank based on singular value decomposition 3. Theoretical value of Caplets and Caps under the implemented Variance Structure 4. Libor Market Model based on Predictor Corrector Scheme a. Short time step b. Long jump c. Very long jump d. Automatic selection of appropriate covariance matrix for different jumps 5. Pricing of products using Libor Market Model a. Captions b. European Swaptions c. Constant Maturity Swaps d. Rachet Caps e. Caplets f. Caps 6. Bermudan Swaption Pricing a. Based on least square fitting of continuation values. IMPLEMENTATION All the works are implemented in C++ and tested on the latest Apple Inc.’s XCode and Microsoft’s Visual C++. Most of the classes are template classes, and we have made some requirements on how these classes should work, what methods and properties should be implemented, and how they are initialized. Most of the classes come with at least two type parameters, T and TSize. They are provided mainly to facilitate changing different precisions and working with different numerical types. TSize is by default set to long, and in most cases we use double precision (so T is set to double in most of the cases). On 64-bit platforms, long double might provider higher precision. For all matrice, the primary index will be the row index, and the secondary index will be the column index. The default TSize is long. Singular Value decomposition is taken from Newmat, which can be found at THE INTEGRAL OF THE VARIANCE The following integral can be evaluated analytically ò t t + Dt ds r (T i ,T j )s (T i , s )s (T j , s ) for the correlation and volatility structure we’ve chosen as default, which is 31 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation s (T i , t ) = Fi y (T i - 1 - t ; a, b, c, d ) = Fi éêa (T i - 1 - t ) + ë ( dù ex p éê- b (T i - 1 - t )ù +c ú ú û ë û ) and ( r ij = b1 + (1 - b1 )exp - b 2 t i - t j ) A more general approach is to implement a numerical integrator by Simpson’s rule or similar methods. However, it turned out that Simpson’s rule will underestimate the volatility even with 4096 sections, which is unacceptable if the covariance needs to be recalculated for multiple times. The integral is performed in symbolic operations by Wolfram Mathematica, and please refer to the enclosed .nb file for more details 32 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation LM M Advancer Variance Structure Forward Rate Sequence TimeSequence Covarian ce M atrix Product Pricing Gaussian Random Number Generator M odel Specification DESCRIPTION OF CODE STRUCTURE The most important class for the method is the LMMAdvancer, which has the following signature template<typename TVarianceStructure,template<typename, typename,typename> class TMultiDimensionGaussian, typename T,typename TSize = long> class LMMAdvancer The LMMAdvancer will advance to the next time step using a TOTC style matrix (that said, it is still good to use the LMMAdvancer for shot steps and long steps), and it checks which forward rates are reset and which are not. For the forward rates that are already reset, the LMMAdvancer will simply carry on their last available values. TVarianceStrucutre is the type of the variance structure, which can be inter-changed efficiently. All TVarianceStructures have got to implement the following method: 33 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation It should be noted that a method VolatilityIntegrator(T fromT, T toT, TSize i, TSize j) must be implemented in the class. If an analytical solution is not viable, using the numerical integrators in the header file “integrator.hpp” might alleviate some of the painful implementations. template<typename,typename,typename> class TMultiDimensionGaussian is the Gaussian random number generators. It supports setting a variance matrix to it and generate corresponding random vectors. Calling NextGroup() method on one of the instances will generate a vector of random variates according to the given variance matrix; calling operator[] on the same instance will return the value of the vector at the given index. Similar to TVarianceStructure, this template parameter is provided to provide more freedom in choosing different random number generators. This is great for different factor-reducation schemes, and enable us to fast change them without modifying the LMMAdvancer. To save time and computational resources, the covariance matrix will be pre-computed by calling PreAdvance(). To generate the next sequence of forward rates, call SingleAdvance(). TimeSequence is the first step to start our engine. A class of TimeSequence is used for the underlying times where the volatilities and forward rates being calculated. The times are stored in a vector, so two constructors can be applied: the first one is push back the times one by one into the vector. The second is a copy constructor that can use another time sequence to assign the times into a new object of this class. Because the first time is always 0, and the therefore the first forward rate is meaningless. The second rate is not a forward rate, but the rate from 0 to the first time spot. However, in the VarianceStructureMatrix, the first two rates are neglected so that the matrix will stay positive definite for most of the cases. The GetSize method for the TimeSequence and VarianceStructure however will return a size that includes these two meaningless rates. Furthuremore, the leading 0 in the time sequence is automatically pushed into the sequence, therefore no explicit initialization is necessary. Several member functions are used all the way down in the program, the overloading of operator= accomplish the assignment by another time sequence too. Other functions are used to get specific element or insert or delete element, return the size of the time sequence and find the location of a specific time in the time sequence. CALCULATION PROCESS LMM Advancer is the core method to generate forward rates. The whole process of using our code to do the product pricing is as below: 1. Establish time sequence by template<typename T,typename TSize=long> class TimeSequence times, which is the underlying time sequence of forward rates sequence we focus on. 2. Use the time sequence to set the variance structure by template<typename T,typename TSize=long> class VarianceStructure. When we have a varianceStructhen generate the volatility by volatility functions and correlations. 3. Build an object by template<typename TVarianceStructure,template<typename, typename,typename> class TMultiDimensionGaussian, typename T,typename TSize = long> class LMMAdvancer, set the time sequence and variance structure generated in step 1) and 2) in the LMMAdvancer object. 4. Call the member function void PreAdvance() of LMMAdvancer to set the correlation of the stochastic processes. Then do the Monte Carlo simulation by using the member function void SingleAdvance() of LMMAdvancer, so we can get the forward rates at next time step and then use them to value any product. 34 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Variance Parameters Specification Set Time Sequence Set Variance Sequence Set Covariance M atrix Calculate volatility by volatility functions, current time, forward rates ending time I nitial forward rates parameters specification Product Specification Use LM M Advancer to set correlations M onte Carlo using LM M Advancer, get the forward rates. 35 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Specific Product Pricing PREREQUISITES FOR DIFFERENT TEMPLATE CLASSES MATRIX All classes that can be used in the place of a Tmatrix must implement the following member functions: TSize GetLength(int i) const: get the size of the matrix, i=0 will get the length of primary index and i=1 will get the length of secondary index. T &operator()(TSize i, TSize j):, using operator(i,j) return the [i][j] element of the matrix. const T &operator()(TSize i, TSize j) const, using operator(i,j) return the [i][j] element of the matrix. VARIANCE STRUCTURE T GetVolatility(TSize i,T t) const: Return the volatility of the i-th forward rate at time t T GetCorrelation(TSize i,TSize j,T t) const: Return the correlation between the i-th forward rate and the j-th forward rate at time t. TSize GetSize() const T VolatilityIntegrator HOW DOES PRICER WORK? Please refer to the following graph on how the pricer works. 36 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation LMMAdvancer : T imeSequence, VarianceSt ruct ure, ForwardRat eSequence LMMPricer T rigger/ mult ilook t rigger swaps European swapt ions Rat chet caps Const ant Mat urit y Swaps Bermudan Swapt ions T rigger swaps Model Specificat ion Swapt ion Model Specificat ion Bermudan Model Specificat ion Real World Product Rat chet caps Model Specificat ion Const ant Mat urit y Swaps Capt ions Capt ions Model Specificat ion Real World Product Model Specificat ion PERFORMANCE ISSUES AND ACCURACY An initial investigation of code reveals, for N forward rates, written on N times, and if we need to generate M paths, the number of forward rates we need to generate is approximately N 2 M . For a 30 year 3-month forward rate simulation, 10,000 path will require approximately at least 11GB of memory, which is unrealistic for our computers. Therefore for our Bermudan Swaption simulations, performance of the code is extremely slow. 37 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation Including PCA based method really decreases the time of the simulation by 1/7, however, for large scales covariance matrix, the Singular value decomposition may not converge in a short enough time, and for very large simulations, the Simple method is used. Singular Value decomposition will also introduce other errors into the simulation, due to the fact that it is an iterative method. 38 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation INITIAL INVESTIGATIONS REBONATO’S SWAP APPROXIMATION In the paper “Linking Caplet and Swaption Volatilities in a BGM/J Framework: Approximate Solutions” written by Peter Jackel and Riccardo Rebonato in 2000, they present an approximation for the volatility of European swaptions in a forward rate based on BGM framework provides an analytic calculation for swaptions prices without using the need for Monte Carlo simulations. We have seen that at the money vanilla swaptions are quoted in volatility, which means that the market uses Black’s formula to match the price of the swaption, and the implied volatility used for quotation purposes. Thus, if we postulate a lognormal dynamic of the swap rate under the swap forward measure which numeraire is q- p 2 å B pq (t ) = 2 dB p + 2 k (t ) k=1 Hence: dS p,q S p,q = s p,qdW t p,q Then, we can apply the black formula to price swaptions in the same way did for caplet because swapstions under p, q measure is a martingale Swaption p,q (0 ) = B p,q (0 )E p,q ((S p,q (T p ) - K )+ ) = B p,q (0 )E p,q ((S p,q (T p )N (d1 ) - K N (d2 ) ) ln( E p,q (S p,q ) )+ K g p,q T p d1 = d2 = d1 - g p2,qT p 2 g p,q T p 2 Where E p,q (S p,q ) = S p,q (0 ) Next, we need to obtain the g p,q to apply in the black formula dS p,q dS p,q = s p2,qdt S p,q S p,q ò Tp 0 dS p,q dS p,q S p,q S p,q = 39 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation ò Tp 0 s p2,qdt = ( g p,q )2T p The approximation formula of swap rates is decomposed in linear combination of the forward rates where the dynamics is negligible. q- 1 å S p,q = w pk ,qFk (t ) k= p dB k + 1 w pk ,q = q- p 2 å 2 dB p + 2 j j=1 w in the linear combination are constant and equal to their value in 0, wpk,q (0 ) q- 1 dS p,q » å wpk,q (0 )dFk (t ) k= p dS dS ( p,q )( p,q ) = S p,q S p,q q- 1 å w pk ,q (0 )w pj ,q (0 )dFk (t )dFj (t ) S p2,q q - 1 w k (0 )w j (0 )r s s F (t )F (t ) p ,q p ,q kj k j k j = å dt 2 S p,q j ,k = p j ,k = p Supplement into above equation (3). We get w pk ,q (0 )w pj ,q (0 )r kj s k s j Fk (t )Fj (t ) dt ò0 jå,k = p S p2,q k j Tp 1 q- 1 w p,q (0 )w p,q (0 )Fk (0 )Fj (0 ) » r kj (0 ) ò s k (t )s j (t )dt å 2 0 T p j ,k = p S p,q ( g p,q )2 » 1 Tp T p q- 1 Above is all closed form formulas available to compute European swaptions. In our initial test we have s j (t ) = k j [(a + b(t j - t ))e - c(t j - t ) + d ] where k j =1 a =0.05 b =0.09 c =0.44 d =0.11 b =0.1 with strike price of 6% with flat curve continuously compounded rate of 5% We integrate above volatility function with the analytic swap price formula in the VBA and get the following result table. time 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 Flat 5% discount factor 0.987877 0.975900 0.964069 0.952381 0.940835 40 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation European swaption prices 5.456% 7.496% 8.910% 9.977% 10.806% 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6 6.25 6.5 6.75 7 7.25 7.5 7.75 8 8.25 8.5 8.75 9 9.25 9.5 9.75 10 0.929429 0.918161 0.907029 0.896033 0.885170 0.874439 0.863838 0.853365 0.843019 0.832799 0.822702 0.812728 0.802875 0.793142 0.783526 0.774027 0.764643 0.755373 0.746215 0.737169 0.728232 0.719403 0.710681 0.702065 0.693554 0.685146 0.676839 0.668634 0.660528 0.652520 0.644609 0.636794 0.629074 0.621447 0.613913 41 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 11.457% 11.964% 12.353% 12.641% 12.840% 12.961% 13.013% 13.001% 12.933% 12.812% 12.644% 12.431% 12.178% 11.888% 11.563% 11.206% 10.819% 10.404% 9.963% 9.499% 9.013% 8.507% 7.981% 7.439% 6.880% 6.306% 5.719% 5.120% 4.509% 3.888% 3.258% 2.620% 1.974% 1.322% 0.665% LONG JUMP AND VERY LONG JUMP WITH WRONG NUMERAIRE ASSET We test the code and long jump/very long jump with a wrong numeraire asset. The priced product is caplet, which has a theoretical price because we know the volatility of the forward rates for sure. The following contract is used: Caplet that matures on 0.75 years, written on 0.25 years’ forward rate F (0.75 , 1.0 ) . The strike price is 0.05. Assuming a flat term structure of 0.05. Assuming the following parameters for volatility and correlation: a = 0. 09 b = 0. 44 c = 0. 11 d = 0. 05 b1 = 0 b 2 = 0. 1 The theoretical value for this caplet is 0.000739054. For very long jump and long jump, both 10,000 paths are generated (though not stored). The numeraire asset is chosen to be zero coupon bond that matures at 0.75. The following graph provided a glimpse of the results. The average result for long jump is 0.0007385, while for very long jump the result is 0.0007400. The long jump is more accurate at an error of 0.08%, while the very long jump’s result is slightly more inferior at 0.13%. However, notice the standard deviation of long jump’s result is 3.6 ´ 10 - 6 , while for very long jump the result is slightly better at 2.7 ´ 10 - 6 . 42 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 0.000746 0.000744 0.000742 0.00074 0.000738 0.000736 0.000734 0.000732 0.00073 0.000728 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Short Jump 0.000740.000740.000730.000740.000740.000740.000730.000740.000730.00074 Long Jump 0.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.00074 Theoretical 0.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.000740.00074 43 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation PRICING RESULTS Please see the following table Product Pricing Swap beggin g Swap end Exercise date/Termi nal date tenor Simulati on Pricin g Time European Swaption Trigger Swaption Ratchetcaps Bermudan Swaption Const Maturity Swap Caption 0.0570392 1 5 1 0.25 5000 1.46 0.0573001 1 5 0.25,0.5,0.75 0.25 5000 4.304 0.25 0.25 5000 5000 67.761 37.161 0.25 5000 10.419 0.0019846 0.0555382 1 0.0052545 44 | Libor Market Model and It’s Implementation 5 2 DETAILS OF THE CODE FILES TABLE OF CONTENTS Namespace Index ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Hierarchical Index .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Class Index ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 File Index ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 TermStructure ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Class Documentation .....................................................................................................................................10 TermStructure::_srandInitializer ...............................................................................................................10 TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > .......................................................................................................12 TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > ......................................................................................14 TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer< TVarianceStructure, T, TSize > .....................................................17 TermStructure::CapletInfo< T > ................................................................................................................19 TermStructure::CapletPricer< TLMMAdvancer, T, TSize > ....................................................................21 TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T > ..........................................................................................................23 TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > .................................................................................25 TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T > ..............................................................................................29 TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver< T, TSize > .......................................................................................31 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ..............33 TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ......................................................................................................................................................41 TermStructure::LMMPathPool< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ...............43 TermStructure::LMMPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ....................47 TermStructure::MatrixTransposed< TMatrix, T, TSize > .........................................................................51 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper< T, NPrimary, NSecondary, TSize > .....................................................54 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > ..............................56 TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder > .................................................................................................59 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix< T, TSize > ...............................................................................................61 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > ....................................64 TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize >.............................................................................................................66 TermStructure::TimeSequence< T, TSize > ..............................................................................................69 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder< T, TSize > ...................................................................................72 TermStructure::VarianceStructure< T, TSize >.........................................................................................74 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix< T, TVarianceStructure, TSize > ............................................78 File Documentation .......................................................................................................................................80 BermudanSwaption.hpp ............................................................................................................................80 BlackScholesPricer.hpp .............................................................................................................................81 capletInfo.hpp ............................................................................................................................................82 ForwardRateSequence.hpp ........................................................................................................................83 functor.hpp ................................................................................................................................................84 functorFitter.hpp ........................................................................................................................................85 Integrator.hpp ............................................................................................................................................86 leastSquareSolver.hpp ...............................................................................................................................87 LMMAdvancer.hpp ...................................................................................................................................88 LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp .........................................................................................................89 LMMPathPool.hpp ....................................................................................................................................90 LMMPricer.hpp .........................................................................................................................................91 main.cpp ....................................................................................................................................................92 matrix.hpp..................................................................................................................................................93 matrixChildren.hpp ....................................................................................................................................94 matrixdecomposition.hpp ..........................................................................................................................95 xlv | Code File Details matrixOperations.hpp ................................................................................................................................96 mstester.cpp ...............................................................................................................................................97 polynomial.hpp ..........................................................................................................................................99 pricertestmain.cpp ...................................................................................................................................100 randomNumberGenerators.hpp ...............................................................................................................102 SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp ......................................................................................................103 srandInitializer.cpp ..................................................................................................................................104 srandInitializer.hpp ..................................................................................................................................105 standardFunctions.hpp .............................................................................................................................106 swap.hpp ..................................................................................................................................................107 timeSequence.hpp ....................................................................................................................................108 timeSequenceHolder.hpp .........................................................................................................................109 varianceStructure.hpp ..............................................................................................................................110 Index ............................................................................................................................................................111 xlvi | Code File Details 1 | Code File Details NAMESPACE INDEX NAMESPACE LIST Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions: TermStructure ...................................................................................................................................... 6 2 CLASS INDEX CLASS HIERARCHY This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically: TermStructure::_srandInitializer ............................................................................................................ 10 TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > .................................................................................................... 12 TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T > ................................................................................................ 23 TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T > .................................................................................... 29 TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder > ...................................................................................... 59 TermStructure::CapletInfo< T > ............................................................................................................ 19 TermStructure::CapletPricer< TLMMAdvancer, T, TSize > ................................................................. 21 TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > .............................................................................. 25 TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver< T, TSize > .................................................................................... 31 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ........... 33 TermStructure::LMMPathPool< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ............ 43 TermStructure::LMMPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ................. 47 TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >........................................................................................................................................ 41 TermStructure::MatrixTransposed< TMatrix, T, TSize > ...................................................................... 51 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper< T, NPrimary, NSecondary, TSize > .................................................. 54 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > .......................... 56 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix< T, TSize > ............................................................................................ 61 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > ................................. 64 TermStructure::TimeSequence< T, TSize > ........................................................................................... 69 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder< T, TSize > ................................................................................ 72 TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer< TVarianceStructure, T, TSize > ........................................... 17 TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > .................................................................................................. 66 TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > .................................................................... 14 TermStructure::VarianceStructure< T, TSize > ..................................................................................... 74 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix< T, TVarianceStructure, TSize > ......................................... 78 3 CLASS INDEX CLASS LIST Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions: TermStructure::_srandInitializer (A class maintains that srand() is called only once ) ............... 10 TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > (Common requirement for all functors ) ........................ 12 TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > ........................................................................... 14 TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer< TVarianceStructure, T, TSize > ....................................... 17 TermStructure::CapletInfo< T > ...................................................................................................... 19 TermStructure::CapletPricer< TLMMAdvancer, T, TSize > ........................................................ 21 TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T > (Error Function ) ................................................................. 23 TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > (A Sequence of Forward Rate Based on a Given Time Sequence ) ........................................................................................................................ 25 TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T > (Inverse Error Function ) ....................................... 29 TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver< T, TSize > (Least Square Solver based on two matrices ) 31 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > (LMMAdvancer is the method to move a set of forward rates ) ..................................................... 33 TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > ............................................................................................ 41 TermStructure::LMMPathPool< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > (A class to generate a pool of paths from LMMAdvancer; ) ................................................................ 43 TermStructure::LMMPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > .... 47 TermStructure::MatrixTransposed< TMatrix, T, TSize > (Transpose of a Matrix ) ................... 51 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper< T, NPrimary, NSecondary, TSize > (Wrap a C++ matrix, T[][] to a matrix satisfies the requirements of the matrix ) ............................................................. 54 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > (A Reduced-rank Gaussian Generator utilizing SVD. Rank is defaul to 4 ) ....................................... 56 TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder > (A Polynomial ) ........................................................... 59 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix< T, TSize > (A matrix using double pointer as the storage ) ...... 61 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > (A Gaussian Generator based on CholeskyDecomposition ) ................................................................................. 64 TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > (Swap Contract ) ...................................................................... 66 TermStructure::TimeSequence< T, TSize > (Time Sequence. The times that all the data are based on ) ............................................................................................................................................. 69 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder< T, TSize > (A structure that has a time sequence in it ) 72 TermStructure::VarianceStructure< T, TSize > (A variance structure. Please refer to the doc for more details on the theories ) .............................................................................................................. 74 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix< T, TVarianceStructure, TSize > (Initiate an instantaneous covariance matrix from a variance structure ) ......................................................... 78 4 FILE INDEX FILE LIST Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions: BermudanSwaption.hpp .................................................................................................................... 80 BlackScholesPricer.hpp ..................................................................................................................... 81 capletInfo.hpp ..................................................................................................................................... 82 ForwardRateSequence.hpp ............................................................................................................... 83 functor.hpp .......................................................................................................................................... 84 functorFitter.hpp ................................................................................................................................ 85 Integrator.hpp .................................................................................................................................... 86 leastSquareSolver.hpp ....................................................................................................................... 87 LMMAdvancer.hpp ........................................................................................................................... 88 LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp ............................................................................................... 89 LMMPathPool.hpp ............................................................................................................................ 90 LMMPricer.hpp ................................................................................................................................. 91 main.cpp .............................................................................................................................................. 92 matrix.hpp ........................................................................................................................................... 93 matrixChildren.hpp ........................................................................................................................... 94 matrixdecomposition.hpp .................................................................................................................. 95 matrixOperations.hpp ........................................................................................................................ 96 mstester.cpp ........................................................................................................................................ 97 polynomial.hpp ................................................................................................................................... 99 pricertestmain.cpp ............................................................................................................................ 100 randomNumberGenerators.hpp ..................................................................................................... 102 SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp ............................................................................................. 103 srandInitializer.cpp .......................................................................................................................... 104 srandInitializer.hpp .......................................................................................................................... 105 standardFunctions.hpp .................................................................................................................... 106 swap.hpp ........................................................................................................................................... 107 timeSequence.hpp ............................................................................................................................. 108 timeSequenceHolder.hpp ................................................................................................................. 109 varianceStructure.hpp ..................................................................................................................... 110 5 NAMESPACE DOCUMENTATION TERMSTRUCTURE NAMESPACE REFERENCE CLASSES class BermudanSwaption class BlackScholesPricer class CapletInfo class CapletPricer class ForwardRateSequence A Sequence of Forward Rate Based on a Given Time Sequence. class AbstractFunctor a common requirement for all functors. class LeastSquareSolver Least Square Solver based on two matrices. class LMMAdvancer LMMAdvancer is the method to move a set of forward rates. class LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer class LMMPathPool A class to generate a pool of paths from LMMAdvancer;. class LMMPricer class SimpleMatrix A matrix using double pointer as the storage. class MatrixWrapper Wrap a C++ matrix, T[][] to a matrix satisfies the requirements of the matrix. class MatrixTransposed Transpose of a Matrix. class Polynomial A Polynomial. class SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian A Gaussian Generator based on CholeskyDecomposition. class PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian A Reduced-rank Gaussian Generator utilizing SVD. Rank is defaul to 4. class _srandInitializer A class maintains that srand() is called only once. class ErrorFunction Error Function. class InverseErrorFunction Inverse Error Function. class Swap Swap Contract. class TimeSequence Time Sequence. The times that all the data are based on. class TimeSequenceHolder A structure that has a time sequence in it. class VarianceStructure A variance structure. Please refer to the doc for more details on the theories. class VarianceStructureMatrix INITIATE AN INSTANTANEOUS COVARIANCE MATRIX FROM A VARIANCE STRUCTURE. FUNCTIONS template<typename TFunctor , typename T , typename TSize > T Integrator_simpson (T start, T end, TFunctor fx, TSize M=1024) A simple Simpson integrator. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void LUDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &input, TToMatrix &L, TToMatrix &U) LU Decomposition. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void LUDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &input, TToMatrix &result) LU Decomposition. The L and U matrix is put into result, assuming diagonal elements of L is 1. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void CholeskyDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &a, TToMatrix &b) Cholesky Decomposition. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void SingularValueDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &a, TToMatrix &u, TToMatrix &d, TToMatrix &v) 6 Singular Value Decomposition. template<typename TInputMatrix , typename TLoadMatrix , typename TResultMatrix , typename TTempMatrix > void LUDecompositionSolve (const TInputMatrix &input, const TLoadMatrix &load, TResultMatrix &result, TTempMatrix &tempStorage) template<typename TLeftMatrix , typename TRightMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > void Multiply (const TLeftMatrix &l, const TRightMatrix &r, TResultMatrix &result) Matrix multiplication. template<typename TLeftMatrix , typename TRightMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > void Plus (const TLeftMatrix &l, const TRightMatrix &r, TResultMatrix &result) matrix plus template<typename TLeftMatrix , typename TRightMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > void Minus (const TLeftMatrix &l, const TRightMatrix &r, TResultMatrix &result) matrix minus l - r template<typename T , typename TOrder > Polynomial< T, TOrder > GenerateBasis (TOrder order) FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TFROMMATRIX , TYPENAME TTOMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::CHOLESKYDECOMPOSETO (CONST TFROMMATRIX & A, TTOMATRIX & B) Cholesky Decomposition. Definition at line 82 of file matrixdecomposition.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TORDER > POLYNOMIAL<T,TORDER> TERMSTRUCTURE::GENERATEBASIS (TORDER ORDER) Definition at line 56 of file polynomial.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TFUNCTOR , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE > T TERMSTRUCTURE::INTEGRATOR_SIMPSON (T START, T END, TFUNCTOR FX, TSIZE M = 1024) A simple Simpson integrator. Definition at line 9 of file Integrator.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TFROMMATRIX , TYPENAME TTOMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LUDECOMPOSETO (CONST TFROMMATRIX & INPUT, TTOMATRIX & L, TTOMATRIX & U) LU Decomposition. Definition at line 13 of file matrixdecomposition.hpp. 7 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TFROMMATRIX , TYPENAME TTOMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LUDECOMPOSETO (CONST TFROMMATRIX & INPUT, TTOMATRIX & RESULT) LU Decomposition. The L and U matrix is put into result, assuming diagonal elements of L is 1. Definition at line 47 of file matrixdecomposition.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TINPUTMATRIX , TYPENAME TLOADMATRIX , TYPENAME TRESULTMATRIX , TYPENAME TTEMPMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LUDECOMPOSITIONSOLVE (CONST TINPUTMATRIX & INPUT, CONST TLOADMATRIX & LOAD, TRESULTMATRIX & RESULT, TTEMPMATRIX & TEMPSTORAGE) Definition at line 139 of file matrixdecomposition.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLEFTMATRIX , TYPENAME TRIGHTMATRIX , TYPENAME TRESULTMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::MINUS (CONST TLEFTMATRIX & L, CONST TRIGHTMATRIX & R, TRESULTMATRIX & RESULT) matrix minus l - r Definition at line 26 of file matrixOperations.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLEFTMATRIX , TYPENAME TRIGHTMATRIX , TYPENAME TRESULTMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::MULTIPLY (CONST TLEFTMATRIX & L, CONST TRIGHTMATRIX & R, TRESULTMATRIX & RESULT) Matrix multiplication. Definition at line 8 of file matrixOperations.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLEFTMATRIX , TYPENAME TRIGHTMATRIX , TYPENAME TRESULTMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::PLUS (CONST TLEFTMATRIX & L, CONST TRIGHTMATRIX & R, TRESULTMATRIX & RESULT) matrix plus Definition at line 14 of file matrixOperations.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TFROMMATRIX , TYPENAME TTOMATRIX > VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::SINGULARVALUEDECOMPOSETO (CONST TFROMMATRIX & A, TTOMATRIX & U, TTOMATRIX & D, TTOMATRIX & V) Singular Value Decomposition. 8 Definition at line 106 of file matrixdecomposition.hpp. 9 CLASS DOCUMENTATION TERMSTRUCTURE::_SRANDINITIALIZER CLASS REFERENCE A class maintains that srand() is called only once. #include <srandInitializer.hpp> STATIC PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS static void SafeInitialize () Safely call srand() without worrying that it is already called. STATIC PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES static int IsInitializerd = 0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION A class maintains that srand() is called only once. Definition at line 10 of file srandInitializer.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION STATIC VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::_SRANDINITIALIZER::SAFEINITIALIZE () [INLINE, STATIC] Safely call srand() without worrying that it is already called. Definition at line 15 of file srandInitializer.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION INT TERMSTRUCTURE::_SRANDINITIALIZER::ISINITIALIZERD = 0 [STATIC] Definition at line 13 of file srandInitializer.hpp. 10 THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILES: 11 srandInitializer.hpp srandInitializer.cpp TERMSTRUCTURE::ABSTRACTFUNCTOR< T > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE a common requirement for all functors. #include <functor.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS virtual T operator() (const T &x) const =0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::ABSTRACTFUNCTOR< T > a common requirement for all functors. A common requirement for all functors. Operator() is required. Definition at line 9 of file functor.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > VIRTUAL T TERMSTRUCTURE::ABSTRACTFUNCTOR< T >::OPERATOR() (CONST T & X) CONST [PURE VIRTUAL] Implemented in TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T > (p.29), TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder > (p.60), and TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T > (p.23). THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 12 functor.hpp 13 TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE #include <BermudanSwaption.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS BermudanSwaption (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &times, TSize swapEnterIndex=0, TSize swapEndIndex=0) PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES TSize SwapEnterIndex The time index that the swap starts, the first payment is this time +1. TSize SwapEndIndex the time index that the swap ends. T Strike Strike Rate of the Swap. T Notional Notional amount, defaults to 1. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE > Definition at line 11 of file BermudanSwaption.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION 14 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE >::BERMUDANSWAPTION (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TIMES, TSIZE SWAPENTERINDEX = 0, TSIZE SWAPENDINDEX = 0) [INLINE] Definition at line 14 of file BermudanSwaption.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE >::NOTIONAL Notional amount, defaults to 1. Reimplemented from TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > (p.68). Definition at line 21 of file BermudanSwaption.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE >::STRIKE Strike Rate of the Swap. Reimplemented from TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > (p.68). Definition at line 20 of file BermudanSwaption.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE >::SWAPENDINDEX the time index that the swap ends. Reimplemented from TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > (p.68). Definition at line 19 of file BermudanSwaption.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::BERMUDANSWAPTION< T, TSIZE >::SWAPENTERINDEX The time index that the swap starts, the first payment is this time +1. Reimplemented from TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > (p.68). Definition at line 18 of file BermudanSwaption.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 15 16 BermudanSwaption.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::BLACKSCHOLESPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE #include <BlackScholesPricer.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer< TVarianceStructure, T, TSize >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS T PriceCaplet (const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > &f, const TVarianceStructure &varianceStructure, T Strike, TSize ChooserIndex, TSize CurrentTimeIndex=0) T PriceCap (const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > &f, const TVarianceStructure &varianceStructure, T Strike, TSize EndIndex, TSize EnterIndex=0, TSize CurrentTimeIndex=0) DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::BLACKSCHOLESPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, T, TSIZE > Definition at line 12 of file BlackScholesPricer.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::BLACKSCHOLESPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, T, TSIZE >::PRICECAP (CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & F, CONST TVARIANCESTRUCTURE & VARIANCESTRUCTURE, T STRIKE, TSIZE ENDINDEX, TSIZE ENTERINDEX = 0, TSIZE CURRENTTIMEINDEX = 0) [INLINE] 17 Definition at line 32 of file BlackScholesPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::BLACKSCHOLESPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, T, TSIZE >::PRICECAPLET (CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & F, CONST TVARIANCESTRUCTURE & VARIANCESTRUCTURE, T STRIKE, TSIZE CHOOSERINDEX, TSIZE CURRENTTIMEINDEX = 0) [INLINE] Definition at line 20 of file BlackScholesPricer.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 18 BlackScholesPricer.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETINFO< T > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE #include <capletInfo.hpp> PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES T ResetTime T PaymentTime T Strike DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETINFO< T > Definition at line 7 of file capletInfo.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > T TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETINFO< T >::PAYMENTTIME Definition at line 11 of file capletInfo.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > T TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETINFO< T >::RESETTIME Definition at line 10 of file capletInfo.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > T TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETINFO< T >::STRIKE Definition at line 12 of file capletInfo.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 19 capletInfo.hpp 20 TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETPRICER< TLMMADVANCER, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE #include <capletInfo.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS T Price () PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES CapletInfo Info TSize NumberOfTrials DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLMMADVANCER, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETPRICER< TLMMADVANCER, T, TSIZE > Definition at line 16 of file capletInfo.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLMMADVANCER , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETPRICER< TLMMADVANCER, T, TSIZE >::PRICE () [INLINE] Definition at line 22 of file capletInfo.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLMMADVANCER , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CAPLETINFO TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETPRICER< TLMMADVANCER, T, TSIZE >::INFO Definition at line 20 of file capletInfo.hpp. 21 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TLMMADVANCER , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::CAPLETPRICER< TLMMADVANCER, T, TSIZE >::NUMBEROFTRIALS Definition at line 21 of file capletInfo.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 22 capletInfo.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::ERRORFUNCTION< T > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Error Function. #include <standardFunctions.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS virtual T operator() (const T &x) const DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::ERRORFUNCTION< T> Error Function. Definition at line 12 of file standardFunctions.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > VIRTUAL T TERMSTRUCTURE::ERRORFUNCTION< T >::OPERATOR() (CONST T & X) CONST [INLINE, VIRTUAL] Implements TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > (p.12). Definition at line 15 of file standardFunctions.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 23 standardFunctions.hpp 24 TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A Sequence of Forward Rate Based on a Given Time Sequence. #include <ForwardRateSequence.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void SetTimeSequence (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &times) Set the forward rate to a time sequence. const TimeSequence< T, TSize > & GetTimeSequence () const Get the underlying time sequence. const T & ForwardRateAt (TSize i) const Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. T & ForwardRateAt (TSize i) Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. T & operator[] (TSize i) Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. const T & operator[] (TSize i) const Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. const ForwardRateSequence & EstablishDiscountFactors () const Establish Discount Factors. bool IsDiscountFactorEstablished () const T DiscountFactorAt (TSize fromT, TSize base=0) const Get the discount factors at Time_i. T SwapRate (TSize fromT, TSize toT) const TSize GetSize () const PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES T CurrentTime Current Time. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > A Sequence of Forward Rate Based on a Given Time Sequence. Forward Rate Sequence is the defined as the F_i for a time T_i, and a time span Tau_i. The rate is from T_{i-1} to T_{i}, therefore the first rate in the sequence is meaningless because it is F_0 Definition at line 14 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. 25 MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::DISCOUNTFACTORAT (TSIZE FROMT, TSIZE BASE = 0) CONST [INLINE] Get the discount factors at Time_i. Definition at line 74 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE& TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::ESTABLISHDISCOUNTFACTORS () CONST [INLINE] Establish Discount Factors. Definition at line 59 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::FORWARDRATEAT (TSIZE I) CONST [INLINE] Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. Definition at line 39 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T& TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::FORWARDRATEAT (TSIZE I) [INLINE] Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. Definition at line 44 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::GETSIZE () CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 88 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST TIMESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::GETTIMESEQUENCE () CONST [INLINE] Get the underlying time sequence. 26 Definition at line 34 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> BOOL TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::ISDISCOUNTFACTORESTABLISHED () CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 69 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T& TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR[] (TSIZE I) [INLINE] Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. Definition at line 49 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR[] (TSIZE I) CONST [INLINE] Get the forward rate from Time_{i-1} to Time_i. Definition at line 54 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::SETTIMESEQUENCE (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TIMES) [INLINE] Set the forward rate to a time sequence. Set the forward rate to a time sequence, the forward rates already in the sequence will be flushed Definition at line 28 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::SWAPRATE (TSIZE FROMT, TSIZE TOT) CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 79 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::CURRENTTIME 27 Current Time. Definition at line 24 of file ForwardRateSequence.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 28 ForwardRateSequence.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::INVERSEERRORFUNCTION< T > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Inverse Error Function. #include <standardFunctions.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS virtual T operator() (const T &x) const DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::INVERSEERRORFUNCTION< T > Inverse Error Function. Definition at line 30 of file standardFunctions.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > VIRTUAL T TERMSTRUCTURE::INVERSEERRORFUNCTION< T >::OPERATOR() (CONST T & X) CONST [INLINE, VIRTUAL] Implements TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > (p.12). Definition at line 33 of file standardFunctions.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 29 standardFunctions.hpp 30 TERMSTRUCTURE::LEASTSQUARESOLVER< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Least Square Solver based on two matrices. #include <leastSquareSolver.hpp> STATIC PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS template<typename TInputMatrix , typename TLoadMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > static void Fit (const TInputMatrix &input, const TLoadMatrix &Load, TResultMatrix &result) Fit the Square. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::LEASTSQUARESOLVER< T, TSIZE > Least Square Solver based on two matrices. Solve for lease square fit, the solver is LUDEcomposition Solver Definition at line 13 of file leastSquareSolver.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TINPUTMATRIX , TYPENAME TLOADMATRIX , TYPENAME TRESULTMATRIX > STATIC VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LEASTSQUARESOLVER< T, TSIZE >::FIT (CONST TINPUTMATRIX & INPUT, CONST TLOADMATRIX & LOAD, TRESULTMATRIX & RESULT) [INLINE, STATIC] Fit the Square. PARAMETERS: 31 input the input matrix. load the load. result where the result will be stored. Please pre-locate the space Definition at line 22 of file leastSquareSolver.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 32 leastSquareSolver.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE LMMAdvancer is the method to move a set of forward rates. #include <LMMAdvancer.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void InitiateForwardRateSequence () Ask LMMAdvancer to iniate its own forward rates storage. void SetForwardRateSequence (ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > &f) Set the LMMAdvancer's current forward rates to f, a new next sequence will be generated. void SetTimeSequence (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &ts) Set the time sequence. const TimeSequence< T, TSize > & GetTimeSequence () const get the time sequence TimeSequence< T, TSize > & GetTimeSequence () get the time sequence void Set (TVarianceStructure &vs, TimeSequence< T, TSize > &ts) Set the variance structure. ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & CurrentSequence () Return the current forward rate sequence for CurrentTime. ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & NextSequence () Return the next forward rate sequence for CurrentTime + TimeStep. const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & CurrentSequence () const Return the current forward rate sequence for CurrentTime. const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & NextSequence () const Return the next forward rate sequence for CurrentTime + TimeStep. void PreAdvance () Ready the Gaussian random vector generator. void SingleAdvance () const Generate the next sequence without calling PreAdvance(), assuming Gaussian Number Generator is ready. void Advance () void PushAdvancerToTimeStep () PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES TSize AnchorIndex The forward rate that has a zero drift/ the numeraire zero coupon bond's maturity index. T CurrentTime Current Time. 33 T TimeStep Time Step. PROTECTED MEMBER FUNCTIONS TSize _getStartIndex () const A method to find which fowward rates are already reset. void ComputeC () Compute Variance Matrix. PROTECTED ATTRIBUTES TimeSequence< T, TSize > * _timeSequence The underlying time sequence. TVarianceStructure * _varianceStructure The underlying variance structure. ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > * _forwardRateSequence The current forward rates, forward rates at time CurrentTime;. ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > * _nextSequence The generated forward rates, forward rates at time CurrentTime + TimeStep. TMultiDimensionGaussian < SimpleMatrix< T, TSize >, T, TSize > _gaussian The Gaussian Generator. SimpleMatrix< T, TSize > CVector The variance matrix for Gaussian Generator. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > LMMAdvancer is the method to move a set of forward rates. The forward rates at time CurrentTime + TimeStep are generated by Gaussian Generator Definition at line 14 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> 34 TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_GETSTARTINDEX () CONST [INLINE, PROTECTED] A method to find which fowward rates are already reset. Definition at line 28 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::ADVANCE () [INLINE] Ready the gaussian number generator and generate the next forward rate sequence. Repeatedly calling this method may cost a lot because matrix decomposition in Gaussian number generators will be called repeatly. Consider calling PreAdvance() and SingleAdvance() separately. Definition at line 183 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::COMPUTEC () [INLINE, PROTECTED] Compute Variance Matrix. Definition at line 38 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::CURRENTSEQUENCE () [INLINE] Return the current forward rate sequence for CurrentTime. Definition at line 102 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, 35 TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::CURRENTSEQUENCE () CONST [INLINE] Return the current forward rate sequence for CurrentTime. Definition at line 112 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST TIMESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::GETTIMESEQUENCE () CONST [INLINE] get the time sequence Definition at line 86 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TIMESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::GETTIMESEQUENCE () [INLINE] get the time sequence Definition at line 91 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::INITIATEFORWARDRATESEQUENCE () [INLINE] Ask LMMAdvancer to iniate its own forward rates storage. Definition at line 61 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::NEXTSEQUENCE () [INLINE] Return the next forward rate sequence for CurrentTime + TimeStep. 36 Definition at line 107 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::NEXTSEQUENCE () CONST [INLINE] Return the next forward rate sequence for CurrentTime + TimeStep. Definition at line 117 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PREADVANCE () [INLINE] Ready the Gaussian random vector generator. Gaussian rando vector generator will require some kind of costly decompositions, and by calling PreAdvance(), the action will be taken Definition at line 128 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PUSHADVANCERTOTIMESTEP () [INLINE] Definition at line 189 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::SET (TVARIANCESTRUCTURE & VS, TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TS) [INLINE] Set the variance structure. Definition at line 96 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS 37 TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::SETFORWARDRATESEQUENCE (FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & F) [INLINE] Set the LMMAdvancer's current forward rates to f, a new next sequence will be generated. Definition at line 67 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::SETTIMESEQUENCE (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TS) [INLINE] Set the time sequence. Definition at line 76 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::SINGLEADVANCE () CONST [INLINE] Generate the next sequence without calling PreAdvance(), assuming Gaussian Number Generator is ready. Definition at line 134 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>* TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_FORWARDRATESEQUENCE [PROTECTED] The current forward rates, forward rates at time CurrentTime;. Definition at line 22 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. 38 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN<SIMPLEMATRIX<T,TSIZE>, T, TSIZE> TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_GAUSSIAN [PROTECTED] The Gaussian Generator. Definition at line 26 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>* TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_NEXTSEQUENCE [PROTECTED] The generated forward rates, forward rates at time CurrentTime + TimeStep. Definition at line 24 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TIMESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>* TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_TIMESEQUENCE [PROTECTED] The underlying time sequence. Definition at line 18 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TVARIANCESTRUCTURE* TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_VARIANCESTRUCTURE [PROTECTED] The underlying variance structure. Definition at line 20 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> 39 TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::ANCHORINDEX The forward rate that has a zero drift/ the numeraire zero coupon bond's maturity index. Definition at line 74 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::CURRENTTIME Current Time. Definition at line 122 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> SIMPLEMATRIX<T,TSIZE> TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::CVECTOR [PROTECTED] The variance matrix for Gaussian Generator. Definition at line 58 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::TIMESTEP Time Step. Definition at line 124 of file LMMAdvancer.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 40 LMMAdvancer.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMBERMUDANSWAPTIONPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE #include <LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS T PriceBermudanSwaption (Swap< T, TSize > &contract, TSize NumberOfPath=10000) PROTECTED ATTRIBUTES LMMPathPool < TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > _pathpool DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMBERMUDANSWAPTIONPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > Definition at line 10 of file LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME 41 TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMBERMUDANSWAPTIONPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICEBERMUDANSWAPTION (SWAP< T, TSIZE > & CONTRACT, TSIZE NUMBEROFPATH = 10000) [INLINE] Definition at line 15 of file LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> LMMPATHPOOL<TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE> TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMBERMUDANSWAPTIONPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::_PATHPOOL [PROTECTED] Definition at line 13 of file LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 42 LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A class to generate a pool of paths from LMMAdvancer;. #include <LMMPathPool.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void ReleasePool () const std::vector< std::vector < ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > * > > const * GetPool () const Get all the paths at once. void SetLMMAdvancer (LMMAdvancer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > &advancer) Set the underlying LMMAdvancer. ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & operator() (TSize pathID, TSize TimeIndex) Get the generated ForwardRateSequence for pathID and TimeIndex. Note the function doesn't require adjusting TimeIndex for currentTimeIndex. const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & operator() (TSize pathID, TSize TimeIndex) const Get the generated ForwardRAteSequence for path ID and timeIndex. Note the function doesn't require adjusting TimeIndex for currentTimeIndex. void Generate () const Generate the path pool. PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES TSize NumberOfPath Number of Path need to be generated. TSize CurrentTimeIndex Current Time Index, Where all the Forward Rates start. TSize EndIndex End of the index, where the forward rates all ends. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > 43 A class to generate a pool of paths from LMMAdvancer;. To Generate NumberOfPath paths for an index range. This pool is provide to reduce the number of LMMAdvancer's PreAdvance(), which is time consuming because of different decompositions. Definition at line 13 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::GENERATE () CONST [INLINE] Generate the path pool. Definition at line 56 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> STD::VECTOR<STD::VECTOR<FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE> *> > CONST* TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::GETPOOL () CONST [INLINE] Get all the paths at once. Definition at line 30 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE PATHID, TSIZE TIMEINDEX) [INLINE] Get the generated ForwardRateSequence for pathID and TimeIndex. Note the function doesn't require adjusting TimeIndex for currentTimeIndex. Definition at line 46 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS 44 TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE PATHID, TSIZE TIMEINDEX) CONST [INLINE] Get the generated ForwardRAteSequence for path ID and timeIndex. Note the function doesn't require adjusting TimeIndex for currentTimeIndex. Definition at line 51 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::RELEASEPOOL () CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 18 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::SETLMMADVANCER (LMMADVANCER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > & ADVANCER) [INLINE] Set the underlying LMMAdvancer. Definition at line 35 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::CURRENTTIMEINDEX Current Time Index, Where all the Forward Rates start. Definition at line 42 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. 45 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::ENDINDEX End of the index, where the forward rates all ends. Definition at line 44 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPATHPOOL< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::NUMBEROFPATH Number of Path need to be generated. Definition at line 40 of file LMMPathPool.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 46 LMMPathPool.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE #include <LMMPricer.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::LMMPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void SetLMMAdvancer (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &ts, TVarianceStructure &variance) ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & InitialForwardRateSequence () const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > & InitialForwardRateSequence () const T PriceEuropeanSwaption (const Swap< T, TSize > &swap, const T &strike, TSize chooserIndex, TSize N=1000000) T PriceTriggerSwap (const Swap< T, TSize > &swap, const T &strike, TimeSequence< T, TSize > &chooserTime, TSize N=1000000) T PriceConstMaturitySwap (const T &fwp, Swap< T, TSize > &swap, const TSize swap_b, const TSize swap_a, const T &strike, TSize N=50000) T PriceRatchetcaps (const T &fwp, TSize N=50000) T PriceCaplet (T time_now, T time_beg, T time_end, T K, TSize N=50000) T PriceSwap (Swap< T, TSize > &swap, const T time_now, const TSize swap_b, const TSize swap_a, const T strike, TSize N=50000) PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES LMMAdvancer < TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > UnderlyingAdvancer DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE > 47 Definition at line 11 of file LMMPricer.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::INITIALFORWARDRATESEQUENCE () [INLINE] Definition at line 23 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::INITIALFORWARDRATESEQUENCE () CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 27 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICECAPLET (T TIME_NOW, T TIME_BEG, T TIME_END, T K, TSIZE N = 50000) [INLINE] Definition at line 149 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICECONSTMATURITYSWAP (CONST T & FWP, SWAP< T, TSIZE > & 48 SWAP, CONST TSIZE SWAP_B, CONST TSIZE SWAP_A, CONST T & STRIKE, TSIZE N = 50000) [INLINE] Definition at line 77 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICEEUROPEANSWAPTION (CONST SWAP< T, TSIZE > & SWAP, CONST T & STRIKE, TSIZE CHOOSERINDEX, TSIZE N = 1000000) [INLINE] Definition at line 31 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICERATCHETCAPS (CONST T & FWP, TSIZE N = 50000) [INLINE] Definition at line 114 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICESWAP (SWAP< T, TSIZE > & SWAP, CONST T TIME_NOW, CONST TSIZE SWAP_B, CONST TSIZE SWAP_A, CONST T STRIKE, TSIZE N = 50000) [INLINE] Definition at line 171 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::PRICETRIGGERSWAP (CONST SWAP< T, TSIZE > & SWAP, CONST T & STRIKE, TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & CHOOSERTIME, TSIZE N = 1000000) [INLINE] 49 Definition at line 49 of file LMMPricer.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::SETLMMADVANCER (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TS, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE & VARIANCE) [INLINE] Definition at line 17 of file LMMPricer.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TEMPLATE< TYPENAME, TYPENAME, TYPENAME > CLASS TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, TYPENAME T = DOUBLE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> LMMADVANCER<TVARIANCESTRUCTURE,TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T,TSIZE> TERMSTRUCTURE::LMMPRICER< TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN, T, TSIZE >::UNDERLYINGADVANCER Definition at line 16 of file LMMPricer.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 50 LMMPricer.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Transpose of a Matrix. #include <matrixChildren.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS MatrixTransposed () defualt constructor MatrixTransposed (const TMatrix< T, TSize > &matrix) initiate from a matrix const T & operator() (const TSize &i, const TSize &j) const Get the i,j element. T & operator() (const TSize &i, const TSize &j) Get the i,j element. TSize GetLength (int i) Get the length. PROTECTED ATTRIBUTES TMatrix< T, TSize > * _underlyingMatrix The underlying matrix. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE > Transpose of a Matrix. Definition at line 7 of file matrixChildren.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::MATRIXTRANSPOSED () [INLINE] defualt constructor 51 Definition at line 14 of file matrixChildren.hpp. TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::MATRIXTRANSPOSED (CONST TMATRIX< T, TSIZE > & MATRIX) [INLINE] initiate from a matrix Definition at line 19 of file matrixChildren.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::GETLENGTH (INT I) [INLINE] Get the length. Definition at line 34 of file matrixChildren.hpp. TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (CONST TSIZE & I, CONST TSIZE & J) CONST [INLINE] Get the i,j element. Definition at line 24 of file matrixChildren.hpp. TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG> T& TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (CONST TSIZE & I, CONST TSIZE & J) [INLINE] Get the i,j element. Definition at line 29 of file matrixChildren.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION 52 TEMPLATE<TEMPLATE< TYPENAME T1, TYPENAME T2 > CLASS TMATRIX, TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = UNSIGNED LONG> TMATRIX<T,TSIZE>* TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXTRANSPOSED< TMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::_UNDERLYINGMATRIX [PROTECTED] The underlying matrix. Definition at line 11 of file matrixChildren.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 53 matrixChildren.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXWRAPPER< T, NPRIMARY, NSECONDARY, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Wrap a C++ matrix, T[][] to a matrix satisfies the requirements of the matrix. #include <matrix.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS MatrixWrapper (T(&underlying)[NPrimary][NSecondary]) Default Constructor. T & operator() (TSize i, TSize j) Get the i,j element. const T & operator() (TSize i, TSize j) const Get the i,j element. TSize GetLength (int i) const Get the length. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, INT NPRIMARY, INT NSECONDARY, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXWRAPPER< T, NPRIMARY, NSECONDARY, TSIZE > Wrap a C++ matrix, T[][] to a matrix satisfies the requirements of the matrix. Definition at line 115 of file matrix.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, INT NPRIMARY, INT NSECONDARY, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXWRAPPER< T, NPRIMARY, NSECONDARY, TSIZE >::MATRIXWRAPPER (T(&) UNDERLYING[NPRIMARY][NSECONDARY]) [INLINE] Default Constructor. Definition at line 121 of file matrix.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION 54 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, INT NPRIMARY, INT NSECONDARY, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXWRAPPER< T, NPRIMARY, NSECONDARY, TSIZE >::GETLENGTH (INT I) CONST [INLINE] Get the length. Definition at line 135 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, INT NPRIMARY, INT NSECONDARY, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T& TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXWRAPPER< T, NPRIMARY, NSECONDARY, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) [INLINE] Get the i,j element. Definition at line 125 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, INT NPRIMARY, INT NSECONDARY, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::MATRIXWRAPPER< T, NPRIMARY, NSECONDARY, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) CONST [INLINE] Get the i,j element. Definition at line 130 of file matrix.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 55 matrix.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A Reduced-rank Gaussian Generator utilizing SVD. Rank is defaul to 4. #include <SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian (TSize rank=4) Constructors. Rank is defalt to 4. void SetRank (TSize rank) Set the rank of the. void SetVarianceMatrix (TVarianceMatrix &_varianceMatrixinput) Set Variance Matrix. void NextGroup () const Generate Next Random Vector. const T & operator() (TSize i, TSize j) const Get the i-th element of the generated vector. const TSize GetLength (int i) const Get the size of the generated vector. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE > A Reduced-rank Gaussian Generator utilizing SVD. Rank is defaul to 4. Definition at line 60 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN (TSIZE RANK = 4) [INLINE] Constructors. Rank is defalt to 4. 56 Definition at line 75 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::GETLENGTH (INT I) CONST [INLINE] Get the size of the generated vector. Definition at line 122 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::NEXTGROUP () CONST [INLINE] Generate Next Random Vector. Definition at line 101 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) CONST [INLINE] Get the i-th element of the generated vector. Definition at line 117 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::SETRANK (TSIZE RANK) [INLINE] Set the rank of the. Definition at line 80 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::PCABASEDMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::SETVARIANCEMATRIX (TVARIANCEMATRIX & _VARIANCEMATRIXINPUT) [INLINE] 57 Set Variance Matrix. Definition at line 85 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 58 SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::POLYNOMIAL< T, TORDER > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A Polynomial. #include <polynomial.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS Polynomial (const TOrder &order=0) virtual T operator() (const T &x) const T & operator[] (const TOrder &i) const T & operator[] (const TOrder &i) const DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TORDER = SIZE_T>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::POLYNOMIAL< T, TORDER > A Polynomial. A Polynomial of Definition at line 13 of file polynomial.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TORDER = SIZE_T> TERMSTRUCTURE::POLYNOMIAL< T, TORDER >::POLYNOMIAL (CONST TORDER & ORDER = 0) [INLINE] Definition at line 25 of file polynomial.hpp. 59 MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TORDER = SIZE_T> VIRTUAL T TERMSTRUCTURE::POLYNOMIAL< T, TORDER >::OPERATOR() (CONST T & X) CONST [INLINE, VIRTUAL] Implements TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > (p.12). Definition at line 30 of file polynomial.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TORDER = SIZE_T> T& TERMSTRUCTURE::POLYNOMIAL< T, TORDER >::OPERATOR[] (CONST TORDER & I) [INLINE] Definition at line 42 of file polynomial.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TORDER = SIZE_T> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::POLYNOMIAL< T, TORDER >::OPERATOR[] (CONST TORDER & I) CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 50 of file polynomial.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 60 polynomial.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A matrix using double pointer as the storage. #include <matrix.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS SimpleMatrix (TSize length1=1, TSize length2=1, const T &defaultT=0) Constructors. SimpleMatrix (const SimpleMatrix &anotherMatrix) copy constructor SimpleMatrix & operator= (const SimpleMatrix &anotherMatrix) operator= SimpleMatrix & Resize (const TSize &i, const TSize &j) Resize the matrix. The matrix's contents will be released. TSize GetLength (int i) const Get the length. virtual ~SimpleMatrix () DEstructor. T & operator() (TSize i, TSize j) Get the i,j element. const T & operator() (TSize i, TSize j) const Get the i,j element. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE > A matrix using double pointer as the storage. Definition at line 7 of file matrix.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::SIMPLEMATRIX (TSIZE LENGTH1 = 1, TSIZE LENGTH2 = 1, CONST T & DEFAULTT = 0) [INLINE] Constructors. 61 Definition at line 38 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::SIMPLEMATRIX (CONST SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE > & ANOTHERMATRIX) [INLINE] copy constructor Definition at line 43 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VIRTUAL TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::~SIMPLEMATRIX () [INLINE, VIRTUAL] DEstructor. Definition at line 97 of file matrix.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::GETLENGTH (INT I) CONST [INLINE] Get the length. Definition at line 90 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T& TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) [INLINE] Get the i,j element. Definition at line 102 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) CONST [INLINE] Get the i,j element. Definition at line 107 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> SIMPLEMATRIX& TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR= (CONST SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE > & ANOTHERMATRIX) [INLINE] 62 operator= Definition at line 56 of file matrix.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> SIMPLEMATRIX& TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMATRIX< T, TSIZE >::RESIZE (CONST TSIZE & I, CONST TSIZE & J) [INLINE] Resize the matrix. The matrix's contents will be released. Definition at line 74 of file matrix.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 63 matrix.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A Gaussian Generator based on CholeskyDecomposition. #include <SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void SetVarianceMatrix (const TVarianceMatrix &_varianceMatrixinput) Set Variance Matrix. void NextGroup () const Generate Next Random Vector. const T & operator() (TSize i, TSize j) const Get the i-th element of the generated vector. const TSize GetLength (int i) const Get the size of the generated vector. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX, TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE > A Gaussian Generator based on CholeskyDecomposition. Definition at line 12 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::GETLENGTH (INT I) CONST [INLINE] Get the size of the generated vector. Definition at line 52 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID 64 TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::NEXTGROUP () CONST [INLINE] Generate Next Random Vector. Definition at line 30 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> CONST T& TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) CONST [INLINE] Get the i-th element of the generated vector. Definition at line 47 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME TVARIANCEMATRIX , TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN< TVARIANCEMATRIX, T, TSIZE >::SETVARIANCEMATRIX (CONST TVARIANCEMATRIX & _VARIANCEMATRIXINPUT) [INLINE] Set Variance Matrix. Definition at line 23 of file SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 65 SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Swap Contract. #include <swap.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS Swap (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &times, TSize swapEndIndex=0, TSize swapEnterIndex=0) Initiate a swap. T Price (const ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > &forwardRate, TSize pricingPoint=0) const Price a swap based on the given forward rate sequence. PricingPoint is the time index that the swap is priced. PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES T Strike Strike Rate of the Swap. TSize SwapEnterIndex The time index that the swap starts, the first payment is this time +1. TSize SwapEndIndex the time index that the swap ends. T Notional Notional amount, defaults to 1. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE > Swap Contract. 66 Define a swap contract. The enter index is when the swap is entered, The first payment shoudl occur at enterindex + 1. The end index is the time of the last payment. Definition at line 14 of file swap.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE >::SWAP (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TIMES, TSIZE SWAPENDINDEX = 0, TSIZE SWAPENTERINDEX = 0) [INLINE] Initiate a swap. PARAMETERS: times TimeSequence of the swap swapEndeIndex the time idnex of the last payment swapEnterIndex the time index of the first payment - 1 Definition at line 22 of file swap.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE >::PRICE (CONST FORWARDRATESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & FORWARDRATE, TSIZE PRICINGPOINT = 0) CONST [INLINE] Price a swap based on the given forward rate sequence. PricingPoint is the time index that the swap is priced. Definition at line 36 of file swap.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE >::NOTIONAL 67 Notional amount, defaults to 1. Reimplemented in TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > (p.15). Definition at line 34 of file swap.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE >::STRIKE [MUTABLE] Strike Rate of the Swap. Reimplemented in TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > (p.15). Definition at line 28 of file swap.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE >::SWAPENDINDEX the time index that the swap ends. Reimplemented in TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > (p.15). Definition at line 32 of file swap.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::SWAP< T, TSIZE >::SWAPENTERINDEX The time index that the swap starts, the first payment is this time +1. Reimplemented in TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > (p.15). Definition at line 30 of file swap.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 68 swap.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Time Sequence. The times that all the data are based on. #include <timeSequence.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS TimeSequence () Default Constructor. TimeSequence (const TimeSequence &anotherTimeSequence) Copy constructure. TimeSequence & operator= (const TimeSequence &anotherTimeSequence) operator = TimeSequence & PutTime (const T &time) Add another time to the sequence. T TimeDifference (TSize i) const Get the time difference/interval which is T_{i-1}-T_i. T GetTime (TSize i) const Get the time. TSize GetSize () const GEt the size of the time sequence. TSize GetIndex (T t) Get the index of the time sequence. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > Time Sequence. The times that all the data are based on. Most of times, all classes will maintain a poitner to the same copy of a TimeSequence. It should be seldomly changed after initialization. The first in the time sequence will always be zero, and will be automatically pushed into the sequence when it is created. So don't push zero into the time sequence. Definition at line 13 of file timeSequence.hpp. CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR DOCUMENTATION 69 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::TIMESEQUENCE () [INLINE] Default Constructor. Definition at line 21 of file timeSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::TIMESEQUENCE (CONST TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & ANOTHERTIMESEQUENCE) [INLINE] Copy constructure. Definition at line 27 of file timeSequence.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::GETINDEX (T T) [INLINE] Get the index of the time sequence. Definition at line 66 of file timeSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::GETSIZE () CONST [INLINE] GEt the size of the time sequence. Definition at line 61 of file timeSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::GETTIME (TSIZE I) CONST [INLINE] Get the time. Definition at line 56 of file timeSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TIMESEQUENCE& TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::OPERATOR= (CONST TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & ANOTHERTIMESEQUENCE) [INLINE] operator = 70 Definition at line 33 of file timeSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TIMESEQUENCE& TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::PUTTIME (CONST T & TIME) [INLINE] Add another time to the sequence. Definition at line 44 of file timeSequence.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE >::TIMEDIFFERENCE (TSIZE I) CONST [INLINE] Get the time difference/interval which is T_{i-1}-T_i. Definition at line 51 of file timeSequence.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 71 timeSequence.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCEHOLDER< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A structure that has a time sequence in it. #include <timeSequenceHolder.hpp> Inheritance diagram for TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder< T, TSize >: PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS virtual const TimeSequence< T, TSize > & GetTimeSequence () const Get the underlying time sequence. virtual void SetTimeSequence (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &times) Set the underlying time sequence. PROTECTED ATTRIBUTES TimeSequence< T, TSize > * _timeSequence The underlying time sequence. DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCEHOLDER< T, TSIZE > A structure that has a time sequence in it. A structure that has a time sequence in it. Many products and pricers need TimeSequence<T,TSize>, and this provides a common utility to fciliate the programming. Note that TimeSequence<T,TSize> can be modified in these classes Definition at line 14 of file timeSequenceHolder.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION 72 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VIRTUAL CONST TIMESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>& TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCEHOLDER< T, TSIZE >::GETTIMESEQUENCE () CONST [INLINE, VIRTUAL] Get the underlying time sequence. Definition at line 21 of file timeSequenceHolder.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VIRTUAL VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCEHOLDER< T, TSIZE >::SETTIMESEQUENCE (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TIMES) [INLINE, VIRTUAL] Set the underlying time sequence. Definition at line 26 of file timeSequenceHolder.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TIMESEQUENCE<T,TSIZE>* TERMSTRUCTURE::TIMESEQUENCEHOLDER< T, TSIZE >::_TIMESEQUENCE [PROTECTED] The underlying time sequence. Definition at line 18 of file timeSequenceHolder.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 73 timeSequenceHolder.hpp TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE A variance structure. Please refer to the doc for more details on the theories. #include <varianceStructure.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void SetTimeSequence (TimeSequence< T, TSize > &ts) Set time sequence. T GetVolatility (TSize i, T t) const get volatility for a forward rate i at time t T GetCorrelation (TSize i, TSize j, T t) const get the correlation between two forward rates TSize GetSize () const get the number of forward rates T VolatilityIntegrator (T fromT, T toT, TSize i, TSize j) const Integrate the volatility from time fromT to ToT. PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES std::vector< T > Phis The Phis. Ta Other parameters other than Phis. Tb Tc Td T beta1 T beta2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE > A variance structure. Please refer to the doc for more details on the theories. Definition at line 8 of file varianceStructure.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION 74 TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::GETCORRELATION (TSIZE I, TSIZE J, T T) CONST [INLINE] get the correlation between two forward rates Definition at line 59 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::GETSIZE () CONST [INLINE] get the number of forward rates Definition at line 65 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::GETVOLATILITY (TSIZE I, T T) CONST [INLINE] get volatility for a forward rate i at time t PARAMETERS: i the index of the forward rate t the time of the desired volatility Definition at line 51 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::SETTIMESEQUENCE (TIMESEQUENCE< T, TSIZE > & TS) [INLINE] Set time sequence. Definition at line 40 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::VOLATILITYINTEGRATOR (T FROMT, T TOT, TSIZE I, TSIZE J) CONST [INLINE] Integrate the volatility from time fromT to ToT. Definition at line 70 of file varianceStructure.hpp. 75 MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::A Other parameters other than Phis. Definition at line 38 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::B Definition at line 38 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::BETA1 Definition at line 38 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::BETA2 Definition at line 38 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::C Definition at line 38 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::D Definition at line 38 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> STD::VECTOR<T> TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTURE< T, TSIZE >::PHIS The Phis. Definition at line 36 of file varianceStructure.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 76 varianceStructure.hpp 77 TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE > CLASS TEMPLATE REFERENCE Initiate an instantaneous covariance matrix from a variance structure. #include <varianceStructure.hpp> PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS void SetVariaceStructure (TVarianceStructure &underlying) T operator() (TSize i, TSize j) const TSize GetLength (int i) const PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES T CurrentTime PROTECTED ATTRIBUTES TVarianceStructure * _underlyingStructure DETAILED DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T, TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG>CLASS TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE > Initiate an instantaneous covariance matrix from a variance structure. Definition at line 81 of file varianceStructure.hpp. MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TSIZE TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE >::GETLENGTH (INT I) CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 98 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, 78 TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE >::OPERATOR() (TSIZE I, TSIZE J) CONST [INLINE] Definition at line 93 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> VOID TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE >::SETVARIACESTRUCTURE (TVARIANCESTRUCTURE & UNDERLYING) [INLINE] Definition at line 87 of file varianceStructure.hpp. MEMBER DATA DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> TVARIANCESTRUCTURE* TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE >::_UNDERLYINGSTRUCTURE [PROTECTED] Definition at line 84 of file varianceStructure.hpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T , TYPENAME TVARIANCESTRUCTURE , TYPENAME TSIZE = LONG> T TERMSTRUCTURE::VARIANCESTRUCTUREMATRIX< T, TVARIANCESTRUCTURE, TSIZE >::CURRENTTIME Definition at line 86 of file varianceStructure.hpp. THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED FROM THE FOLLOWING FILE: 79 varianceStructure.hpp FILE DOCUMENTATION BERMUDANSWAPTION.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "timeSequence.hpp" #include "timeSequenceHolder.hpp" #include "swap.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize > NAMESPACES 80 namespace TermStructure BLACKSCHOLESPRICER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include #include "timeSequence.hpp" "timeSequenceHolder.hpp" "ForwardRateSequence.hpp" "standardFunctions.hpp" "cmath" CLASSES class TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer< TVarianceStructure, T, TSize > NAMESPACES 81 namespace TermStructure CAPLETINFO.HPP FILE REFERENCE CLASSES class TermStructure::CapletInfo< T > class TermStructure::CapletPricer< TLMMAdvancer, T, TSize > NAMESPACES 82 namespace TermStructure FORWARDRATESEQUENCE.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "timeSequence.hpp" #include <vector> CLASSES class TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize > A SEQUENCE OF FORWARD RATE BASED ON A GIVEN TIME SEQUENCE. NAMESPACES 83 namespace TermStructure FUNCTOR.HPP FILE REFERENCE CLASSES class TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T > A COMMON REQUIREMENT FOR ALL FUNCTORS. NAMESPACES 84 namespace TermStructure FUNCTORFITTER.HPP FILE REFERENCE NAMESPACES 85 namespace TermStructure INTEGRATOR.HPP FILE REFERENCE NAMESPACES namespace TermStructure FUNCTIONS 86 template<typename TFunctor , typename T , typename TSize > T TermStructure::Integrator_simpson (T start, T end, TFunctor fx, TSize M=1024) A simple Simpson integrator. LEASTSQUARESOLVER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "matrix.hpp" #include "matrixdecomposition.hpp" #include <iostream> CLASSES class TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver< T, TSize > LEAST SQUARE SOLVER BASED ON TWO MATRICES. NAMESPACES 87 namespace TermStructure LMMADVANCER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include "matrix.hpp" "ForwardRateSequence.hpp" "SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp" <vector> CLASSES class TermStructure::LMMAdvancer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > LMMADVANCER IS THE METHOD TO MOVE A SET OF FORWARD RATES. NAMESPACES 88 namespace TermStructure LMMBERMUDANSWAPTIONPRICER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "LMMPricer.hpp" #include "LMMPathPool.hpp" #include "leastSquareSolver.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > NAMESPACES 89 namespace TermStructure LMMPATHPOOL.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include <vector> #include "LMMAdvancer.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::LMMPathPool< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > A CLASS TO GENERATE A POOL OF PATHS FROM LMMADVANCER;. NAMESPACES 90 namespace TermStructure LMMPRICER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "swap.hpp" #include "BermudanSwaption.hpp" #include "LMMAdvancer.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::LMMPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize > NAMESPACES 91 namespace TermStructure MAIN.CPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <iostream> "matrix.hpp" "randomNumberGenerators.hpp" "matrixdecomposition.hpp" "matrixOperations.hpp" "matrixChildren.hpp" "polynomial.hpp" "SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp" DEFINES #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES FUNCTIONS double t (const Polynomial< double > &p, double x) int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) DEFINE DOCUMENTATION #DEFINE _USE_MATH_DEFINES Definition at line 2 of file main.cpp. FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION INT MAIN (INT ARGC, CHAR CONST * ARGV[]) Definition at line 19 of file main.cpp. DOUBLE T (CONST POLYNOMIAL< DOUBLE > & P, DOUBLE X) Definition at line 15 of file main.cpp. 92 MATRIX.HPP FILE REFERENCE CLASSES class TermStructure::SimpleMatrix< T, TSize > A matrix using double pointer as the storage. class TermStructure::MatrixWrapper< T, NPrimary, NSecondary, TSize > WRAP A C++ MATRIX, T[][] TO A MATRIX SATISFIES THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MATRIX. NAMESPACES 93 namespace TermStructure MATRIXCHILDREN.HPP FILE REFERENCE CLASSES class TermStructure::MatrixTransposed< TMatrix, T, TSize > TRANSPOSE OF A MATRIX. NAMESPACES 94 namespace TermStructure MATRIXDECOMPOSITION.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include #include <cmath> "matrix.hpp" "newmat10/newmat.h" "newmat10/newmatap.h" "newmat10/include.h" NAMESPACES namespace TermStructure FUNCTIONS template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void TermStructure::LUDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &input, TToMatrix &L, TToMatrix &U) LU Decomposition. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void TermStructure::LUDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &input, TToMatrix &result) LU Decomposition. The L and U matrix is put into result, assuming diagonal elements of L is 1. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void TermStructure::CholeskyDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &a, TToMatrix &b) Cholesky Decomposition. template<typename TFromMatrix , typename TToMatrix > void TermStructure::SingularValueDecomposeTo (const TFromMatrix &a, TToMatrix &u, TToMatrix &d, TToMatrix &v) Singular Value Decomposition. template<typename TInputMatrix , typename TLoadMatrix , typename TResultMatrix , typename TTempMatrix > void TermStructure::LUDecompositionSolve (const TInputMatrix &input, const TLoadMatrix &load, TResultMatrix &result, TTempMatrix &tempStorage) 95 MATRIXOPERATIONS.HPP FILE REFERENCE NAMESPACES namespace TermStructure FUNCTIONS template<typename TLeftMatrix , typename TRightMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > void TermStructure::Multiply (const TLeftMatrix &l, const TRightMatrix &r, TResultMatrix &result) Matrix multiplication. template<typename TLeftMatrix , typename TRightMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > void TermStructure::Plus (const TLeftMatrix &l, const TRightMatrix &r, TResultMatrix &result) matrix plus template<typename TLeftMatrix , typename TRightMatrix , typename TResultMatrix > void TermStructure::Minus (const TLeftMatrix &l, const TRightMatrix &r, TResultMatrix &result) matrix minus l - r 96 MSTESTER.CPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <iostream> "matrix.hpp" "matrixdecomposition.hpp" "leastSquareSolver.hpp" "BermudanSwaption.hpp" "swap.hpp" "LMMPricer.hpp" "varianceStructure.hpp" "SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp" "LMMPathPool.hpp" "LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp" "BlackScholesPricer.hpp" <fstream> DEFINES #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES FUNCTIONS template<typename T > std::ostream & outputTo (std::ostream &stream, T &m) void t () int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) DEFINE DOCUMENTATION #DEFINE _USE_MATH_DEFINES Definition at line 1 of file mstester.cpp. FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION INT MAIN (INT ARGC, CHAR CONST * ARGV[]) Definition at line 85 of file mstester.cpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > STD::OSTREAM& OUTPUTTO (STD::OSTREAM & STREAM, T & M) Definition at line 18 of file mstester.cpp. VOID T () 97 Definition at line 31 of file mstester.cpp. 98 POLYNOMIAL.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include <map> #include "functor.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder > A POLYNOMIAL. NAMESPACES namespace TermStructure FUNCTIONS 99 template<typename T , typename TOrder > Polynomial< T, TOrder > TermStructure::GenerateBasis (TOrder order) PRICERTESTMAIN.CPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <cmath> <iostream> <fstream> <cstdlib> <string> <vector> <sstream> "srandInitializer.hpp" "randomNumberGenerators.hpp" "matrix.hpp" "matrixdecomposition.hpp" "timeSequence.hpp" "varianceStructure.hpp" "SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp" "LMMAdvancer.hpp" "LMMPricer.hpp" "newmat10/newmat.h" "newmat10/include.h" DEFINES #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES FUNCTIONS template<typename T > std::ostream & outputTo (std::ostream &stream, T &m) int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) DEFINE DOCUMENTATION #DEFINE _USE_MATH_DEFINES Definition at line 1 of file pricertestmain.cpp. FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION INT MAIN (INT ARGC, CHAR CONST * ARGV[]) Definition at line 40 of file pricertestmain.cpp. TEMPLATE<TYPENAME T > STD::OSTREAM& OUTPUTTO (STD::OSTREAM & STREAM, T & M) 100 Definition at line 28 of file pricertestmain.cpp. 101 RANDOMNUMBERGENERATORS.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "srandInitializer.hpp" #include "standardFunctions.hpp" #include <cmath> DEFINES #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES DEFINE DOCUMENTATION #DEFINE _USE_MATH_DEFINES Definition at line 1 of file randomNumberGenerators.hpp. 102 SIMPLEMULTIDIMENSIONGAUSSIAN.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include #include #include #include "matrixdecomposition.hpp" "randomNumberGenerators.hpp" <vector> <cmath> CLASSES class TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > A Gaussian Generator based on CholeskyDecomposition. class TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize > A REDUCED-RANK GAUSSIAN GENERATOR UTILIZING SVD. RANK IS DEFAUL TO 4. NAMESPACES 103 namespace TermStructure SRANDINITIALIZER.CPP FILE REFERENCE #include "srandInitializer.hpp" 104 SRANDINITIALIZER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> CLASSES class TermStructure::_srandInitializer A CLASS MAINTAINS THAT SRAND() IS CALLED ONLY ONCE. NAMESPACES 105 namespace TermStructure STANDARDFUNCTIONS.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include <cmath> #include "functor.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T > Error Function. class TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T > INVERSE ERROR FUNCTION. NAMESPACES 106 namespace TermStructure SWAP.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "timeSequence.hpp" #include "timeSequenceHolder.hpp" #include "ForwardRateSequence.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize > SWAP CONTRACT. NAMESPACES 107 namespace TermStructure TIMESEQUENCE.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include <vector> #include <algorithm> CLASSES class TermStructure::TimeSequence< T, TSize > TIME SEQUENCE. THE TIMES THAT ALL THE DATA ARE BASED ON. NAMESPACES 108 namespace TermStructure TIMESEQUENCEHOLDER.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include "timeSequence.hpp" CLASSES class TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder< T, TSize > A STRUCTURE THAT HAS A TIME SEQUENCE IN IT. NAMESPACES 109 namespace TermStructure VARIANCESTRUCTURE.HPP FILE REFERENCE #include <vector> CLASSES class TermStructure::VarianceStructure< T, TSize > A variance structure. Please refer to the doc for more details on the theories. class TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix< T, TVarianceStructure, TSize > INITIATE AN INSTANTANEOUS COVARIANCE MATRIX FROM A VARIANCE STRUCTURE. NAMESPACES 110 namespace TermStructure INDEX _forwardRateSequence TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 39 _gaussian TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 39 _getStartIndex TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 35 _nextSequence TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 39 _pathpool TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPrice r, 43 _timeSequence TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 40 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder, 75 _underlyingMatrix TermStructure::MatrixTransposed, 55 _underlyingStructure TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix, 81 _USE_MATH_DEFINES main.cpp, 94 mstester.cpp, 99 pricertestmain.cpp, 102 randomNumberGenerators.hpp, 104 _varianceStructure TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 40 ~SimpleMatrix TermStructure::SimpleMatrix, 64 a TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 Advance TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 35 AnchorIndex TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 40 b TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 BermudanSwaption TermStructure::BermudanSwaption, 15 BermudanSwaption.hpp, 82 beta1 TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 beta2 TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 BlackScholesPricer.hpp, 83 c TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 capletInfo.hpp, 84 CholeskyDecomposeTo TermStructure, 7 ComputeC TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 35 CurrentSequence 111 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 35, 36 CurrentTime TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 28 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 40 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix, 81 CurrentTimeIndex TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 47 CVector TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 41 d TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 DiscountFactorAt TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 26 EndIndex TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 47 EstablishDiscountFactors TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 26 Fit TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver, 31 ForwardRateAt TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 26 ForwardRateSequence.hpp, 85 functor.hpp, 86 functorFitter.hpp, 87 Generate TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 45 GenerateBasis TermStructure, 7 GetCorrelation TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 77 GetIndex TermStructure::TimeSequence, 72 GetLength TermStructure::MatrixTransposed, 54 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper, 57 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGa ussian, 59 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix, 64 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussi an, 66 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix, 80 GetPool TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 45 GetSize TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 26 TermStructure::TimeSequence, 72 TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 77 GetTime TermStructure::TimeSequence, 72 GetTimeSequence TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 27 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 36 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder, 75 GetVolatility TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 77 Info TermStructure::CapletPricer, 21 InitialForwardRateSequence TermStructure::LMMPricer, 49 InitiateForwardRateSequence TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 36 Integrator_simpson TermStructure, 7 Integrator.hpp, 88 IsDiscountFactorEstablished TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 27 IsInitializerd TermStructure::_srandInitializer, 10 leastSquareSolver.hpp, 89 LMMAdvancer.hpp, 90 LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer.hpp, 91 LMMPathPool.hpp, 92 LMMPricer.hpp, 93 LUDecomposeTo TermStructure, 7, 8 LUDecompositionSolve TermStructure, 8 main main.cpp, 94 mstester.cpp, 99 pricertestmain.cpp, 102 main.cpp, 94 _USE_MATH_DEFINES, 94 main, 94 t, 94 matrix.hpp, 95 matrixChildren.hpp, 96 matrixdecomposition.hpp, 97 matrixOperations.hpp, 98 MatrixTransposed TermStructure::MatrixTransposed, 53, 54 MatrixWrapper TermStructure::MatrixWrapper, 56 Minus TermStructure, 8 mstester.cpp, 99 _USE_MATH_DEFINES, 99 main, 99 outputTo, 99 t, 100 Multiply TermStructure, 8 NextGroup TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGa ussian, 59 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussi an, 67 112 NextSequence TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 37 Notional TermStructure::BermudanSwaption, 15 TermStructure::Swap, 70 NumberOfPath TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 47 NumberOfTrials TermStructure::CapletPricer, 22 operator() TermStructure::AbstractFunctor, 12 TermStructure::ErrorFunction, 23 TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction, 29 TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 45, 46 TermStructure::MatrixTransposed, 54 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper, 57 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGa ussian, 59 TermStructure::Polynomial, 62 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix, 64 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussi an, 67 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix, 81 operator[] TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 27 TermStructure::Polynomial, 62 operator= TermStructure::SimpleMatrix, 65 TermStructure::TimeSequence, 72 outputTo mstester.cpp, 99 pricertestmain.cpp, 102 PaymentTime TermStructure::CapletInfo, 19 PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGa ussian, 58 Phis TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 78 Plus TermStructure, 8 Polynomial TermStructure::Polynomial, 61 polynomial.hpp, 101 PreAdvance TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 37 Price TermStructure::CapletPricer, 21 TermStructure::Swap, 69 PriceBermudanSwaption TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPrice r, 43 PriceCap TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer, 17 PriceCaplet TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer, 18 TermStructure::LMMPricer, 49 PriceConstMaturitySwap TermStructure::LMMPricer, 50 PriceEuropeanSwaption TermStructure::LMMPricer, 50 PriceRatchetcaps TermStructure::LMMPricer, 50 pricertestmain.cpp, 102 _USE_MATH_DEFINES, 102 main, 102 outputTo, 102 PriceSwap TermStructure::LMMPricer, 50 PriceTriggerSwap TermStructure::LMMPricer, 51 PushAdvancerToTimeStep TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 37 PutTime TermStructure::TimeSequence, 73 randomNumberGenerators.hpp, 104 _USE_MATH_DEFINES, 104 ReleasePool TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 46 ResetTime TermStructure::CapletInfo, 19 Resize TermStructure::SimpleMatrix, 65 SafeInitialize TermStructure::_srandInitializer, 10 Set TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 38 SetForwardRateSequence TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 38 SetLMMAdvancer TermStructure::LMMPathPool, 46 TermStructure::LMMPricer, 51 SetRank TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGa ussian, 59 SetTimeSequence TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 27 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 38 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder, 75 TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 77 SetVariaceStructure TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix, 81 SetVarianceMatrix TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGa ussian, 60 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussi an, 67 SimpleMatrix TermStructure::SimpleMatrix, 63, 64 SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian.hpp, 105 SingleAdvance TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 38 113 SingularValueDecomposeTo TermStructure, 9 srandInitializer.cpp, 106 srandInitializer.hpp, 107 standardFunctions.hpp, 108 Strike TermStructure::BermudanSwaption, 15 TermStructure::CapletInfo, 19 TermStructure::Swap, 70 Swap TermStructure::Swap, 69 swap.hpp, 109 SwapEndIndex TermStructure::BermudanSwaption, 15 TermStructure::Swap, 70 SwapEnterIndex TermStructure::BermudanSwaption, 15 TermStructure::Swap, 70 SwapRate TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence, 27 t main.cpp, 94 mstester.cpp, 100 TermStructure, 6 CholeskyDecomposeTo, 7 GenerateBasis, 7 Integrator_simpson, 7 LUDecomposeTo, 7, 8 LUDecompositionSolve, 8 Minus, 8 Multiply, 8 Plus, 8 SingularValueDecomposeTo, 9 TermStructure::_srandInitializer, 10 IsInitializerd, 10 SafeInitialize, 10 TermStructure::AbstractFunctor operator(), 12 TermStructure::AbstractFunctor< T >, 12 TermStructure::BermudanSwaption BermudanSwaption, 15 Notional, 15 Strike, 15 SwapEndIndex, 15 SwapEnterIndex, 15 TermStructure::BermudanSwaption< T, TSize >, 14 TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer PriceCap, 17 PriceCaplet, 18 TermStructure::BlackScholesPricer< TVarianceStructure, T, TSize >, 17 TermStructure::CapletInfo PaymentTime, 19 ResetTime, 19 Strike, 19 TermStructure::CapletInfo< T >, 19 TermStructure::CapletPricer Info, 21 NumberOfTrials, 22 Price, 21 TermStructure::CapletPricer< TLMMAdvancer, T, TSize >, 21 TermStructure::ErrorFunction operator(), 23 TermStructure::ErrorFunction< T >, 23 TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence CurrentTime, 28 DiscountFactorAt, 26 EstablishDiscountFactors, 26 ForwardRateAt, 26 GetSize, 26 GetTimeSequence, 27 IsDiscountFactorEstablished, 27 operator[], 27 SetTimeSequence, 27 SwapRate, 27 TermStructure::ForwardRateSequence< T, TSize >, 25 TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction operator(), 29 TermStructure::InverseErrorFunction< T >, 29 TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver Fit, 31 TermStructure::LeastSquareSolver< T, TSize >, 31 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer _forwardRateSequence, 39 _gaussian, 39 _getStartIndex, 35 _nextSequence, 39 _timeSequence, 40 _varianceStructure, 40 Advance, 35 AnchorIndex, 40 ComputeC, 35 CurrentSequence, 35, 36 CurrentTime, 40 CVector, 41 GetTimeSequence, 36 InitiateForwardRateSequence, 36 NextSequence, 37 PreAdvance, 37 PushAdvancerToTimeStep, 37 Set, 38 SetForwardRateSequence, 38 SetTimeSequence, 38 SingleAdvance, 38 TimeStep, 41 TermStructure::LMMAdvancer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >, 33 114 TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer _pathpool, 43 PriceBermudanSwaption, 43 TermStructure::LMMBermudanSwaptionPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >, 42 TermStructure::LMMPathPool CurrentTimeIndex, 47 EndIndex, 47 Generate, 45 GetPool, 45 NumberOfPath, 47 operator(), 45, 46 ReleasePool, 46 SetLMMAdvancer, 46 TermStructure::LMMPathPool< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >, 44 TermStructure::LMMPricer InitialForwardRateSequence, 49 PriceCaplet, 49 PriceConstMaturitySwap, 50 PriceEuropeanSwaption, 50 PriceRatchetcaps, 50 PriceSwap, 50 PriceTriggerSwap, 51 SetLMMAdvancer, 51 UnderlyingAdvancer, 51 TermStructure::LMMPricer< TVarianceStructure, TMultiDimensionGaussian, T, TSize >, 48 TermStructure::MatrixTransposed _underlyingMatrix, 55 GetLength, 54 MatrixTransposed, 53, 54 operator(), 54 TermStructure::MatrixTransposed< TMatrix, T, TSize >, 53 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper GetLength, 57 MatrixWrapper, 56 operator(), 57 TermStructure::MatrixWrapper< T, NPrimary, NSecondary, TSize >, 56 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGaus sian GetLength, 59 NextGroup, 59 operator(), 59 PCABasedMultiDimensionGaussian, 58 SetRank, 59 SetVarianceMatrix, 60 TermStructure::PCABasedMultiDimensionGaus sian< TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize >, 58 TermStructure::Polynomial operator(), 62 operator[], 62 Polynomial, 61 TermStructure::Polynomial< T, TOrder >, 61 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix ~SimpleMatrix, 64 GetLength, 64 operator(), 64 operator=, 65 Resize, 65 SimpleMatrix, 63, 64 TermStructure::SimpleMatrix< T, TSize >, 63 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian GetLength, 66 NextGroup, 67 operator(), 67 SetVarianceMatrix, 67 TermStructure::SimpleMultiDimensionGaussian < TVarianceMatrix, T, TSize >, 66 TermStructure::Swap Notional, 70 Price, 69 Strike, 70 Swap, 69 SwapEndIndex, 70 SwapEnterIndex, 70 TermStructure::Swap< T, TSize >, 68 TermStructure::TimeSequence GetIndex, 72 GetSize, 72 GetTime, 72 operator=, 72 PutTime, 73 TimeDifference, 73 TimeSequence, 72 TermStructure::TimeSequence< T, TSize >, 71 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder _timeSequence, 75 GetTimeSequence, 75 SetTimeSequence, 75 115 TermStructure::TimeSequenceHolder< T, TSize >, 74 TermStructure::VarianceStructure a, 78 b, 78 beta1, 78 beta2, 78 c, 78 d, 78 GetCorrelation, 77 GetSize, 77 GetVolatility, 77 Phis, 78 SetTimeSequence, 77 VolatilityIntegrator, 77 TermStructure::VarianceStructure< T, TSize >, 76 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix _underlyingStructure, 81 CurrentTime, 81 GetLength, 80 operator(), 81 SetVariaceStructure, 81 TermStructure::VarianceStructureMatrix< T, TVarianceStructure, TSize >, 80 TimeDifference TermStructure::TimeSequence, 73 TimeSequence TermStructure::TimeSequence, 72 timeSequence.hpp, 110 timeSequenceHolder.hpp, 111 TimeStep TermStructure::LMMAdvancer, 41 UnderlyingAdvancer TermStructure::LMMPricer, 51 varianceStructure.hpp, 112 VolatilityIntegrator TermStructure::VarianceStructure, 77